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The Official Geno Thread


Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2007
oh god, you people acutally thought Waluigi would stand in another Mario characters way of being playable? :ohwell: he's ten times less important than Toadette.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
America.. of course..
I think one of the main reasons why Stafy and Waluigi were assist trophies is simply because there isn't enough to them to make them unique or even playable for that matter. I don't want to judge Stafy before I even know what it is, but come on.. how could THAT be playable? I could imagine it would be quite a pain to make a star...fish thing playable. As for Waluigi, I never declared a "side". I was kind of hoping he would be playable to keep the roster number up there but then again, he got what he deserved..? I don't know guys, these assist trophies are beginning to become a bad idea in my opinion. Sakurai robbed the roster of Gray Fox (one of the biggest mistakes by FAR <-- just my opinion, so chill) and most like Knuckles and Tails who do seem reasonable.. so how many playable characters are we going to get? I know theres a large fan support for basically EVERY assist trophy but when they get deconfirmed everyone turns optimistic and says "well ______ makes a better assist trophy anyways". This update is really bother me because Sakurai isn't afraid to shove it in our faces when it comes to assist trophies.. well.. we can still hope Geno will be playable, I mean there is much more popularity and such to Geno than Waluigi anyways...


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
I just realized something...

Do you guys think because of Waluigi's confirmation as an AT, it increases Geno's chances? think about it.

Camelot created Waluigi, but because of his affiliation to the Mario universe, it's only appropriate that he be in Nintendo games, specifically Mario games (obviously).

Camelot, like Square, is also a 3rd party developer, they've made games for Sony ont he Playstation and Sega for the Sega Saturn. They have a partnership with Nintendo now, but they are still officially 3rd party.

Although Square and Nintendo havent always been on the best terms, they're obviously showing that they're at least starting to reforming their bonds, so technically they're almost in the same position as Camelot when it comes to Nintendo.

If this is true, then Geno has way less obstacles to enter Brawl as a PC than i thought before. :grin:


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
I just realized something...

Do you guys think because of Waluigi's confirmation as an AT, it increases Geno's chances? think about it.
For me? I think that the odds of Waluigi being playable were so bad that it really doesn't affect the chances of anyone.

Camelot created Waluigi, but because of his affiliation to the Mario universe, it's only appropriate that he be in Nintendo games, specifically Mario games (obviously).
True. He was created by Camelot, but Camelot is a second-party developer for Nintendo (since 1998). It's very possible that Nintendo reserves the rights to all characters created for the Mario sports games. Now, if there is documentation somewhere that states that Waluigi is owned solely by Camelot, then I might be singing a different tune, but in reality, that boosts Isaac's shot more-so than it does Geno.

Camelot, like Square, is also a 3rd party developer, they've made games for Sony ont he Playstation and Sega for the Sega Saturn. They have a partnership with Nintendo now, but they are still officially 3rd party.
Camelot has not developed for a system outside of Nintendo since Shining Force III in 1998. They entered a partnership with Nintendo to develop Mario Golf and Tennis, and they've been developing exclusively for Nintendo ever since. As far as I know, they haven't spilled the beans on any titles that could even be considerred a non-Nintendo product.

Although Square and Nintendo havent always been on the best terms, they're obviously showing that they're at least starting to reforming their bonds, so technically they're almost in the same position as Camelot when it comes to Nintendo.
I'd say that the distance between the two is farther than you'd think. Camelot has a pretty healthy, exclusive relationship with Nintendo. Square, on the other hand, has only recently made attempts to reestablish the bonds of their past endeavors. They are still making several titles for non-Nintendo systems, and, from what I've heard, they are directing a lot of their attention toward the XBOX and both handhelds.

All in all, Camelot is just a closer company, but if Sakurai wants a Square character in Brawl *wink* *wink*, he'll most likely get one.

If this is true, then Geno has way less obstacles to enter Brawl as a PC than i thought before. :grin:
The situation hasn't really changed. Square and Camelot are two very different companies, with two very different positions.

I don't mean to rain on your parade, but I thought it necessary to get this out.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I just realized something...

Do you guys think because of Waluigi's confirmation as an AT, it increases Geno's chances? think about it.

Camelot created Waluigi, but because of his affiliation to the Mario universe, it's only appropriate that he be in Nintendo games, specifically Mario games (obviously).

Camelot, like Square, is also a 3rd party developer, they've made games for Sony ont he Playstation and Sega for the Sega Saturn. They have a partnership with Nintendo now, but they are still officially 3rd party.

Although Square and Nintendo havent always been on the best terms, they're obviously showing that they're at least starting to reforming their bonds, so technically they're almost in the same position as Camelot when it comes to Nintendo.

If this is true, then Geno has way less obstacles to enter Brawl as a PC than i thought before. :grin:

I'm sorry to rain on your parade but Camelot is second party to Nintendo. Regardless, as I pointed out, Waluigi going down does take down several other Mario characters too like Birdo and lowers the chances of Bowser Jr based on what I said. Like I said several weeks ago, Geno's doesn't really have all that much competition and this update essentially took down 3 of the biggest ones (despite Waluigi's and Birdo's chances being low to begin with). The only Mario character that wasn't affected by this is Paper Mario.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
For me? I think that the odds of Waluigi being playable were so bad that it really doesn't affect the chances of anyone.

*long post*

I don't mean to rain on your parade, but I thought it necessary to get this out.
Yea, i understand, a lot of that is true, it was just a thought anyways.

I dont think Camelot is officially a second party developer, but they might as well be if im right and they aren't already.

Well anyways, Waluigi most likely doesn't affect Geno's chances at all.

But still, Geno has a great chance and im confident he's in, it's just a matter of time for me until we know for sure.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
That's the spirit!

I mean, honestly now, who here even had a shred of confidence that Waluigi was going to be playable?

On another note, I just had a crazy thought:

Our position is pretty much the same as the Jamaican's in Cool Runnings. The other countries laugh at us, because they've never seen us in the runnings before. But we're here for the win! We're here for the GOLD!

If only John Candy was here to support us . . .


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
That's the spirit!

I mean, honestly now, who here even had a shred of confidence that Waluigi was going to be playable?

On another note, I just had a crazy thought:

Our position is pretty much the same as the Jamaican's in Cool Runnings. The other countries laugh at us, because they've never seen us in the runnings before. But we're here for the win! We're here for the GOLD!

If only John Candy was here to support us . . .
Haha, very true.

Imagine how much more sense that woulda made if Geno was in Mario & Sonic at the Olypmics.



Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Im sorry if this is off subject, but how is bowser Jr. a copy and paste tag along?
he has been in 3 main stream mario games.(more than I can say for geno)
is completely unique.(geno is also, just to keep on topic, and B Jr. is definatly very different from his father)
and has become very influentail to the series since his inlcusion.

so I dont see were you got this wacked out idea from.

Because, unlike Geno, Bowser Jr lacks independence. He has to have his daddy around in order to have any purpose much like Waluigi has to be around Wario. Heck, even Toad has more indepence then either character because he doesn't have to have Peach to be able to do anything. To put it in different words, Bowser Jr. can't really function on his own. In Super Mario Sunshine, he was going off his father's whims and wasn't truly acting on his own accord and it's the same in the other two canon game he's in. From what I've noticed, all the characters that have become playable are independent and can function on their own.

Also, how has Bowser Jr. been influential to the series? His only true important role was in Super Mario Sunshine (where you don't even truly fight him, I might add, and how I already stated, he was a pawn) and in the other two games, he's a reoccuring miniboss and is the equivalent of Petey Pirhanna or Birdo. In the New Super Mario Bros, he uses very generic attacks like jumping, throwing shells, and spinning in his own shell. In Super Mario Galaxy, you only fight him once and he doesn't even attack you himself, he uses his flying vessel to shoot cannon and fire balls at you. With this said, it could easily be said that Bowser Jr. uniquess (which wasn't that unique in the first place given he's essentially a replacement for the Koopa Kids, his character design is almost identical to Baby Bowser, and he has BOWSER in his name) has significantly decreased overtime to the point where his qualities are comparible to any other mini-boss.

You also have to take into account that, based on the SSE videos we've seen, Bowser is acting on his own and he is depicted as a beast rather then a goofy father figure. Because of this, Bowser Jr gets thrown in the same boat as I put Waluigi more then a year ago, a character who would also hinder their counterpart if they were added and take away certain qualities. For Waluigi, adding him would have taken away the fact that Wario was free from the Mario franchise and have ruined his established indepedence. Wario represents Wario Land and Wario Ware, not the Mario spinoffs he's appeared in.

Another thing that should be brought to mind is how Sakurai seems to have created bosses in order to give minor villians representation like what we've seen with Petey Pirhanna (who actually appears in more games then Bowser Jr, oddly enough). There are still several major villains that haven't made the roster yet (Ridley, King K. Rool, Black Shadow, etc) so I can't see him adding the second bananna villians until these characters have spots secure on the roster. As it should be obvious, this factor lowers the chances of other minor villains too like one of my favorite Zelda characters, Vaati. It should also be noted that Melee only had 3 villians out of it's 26 characters (3/26 or about 11% which is quite small) so don't expect this ratio to grow by leaps and bounds in Brawl. Realistically, after King Dedede (and Ganondorf who's obviously returning), there will probably be no more then three more villain additions and, as I already pointed out, there are some very important characters waiting in the wings. I think the only secondary villain that wasn't hurt by this unveilment was Maskedman/ Claus based on various things revealed since then like Ness falling from grace.

It should also be noted that unlike Petey Pirhanna, Bowser Jr. didn't appear in Sakurai's journal at all. To keep things in mind, neither were Waluigi and Daisy despite, as Sakurai has told us, being abundantly popular. In contrast, a koopa, Toad, the Hammer Bros (which are now ATs), Petey Pirhanna (who became a boss), and Mallow were mentioned once and Geno was mentioned 5 times so that covers the bases regarding the Mario category.

That's about it. I once made a post listing and going into complete detail about Bowser Jr's situation using 9 points and I believe I covered 6 of them here.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2007
Good going Valiant!!! We need to post the character battle as much as possible. If Geno loses to Mewtwo I dont know what I would do. current standing are going to be...

Mario Vs. Ridley-Winner advances to championship round

Sonic Vs. ???-Winner advances to championship round

Geno Vs. Mewtwo-Winner advances to face Sonic in semi-final round

Everyone head here and vote for Geno!! He's come to far!!!


Also, did anybody see how Pokemon Trainer lost to Ridley by 1 vote :o wow! lol


Smash Apprentice
Oct 6, 2007
we should promote him in other threads... that isn't against the rules is it? just ten more votes!!!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
South Gate, CA
I already voted, but we still need more votes. We're still losing by 10 ( or I think 12 by now). Mewtwo is a cool character, but no way can he beat Geno o.0


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2007
The Universe?
The reason geno is losing is because half of the people voting dont know who he is and are like " WTF is that, mewtwo wins by default" and 1/4 and like" POKEMON!!!! YOU MEAN DAPOKE WIT DA MAN AND DA POKEMANS"

that why were losing:(


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Yeah. Mewtwo is going to receive votes from the whole Pokemon community now that Red, Pikachu, and the others are at. Only Mewtwo is left to represent Pokemon. It's Geno vs. all the Pokemon, basically.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
South Gate, CA
Yeah, I just realized half the people voting are voting aginst because they hate Geno (or/and their supporters :p). That isn't really fair game, but I guess there's nothing in the rules that say they can't vote :/. And like LCHS said, he's basically going against the whole PK community. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't get passed this round, but I say we give them one hell of a fight.



Smash Apprentice
Oct 6, 2007
F*** Mewtwo votes keep coming...

I hope that there will be more Geno ones later, I mean, a bunch of times there were votings that were very far apart but in a matter of hours it shifted completly, and Geno did got most of his votes late at night (or very early, whatever)

There is still time!!!! *fingerscrossed*


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Atlanta, GA
The funny thing is, if Geno gets confirmed, the same people who are against him right now will be playing him at release and raving about how cool he is.

Quote me on that one.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2007
South Gate, CA
The funny thing is, if Geno gets confirmed, the same people who are against him right now will be playing him at release and raving about how cool he is.

Quote me on that one.

Indeed, I believe most people just hate the supporters though. If Geno got in, I have no doubt he would make a cool character and would bust a "Marth" with people.

Mewtwo votes are really getting in, hopefully more Geno supporters will show up later.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
America.. of course..
Some people are simply ignorant. They say crap like "1NE GAME.. HE WN'T GET IN SRY GUYZZ LAWLZ IM SOOO SMRTTT!!" and when a supporter retaliates its like "G3N0 SPPRTERS R GHEY THEY TINK I IZN'T SMRT!"

They go as low as to complain that we suck but they don't realize the ignorant garbage they post especially in a support thread. But there is always that one guy that says something like "You're going to get flamed by the Geno supporters who think he actually has a chance.."


Smash Lord
Oct 9, 2006
Princess Peach's Castle
If I told Smashboards back in 2000 that a generic Game and Watch rep by the name of "Mr. Game & Watch" was going to be in the next Smash Bros. game, I would get flamed and laughed at.

Same with Geno if he gets in the game.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
America.. of course..
If I told Smashboards back in 2000 that a generic Game and Watch rep by the name of "Mr. Game & Watch" was going to be in the next Smash Bros. game, I would get flamed and laughed at.

Same with Geno if he gets in the game.
*points and laughs*

Hahahahahaha!!:laugh: You think an obscure character like that would have EVER gotten into Melee? He had what, like, one game? He's 2D! He certainly WOULDN'T have a moveset and even IF he WAS in Melee there would probably be some obscure objective to unlock him. Don't even get me started on what kind of a stage he would have.. what would it be? Flat? Would there be little tools that fall down and try to KO you or something? Sorry but Game and Watch in Melee.... hey.. wait a second O_O.

*turns on your sarcasm/joke radar* There you go, all set.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Atlanta, GA
I can also see both Megaman and Geno making the cut.

Megaman is the most popular contender from Capcom, huge fanbase, pretty much everyone knows him and people have been demanding him alot. When the creator of Megaman was asked if he was in Brawl, he said no comment. This Monday is his 20th anniversary. Sakurai hasn't released a new character for a VERY long time, and this could be the big moment he's waiting for. He's very likely.

Geno is probably Square-Enix's most valid candidate, seeing as he'd fit right into the Mario universe, he's high up on the polls, and he has his moves and SSE pretty much laid out for him. Sakurai has shown alot of interest in him and he does have a thing for Retro characters. Geno could definently fit the bill of that kind of Retro WTF character. I'd say he's pretty likely too.

Geno + Megaman for Brawl!


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Everyone has a decent chance except non-nintendo, anime, and AT characters.

Anyways if Geno does have ranged attacks, is it farther then Samus' or no?

You know what would be cool?

If there was a item to see everyone in 8-bit form, or a mode for that!

8 bit Geno...


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
In your mind!
Either way Geno has a chance, Megaman I guess, but still I wonder, they must be nonstarters then, also I think luigi is a nonstarter, he always is, hence we will not know till the game comes out...
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