- The loss of the Virtual Console come March (and come this August as far as practicality) is one of the single greatest losses when it comes to game preservation and everyone who came to the decision to close it should not only be ashamed, but be rightfully branded as an enemy of preservation. A streaming service that will inevitably die in a decade or less is not at all a substitute for actually owning the games, and never will be.
- It's also not a coincidence that the closure was announced not long after the Nintendo Switch Online service came under fire. "Oh, they want to complain about our subpar offerings? Well, time to cut them off from the Virtual Console." The exorbitant price they're asking for the premium service shouldn't just give you N64 games (those should be in the base package). At that price it should give you access to the entire Switch library plus at least one first year Switch title, but Nintendo values their name brand far too much to do something as basic as that, and it sucks.
- The fact that the Mario franchise is basically synonymous with the concept of video games and yet literally every important human character is white is something that isn't called out nearly enough, especially when Nintendo tries to brush the fact that Daisy was whitewashed after the N64 era under the rug.
- Tierno is a great character, actually, but tons of Pokémon fans seem to think a character can only be allowed to exist if they're good at battling. There's more to the franchise's world than battling. Get over it.
- EarthBound is an absolute chore to play and is very unfun. Mother 3 thankfully rectified this.
- Speaking of Mother 3, the fact that there's a massive overlap between the crowds who whine about games "being too political" if there's anything even slightly progressive in them and the crowds who clamor for Nintendo to release Mother 3 in the west will always be funny to me. It's literally a game that takes overtly progressive stances on, like, everything. Pro-environmentalism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism. The invention of money literally leads to societal downfall. One of the lead characters is a disabled man and the most powerful character in the party is a tomboyish young woman. If it were released for the first time today, all of Those Kinds of People would decry it as "woke SJW propaganda" on their hate platform of choice, but a good portion of them, today, are instead begging for it to be released. It's a very funny sort of irony. Anyway play Mother 3 it's a wonderful game.
- Book IV of Fire Emblem Heroes had a better story than any of the three GBA titles but people are not ready for that conversation. The Sacred Stones would have surpassed it if Ephraim didn't exist and drag the story down as much as he does.
- Crimson Flower is the best of Three Houses's four paths and the absolute best future for Fódlan as a whole, by far.
- A future Genealogy of the Holy War remake should NOT homogenize the gold and trading systems to match the rest of the franchise.
- Isabelle is, all around, a much better character than Tom Nook. On the other hand, the fandom's portrayal of Tom Nook as this crooked mob boss type of character is something that should have died off in, at the latest, 2008.
- ARMS is significantly more fun than Splatoon.
- There are numerous series revivals I'd like to see, but the most common ones requested by fans are nowhere near the top of my list. Give me a follow-up to Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. or new entries for The Legendary Starfy or Hotel Dusk before a new Star Fox, Golden Sun, or F-Zero.