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The Official Geno Thread


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
Truthfully the Mario series only needed Mario to represent it, but there were more characters, Luigi, Bowser, Peach and even the Doc( I hope he's out), so with that, there should be more Mario reps.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Truthfully the Mario series only needed Mario to represent it, but there were more characters, Luigi, Bowser, Peach and even the Doc( I hope he's out), so with that, there should be more Mario reps.
We can easily trash doc and put in -someone people now in general to throw in for the heck of it and unique moveset insert here woops- For Doc's spot , And since the Mario series is deserving of one spot and i REALLY Don't think mario will get two newcomers of the type i listed above then it REALLY Deserves geno , So we could easily get Someone else and geno , Two for the price of one then everyone is happy ;) , I Don't see why not.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
A large, dark stormy castle with lots of bats.
As to Forest maze (What hints o_O?) Smithy's factory would be cool through , I Wonder how geno's stage will play out (If there even is one.)
The Forest Maze song was mentioned in Sakurai's Journal BY ITS SOUNDTRACK NAME (Beware the Forest's Mushrooms). So if Geno is in, so will that song.

Which is awesome. It's one of my favorite VG tracks of all time.

Super Mario Whirled

Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Well Mario series at least deserves 1 More rep to add to luigi bowser mario and Peach right ? I Think two is notable because we should have one that "People in general" Now about like Bowser jr Or paper Mario and then one more for Geno (Why NOT Do that ?) Because i mean think about it...After getting Dr.Mario for the last Suprise Mario rep in melee...ZOMG HE'S A CLONe , And then putting a 10 year's old character [ I Like geno and whatnot but keep listening] I Think that they should AT LEAST Put a newcomer that more-people-in-general now about for the Mario series To add onto that and since it's a big series (150m Copies.) I Say it deserves Geno and Paper mario , Besides they would both have unique moveset's and it's not melee 2.0 >_>.

Those are my Two-cents into that , Anyhow this is quite a fun discussion.
I think people like Dr. Mario and Young Link were just experiments in Melee... to tell the truth I didn't like either very much. -_-

People know Mario, Peach, and Bowser (with Luigi soon, hopefully) well enough to represent the new as well as the old games. Geno, however, represents an obscure point in between, a point that means a lot to gamers such as myself. We need to get some in-between-ers in Brawl, not just NES age or overly popular characters. I agree with you on the fact that this isn't Melee 2.0. :)

I just don't see Paper Mario making the cut, though... I think of them as the same person...

But then again, I saw Young and Old Link as one person in OoT... eh, whatever, I'm not Sakurai. I don't care if a character makes it in, as long as they don't mess with Geno's chances...


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
Peach is who brings Mario to almost every story, Bowser is the one who fights Mario in almost every story, Luigi is Bros' half definition.

idk about Geno, he's just one main character in one of many of Mario's games.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007
I'm getting off for the night. Cya guys. Please Sakurai...surprise me tomorrow morning...

Geno for Brawl!!!


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Jr. isnt really unique, his siblings before him had tantrums and were the original Bowser offspring. Only thing he has going for him is the brush which he lost and the fact he keeps reappearing is maybe the theory that...Nintedo don't like the koopalings

Waluigi the hybrid doesnt have much going for him or anything for that matter

Daisy, Toad, anyone else who had a minor role...


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
I prefer any Mario character over Waluigi.

and I'd like not to see the rip-off replacement over 7 unique characters getting the privilege to be playable in Brawl, if that's the case I prefer Geno.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
Geno would have to take the Doc's spot, the only reason why the Doc was even in was because Sakurai liked his music and wanted it in, but with the option of "My Music", Doc's ticket to SSBB flew out the window, so Geno will fill in.

Super Mario Whirled

Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
...Man, I miss the Koopalings. Super Mario World was one of my favorite games... (Hence, the screenname XD) I'd love it if they could get in as one almighty AT, or maybe a SSE sub-boss...


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
It would be cool if Bowser actually knew what happened to them...Nintendo as well

Can't believe that only like whats popular now...if thats the case with Jr. being new and all then f*Q* him


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
I want them as bosses, I want all the important Mario characters to appear in Brawl (important as in main charcters)

Super Mario Whirled

Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
...I want to see the Option House Guy from Mario Party in Brawl. Dunno why, but that's pretty much the only guy I support besides Geno and Luigi.

C'mon, think about it- he could kill everybody with that badass SFX parrot of his... :laugh:


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
I want to see Mario rescue Pauline from DK

Pauline and Mario are running away from *evilcharacter* and Pauline's dress get's stuck in something. Mario is trying to pull her out and DK (from above) thinks Mario is trying to kidnap Pauline and he rushes to save her and then takes her away (her dress tears) and Mario then thinks DK is evil and goes to rescue Pauline. Once Mario beats DK, the problem gets solved when Pauline told DK what was happening. DK then joins Mario, and Pauline goes to a safe place.


Smash Lord
Oct 15, 2007
well I don't doubt he can't make it in, but I don't think he's a shoe in there are still some factors to think of.

Geno is not really an icon like Dedede, Krystal, etc. (Toad is a icon, and he's out)
Actually he has become the icon of SMRPG. Which is probably a reason why he is so popular, but I get what you're saying. He isn't a major icon like Mario or Kirby..... though I wouldn't call Krystal a major icon...... maybe not even dedede

He's just one of the main charcters of the game he's in.
True, but he is by far the most popular and iconic original character in the game

His game is pretty well represented (3/5's) Mario, Peach, and Bowser.
When you see those three you don't think "Super Mario RPG", thus they don't really represent the game in anyway, just like how normal mario doesn't represent paper mario. Geno on the other hand is the most popular original character from the game. Thus he represents it.
response in red

EDIT: @Super Mario Whirled: That sig is freaking awesome :D


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
I want to see Mario rescue Pauline from DK

Pauline and Mario are running away from *evilcharacter* and Pauline's dress get's stuck in something. Mario is trying to pull her out and DK (from above) thinks Mario is trying to kidnap Pauline and he rushes to save her and then takes her away (her dress tears) and Mario then thinks DK is evil and goes to rescue Pauline. Once Mario beats DK, the problem gets solved when Pauline told DK what was happening. DK then joins Mario, and Pauline goes to a safe place.
Isn't Pauline an alternate costume for Peach like Daisy? Most Pauline fans believe it is so because Pauline was originally blonde, and the red dress.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
I think people like Dr. Mario and Young Link were just experiments in Melee... to tell the truth I didn't like either very much. -_-

People know Mario, Peach, and Bowser (with Luigi soon, hopefully) well enough to represent the new as well as the old games. Geno, however, represents an obscure point in between, a point that means a lot to gamers such as myself. We need to get some in-between-ers in Brawl, not just NES age or overly popular characters. I agree with you on the fact that this isn't Melee 2.0. :)

I just don't see Paper Mario making the cut, though... I think of them as the same person...

But then again, I saw Young and Old Link as one person in OoT... eh, whatever, I'm not Sakurai. I don't care if a character makes it in, as long as they don't mess with Geno's chances...
To the first part i have to agree with you , Still if sakurai gives them unique movesets and if they are popular it won't matter ;).
As opposed to the "Mario-peach" Arguement i mean by a NEWCOMER Who rep's the "ZOMG MORE PEOPLE NOW IT" And then geno (Which is my point.) And yes we are trying to get a unique cast which is why i think there should be one newcomer that people now for mario and then geno of course , And brawl definantly isn't melee 2.0 :).

As to the same person it doesen't really matter , Like i said it deserves the 6 reps so one for the fanbases and whatnot that want him in then one for the people who don't now about all this stuff (Like my average friends who have played SSBM :p.) Which is perferably a good way to rep the series Newcomer-wise , So that's why i personally think Geno and Paper mario are good choices for that which is a good way to Rep the mario series.
And what i mean by with newcomers is because think about it , The only unlockable one besides luigi Was Dr.mario and he was a let-down , With then geno afterwards ? Yeah people will like him (Well especially if he's good.) But we would also need another one to fill uo Doctor mario's hole (Which is my point ;).) So i don't see the problem in that.

Better then having a filler character like Waluigi.
YES , Daisy for boss! XD.


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
I don't think she is an alt, because she is not a princess and her dress is not poofy or does she look anything like Peach or even her body isn't as similar as Daisy to Peach (breasts ^_^)


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
I don't think she is an alt, because she is not a princess and her dress is not poofy or does she look anything like Peach or even her body isn't as similar as Daisy to Peach (breasts ^_^)
Yeah, I do expect Pauline to have something, not playable, but maybe an AT or a role in the SSE.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Need help with the Vivian sig. Who is good with images? Just want it to look nicer and cleaner


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
"This is his first appearance since that game (due in part to Nintendo and Square patching up old differences). Geno was added as a reference to another title designed by Shigeru Miyamoto, Yoshihiko Maekawa and several others (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars)"

Oh yeah!


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I'm feeling lazy so I don't want to go all the way back to the original quote but what you basically said was "Why do people uplift Mallow and put down Geno?"
Let me start by saying that Mallow was an awesome character and just one of the characters that made SMRPG so memorable. If it were my choice, I'd have both of them playable but, realistically, that's very unlikely...

Geno has several major leg ups on Mallow: he has the developers interest (as shown with his 5 mentions in the Toukeden/Sakurai's journal), he's more in demand, he had more significance to the story of SMRPG, and he's the only original SMRPG character to appear in more then one game. These are the things that basically set them apart.

*The following is theoritical and is basically a worse case scenario*

Now, let's look at the possible petty problem that could break out between third party characters. Suppose both Geno and Mallow were made into playable characters. Despite them both basically being Mario characters and Nintendo categorizing them as such in both the offical Melee and Brawl polls, someone could categorize them as Square Enix characters and possibly create the idea that one third party is being lifted above the others. Square Enix may then be entitled to a larger percentage of the profits then Sega, Konami, etc which, obviously, wouldn't go over well. I'm pretty sure that this is part of deal when third party characters are signed on but I'm not sure if the profit cut is large enough to really create a problem like the one I created but I do consider it in the realm of possibility.

*Okay, now back to the regular stuff*

Regardless of what I've said above, the rule of thumb appears to be set at one character per third party because of what Sakurai said in his journal which was basically, "After Snake, Brawl will have one or two more third party characters... maybe." This could suggest that the final number will be larger but it still doesn't rule out what I've already said. As it seems each playable third party is getting a rep and an AT, this would heavily suggest that if Geno became playable, Mallow wouldn't be too far behind. With this conclusion, the conflict I mentioned before would be avoided entirelly.

To put all I said in a nutshell, Geno's chances are larger then Mallow's because of various circumstances. Still, it's a real shame that it's like this because both of them would have made great fighters and if you think Mallow becoming an AT is bad, it's better then him being a lousy sticker or not even appearing in the game, isn't it?


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
A few things to help Geno along the way.

1. Super Mario RPG on the VC ( Unless it already is)
2. Forest Maze updated as a song.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
And any SMRPG related updates.
We've really only got one so far, the composers list, and that's very indirect.

We really need something a little more related to SMRPG but kinda subtle at the same time, like and item...maybe something like the Lazy Shell, it's act like a red shell, but it would be bigger and jump up at characters when it got close enough, and of course, it'd have the little wings on it too. Perhaps that might be subtle enough for Sakurai's liking.


Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
Item: Lazy Shell

When a player is close enough or if picked up, it will act as armor and make you heavy and unable to get hit off the stage easily!

Snakz add that to the wiki!


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Heh, I just thought of something

If we Geno Alliance were an evil alliance,

we would commit Genocide against our enemies!!!
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