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The Official Geno Thread


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Ugh, my internet connection is messed up again. I guess I have to respond like this...


Originally Posted by Fatmanonice
Heck, if you want to talk like that any character automatically loses any true form of uniqueness because certain characteristics are rarely exclusive. Jigglypuff becomes a modified Kirby, Captain Falcon becomes a modified Samus, King Dedede becomes a modified Ice Climber, and Luigi might as well go jump off a cliff because, in this situation, he's royally screwed. Also, I think it's safe to say that Sakurai probably couldn't care less about affirmative action.
(To those that don't know, affirmative action is hiring someone simply because they are a minority or you don't have "enough" on your workforce.)

I know, sound stupid doesn't it?

The image didn't come up so I can't exactly respond... Regardless, we've already had three swordsmen turned into ATs (two of them having a decent amount of popularity, I might add) so it provides evidence that Sakurai is being very careful when it comes to picking new Swordsmen. Regarding Cloud, he barely meets the minimal requirements. He was a boss and summon in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. That's it. His other problem is that other then that, he's pretty much Sony oriented. With Snake, at least he can lean on how he had a Nintendo exclusive. Come to think of it, a 3D version of the game was included in the Final Mix version of Kingdom Hearts 2 so that leaves both Cloud and Sora, arguibly SE's biggest icons, high and dry.

Snake representing Konami is understandable too considering how for Castlvania, there are, what, 5 Belmonts that have been playable through the series and a handful of other characters too like Soma Cruz and Goemon is hardly known outside Japan (unfortunately).

I didn't read the original comment regarding this but I'm going to guess that you're saying that Cloud's addition would be a smarter addition then Geno. While Square Enix would easily benefit more, Nintendo would easily have to pay out the nose for him. Keep in mind that the third party characters added so far have connections to high influenceing people with Nintendo and I can't draw any lines of connection between Cloud and anyone of true importance there.

What do you mean by pay out of their nose? More than they're willing or paid for Snake or Sonic? Is any proof to this?

What I mean is both literal and figuartive. Cloud is a huge icon; we all know this. Adding him doesn't exactly bring any benefits to Nintendo except maybe more copies of Brawl sold. From what I understand, thanks to Kojima, Nintendo had a relatively easy time getting the "rental rights" to Snake. The benefits of Sonic's addition are a no brainer considering how close Sega and Nintendo have been in recent years and how it's been one of the Wii's biggest supporters both with software and the virtual console. For Cloud, the benefits wouldn't exactly be long term and I can't really see him paying for himself over time. As I've mentioned in other posts, Geno doesn't have this problem because he's virtually worthless to Square Enix and, as the past has shown, getting him would be a snap and almost as easy as getting permission to use a second party character. With this said, even if he didn't pay for himself overtime (perhaps with decent sales of SMRPG for the virtual console), the loss wouldn't be all that great. Have you ever bought a video game at full price, go through it, and realize that it was okay but definately not the money *coughstarfoxadventurescough* or bought a discount/used game, play through it, and realize that it knocked your socks off? The situation is kind of like that.

The founder of Alpha Dream was a former president of Squaresoft. I'm sure he could help in negotiations with any SE character.

But why use a character that's technically never been in a Nintendo exclusive when Brawl is essentially a celebration of Nintendo's history?

Originally Posted by Fatmanonice
And they showed us the ones they showed us because those particular 290 entries amused/interested them. I've used this analogy before: the poll ran for 29 days and it is estimated that they recieve probably 10,000 entries in all because it was open to the world. Roughly, that would have made 333 entires a day. During each of those days, they chose 10 to post on the site. Geno appeared in 5 and it should also be noted that the last three were very close to each other (entries 247, 268, and 276). Now, we all know that Geno is a relatively obscure character so what are the chances that not only was he in 5 of the 290 entires choosen out of 10,000 (5/10,000 or .00005% actually) but how he appeared 3 times in the span of 4 days (3/1332 or about .0022% actually) unless the entires truely reflected what Sakurai and his staff were interested in? So what we have here is believing something that's logically sound (Sakurai having interest in Geno) or something that's not (Geno only appeared due to an outstanding statistical anomally). To add to this, in the Deoxyes and Saki update, Sakurai comes right out and says that both characters were extremelly popular and yet neither of them appeared even once in the journal.

Wouldn't 3 in 4 days be 3/40? And there were days where he did 20 in a day, too.

No, it'd be 3/1332 because we averaged that they recieved about 333 entries a day. 3/40 ( 7.5% exactly which is still a small percentage) is what we end up with after we elminate those other entries. Also, the poll ran for about a month so did he skip days. Either way, we still have the conclusions I reached above.

Originally Posted by Fatmanonice
So Sakurai coming out and expressing interest in certain characters to the press doesn't mean a lot? Huh...

I meant we don't hear everything that's being done to the game as it's being included. There weren't any interviews done mentioning Snake until after he was announced which could be why we haven't heard about any other talks.

Point taken but I wouldn't expect a large number of "unforeshadowed" characters if I were you. If there are more then 2 characters in Brawl (besides Snake, I guess) that weren't mentioned in Sakurai's journal, the 2001 Melee Poll results, or interviews made public since 2001, I will be very, very shocked. (In a good way depending on the character. *points at Marina Liteyears and Captain Syrup*) Regarding this, Paper Mario is the only character I can really see happening in this category.

Also, he's only done that with Sonic and Mega Man; there's no evidence that he's done it with any other character.

I forgot what the context of this statement was so I'll just let it be.

Originally Posted by Fatmanonice
Do you really want to drag Disney into this game? Enough said...

Sure, why not?

I don't know about you but, as far as third parties go, I'd rather have third parties that have contributed a decent amount to Nintendo. Seriously, name one Disney game besides Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (which credit more to Square Enix anyways) made in the past decade that has really had an impact on Nintendo at least in terms of sales? Capcom, Square Enix, Namco, and even Ubisoft are more worthy of rep then Disney is. In all honestly, I rather see Rockstar Games, Naughty Dog, or Atari repped before Disney... That's how against it I am.

Originally Posted by Fatmanonice
As I've already pointed out, that's hardly a factor in this situation.

So you'll stop using it as evidence, then

When did I say that Geno was an extremelly popular character? His current situation is comparable to Pit's if you ask me: at first, most people didn't know who he was, many began to like him and request him, some people believed he was too obscure to enter Brawl's ranks, some people claimed that Nintendo didn't care about him because of his abscenses and minor appearances*winks at pieman*, he was only requested 5 times during the 2001 Melee poll (as was Geno, by the way), etc. He definately has a cult following behind him but, popularity wise, he's crushed by the likes of other megatons like Ridley, Megaman, and Krystal (people he was mentioned more then in the context's of the journal, by the way).

My responses red. (As if it weren't obvious by this point. :laugh:)


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Are there anymore details regarding this contest? Also, why is Sonic one of the characters when he's already been confirmed?
It's a comic stryk's is doing about the battle of the clubs

Sonic was the second one created, so it's there


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
woah woah who said anything about a contest? its a comic, the whole comic is about how the brawl clubs fought each other in the final months before brawls released, including u guys encounter with r.i.d.l.e.y.
so yeah u guys are gonna have a semi big role around it,still need to fill out some plots and stuff and the grusome pain of drawing all of you, dont get me wrong I mean the work of drawing, not u guys :p
geno ftw...

thanx psycho for making this post useless XD haha jk


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Are there anymore details regarding this contest? Also, why is Sonic one of the characters when he's already been confirmed?
FMOI Instead of PMing you i decided to post this, Also your points in debating are EPIC, Gratz!.

Here was the gamefaq's rumor for the roster(I Saw you wondering about it in a post on here.), Anyhow kill down a bunch of reasons why this is fake, If you ask me then it's fake for sure most of it but anyhow...;

All the 22 Confirmed chars and shiek back.

Captain falcon
WW/PH Styled young link.

(All of those are it for that list if i can remember right.)

K Rool
Animal Crossing Villigar (Something like that.)


Chi's Finest

Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2005
FMOI Instead of PMing you i decided to post this, Also your points in debating are EPIC, Gratz!.

Here was the gamefaq's rumor for the roster(I Saw you wondering about it in a post on here.), Anyhow kill down a bunch of reasons why this is fake, If you ask me then it's fake for sure most of it but anyhow...;

All the 22 Confirmed chars and shiek back.

Captain falcon
WW/PH Styled young link.

(All of those are it for that list if i can remember right.)

K Rool
Animal Crossing Villigar (Something like that.)

Even though it was obviously fake, it could SEEM realistic up until you see WW Link.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 19, 2007
like i said before- i'll join- i already have the banner!!

and im really starting to think he's going to be in. and he's not 3rd party- he's second- made by square AND nintendo. sakurai even said that himself!!


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
America.. of course..
like i said before- i'll join- i already have the banner!!

and im really starting to think he's going to be in. and he's not 3rd party- he's second- made by square AND nintendo. sakurai even said that himself!!
By the way, not that I'm trying to challenge you or anything but could you provide proof that Sakurai said that? I'm just wondering where I could find that information..


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2007
In you're head (You know who you are)
By the way, not that I'm trying to challenge you or anything but could you provide proof that Sakurai said that? I'm just wondering where I could find that information..
Geno's party doesn't mean ****...

He counts as a Mario character. Sure, he has to pay and all that but the limitation in 3rd party has to do with the fact he doesn't want many non-nintendo characters in Brawl.

Geno, however, is a Mario character...and the only way to be more nintendo than that is to be Mario himself...


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
woah woah who said anything about a contest? its a comic, the whole comic is about how the brawl clubs fought each other in the final months before brawls released, including u guys encounter with r.i.d.l.e.y.
so yeah u guys are gonna have a semi big role around it,still need to fill out some plots and stuff and the grusome pain of drawing all of you, dont get me wrong I mean the work of drawing, not u guys :p
geno ftw...

thanx psycho for making this post useless XD haha jk
Will there be certain members, or just the clubs in general?


Smash Rookie
Dec 12, 2007
I need to know for a fact if Geno is gonna be in the brawl or not could some 1 please tell me thx.


Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
By the way, not that I'm trying to challenge you or anything but could you provide proof that Sakurai said that? I'm just wondering where I could find that information..
I don't know about Sakurai ever verbally SAYING it, but when Sakurai did his poll way back for Melee, he had Geno on it with the Mario characters. He had a list seperate for third parties, so according to that list Sakurai did not consider Geno third party.

I'll try and find a link to that poll.

EDIT: Here is a topic about it http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=81891


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Jeeze...it's such a pain quoting you, Fatmanonice. :p

The image didn't come up so I can't exactly respond...
It was the smiley you used in that post. I guess it got messed up when I copied your post to Word.

Regardless, we've already had three swordsmen turned into ATs (two of them having a decent amount of popularity, I might add) so it provides evidence that Sakurai is being very careful when it comes to picking new Swordsmen.
Why swordsmen? Couldn't they just be careful in picking characters in general?

Regarding Cloud, he barely meets the minimal requirements. He was a boss and summon in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. That's it. His other problem is that other then that, he's pretty much Sony oriented. With Snake, at least he can lean on how he had a Nintendo exclusive. Come to think of it, a 3D version of the game was included in the Final Mix version of Kingdom Hearts 2 so that leaves both Cloud and Sora, arguibly SE's biggest icons, high and dry.
Well, forget Cloud and Sora, then. Cecil and Terra have almost as good of standing in the FF community. Loto's a pretty huge icon in Japan.

What I mean is both literal and figuartive. Cloud is a huge icon; we all know this. Adding him doesn't exactly bring any benefits to Nintendo except maybe more copies of Brawl sold. From what I understand, thanks to Kojima, Nintendo had a relatively easy time getting the "rental rights" to Snake. The benefits of Sonic's addition are a no brainer considering how close Sega and Nintendo have been in recent years and how it's been one of the Wii's biggest supporters both with software and the virtual console. For Cloud, the benefits wouldn't exactly be long term and I can't really see him paying for himself over time. As I've mentioned in other posts, Geno doesn't have this problem because he's virtually worthless to Square Enix and, as the past has shown, getting him would be a snap and almost as easy as getting permission to use a second party character. With this said, even if he didn't pay for himself overtime (perhaps with decent sales of SMRPG for the virtual console), the loss wouldn't be all that great. Have you ever bought a video game at full price, go through it, and realize that it was okay but definately not the money *coughstarfoxadventurescough* or bought a discount/used game, play through it, and realize that it knocked your socks off? The situation is kind of like that.
Wait...what exactly are the benefits of Snake and Sonic outside of boosted sales? His paying for himself would depend on how much it cost to put him in and the amount he boosted the sales (which is impossible to measure). SE's supporting Nintendo about as much as SEGA and Konami with a few big titles for Wii and DS and their WiiWare support. I don't think that's quite an equivalent situation, either, since tastes are pretty different. Actually, if Cloud's as generic as you've called him, then he could probably help the sales of other FF's...kinda like the FE games.

But why use a character that's technically never been in a Nintendo exclusive when Brawl is essentially a celebration of Nintendo's history?
To sell more copies and/or appeal to fan demand.

No, it'd be 3/1332 because we averaged that they recieved about 333 entries a day. 3/40 ( 7.5% exactly which is still a small percentage) is what we end up with after we elminate those other entries. Also, the poll ran for about a month so did he skip days. Either way, we still have the conclusions I reached above.
Oh, okay. I don't think that's an average, though, as much as a guess.

Point taken but I wouldn't expect a large number of "unforeshadowed" characters if I were you. If there are more then 2 characters in Brawl (besides Snake, I guess) that weren't mentioned in Sakurai's journal, the 2001 Melee Poll results, or interviews made public since 2001, I will be very, very shocked. (In a good way depending on the character. *points at Marina Liteyears and Captain Syrup*) Regarding this, Paper Mario is the only character I can really see happening in this category.
They could very well of not foreshadowed one or more characters to try and surprise us people that look into these things.

I don't know about you but, as far as third parties go, I'd rather have third parties that have contributed a decent amount to Nintendo. Seriously, name one Disney game besides Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (which credit more to Square Enix anyways) made in the past decade that has really had an impact on Nintendo at least in terms of sales? Capcom, Square Enix, Namco, and even Ubisoft are more worthy of rep then Disney is. In all honestly, I rather see Rockstar Games, Naughty Dog, or Atari repped before Disney... That's how against it I am.
Heheh, well all of the good Disney games I can remember were made by SE or Capcom. Sora is probably their only real video game character (unless you wanna count the ones in Spectrobes...<_<) and I'm not entirely against him getting in. I'd rather have an FF character, though.

When did I say that Geno was an extremelly popular character? His current situation is comparable to Pit's if you ask me: at first, most people didn't know who he was, many began to like him and request him, some people believed he was too obscure to enter Brawl's ranks, some people claimed that Nintendo didn't care about him because of his abscenses and minor appearances*winks at pieman*, he was only requested 5 times during the 2001 Melee poll (as was Geno, by the way), etc. He definately has a cult following behind him but, popularity wise, he's crushed by the likes of other megatons like Ridley, Megaman, and Krystal (people he was mentioned more then in the context's of the journal, by the way).
Why do people call it a journal anyway? Anyway, I think that's somewhat of a stretch. Pit was constantly talked about from the time SSBM was announced. There're also the third-party factors and what-not.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2007
Rigging the enemy base with explosives, which is l
http://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pw...mpany, Ltd.&PID=6081&SEQ=20071213004024&SID=6

This shows that Geno is 3rd party Read where it says Basis of Claim: New Matter: computer program & audiovisual material this meanswhat they are copy righting thats what basis of Claim is. New Matter means anything not previously copyrighted. Geno was new matter showing he is 3rd party. This is all from the official copyright records. So legaly geno is 3rd party.


Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
http://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pw...mpany, Ltd.&PID=6081&SEQ=20071213004024&SID=6

This shows that Geno is 3rd party Read where it says Basis of Claim: New Matter: computer program & audiovisual material this meanswhat they are copy righting thats what basis of Claim is. New Matter means anything not previously copyrighted. Geno was new matter showing he is 3rd party. This is all from the official copyright records. So legaly geno is 3rd party.
We all know that he is. We also all know that on the Melee poll Sakurai did not consider him such.

What is your point? The fact still remains as this: It does not matter.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
look does geno look like a guy that could put up a good fight?
That was one of the dumbest arguements I've heard since Ridley's too big. Have you ever even played his game? Whoops I'm sorry you weren't even born yet! Geno was the fastest and strongest character in Super Mario RPG.

Hell, if he looks weak, compare him to the fearsome Peach. Peach's 2 moves that shall not be named are amazing, and all she looks good for is a damsel in distress. Not even, compare him to ICE CLIMBERS. Even more too cutesy looking, Yoshi!


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2007
Rigging the enemy base with explosives, which is l
We all know that he is. We also all know that on the Melee poll Sakurai did not consider him such.

What is your point? The fact still remains as this: It does not matter.
Oh I know for geno it dosen't matter but people still argue that hes not third party and ignorance pissies me off. Also I'm not arguing against geno i want him in.:chuckle:


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Wait...what exactly are the benefits of Snake and Sonic outside of boosted sales? His paying for himself would depend on how much it cost to put him in and the amount he boosted the sales (which is impossible to measure). SE's supporting Nintendo about as much as SEGA and Konami with a few big titles for Wii and DS and their WiiWare support. I don't think that's quite an equivalent situation, either, since tastes are pretty different. Actually, if Cloud's as generic as you've called him, then he could probably help the sales of other FF's...kinda like the FE games.

To sell more copies and/or appeal to fan demand.


Geno on the poll


by the fans


that Sakurai put up


Geno wanted by at least 5 people = fan demand


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