I was thinking of a final smash for geno, and i came up with a little something.
Geno holds out both of his hands to the side with open hands not clenched fists. He then move them above his head (similare to what he does in the game) and then a red light appears around him. At this point he can be hurt if hit but he will not budge. Stars begin to rain down and explode on the ground apon impact, kind of like the warp star but with a twist too it. The stars home in on characters kinda of like pit's FS except they dont home in on the character's exact location but rather his general direction. As the FS continues the stars that fall get bigger and while some get bigger the smaller ones get fast. It ends with a gigantic star that lands where geno is standing and explodes into a bunch of small stars that shoot off in random directions and will go through any target they hit and not explode. NOTE the falling stars prior to the last big star will NOT explode if they hit a character. They will only explode apon contact with the ground or hard surface. After the last star splits behind geno the light which has a clinder shape around geno comes down until it reaches the floor. Where ever geno is stand will be considered the center of the fs. So if geno does it on the left edge of the stage you could stand on the right edge and be pretty much safe since the person launched the FS in the wrong spot, you would want it to cover as much of the stage as possible. Think if it sorta like the Unknown pokemon set up from melee, and how where you release it thats how the coverage is determined. I may have left a few things out tell me what you think or if you have questions ill be more than happy to answer any