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The NW Thread Next Fest 9th September !!!! BACK IN BUSINESS !!!

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
i dunno pro, he really is sick but he hasnt too much tourney exp. i really dont wanna say much more, he is coming to gt2, decide for yourself then plox. All ill say is dont go to sleep on him lol, and youll see why he finished 4th when you see the matches rofl

Singles results.

1 AmcD
2 Jo3
3 Kone
4 Tuna
5 Ant
5 Tamoo
7 Blinky
7 Ben
9 Shadows
9 Cookie
loool Disgraceful on Ben's behalf.

And i'm not gonna sleep on him cos I play properly in a tournament regardless, im just saying that if You, Kone and AmcD placed above him at this event then he definitely is not a threat AND definitely is not gonna place top 5 lol.

But still i'm sure he is pretty good so it's still good he placed well and poor on everyonelse behalf for letting him :)

loved the fest :D
first time really playing under pressure and omg i wass crippled, especially in crews :x
Yeah it has big time at everyoneones first event.
It's a type of pressure you can't really expect to feel when you go to this event even though you might kinda have an idea but you'll never know until you're there.

The annoying thing is that it's a constant pressure which don't fade away, unless you're blantanly in control of the match lol.

wow amcd is a monster
Yeah what a monster to place above Jo3 and Kone :O :O :O

How did Ben get 4th at London when he's placing lower than Tamoo in this:confused:
Ben seems to be failing at this event, he's gonna have to step it game up and imma do it for him this saturday.

Did Tamoo go peach at this event since i've heard some funny things about his peach lol?

VA: Tuna decided to go pichu in his last game against me and jiggs in his last game against ed. he probably shouldnt have lost to either of us. plus his falcon is scary and sooo good. SOOOOOO GOOD

The fact that it went to the last game in the first place is enough to know that he isn't a threat lol.

Might sound cocky but it is kinda true, but of course I know you just like the fact that he could potentially take on the top people which is kinda nice to think, but not realistic from those results.


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
Pro, i know how cocky you are and yes you have a point. He is so much fun to play haha and who knows how much hes taken away from playing us, he had never played a decent peach before and learnt the match up in a day lol. regardless of what happens it wont matter to him, hes too nice a guy.

i will say this, youll get ***** by THE GALLOP!!!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2008
Scarsdale, NY
So yall know, I play every character but, unfortunately, falcon is too fun and I can't put him down. Its too bad he's sooooooooooooooooo bad and gets ***** by all the top tiers z__z

Shout outs and ****:

Awwwesome weekend, really fun. Good **** from all you guys :D
I'm actually really glad I got to play a bunch of peach players, since no one back home that I play with really does. Jiggs too, but jiggs is crazy gay :(

Ahah Joe our set was soo goodly ********. The shield break and then the Pichu heartbreak :( The one time my rat fails me is in tournament daaaaaaamn.

Tamoo, Purple **** was beastly ahah. The ending with me vs. joe was so gay in the first set, but you had some crazy saves during our matches.

Kone, it was definitely a mistake to try to pull a fast one on you and go gay with jiggs just because it worked on Alan once. Peach players' styles are too different and goofy. Either way, you're a cool mother****er with some hilarious stories. Was good meeting you :D

AmcD is **** good, you guys don't do him justice *slap on the wrists*. "The Alan"....oh god so annoying.

My goal is top 5, but it's definitely possible that I'll succumb to pressure along the way. I'm not usually a confident player, but I'll say that I think I could get there. Regardless, I hope to play VA, Prof, Edwin, and the rest of the top tier UKers, and hopefully get ***** in a Falcon ditto with Fuzzyness :DD

PS: I'm still looking for a teams partner for GT2 -- If anyone's interested just lemme know somehow (post here or PM or whatever). I can play whoever in teams.


Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
Pro, i know how cocky you are and yes you have a point. He is so much fun to play haha and who knows how much hes taken away from playing us, he had never played a decent peach before and learnt the match up in a day lol. regardless of what happens it wont matter to him, hes too nice a guy.

i will say this, youll get ***** by THE GALLOP!!!
lol I guess THE GALLOP is some combo or something or some gay approach lol.

And i'm pretty sure he is a decent player, he ain't taking away enough for him to beat the best players despite him prob taking alot.

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
I think it would have been better if it was more faster play.

And not simple combos like Uthrow Dair or Fair edgeguards cos I hate seeing those things in combo videos lol.

But yeah it was just a bit tooo slow for me


Smash Journeyman
Dec 21, 2008
Edinburgh, Scotland
Omg the gallop is going to reck lol XD

This fest has given me a really good insight into the community based on what was discussed and generally getting *****(although i did pull out some fun wins ;P).
This is definetly the most ive learned over the weekend in freaking ages lool.


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
God this fest was the ****, thanks a lot for hosting guys :)

Joe - great hosting man, and **** you've improved tonnes, I def didn't get to play u as much as I'd like to have done, and really didn't do myself justice in the two matches we did play. I'll def make it up to the next one of these.
Ant - cheers for the housing man, ur carpet is actually the BEST thing ever. And **** ur infinite patience, I'll show u infinite patience next time lool.
tuna - man you were a hell of a lot better than I imagined you'd be. ICG will def be happy with ur tournament pichu showing ;). Was great teaming with ya too ofc, hope you get a **** partner for yourself at gt2.
Alan - well done on winning, you absolutely stormed that ironman haha. Def didn't get enough games with you either but next nw event I guess.
Ben - unlucky on all your placings man, and don't give a **** about what ppl say man, use ur doc of it will give you the best chance in a matchup. I must admit, sone of the things you said, particularly bout ants jiggs right to his face surprised me a bit and was a bit dissapointing to hear but I can understand the stresses of really wanting to beat your good friends.
Blinky - I was actually really impressed with you, really enjoyed our matches cos we we both playing matches we enjoy a lot and it showed. I fear if I hadn't been practising di tonnes, you wouldve absolutely ***** me in the crews haha.
Shiftingshadows - nice to finally actually meet you, def an up and coming falcon that could go far from what I saw, especially enjoyed watching you beat Joe haha. See you at my place I guess :)
fortunecookie - same goes to you, I saw loads of improvement from when we played at the beginning of the day to the end which is always good to see. Play jiggs with Josh and start torape that matchup. Also ur techskill was WTF good lol.
Ed - really didn't get to play you at all, will def make it to whenever you decide to host in April and good **** on getting 3rd!
George - massive fail man, you coulda made ironman run perfectly :(

I'll get onto cutting up vods etc tonight, and hopefully upload all tournament matches onto the uk channel tomorrow. Then I'll upload all theisc friendliest and stuff onto my channel later on.


Smash Master
Sep 14, 2006
Manchester, Great Britain
if you dont like it then **** off, its simple.

'hey ima negative **** tard, so ill keep my opinion to myself so not to piss people off'

that entire combo video was done in one 3 hour session rofl. Wheres your combo video professor prick?

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
No, if I don't like it I will say 'This combo video is not good' and then I will *** off :)
I will express my opinion as I always do and esp in a situation where credit is given to something where it is not due lol.

And my combo video is not being done yet due to me not having possession of my footage, but don't worry, it will be ten times better then that.

What about your combo video, you have all that footage with Coey, you must of pulled out some basic stuff by now :confused:

Tamoo - Who did you play during the tournament.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2007
Had a really good time, was good to play smash after an almost 2 month gap lol. May as well do shoutouts:

Jo3 - Thanks for hosting, it was great. Your fox was on fire, doing really well against amcd.

Aiko - Thanks for housing, always great to see/play you. You did really well, really pulled out that trump card well. Even when I feel like I've improved just enough to get that extra progress vs you, you will always improve enough to prove me wrong lol.

Amcd - Even when hungover you destroy people, lol. Congrats on winning...everything lol.

Tuna - You were much better than I thought, although its not like I had anything to base my assumptions on lol. You really are good with loads of different character. Congrats on your placings, you did well.

Tamoo - Our matches were great fun, I enjoyed them loads. You've improved alot loads since we last played, but once again you just get the game up on me when it matters. Crews and singles were both really good games, I can't help but feel it could have gone either way depending on the stage select. Can't wait to play you at gt2, and see the vids you recorded here.

Bullet Bill - Was great seeing you again, hope you make it back safely as it's quite a trip. I actually learnt quite a bit playing against you. Don't let the positions or peoples comments get to you. Although, team fire emblem will always beat team triforce lol.

ShiftingShadows - Your falcon is crazy considering how long you've played, you have alot of potential. Hope you enjoyed the weekend, and hope to see you at gt2.

Fortune Cookie - Your fox caught me off guard at first, your tech skill was surprisingly good and consistent. Hopefully you gained alot from this weekend and enjoyed it too. I can't wait to see how much you've improved at gt2.

Kone - Why haven't we played yet?!!! Was good to see you anyway.

Yeniths - FLAKE!!!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 21, 2008
Edinburgh, Scotland
I finally get round to the shoutouts (yes i forgot :p)

Just to clarify the fest was too good. Its only the 2nd one ive been to but this one was PROPER.

Jo3 - brilliant host and housing man. That fox is looking shiny compared to ph2. U gotta get iron hands though thats my advice to you XD. Lol im kidding, all of your tips and advice was very helpful. GGs at ironman ESPECIALLY ;P

Aiko - awsome co-host, we love the professionality XD. The Roy rivalry is gonna be fir3y >:D ggs. Ive also found out what games you play apart from melee to gtfback from liverpool and get on msn. Your advice was also much appreciated.

Acmd - Gtfo with the grabbing **** XD. I love ur accent lolz and hate ur peach ^_^. Im kidding its very nice and fun to play, being a falcon. Gratz on the overall ****.

Tamoo - it was good to meet ya. Thanks for agreeing to house us later on this month, much appreciated. Your jiggs (lmao i almost put juggs) is really nice, and unpredictable. The pause matches were ****ing hilarious to watch..we have to play some of those at urs!

Blinky - shiek is my specialty lool what can i say ;P. That marth is quite nice though D: we all suck at the marth match up.

Bill - ive played tuna's doc before but it was much different playing someone who mained him. Its a shame we didnt get to play that much.

Kone - lol grampa peach ur such a good laugh mate. Hilarious. I totally freaked when u pulled that bob-omb. Unfortunatly we didnt get to play much either.

FortuneCookie - me main man! I saw so much improvement over just that one day, nice effort. We gonna take team chit to the top..one day =D.


Tuna - stop hating on falcon. Heratic. Its gonna suck when you go back home but u should definetly start going to tourneys and getting some confindence and experiance for when u REVISIT THE UK :D. See you later on this week

Yep so ill see you ALL at gt2 right? Your all so good, the fest gas given me a good perspective on the scene.

Shadows out

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
good fest everyone. Bit disappointed at my results and got way too stressed out as usual :(. Was def rly good seeing everyone again esp Tuna. Calling everything **** is rly funny for some reason.

Gonna have to step it up next time!!!!!

btw Joe I have to say I'm impressed with when you were on fire in the 1st of the finals!

Don't fall for the **** :confused:


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2008
Scarsdale, NY

So many people fell for the Pichu **** :D But not when it counted :( Well, I guess it counted in ironman :D *******s didn't let me switch from him at the end :(


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2008
Scarsdale, NY
Ahaha it was so annoying that match. For some reason, I couldnt shield grab you out of your BS u-tilt strings, and I kept trying but just kept getting stuck in shield...and then.... :(((((((((((((((

For some reason though, I've got newfound confidence and am gonna devote a lot of my time getting better at the gay falcon matchups. I feel like im gonna learn to love FD also. I just wish I had a good marth to practice against consistently here, considering that there's a good chance I'll encounter 1 or 2 or 100 during GT2. After thinking about it, I think I have a fairly good handle on the peach matchup now, and if I lose to peach in tournament its not because I don't know the matchup, but because I'll have been outplayed. Spacies are gay, but the gallop will pull through...it has to :D

Get some Marth players down here z__z


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2003
Cheers joseph or having me over. Say thankyou/apologise to your housemates or having us around and the level of noise etc. Really wish I hadnt had that baileys on top of the lager lol. Made me feel like ****e all day sunday and I had to drive to birmingham, go out with kates family for sunday lunch then try back to sunderland. What a douche :embarrass:(

On a smash related note it was really nice to hang out with everyone. I headed up last minute cos I was missing my joey poos but was cool to hang out with everyone else and meet alan, tuna, josh and fortune properly ( howd you spell your name dude?). Nice to meet tam aswell at last and shame you guys had to head of. Im sure we will hang out more oten when im in Brum.

Smash wise I was obviously well chuffed with my third. I aint touched melee since August last year when I went to Holland (except a handul of games here and there). Was pleased to beat ant, tuna and ben and believe I deserved each set. I also disagree with joe and reckon I had tuna either way ;). Joe absolutely ***** me though and I was lucky not to be caught with my pants down on a few occassions.

As you said when I was there joe I need to seriously update my peach. At the moment it is rusty, sloppy and out dated. Hopefully when I get myself to Birmingham and can start playing people regularly, going to london monthlies and holding my own this will happen. Its now been over two yearss since I had the ability to play melee consistantly :urg:

Also shifting your going to be the new Z ;)

Ben i love your doc

Btw to tam, andy and anyone that wanted to play friendlies I apoligse. I really dont like playing to much smash at these things and like to socialise aswell. Plus, I get blisters on mt humbs really easily and by the end of singles was inding it painful to do anything quickly with peachy poos :(. Which means that I just dont enjoy playing cos I cant do what I want to do!


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
prof- thank you for the honesty :p that video wasnt meant to be serious, i dont believe i used the words combo video myself at all. it was more of a semi serious gameplay video just to get to grips with the software i was using and just to show some of the individuality i think that my luigi has. joe is just being really biased on my behalf. i ddnt dare to call it a combo video.

charles - thanks for adding your 2 cents too. if you do watch it again try and realise me and joe were more and more stoned as those matches went on, and mostly its just a laugh.

be over critical if you want thats fair enough, but if i wanted all my best footage up there i wouldnt have uploaded it before a tournament ;) also that was 3 months ago nearly, i feel everytime i get to play someone my luigi progress' leaps and bounds.

lastly sorry i couldnt make this and see all you guys, i was in bed for 9 30 sat night cause i ws off my box friday. chatted up a storm of ****. im really gonna try to make gt2 so i hope i see you all there.

wots of wuv



Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2008
Scarsdale, NY
Cheers joseph or having me over. Say thankyou/apologise to your housemates or having us around and the level of noise etc. Really wish I hadnt had that baileys on top of the lager lol. Made me feel like ****e all day sunday and I had to drive to birmingham, go out with kates family for sunday lunch then try back to sunderland. What a douche :embarrass:(

On a smash related note it was really nice to hang out with everyone. I headed up last minute cos I was missing my joey poos but was cool to hang out with everyone else and meet alan, tuna, josh and fortune properly ( howd you spell your name dude?). Nice to meet tam aswell at last and shame you guys had to head of. Im sure we will hang out more oten when im in Brum.

Smash wise I was obviously well chuffed with my third. I aint touched melee since August last year when I went to Holland (except a handul of games here and there). Was pleased to beat ant, tuna and ben and believe I deserved each set. I also disagree with joe and reckon I had tuna either way ;). Joe absolutely ***** me though and I was lucky not to be caught with my pants down on a few occassions.

As you said when I was there joe I need to seriously update my peach. At the moment it is rusty, sloppy and out dated. Hopefully when I get myself to Birmingham and can start playing people regularly, going to london monthlies and holding my own this will happen. Its now been over two yearss since I had the ability to play melee consistantly :urg:

Also shifting your going to be the new Z ;)

Ben i love your doc

Btw to tam, andy and anyone that wanted to play friendlies I apoligse. I really dont like playing to much smash at these things and like to socialise aswell. Plus, I get blisters on mt humbs really easily and by the end of singles was inding it painful to do anything quickly with peachy poos :(. Which means that I just dont enjoy playing cos I cant do what I want to do!
You definitely earned the win against me :D It's a shame you're not going to GT2, I'm sure you'd make a great dubs partner. Still searching for one z__z

I wanted some friendlies with you as well to sort of understand yet another peach style, but it's cool (and rare actually, haha) that you don't like to over do it at these types of things.

Also, yes, shifting is gonna be the new Z :D It's annoying actually, I keep wanting to call him SS...
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