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The Official Geno Thread


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
bringing up past discussions?

Some agree, I don't, some disagree

its all subjective personally I hope Geno doesn't looke like that IF hes in.

Anyways about this comic club battle tihng...how does it work to make it even?
It's just Stryk's drawing comic's about certain things that happened

Basically, expect a Geno-Ridley club fight in the comic


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Well, no character update AGAIN, but we FINALLY got the Mario Kart stage update.

Don't know about you guys, but I personally can't wait for this saturday >_>


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Jeeze...it's such a pain quoting you, Fatmanonice. :p

I know. :laugh: I'm freakishly longwinded but that's not nessecarily a bad thing.

It was the smiley you used in that post. I guess it got messed up when I copied your post to Word.

I see...

Why swordsmen? Couldn't they just be careful in picking characters in general?

Well, we were on the topic of swordsmen specifically. If you want to expand the topic, I personally think Little Mac was made into an AT because, otherwise, he would have been doomed to be a very boring fighter since he's technically an average human with no skills really outside of regular boxing (not kick boxing). It's a shame too but them's the breaks. I think they also ran into a lot of complications when it came to Deoxyes simply because he has 5 forms and finding a way to incorporate them all would have been a nightmare.

Well, forget Cloud and Sora, then. Cecil and Terra have almost as good of standing in the FF community. Loto's a pretty huge icon in Japan.

Cecil's from FFIV and Terra's from FFVII, right? The thing that bugs me about that franchise is that it's really hard to truely decide on who the series icon is. Mogs and black mages are generic and besides Cecil and his buttload of reincarnations, there really aren't that many characters that play large roles in multiple games. As you said, Loto's a huge icon in Japan but, at least as far as third party characters go, Sakurai's trying to go for international appeal.

Wait...what exactly are the benefits of Snake and Sonic outside of boosted sales? His paying for himself would depend on how much it cost to put him in and the amount he boosted the sales (which is impossible to measure). SE's supporting Nintendo about as much as SEGA and Konami with a few big titles for Wii and DS and their WiiWare support. I don't think that's quite an equivalent situation, either, since tastes are pretty different. Actually, if Cloud's as generic as you've called him, then he could probably help the sales of other FF's...kinda like the FE games.

I didn't say he was generic, just unsuited to completely represent SE as a whole when it comes to Brawl. In this situation, a FF Crystal Chronicles character may be more suitible because of what you've mentioned but the meer thought of that makes my face twist into a death mask. :laugh:

To sell more copies and/or appeal to fan demand.

I haven't exactly seen all that much demand for Cloud. In all honesty, during this past year and a half, I think I've seen more people request Crash Bandicoot. :psycho: Even as such, most people have thrown him in the "keep dreaming" category along with Masterchief, Banjo/Kazooie, *insert Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter character here*, Earthworm Jim, etc by this time. He was sort of a fad that was strong right when Brawl was announced (kind of like Fierce Diety Link) but then quickly died consideribly about a month later.

Oh, okay. I don't think that's an average, though, as much as a guess.

Well, considering how the final Brawl poll results haven't been shown yet that's the best that anyone can really do. I think it's a good estimate though.

They could very well of not foreshadowed one or more characters to try and surprise us people that look into these things.

Possibly but considering that the combined number of characters in Sakurai's journal, the 2001 Melee Poll results, characters (in trophy form) that appeared in Melee, and were mentioned in interviews exceeds 200, Sakurai's really going have to go deep into the woods to drag out someone that's a complete surprize. Seriously, after being fairly aquianted with the legendary Algus Underdunk, I don't think I'll be surprized by anyone who appears in Brawl. (If you don't know who he is, he's an Nsider that's the equivalent of a Nintendo encylopedia and mind boggling the amount of stuff he knows.)

Heheh, well all of the good Disney games I can remember were made by SE or Capcom. Sora is probably their only real video game character (unless you wanna count the ones in Spectrobes...<_<) and I'm not entirely against him getting in. I'd rather have an FF character, though.

Sora is a great character but I don't think his admission in Brawl would be all that appropriate given what I said earlier. Anyways, if someone absolutely HAD to represent Disney, I'd go with Scrooge Mcduck from the NES Ducktales game. :laugh:

Why do people call it a journal anyway? Anyway, I think that's somewhat of a stretch. Pit was constantly talked about from the time SSBM was announced. There're also the third-party factors and what-not.
I think I was the person that started the trend of calling it a journal because people instantly know what you're talking about when you bring it up. It was basically a way of stopping countless people from asking "WTH's a Toukeden?" It's organized by entries and Sakurai leaves a comment at the end of every page so you could say that it's structured like a journal too.

Pit's talk was basically generated by the cryptic message that Sakurai left on his trophy in Melee. Outside of that, there isn't any evidence that suggests that Sakurai really intended on ever making Pit playable (remember, Melee was supposed to be his last Smash Bros game). I personally think the fan demand that came after Reggie "pseudo announced" Brawl at E3 05 sparked people's interest in him again because that's about the time when character support for a lot of characters established their basis. Heck, I even joined Nsider back then to present my cases for Geno and Megaman because there was so much character discussion.

Regarding the third parrty factors, we all well understand them but I was mainly pointing out what they had/have in common regarding their indentities as characters from cult classics.


Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
Just in case that was a typo... Terra is from FF VI. The single greatest FF of all time. =p

And Cecil would be awesome for the game IMO. But this isn't the Cecil thread... It's the Geno thread... Dang, I just got this picture in my mind of a Paladinesque White Geno Costume. That'd be awesome.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Just in case that was a typo... Terra is from FF VI. The single greatest FF of all time. =p

And Cecil would be awesome for the game IMO. But this isn't the Cecil thread... It's the Geno thread... Dang, I just got this picture in my mind of a Paladinesque White Geno Costume. That'd be awesome.
...and every White costume, deserves a Black costume...

Evil Geno FTW!!!


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
We just may find out if Geno will be in Brawl the 15


30 characters are being revealed...

However, it is unknown if that is the full roster or not...

If they last article that stated the Full Roster will be revealed, plus this scan saying 30 characters...

Full Roster = 30 characters?


That would suck, but if Geno was one of them...:chuckle:!


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
America.. of course..
I don't know why so many people are stuck on this 30-39 characters crap. Sakurai has significantly improved the quality and quantity of the stages, music, items (including the introduction of assist trophies and new pokeball pokemon), adventure mode and he even added wifi! Why would he shortchange us with a horribly low amount of characters? I'll admit that 40 characters is a bit of a stretch I guess but it doesn't seem impossible. Whenever I look at these fake rosters and pretend images the amount of characters always looks incredibly low. Most people do put around 40 characters though so its interesting to see what might happen when the offical roster comes out. My best guess is that Sakurai is going to reveal half the roster on the Dojo. If thats the case we'll have a character amount in the mid 40s. By the way, what about Miis? Create a character sort of characters.. that way we'd technically never run out of characters.. but then again they ARE Miis...

Well if don't get Geno but we get the Miis.. I'm going to make a Sakurai Mii, put him in a match, and put the explosive items on high. Then I'm going to make a Geno Mii and put as his taunt "you don't love me :("

EDIT: There has never been such a legal situation like Geno's (Nintendo related). He was indeed created as a Mario character under Nintendo's guidance, but because Square Enix designed him and such, Nintendo couldn't ever claim ownership of him. He is owned by Square Enix, this is true, but who knows what kind of contract they signed? A lot of you guys forget that people break rules all the time. Perhaps Nintendo signed a contract with Square Enix stating that they control all events that occur in Mario games. But Geno BELONGS to Square Enix?!! How is that fair to them! Its their character, they can put him in Kingdom Hearts WITHOUT Nintendo's consent and for all Square Enix cares, they may stick up their middle fingers and put him in a Playstation game. Of course... that is allowed.. right? ~_^

Chi's Finest

Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2005
It actually says 30 pages, which doesn't mean only one character is shown per page.
The 30 it mentions is talking about cards, or cartoons, not pages. I believe the DK one is shown on the cover. CoroCoro isn't a gaming magazine, so it's unlikely they will feature 30 pages of Brawl info. I hope Geno's on one.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Back on the Geno topic...

I wouldn't be surprised if they gave us info we already knew like Mario confirmed...

But depeing on the number of pages of characters there are we can only see about 7 new characters...

Ridley, Michaia and Krystal for sure since they're second/first party, due to legal issues Geno is more second party owned by a third party used in first party games


Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
Its their character, they can put him in Kingdom Hearts WITHOUT Nintendo's consent and for all Square Enix cares, they may stick up their middle fingers and put him in a Playstation game. Of course... that is allowed.. right? ~_^
Actually no it isn't... Square may have copyright to his character, but IIRC he's still a Mario character from the Mario Universe and could only be used in a non Mario game with Nintendo's explicit permission.

And I doubt there would be a Mario Playstation game. =p


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Actually, Square can use him in any way they want, but it's just not worth it, as all of his fans are Mario fans, and it wouldn't be a Mario game.

Anyways, with only 30 characters, there's no way Geno's getting in...but I doubt we'll have only 30.

(And Miis would be great. I don't see the problem at all. Heck, it would substatute for a character creation mode.)


Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
Actually, Square can use him in any way they want, but it's just not worth it, as all of his fans are Mario fans, and it wouldn't be a Mario game.

Anyways, with only 30 characters, there's no way Geno's getting in...but I doubt we'll have only 30.

(And Miis would be great. I don't see the problem at all. Heck, it would substatute for a character creation mode.)
What makes you say 30 characters? We only know it is going to be 30 pages. I also agree we'll be getting more. We just have to. not counting Zero suit Samus and Sheik (if she returns...) We would only be missing one character. This is of course assuming we got all of the secret characters from Melee again, minus the clones, but keeping Ganondorf.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
Miis are just a novelty. A gimmick. "Oh yeah, let's pit my Grandma, King Ganonidas, Darth Vader and Harry Potter all against each other!" What makes this battle lame is: 1. They will all look crappy and 2. They will all have the same moves! What's so exciting about seeing Evan Longoria battle against Mario when she's using (probably) bowling balls, bats, or maybe even riding cows, when nothing like that represents her in real life? It's the kind of thing you could be excited about, but then you get bored of it eventually. I mean, Luke Skywalker without a lightsaber? Meh.

Stablished characters for Brawl.

(Sorry for this rant in the Geno thread)


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
No apology needed. I share the exact same sentiments. Mii's can stay in their own exclusive games. They don't need to be plagueing Brawl with their generic sports equipment. Really, their inclusion in Brawl would be both fruitless and pointless.

On another note, I'd refrain from making assumptions as to what this article is going to reveal until someone actually sees it. I, for one, am even skeptical as to whether the information it will provide is even accurate, or true, for that matter. It's very possible that they could be blowing smoke out of their ears, just like a lot of other places claiming to have real information.

Let's just wait and see, folks.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
I know. :laugh: I'm freakishly longwinded but that's not nessecarily a bad thing.

You could try using multiple quotes like I do. When you insert your answers into the quote, it doesn't come up when I just hit the quote button. Then again, I can see what you were responding to this way.

Well, we were on the topic of swordsmen specifically. If you want to expand the topic, I personally think Little Mac was made into an AT because, otherwise, he would have been doomed to be a very boring fighter since he's technically an average human with no skills really outside of regular boxing (not kick boxing). It's a shame too but them's the breaks. I think they also ran into a lot of complications when it came to Deoxyes simply because he has 5 forms and finding a way to incorporate them all would have been a nightmare.
I imagined Little Mac would be done similar to Marth with just his sole method of attack being his fists. They could've had the different forms of Deoxys be transformations of each other that are all clones...though their bodies do differ more than the clones have. Still, I'd say Little Mac was pretty close to a Pit-like tier of characters.

Cecil's from FFIV and Terra's from FFVII, right? The thing that bugs me about that franchise is that it's really hard to truely decide on who the series icon is. Mogs and black mages are generic and besides Cecil and his buttload of reincarnations, there really aren't that many characters that play large roles in multiple games. As you said, Loto's a huge icon in Japan but, at least as far as third party characters go, Sakurai's trying to go for international appeal.
And where did he say he was going for international appeal for third party characters? Loto's game(s) have been released in the US and their popularity in Japan could more than make up for any other country. I've been wondering since Ike was revealed...Did he get in because he's popular worldwide or did the developers see he was the most popular in Japan and used his game's being released in other countries as an added perk? And, on the subject of FE, Ike was picked to be the representative of FE (for now) probably because he's from the latest games and is pretty popular. Terra's from the latest Nintendo FF game which is the one of the most popular and Cecil's is from a lot of people's first and favorite and was the highest ranked Nintendo FF on Famitsu's last top 100 games of all time thingy (Loto's was third, actually). There doesn't have to be a singular icon; they could just pick one as all of them represent them.

I didn't say he was generic, just unsuited to completely represent SE as a whole when it comes to Brawl. In this situation, a FF Crystal Chronicles character may be more suitible because of what you've mentioned but the meer thought of that makes my face twist into a death mask. :laugh:
Well, the protagonist from Crystal Bearers looks pretty cool, as does his game. I'd want something a bit more classic, though.

I haven't exactly seen all that much demand for Cloud. In all honesty, during this past year and a half, I think I've seen more people request Crash Bandicoot. :psycho: Even as such, most people have thrown him in the "keep dreaming" category along with Masterchief, Banjo/Kazooie, *insert Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter character here*, Earthworm Jim, etc by this time. He was sort of a fad that was strong right when Brawl was announced (kind of like Fierce Diety Link) but then quickly died consideribly about a month later.
I think that has more to do with the anti-FF and anti-Cloud fad that's been spreading. I've consistently seen Cloud supporters pop up everywhere. 'Course it's pretty hard to count each individual person that supports a character.

Possibly but considering that the combined number of characters in Sakurai's journal, the 2001 Melee Poll results, characters (in trophy form) that appeared in Melee, and were mentioned in interviews exceeds 200, Sakurai's really going have to go deep into the woods to drag out someone that's a complete surprize. Seriously, after being fairly aquianted with the legendary Algus Underdunk, I don't think I'll be surprized by anyone who appears in Brawl. (If you don't know who he is, he's an Nsider that's the equivalent of a Nintendo encylopedia and mind boggling the amount of stuff he knows.)
Well, if third party connection has such a strong influence like you say, a developer could've begged a character not mentioned on anything to be in. Also, he could've withheld any Mike Jones mentions because the Japanese games might not recognize him...<_<

I think I was the person that started the trend of calling it a journal because people instantly know what you're talking about when you bring it up. It was basically a way of stopping countless people from asking "WTH's a Toukeden?" It's organized by entries and Sakurai leaves a comment at the end of every page so you could say that it's structured like a journal too.
Could always call it a blog. Both really aren't that accurate, though; it's more like the mailbag section of a website.

Pit's talk was basically generated by the cryptic message that Sakurai left on his trophy in Melee. Outside of that, there isn't any evidence that suggests that Sakurai really intended on ever making Pit playable (remember, Melee was supposed to be his last Smash Bros game). I personally think the fan demand that came after Reggie "pseudo announced" Brawl at E3 05 sparked people's interest in him again because that's about the time when character support for a lot of characters established their basis. Heck, I even joined Nsider back then to present my cases for Geno and Megaman because there was so much character discussion.
There were always those rumors of Pit being in the original but replaced by Jigglypuff (which was to explain why Jigglypuff could float even though it sort of made sense that it did in the first place) and the rumors that they couldn't get the wings on characters like Pit and Meta Knight working for SSBM...but I never saw any proof for those. I thought it was Iwata that first said a SSB game was being made for the Revolution and that it would be available at launch and they were working on it as he spoke; both of which weren't true. We did get Wifi, though.


Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2007
Kansas!(It's not as flat as you think)
I myself have never heard of Geno but I had never heard of Ice Climbers or G & W either lol. HE sounds like a unique character that probably will make it into Brawl because of those votes on the poll. I would love having him as a character based on his flexibility potential.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2007
Atlanta, GA
The tension is rising!

I hope that roster contains SOME helpful information,
like some character confirmations
or at the least some new ATs.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2007
Sooo looking forward to corocoro.....if we dont get some awesome new information from that then I quit checking on SSBB. My hype would have officially died even though I have tried to keep it going for months lol.


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
Can't you just be exited that the game is coming out. I mean, what would you do if there weren't any updates, and just magazine previews?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2007
I just cant be excited about the updates we're getting anymore. All the main menu and option updates killed my hype. I checked this morning and finally saw Mario Circuit though. That restored my faith in the site. However, I couldnt help but think "About time...." lol. Still if Corocoro gives no good info...especially Geno related info. Then Ill just have to wait until Jan. 24 when it comes out in Japan for more info.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I just cant be excited about the updates we're getting anymore. All the main menu and option updates killed my hype. I checked this morning and finally saw Mario Circuit though. That restored my faith in the site. However, I couldnt help but think "About time...." lol. Still if Corocoro gives no good info...especially Geno related info. Then Ill just have to wait until Jan. 24 when it comes out in Japan for more info.
Well hopefully all this hype for Coro Coro actually means something and they reveal something new

With 30 pages, ya'd think they'd have somethin'



Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Saturday is almost upon us... This could end up being the judgement day for a lot of characters or a complete bust. Regardless, I will definately have this tune playing in my head as I walk to my computer Saturday morning. :laugh:

Anyways, because of how Sakurai has been doing things since he started updating the site, there's a freakishly high chance that tonight's update will be character related because Sakurai has done at least one character related update a week up to this point. When you look at the calender, about 7 weeks were added because of the delay (it releases in Japan on January 24th, right?) and because of that, tonight is supposed to be the last "compensation" day because it's been obvious that Sakurai has been stalling for time since the beginning of November. It's uncanny how well this lines up with the release of the December issue of Coro Coro so I think something new will actually be revealed in it. I may even be willing to bet that tonight, Sakurai's going commerate the end of the "drought" with a character profile. (Wouldn't that be nice?)

I don't know about you guys but last night's update definately caught me by surprize. Despite us already knowing about it, it's been more then a year since we've seen it in any form and it may be a sign that Sakurai's going to reveal the secondary stages of other franchises too. (I really want to see what the other Zelda stage is.) This could also be a sign of the end of the drought so, needless to say, I'm very excited about tonight's update.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2007
At 12 midnight EST I need you all to swarm the voting thread with GENO votes


that's like 9 PST or something I guess

BUT make sure the round has started before you do
Indeed. We must make sure that Geno beats Mewtwo.....or else it will be humiliating. After that it will probably be Sonic....then if we are lucky...Mario. Everyone vote for Geno!!!


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
Saturday is almost upon us... This could end up being the judgement day for a lot of characters or a complete bust. Regardless, I will definately have this tune playing in my head as I walk to my computer Saturday morning. :laugh:
We'll see what happens. I, for one, am not counting on seeing a whole lot of news-breaking content any time soon.

Anyways, because of how Sakurai has been doing things since he started updating the site, there's a freakishly high chance that tonight's update will be character related because Sakurai has done at least one character related update a week up to this point. When you look at the calender, about 7 weeks were added because of the delay (it releases in Japan on January 24th, right?) and because of that, tonight is supposed to be the last "compensation" day because it's been obvious that Sakurai has been stalling for time since the beginning of November. It's uncanny how well this lines up with the release of the December issue of Coro Coro so I think something new will actually be revealed in it. I may even be willing to bet that tonight, Sakurai's going commerate the end of the "drought" with a character profile. (Wouldn't that be nice?)
It could just be an odd coincedence. Similar to how many people think that Sakurai's character updates in the past had some sort of 'pattern' to them.

I don't know about you guys but last night's update definately caught me by surprize. Despite us already knowing about it, it's been more then a year since we've seen it in any form and it may be a sign that Sakurai's going to reveal the secondary stages of other franchises too. (I really want to see what the other Zelda stage is.) This could also be a sign of the end of the drought so, needless to say, I'm very excited about tonight's update.
Agreed. I was happy to see the stage finally fleshed out in an update. I especially like how the kart racers can come from both above and the sides.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
FMOI Instead of PMing you i decided to post this, Also your points in debating are EPIC, Gratz!.

Here was the gamefaq's rumor for the roster(I Saw you wondering about it in a post on here.), Anyhow kill down a bunch of reasons why this is fake, If you ask me then it's fake for sure most of it but anyhow...;

All the 22 Confirmed chars and shiek back.

Captain falcon
WW/PH Styled young link.

(All of those are it for that list if i can remember right.)

K Rool
Animal Crossing Villigar (Something like that.)

You want me to give a couple reasons why this is fake? Heck, I only need one reason: it's from Game FAQS. :laugh: To be serious, there's no one terribly unreasonable on there (you know, besides Ness) but it's more then obvious that he took the high road when making his character decisions. He pretty much only added characters that have a large amount of popularity and those that are practically guarenteed like Krystal, Ganondorf, and Luigi. I think this is also the reason why he kept Mr. Game and Watch off despite the icons on the Dojo site strongly suggesting that he is going to come back.

I imagine that the starting roster won't be larger then 26 characters and we already have 21(if you include the elusive Shiek and ZSS). Captain Falcon's a given and I think the Animal Crossing Villiager is too simply because Smashville appears to be availible from the get-go. I think Captain Olimar and Krystal are in strong running for the starting roster too based on various things like the "holes" theory and things that have been shown in the updates. With those additions, that'd make 7 veterans unlockable again and, personally, I think that's a bit of stretch. Because of the Pokemon Trainer and his three pokemon and Lucario waiting in the wings, I think Jigglypuff and Mewtwo are in danger of getting the boot. Depending on how significant Sakurai sees the Star Fox franchise, Falco could be gone too. Luigi's a given and so is Ganondorf for obvious reasons. Because of how Ike turned out and a remake of the original Fire Emblem currently in the works, I think it's safe to say that Marth is coming back.

Regarding the newcomers, there's nothing unreasonable but I found it strange that he didn't include Megaman. The final total is also 39 characters and that makes me raise an eyebrow simply because how odd, both figuartively and literally, the number is. Also, if the rumor about Sakurai saying there was going to be "an unprecidented number of characters and more third party characters then we originally intended", that could also spell trouble for this roster. The lack of variety is also a bit depressing but that's meerly based on my personal tastes. (I think characters like Takamaru should make the cut). I still believe that the final roster will be between 40-45 characters and I think a lot of people feel this way too and could also be yet another reason why this guy chose such a weird number.

Well, that's all I have to say concerning this.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 6, 2007
Indeed. We must make sure that Geno beats Mewtwo.....or else it will be humiliating. After that it will probably be Sonic....then if we are lucky...Mario. Everyone vote for Geno!!!
I'll vote for Geno!, Mewtwo is a piece of cake, it's Sonic I'm worried about... there's a lot of people that want to see a Mario vs Sonic final :urg:

It'd be funny if Mario winds up losing against Ridley :laugh:, maybe we should vote for Ridley, to eliminate the competiton :p

We should contact everyone on the Geno alliance!!! VOTE GENO :psycho:

edit: btw, I'd like to replace that sloganizer thing from my signature, can I use the Geno Alliance banner? If yes, please show me the address :D


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2007
Wilkes-Barre, PA
I imagine that the starting roster won't be larger then 26 characters and we already have 21(if you include the elusive Shiek and ZSS). Captain Falcon's a given and I think the Animal Crossing Villiager is too simply because Smashville appears to be availible from the get-go. I think Captain Olimar and Krystal are in strong running for the starting roster too based on various things like the "holes" theory and things that have been shown in the updates. With those additions, that'd make 7 veterans unlockable again and, personally, I think that's a bit of stretch. Because of the Pokemon Trainer and his three pokemon and Lucario waiting in the wings, I think Jigglypuff and Mewtwo are in danger of getting the boot. Depending on how significant Sakurai sees the Star Fox franchise, Falco could be gone too. Luigi's a given and so is Ganondorf for obvious reasons. Because of how Ike turned out and a remake of the original Fire Emblem currently in the works, I think it's safe to say that Marth is coming back.

Regarding the newcomers, there's nothing unreasonable but I found it strange that he didn't include Megaman. The final total is also 39 characters and that makes me raise an eyebrow simply because how odd, both figuartively and literally, the number is. Also, if the rumor about Sakurai saying there was going to be "an unprecidented number of characters and more third party characters then we originally intended", that could also spell trouble for this roster. The lack of variety is also a bit depressing but that's meerly based on my personal tastes. (I think characters like Takamaru should make the cut). I still believe that the final roster will be between 40-45 characters and I think a lot of people feel this way too and could also be yet another reason why this guy chose such a weird number.

Well, that's all I have to say concerning this.
Jigglypuff is NOT getting booted for Lucario, I really don't see him getting into the game at all, seeing all the backing Mewtwo has. 4 Pokemon reps + the variety of Pokeballs makes me honestly believe he will not be a PC. I could be wrong though. I wouldn't mind that.

Sorry to get so off topic, I'll redeem myself by saying GENO FOR BRAWL.
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