's such a pain quoting you, Fatmanonice.
I know.
I'm freakishly longwinded but that's not nessecarily a bad thing.
It was the smiley you used in that post. I guess it got messed up when I copied your post to Word.
I see...
Why swordsmen? Couldn't they just be careful in picking characters in general?
Well, we were on the topic of swordsmen specifically. If you want to expand the topic, I personally think Little Mac was made into an AT because, otherwise, he would have been doomed to be a very boring fighter since he's technically an average human with no skills really outside of regular boxing (not kick boxing). It's a shame too but them's the breaks. I think they also ran into a lot of complications when it came to Deoxyes simply because he has 5 forms and finding a way to incorporate them all would have been a nightmare.
Well, forget Cloud and Sora, then. Cecil and Terra have almost as good of standing in the FF community. Loto's a pretty huge icon in Japan.
Cecil's from FFIV and Terra's from FFVII, right? The thing that bugs me about that franchise is that it's really hard to truely decide on who the series icon is. Mogs and black mages are generic and besides Cecil and his buttload of reincarnations, there really aren't that many characters that play large roles in multiple games. As you said, Loto's a huge icon in Japan but, at least as far as third party characters go, Sakurai's trying to go for international appeal.
Wait...what exactly are the benefits of Snake and Sonic outside of boosted sales? His paying for himself would depend on how much it cost to put him in and the amount he boosted the sales (which is impossible to measure). SE's supporting Nintendo about as much as SEGA and Konami with a few big titles for Wii and DS and their WiiWare support. I don't think that's quite an equivalent situation, either, since tastes are pretty different. Actually, if Cloud's as generic as you've called him, then he could probably help the sales of other FF's...kinda like the FE games.
I didn't say he was generic, just unsuited to completely represent SE as a whole when it comes to Brawl. In this situation, a FF Crystal Chronicles character may be more suitible because of what you've mentioned but the meer thought of that makes my face twist into a death mask.
To sell more copies and/or appeal to fan demand.
I haven't exactly seen all that much demand for Cloud. In all honesty, during this past year and a half, I think I've seen more people request Crash Bandicoot.
Even as such, most people have thrown him in the "keep dreaming" category along with Masterchief, Banjo/Kazooie, *insert Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter character here*, Earthworm Jim, etc by this time. He was sort of a fad that was strong right when Brawl was announced (kind of like Fierce Diety Link) but then quickly died consideribly about a month later.
Oh, okay. I don't think that's an average, though, as much as a guess.
Well, considering how the final Brawl poll results haven't been shown yet that's the best that anyone can really do. I think it's a good estimate though.
They could very well of not foreshadowed one or more characters to try and surprise us people that look into these things.
Possibly but considering that the combined number of characters in Sakurai's journal, the 2001 Melee Poll results, characters (in trophy form) that appeared in Melee, and were mentioned in interviews exceeds 200, Sakurai's really going have to go deep into the woods to drag out someone that's a complete surprize. Seriously, after being fairly aquianted with the legendary Algus Underdunk, I don't think I'll be surprized by anyone who appears in Brawl. (If you don't know who he is, he's an Nsider that's the equivalent of a Nintendo encylopedia and mind boggling the amount of stuff he knows.)
Heheh, well all of the good Disney games I can remember were made by SE or Capcom. Sora is probably their only real video game character (unless you wanna count the ones in Spectrobes...<_<) and I'm not entirely against him getting in. I'd rather have an FF character, though.
Sora is a great character but I don't think his admission in Brawl would be all that appropriate given what I said earlier. Anyways, if someone absolutely HAD to represent Disney, I'd go with Scrooge Mcduck from the NES Ducktales game.
Why do people call it a journal anyway? Anyway, I think that's somewhat of a stretch. Pit was constantly talked about from the time SSBM was announced. There're also the third-party factors and what-not.