Oracle Link
Smash Master
True I also think the Way Windwaker handled the whole let go of the PAst Bit Makes Sense (Unlike some things i hear nowadays)It should be called Pokémon Dimensions then.
Wind Waker feels so conclusive and final for a Zelda game, as if it was everything the series (or at least Ocarina of Time and on) was working towards.
In fact, it's so conclusive and final, that in hindsight, it feels like anything short of a big reboot or retool would feel unnecessary with Wind Waker's "let go of the past" message. It pretty much gimped any chance for the usual Zelda tropes to be played again and be received well. I think this is a major reason why the games after it and before ALBW or BotW are so divisive, as they do feel like unnecessary followups/prequels to things that didn't need any more.
Like Link and The regular Enemys and Bosses would all still be on the Table While they get rid of Hyrule, Sorta Zelda and Ganondorf three Things That are 100% NOT Required for a Zelda Game!
Like Nowadays it seems like people rather kick out Link than any of the Other Things which just baffles me i mean link is the LINK to the Zelda World while Hyrule is just a small Piece of zeldas world, Zeldas Basically a Macguffin and Ganondorf is not in every game!