All right, here it is ^^
To bring things back up from the other thread I really had no idea of what was going on haha. All I was doing was just looking at him and trying to hit him. Same goes for my counter picks. I picked stadium because I thought it had the right combination of close blast zones and room for spam and because it's a stage I like in general. Since it didn't work out as good as I was hoping, I went battlefield again because it's another one of my best stages. Overlord was insisting on this too (you can see that in the camera part in between 2nd and 3rd match), hence my pretty face as I was like "HELL YEAH battlefield" :°D. On a side note, you might have noticed I only started grabbing near the end of the 2nd match. This is because one of the commentators suddendly mentioned me not grabbing armada enough and I was like "yeah I got it" and started grabbing from there on :°D.
Gonna do game 1 lol:
0:04- If you tried anything besides another shine there it was a silly idea. Armada would of course react to your jump or predict when Falco can jump out of his shine and Nair there. Waveshining out then Bair'ing or something would have been cool though. apparently Peach can WD OOS past Falco when he's shield pressuring her and dash attack his lag......ROFL so lame. Anyway, I guess mix in more double shines or maybe retreating Dairs so you could still be safe from that lmao.
0:22- You had good movement and pressure going, but you have to be on top of the opponent for the shine to connect. Just out of range =( Maybe a Dtilt would have helped if Armada wasn't CC'ing, otherwise you might have been able to get a grab off or just kinda WD back/wait in some form to react to what he did(if it was dsmash spasm you could punish).
0:28- Came down going way too fast. Don't be so eager to get the hit and instead move sharply but not soo fast that you blow a double jump on a hard prediction. Empty SH to bait reactions and other mixups like that can help a lot. You're invincible, don't forget that. It's a very powerful tool.
0:36- Good combo ideas until that dash attack. Falco isn't fast enough to get that punish with dash attack. Mayyybe Nair or Dair could have gotten it for you but you have to react faster or just not get that nice setup move.
0:51- Got hit because you didn't gtfo the platform asap. Either use it to fall through and scare Peach/the opponent or dash FH off. Your Bair is very good when you fall through a platform with it though, don't forget about that option.
0:55- Fair starts late but it'll hit you early so if Armada starts it early like he does then either hit him before he drops with it or dodge him and punish the landing lag.
1:01- That roll back gave Armada the stage he needed. If you're worried about an approach you could have WD'd back but rolling there just lets him set up that float that kills your momentum so try to avoid it if you can.
1:05- Armada likes to FH Nair OOS after landing with a FC. Don't fall for the bait just because you see a shield. See if you can dash towards him and get that response. Or just wait it out or grab if he starts waiting blah blah mixup game.
1:09- Hitting Peach with Dair when she's airborne but too low % to be in a teching position just gets you *****. You have a ledgehop Dair habit regardless so work on wavelanding onto the stage or the top platform or side B'ing onto the top platform or DJ Fair or other mixups.
1:18- That whole sequence was mad weird lol. I guess maybe you could have SH Bair'd or SH shine wavelanded on the platform to cover the platform land and fall through? Also when you rolled under Peach you might have been able to uptilt but I'm not sure. Either way rolling behind Peach isn't something I normally recommend since Dsmash is so fast and covers both sides lol.
1:42- You were doing well that stock except for that roll. Don't be so quick to do that just because Dsmash comes out quickly and jabs don't have much lag. You want to save your rolls for when you think an approach is coming or at a tricky time to confuse the opponent. Holding shield helps blend that together so if Armada jabbed your shield then you could have FH'd OOS or Dair'd OOS and unless he double jabbed then you would have been safe.
1:48- Can't grab a FC Bair(especially a spaced one) so just try to shield DI away/roll away/jump away/other things depending on what the Peach likes to do afterward. Oh also you got hit more earlier because you missed techs(not the platform though that was a good tech to miss lol).
1:51- Got hit because you took too long getting situated. Recognize the situation before rolling when Peach wasn't floating but also wasn't moving like she would hit you(when you rolled back you did it instinctively even though you were safe from a human standpoint). Also the laser itself, just not enough time for it really. You should have wavelanded onto the platform after a second so Armada didn't react to it right away like he does lol. Kind of a really player-specific thing. XD
1:55- Could have uptilted or maybe Dair'd again or something else(funky like upsmash???) after that jab. Dsmash wouldn't have sent Peach at a low enough angle to edgeguard since you were on the top platform anyway.
1:58- Hit his shield with a weak Bair when he retreated to a platform. That doesn't accomplish anything....think about why you would Bair there. You want to hit him not his shield right? So you have to change up when you Bair or just get on the platform and hit him or something similar to that haha. Don't give him free outs when he should be scared though.
2:10- Could have upsmashed or waited a second then approached with a laser so you didn't get Nair *****. Shame too because you were doing some cool stuff there.
2:15- I feel like you could have Uair'd sooner or side B'd a little later and hit him and maybe gotten something out of it(at least an edgecancel on the side B so you could have killed him?).
2:21- He jumped up so you could have side B'd to the platform.
2:37- Same Armada thing he's been hitting for eons lol. When you see his shield don't just go at it right away. Peach can only dash attack or FC to approach(without a turnip) so if he shields then recognize his disadvantage but don't try to capitalize on it right away because Armada knows this too and likes to go backwards quickly to play on people's sight reactions. You can decide how to punish this best but the most obvious answer is overshooting your moves.
Then you get standard Armada comboed by missing techs and holding shield beside him for a free Dsmash and you die.
Overall not a bad game. You made some great plays dude and I'm stealin some ideas. =p
Me vs Hack
Me vs Zgetto
Me vs Ice
Was gonna be reviewing these myself so I thought I might as well get some tips from the marth killers (Aldwyn, Zhu and PP I'm looking at you

So yeah, I thought I played well in all of these sets besides my punishment game lacking (combos,tech chases,edge guards) and a few technical mishaps. I think its mainly because I've been focusing on evolving the Yoshi metagame but I'd greatly appreciate it if you have any tips for upping your consistency.
Aldwyn, I'll give you some tips later too, I have a LOT of practice vs Armada and was really hoping to play him in WFs lol. Oh well.
I got you game 1 vs Ice:
0:05- I know why you shot that laser but it's quite a risk especially if they don't fall through the platform and aerial. I suggest sticking to Bairs to threaten or weaving in and out of that range Marth can come off of the platform at you and baiting a swipe to punish. You could have actually uptilted after that laser you shot to hit Ice I think so that's an interesting setup as well if you want to use that.
0:06?- Don't run at him after getting hit by him either(usually). Unless you wanted to like laser after a retreat since he swiped you(possible) then you shouldn't chase Marth unless you want to dash attack to reverse momentum when you get stunned(kinda like you were but you were a little too far away to get that I think). Marth will chase you if he hits you and thinks he can get another swipe/grab(usually grab) off after hitting you once so avoid the grab/Fsmash and you're fine to counterattack.
0:07- Did the noob spotdodge after teching lol. As hard as it is you have to not do that because Marths looooove grabbing after it(then you mix it in on some of them and piss em off lol but most will just look for that so just sit in shield or hit them lol it's funny).
0:15- You need to laser more so he can't just come in and hit you. You seemed kind of lost here but you need to remember that lasers are required vs Marth because his range is greater than yours and so is his speed so you threatening with Bair is no good even if you have stage control. You also could have hit him first technically I guess haha but you locked yourself into a silly movement pattern and got ***** for it.
0:21- If Marth takes the edge that easily then wavelanding off of it is a death sentence at times. Just enjoy your stage while they try to get past your moves and lasers returning.
0:28- Don't land so close to Marth.....right there lol. You need to be grounded when he is so you can react to whatever he does/bait it well. If he's there first and close to you then he can hit you like he did. Just fall down towards the middle with a laser so you can still pressure him and ride your momentum that way.
0:31- Get thrown because you just jump out and then back into pressure. You're probably better off just taking the top platform if you have to go above Marth at all to avoid getting swatted or DD grabbed in that case.
0:36- You could have Nair'd probably. Anything to hit Marth up again to give you another chance to combo/edgeguard is better than missing. Being below Marth is amazing because your Bair ***** his everything and you can empty hop to threaten with it and there are lots of ways to abuse that weakness so just hit Marth up if you can't directly combo him.
0:41- No psychic Fsmashes lol not worth it(maybe if you charged it some first since his shield was getting small). Shield pressure or grabs are safer(or shine grab lol that would've gone well for you).
0:42- You might have been able to laser to regain some control but if not then try not to commit to something as big as dash attack unless you're POSITIVE Marth is going to run at you a little more before swinging because if not you're making a huge risky move. Bairs are pretty good at throwing Marth off just don't get obvious with them. Ftilt is a pretty good gtfo move that no one uses defensively anymore either.
0:54- Jumped off the edge too quickly. You were still invincible so you could have waited a little longer to see if Marth up-B right away. Waiting until he was past the point of auto grabbing the edge would have helped you drop down shine to something him as well.
1:10- Once again, you don't really win the non-lasers DD game lol, so that's why I say shoot a lot vs Marth. If you must just approach, then try to overshoot the Nair more so Marth doesn't get that free grab. Make him adapt some at least lol.
1:15- Watch for edge cancels....not sure what else to say about that because I think I'd get hit too lol just be aware that Marth likes free swings so if you think he'll edgecancel then bait the following Fair/DJ Fair to punish.
1:18- Played on a platform without looking at the opponent's reactions. If you're goofing around there and he's coming up then you either need to shield or get away. If Marth comes up you ideally want to go down past him from a side and **** his weakness from below(especially with no jumps). Just watch how your opponent responds to your movement and understand why they would be afraid or not afraid of it/would challenge it.
1:21- Double jumped into Marth's Uair. Just get off that top platform dude it's not worth it with him jumping up there so much lol. You could just SH to a side one and be fine because he keeps Uair'ing you here.
Yeah falling through the top platform(any platform) got you ***** a lot. Be sure you understand platforms vs Marth and how to abuse them/how to abuse Marth once he tries to hit you on them. Try to get him to come up and then get to a side to hit him or pressure his landing. You could also scare him on the ground by falling through with a laser/bair/Dair so that's a potent mixup game there, just make sure you're not always double jump FF'ing through them lol.
1:30- Wait a half second to make sure they shield before going to pressure them....unless you wanted to catch Marth trying to run lol. That was an odd response that, like most of your problems so far, could have been beaten by waiting half a second to see whether it was safe to execute or not.
1:34- Don't commit so hard so fast to the DJ Bair. If you had waited just a second longer you would have hit Ice because he airdodged back after seeing you already where he was going to be. You only need to hit once before the invincibility doesn't matter anymore so use it all if you have to.
1:35- NOOOOOOOOO don't do that lol. Being above Marth is a bad idea but trying to hit him when you're above him is USUALLY worse. It can work out in your favor but as aggressive as you were being Ice just let you come to him. You have to trick Marth if you want to come down on him like that(can be good but super risky). Just go to the left side or drop straight down to try and get below him to have some kind of advantage.
Alright I've written a ton for you already....I'm done lol. Lemme know if you wanna talk about this more. =p
me vs fox, dont usually get footage against fox, havent watched it yet so if it's bad then yeah
anyone can help :D
game 1:
0:16- Not a bad Nair but Fox had been moving OOS quickly(usually rolling) after most of your laser approaches so you should have faked or waited a second to see what he did and if you could punish. Would've gotten you a combo there.
0:20- Delayed the Dair a little more or just hit the tougher L-cancel timing. Also you could have CC'd the earlier Nair and shine comboed.
0:24- Don't hold in so far and FF for a sec to make sure you can still turnaround grab.
0:29- Don't roll right away. In that case you could have pressured the run away with laser OOS. Also it's just a bad habit to roll right away.
0:32- Don't uptilt after Dair'ing a shield. Need to shine. Also in that case you hit the shield way too high so you just should have moved after Dair'ing it so you can reset(in this case punish the move OOS).
0:46- where are you going lol
1:01- Nice kill....I feel like you worked on what I suggested you do for FF'ers in combos well. =)
1:09- Your life could have been easier if you shine grabbed in there but that's nit picky and it can still work lol. You should have wavelanded on the side platform to continue pressure with a fall through aerial like Mango does though instead of going mad high and ending the pressure string.
1:14- Could have punished the spotdodge with something different but it was a high laser anyway so I'm not sure what it was for...? Just shield afterward though because Fox will be able to act before you and you wouldn't get Bair'd then anyway haha.
1:18- Make sure Fox is still there when you do the double shines lol. Your pressure must be adaptive and most of this match you just do a waveshine to double shine and it hasn't gotten you anything. Mix in shine grabs and aerials and I think it will help your pressure game a ton.
1:24- Don't jump up there to challenge Nair with Bair, it wasn't the right angle(Bair sticks out to the side kinda). Just land and punish the landing lag on the Nair.
1:29- Don't jump up so high to laser by the edge. You could have Fox run over there in 2 seconds to kill you with no jump. Be careful using the DJ as a spacie. Also punish the rolls lol.
1:32- fsmash? Ehhh remember he's moving out of shield asap so you might have more luck with turnaround Bair or just wait and react to whatever he does(like that Nair). Could have just uptilted the Nair btw.
1:37- Dtilt might have been good if Fox wasn't always moving OOS every time you touched it....make sure to get something off of your pressure! If he's always rolling then hit his shield and wait to see where he goes to chase!
1:41- Going high then floating back to the edge is great because if they whiff then they're usually not spaced to hit you sweetspotting the edge from the side(like that Dsmash would've missed).
1:57- Super telegraphed high hitting Dair. Very bad. Be sure to delay your Dairs on shield or you'll get shined OOS(or worse in the case of that one). If you want to stop Fox's jump then Dair just on the edge of the platform it'll beat his Nair still and you won't do a bad Dair into his shield. Don't do both at the same time though lol.
2:05- Fine combo until you tried to shine after the Uair. The Uair might have been fine but you should have done it a little sooner(odd though that doesn't usually happen lol). Anyway yeah just wait out the jump and then uptilt/Bair the falling aerial that Fox likes to keep doing(some Foxes may airdodge or DI away and Bair so be ready to beat that as well).
2:14- Nair was telegraphed(done too far away) and not FF'd so it was weak and didn't stun long in addition to see coming. Be sure to do your shield pressure aerials closer so you can FF them and you're close enough to actually connect with the shine grab(which you also missed because the Fox moves/rolls every time you touch his shield once again lol).
2:19- Just because you whiffed an aerial doesn't mean you have to shield. Just keep moving and try to Bair through the platform or shine Fox's landing lag(those things work). Shielding after an aerial is a pretty rough thing to do with a spacie lol so make sure you keep moving and only do those moves if you think you'll hit the opponent/pressure them.
2:21- Double lasered onto the platform? Only laser high like that if you shoot Fox on the ground first(that's what Shiz and Chops did anyway they shot low then high after because the opponent usually jumped to escape). Low lasers stop the initial approach so they're the most crucial.
2:26- Don't do that Nair lol. Lasering across the stage to anything rarely works so make your intentions less obvious.