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The new Ridley for SSBB thread =-Version 3.0-=

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Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Everyone ignores my on-topic post.... I still say Omega Ridley FS would be awesome, imagine Ridley... but more Blue and More Powerfull!.


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Shuma would that be as a transformation a la Giga Bowser or would he turn into Omega Ridley do a massive attack and then transform back? If it's the latter then I'm fine with that but if it's just another transform then I would pass on that.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
I think it cud be both, of course Omega Ridley wouldn't be as huge as Giga Bowser, he could be fast and very powerfull, bassically insta-KO FS like Mario's. Or he could turn into Omega Ridley jump float above the stage and spray the whole stage with Phazon, causing great damage over time.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I'm starting to see that EVERYONE wants their favorite character to transform. I'm getting kinda annoyed. C'mon people, we can do better than this.

How about Ridley gets some sort of aimable super mouth-blast. He could position himself on the ground, totally sprawled out trying to keep his ground, then he opens his mouth, it charges, and he spits out a skinny but powerful charge-beam. If you tilt up and down on the control-stick he aims his mouth up and down (starting from 0* to about maybe 70-80*). How does that sound?

It would be acceptionally skinny (about the size of Kirby from head-to-toe) but its upside would be its sick pushback and high damage (if you can manage to keep it on your opponents, that is.)


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2007
Atlanta, GA
I'm leaning more towards a massive phazon attack than I am to a transformation because every transform seems to backfire except for Giga Bowser and the Landmaster.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
I think the "Phazon Rain" would be better, come on, he jums sprays the arena with Phazon, turns back into Ridley, he is not injured by Phazon instead he becomes stronger while touching the Phazon(represented by a blue glow), the other characters are damaged and get slower, easy kills.


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2007
Atlanta, GA
I think the "Phazon Rain" would be better, come on, he jums sprays the arena with Phazon, turns back into Ridley, he is not injured by Phazon instead he becomes stronger while touching the Phazon(represented by a blue glow), the other characters are damaged and get slower, easy kills.
When you say get stronger do you mean his attacks do more damge and knockback or does he recover damage.

@Dyce- I don't think that's from a game but if it was it would probably be Corruption.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
When you say get stronger do you mean his attacks do more damge and knockback or does he recover damage.

@Dyce- I don't think that's from a game but if it was it would probably be Corruption.
Nope, I played through all three corruption games over the summer. It definitely wasn't in any of the Prime games, especially Corruption.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
I thought that Sakurai was not using the Prime series for reference? :confused:
So far it may seem that way, but it's not officially known if there's some Prime-related stuff that just hasn't been revealed yet or not.

Meh. I'm fine with either result, as long as Ridley's playable in some form, though I just thought it wouldn't hurt to update the 1st post of this thread with MP3 stuff just for the hey of it. :p

just laugthing with you....

Oh, but that would have to be Mecha Ridley.
Um, no. There's also the brown, organic Ridley that you fight before Mother Brain (in Zero Mission).

He's the dumbest and ugliest Ridley. Nevermind, Sakurai won't use that. He'll probably use the regular purple Ridley.
Well, I agree about Mecha being the dumbest "version" of Ridley and what not, but technically speaking, Mecha Ridley isn't the real Ridley. Just an experimental security robot that the Pirates made based on him.

Thus, I have to doubt they'd even have Mecha as an alt costume. :ohwell:

Hay Guize. So Ridley. I hear he's gay.
You heard wrong then. A creature whose the last of his kind can't be homosexual, since (in Ridley's case) there's no other male space dragons for him to have sexual intercourse with.

Oh! You meant gay as the immature derogatory insult?

Grow up.

Ridley then contracts the X virus, is blown to pieces, is remade, absorbs mass amounts of Phazon, and is encased in a mech armor suit.

SSE Final Boss: Omega Meta Mecha Ridley X

with a gun?


Of course, in real combat, Ridley relies on his own natural defenses, rather than any fabricated weapon (such as a gun). His strength combined with his razor sharp talons, extendable tail, and plasma projection ability makes any form of weaponry unnecesary in a battle, as Ridley practically is a weapon himself =) (though I have to admit, the ida of Ridley having an arm cannon on one of his arms would be pretty neat, in a way).

Omega Meta Mecha Super Ridley X II Turbo: Hyper Edition HD with a gun.beam sword, the force and he may throw bombs or something...
Darth Ridley? :p

Ridley's brothers are Skeletor and Godzilla.
Along with Apocalypse (the character).

Obviously since Chuck Norris is obvious awesome even though he's a ****ty actor and failed against Bruce Lee.
Uh, it was a movie that he fought Bruce Lee in (a cheesy 70's one at that), not real life. -_- He was paid to lose against him. Chuck Norris was the bad guy in that movie (Way of the Dragon or whatever), so of course he was going to lose. If Bruce Lee had played the role of the bad guy, he would've lost too.

And there's nothing wrong with Chuck's acting.

Of course, but that proves
Proves nothing. It was only a movie that he fought Bruce in. They were acting. It wasn't real. End of story.

The jokes were originally stolen from the original Vin Diesal jokes, which praises another ****ty actor
Going by the majority's/critics' opinion, their acting is far more superior than you give it credit for.

and person at life
I really doubt you know anything about Chuck's or Diesal's personal lives that would/might make them failures.

just pointing out Chuck Norris as a major failure in life for his ****ty movies and TV show
And how does having successful movies and TV show (for the time they were made) make him a failure? :rolleyes:

along with him trying to pretend to be Bruce Lee.
I don't think being an 8th degree Black Belt and what not really counts as "pretending" to be someone else, especially not one who already passed away.

Everyone ignores my on-topic post.... I still say Omega Ridley FS would be awesome, imagine Ridley... but more Blue and More Powerfull!.
About the ignoring part, I just didn't really have much to say about it in particular since the idea of Omega Ridley being Ridley's final smash has been brought up dozens of times before, so I'd just be repeating myself...

As for being more blue, uh... there's the Ridley-X costume for that. :p I like the light-blue Phazite armor on Ridley (during both fights with him in Corruption) more-so anyway.

I think the "Phazon Rain" would be better, come on, he jums sprays the arena with Phazon, turns back into Ridley, he is not injured by Phazon instead he becomes stronger while touching the Phazon(represented by a blue glow), the other characters are damaged and get slower, easy kills.
Nice... now that I definitely wouldn't mind. :)

Or... Ridley's final smash could be some sort of martial arts technique (sort of like the ones that the 2 Kung-Fu Pirates use in Super Metroid, but on a much more extreme scale) that only Zebesian Dragons can learn/use, which then after the opponent's damaged a bit, Ridley then deals the final blow by unleashing his plasma breath at "full power".

p.s. If they were able to make Captain Falcon's moveset from scratch (completely) in SSB 64, then surely they could come up with such a thing for Ridley.

Nope, I played through all three corruption games over the summer. It definitely wasn't in any of the Prime games, especially Corruption.
You're right. The "Phazon rain" is still an awesome idea though.

Blame Gypsy ;)
If it was Gypsy who deleted both O D I N's R.I.D.L.E.Y. account and mine, then I have to be honest as to say he really crossed the line there. >_> I didn't really mind when he got rid of the inactive accounts, but there was no good reason to do that to mine or O D I N's, not to mention it happened abruptly without warning last night.

Unless I get some answers for being discarded like that, I see no reason to owe you guys any kind of allegiance any longer. Thus, I might as well leave (after I complete the Metroid Prime 3 Ridley thing that's to be added to the 1st post, which I gave my word on)...


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2007
Burnaby, BC
The Eliminator Contest by Limit is getting tight,

We need the Ridley supporters who haven't voted for Ridley yet to vote for him!

He was the last person voted for in Round 18!

He almost lost!


Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
If it was Gypsy who deleted both O D I N's R.I.D.L.E.Y. account and mine, then I have to be honest as to say he really crossed the line there. >_> I didn't really mind when he got rid of the inactive accounts, but there was no good reason to do that to mine or O D I N's, not to mention it happened abruptly without warning last night.

Unless I get some answers for being discarded like that, I see no reason to owe you guys any kind of allegiance any longer. Thus, I might as well leave (after I complete the Metroid Prime 3 Ridley thing that's to be added to the 1st post, which I gave my word on)...

We're wiping RIDLEY's messy slate clean and starting over. So, almost all of the accounts were deleted. My bad on the "without a notice" thing. I didn't really think it mattered at the time because of the lack of activity.

And ODIN quit a while ago, we just never got around to removing him 'officially.'

Sorry for all of the confusion.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
I think Gypsy kicked you out because he wanted you to contribute something first... which is one of the reasons I want you to finish the MP3 thing.

And you realize that was like the first time (I have seen) O D I N post since he quit the internet's?

Also Captain Falcon becomes Chuck Norris when he just feels like making an internet meme.


Smash Master
Feb 24, 2007
Arlington, VA
The Eliminator Contest by Limit is getting tight,

We need the Ridley supporters who haven't voted for Ridley yet to vote for him!

He was the last person voted for in Round 18!

He almost lost!

Listen to this man. Ridley needs your support. The next voting round starts in about 20 minutes.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
We're wiping RIDLEY's messy slate clean and starting over. So, almost all of the accounts were deleted. My bad on the "without a notice" thing. I didn't really think it mattered at the time because of the lack of activity.

And ODIN quit a while ago, we just never got around to removing him 'officially.'

Sorry for all of the confusion.
Oh... Alright then...

Sorry if I overreacted :ohwell:, but now that I understand what's goin' on (and am fine with it), it's all good.

I think Gypsy kicked you out because he wanted you to contribute something first...
Well, he could've just asked. 0_o

Meh. I was gonna be doing the Ridley MP3 thing (to add to the 1st post) either way. In fact, I think I'll get started on it in just a few minutes.

And you realize that was like the first time (I have seen) O D I N post since he quit the internet's?
Um... no. I didn't realize that, though if I had been around longer (like during the "3rd generation" or so :p), I know I would have.
Sorry for not knowing. >.>

Err... thanks, I guess. :embarrass

I pretty much made that out of boredom one day, though like many other Invisionfree forums out there, it pretty much died after a couple weeks or so. In fact, I don't know why I still even have it as my homepage. 0_o

Luke Groundwalker

Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2007
Uh, it was a movie that he fought Bruce Lee in (a cheesy 70's one at that), not real life. -_-
Just like Chuck Norris' madeup internet persona. And cheesy? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay, you think that.
He was paid to lose against him. Chuck Norris was the bad guy in that movie (Way of the Dragon or whatever), so of course he was going to lose. If Bruce Lee had played the role of the bad guy, he would've lost too.
Bruce Lee wouldn't degrade himself to losing to such a pathetic foe.
And there's nothing wrong with Chuck's acting.
Uh, yes there is. There's something very very very VERY wrong with it's acting. It's grossly terrible.
Proves nothing. It was only a movie that he fought Bruce in. They were acting. It wasn't real. End of story.
Your point? Bruce Lee would've kicked his *** in real life anyway. Chuck Norris even admitted that himself, that Bruce Lee is stronger than he ever could be.
Going by the majority's/critics' opinion, their acting is far more superior than you give it credit for.
So that explains why his action films were bland and were bombs, huh?

Although he did have a mildly successful TV show that appeals to rednecks, but that's about it.
I really doubt you know anything about Chuck's or Diesal's personal lives that would/might make them failures.
Their terrible acting and ****ty movies say enough.
And how does having successful movies and TV show (for the time they were made) make him a failure? :rolleyes:
His movies weren't successful, only his TV show, which wasn't really that good at all along with his movies.
I don't think being an 8th degree Black Belt and what not really counts as "pretending" to be someone else, especially not one who already passed away.
Actually, Chuck Norris literally tried to follow in the footsteps of Bruce Lee as a successful martial artist and try to become a successful actor and action hero. The thing is, unlike Bruce Lee, he failed miserably.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
Just like Chuck Norris' madeup internet persona. And cheesy? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay, you think that.

Bruce Lee wouldn't degrade himself to losing to such a pathetic foe.

Uh, yes there is. There's something very very very VERY wrong with it's acting. It's grossly terrible.

Your point? Bruce Lee would've kicked his *** in real life anyway. Chuck Norris even admitted that himself, that Bruce Lee is stronger than he ever could be.

So that explains why his action films were bland and were bombs, huh?

Although he did have a mildly successful TV show that appeals to rednecks, but that's about it.

Their terrible acting and ****ty movies say enough.

His movies weren't successful, only his TV show, which wasn't really that good at all along with his movies.

Actually, Chuck Norris literally tried to follow in the footsteps of Bruce Lee as a successful martial artist and try to become a successful actor and action hero. the thing is, unlike Bruce Lee, he failed miserably.
you messing with the wrong internet.

*sneeks out of thread before the war starts*

Dark Mule

Smash Rookie
Nov 15, 2007
Hallo, I have another profile here but I didn't like what I did with it.(No i did ot spam).

Anyway I came here to support Ridley(although it looks like just spamming is happening now). I first saw him in the melee intro and he has been tied for my favorite video game character since, tied with Yoshi.

Luke Groundwalker I'm with you. I'm pretty tired of Chuck Norris.


Smash Master
Feb 24, 2007
Arlington, VA
Someone with at least 25 posts go vote for Ridley in the Eliminator thread, if you would...


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
I think Gypsy kicked you out because he wanted you to contribute something first... which is one of the reasons I want you to finish the MP3 thing.
Done. :)



Metroid Prime 3: Corruption takes place precisely 6 months after the events Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (which wasn't included in this list since it didn't have Ridley). The story begins with a meeting between Samus and Fleet Admiral Dane of the Galactic Federation, where she meets 3 other Bounty Hunters: Rundas, Ghor, and Gandrayda. The hunters help fend off a Space Pirate attack on the fleet, then are quickly dispatched to the nearby planet Norion and ordered to activate its laser defense system. Along the way, Ridley (in his genetically enhanced metaform known as Meta-Ridley) was revealed to be alive and well after his ordeal beneath the Artifact Temple of Tallon IV on which he fell, as he's shown leading the Pirate invasion on Norion by distracting the G.F.S. Olympus and its fleet of starships with a sneak attack through a wormhole, giving Ridley's troops sufficient time to land on the planet's surface.

After that, Ridley leads the battle to take out the defense system on the planet surface personally, allowing an asteroid-like Leviathan Seed to crash into Norion. At one point in the battle, Samus and a fellow Federation P.E.D. Marine could only watch helplessly as Meta-Ridley single handedly wiped out an entire platoon of Marines on the other side of the base. Ridley also attacks Samus multiple times throughout the invasion, striking her while in Morph Ball form when she is traveling to the last power generator. Shortly afterward, Samus battles Meta-Ridley once more as she turns the 3rd and final generator back online. Ridley makes a surprise attack and tries to tackle her to the ground, but due to his weight, the two fall into a very deep shaft under the generator. Meta-Ridley's much weaker and easier to defeat this time, although this is probably only due to him being one of the first bosses in this game, and most likely a gameplay choice.

The hunters, having defeated Meta-Ridley and leaving him to fall down the rest of the generator shaft, restore power to the defense system, rush to the control room, but are attacked by Dark Samus just before they can activate the system. With the other hunters unconscious, a severely wounded Samus manages to activate the laser just in time to destroy the Leviathan Seed.

Samus wakes up a month later and learns that she and her fellow hunters were corrupted by Phazon from Dark Samus' attack. However, the Federation scientists discover that Samus' body was now self-producing Phazon and have installed a Phazon Enhancement Device (P.E.D.) that the GF previously developed, allowing Samus to control her internal Phazon on a safe level and to enter Hypermode. Samus further learns that the other 3 Hunters had left 2 weeks before for missions to 3 other planets where Seeds have been observed, but the Federation lost contact with them 7 days earlier. Samus is ordered to destroy each Leviathan Seed and seek the whereabouts of the other hunters.

Samus travels to the planets of Bryyo, a planet covered in fire, ice, and ruins of an ancient civilization, Elysia, a planet with a thick atmosphere containing SkyTown, an airborne city with a steampunk feel, and the Pirate Homeworld, a very polluted, mechanical, murky planet, to find upgrades to further enhance her abilities and destroy the Phazon seeds. However, she learns along the way on Bryyo that the Phazon corruption that was initially thought to be benign can cause her body to overload with Phazon energy to where she must dispel to prevent total corruption, lest she become another Dark Samus. She also learns that each of her fellow hunters fell to the Phazon corruption and to protect herself, she battles each one in turn, defeating them. As each hunter falls, Dark Samus shows up to drain the Phazon energy from their bodies, with Samus powerless to stop her.

After destroying the source of Phazon in both seeds on Bryyo and Elysia, Samus helps the Federation lead an all-out assault on the Pirate Homeworld, and at the core of the Pirate Homeworld's Leviathan seed, she once again faces off with Ridley, who became Omega Ridley (with attacks very identical to the Omega Pirate, the "dash" attack inherited from the first Metroid Prime, as well as some new attacks, such as firing big energy balls of Phazon out of his hands and being able to spin around with his fire breath and tail at the same time) after his fall in the shaft of Generator C, and was revived and regenerated through further Phazon exposure. As a result, he has been energized to a new combat threat level. He has a very durable, Phazon-enhanced armorskin known as Phazite, along with the protective armor plating he had before. However, he has an injury on the chest area that has not yet fully healed, his only weakness. He tries to protect this injury, requiring Samus to stun him by shooting inside the mouth while it's flashing, using the Grapple Lasso to rip off Ridley's armor and leave the chest injury open to overload with strong, Phazon-based attacks. After done a few times, Omega Ridley will generate fresh Phazite armor. However, since it's not fully hardened, it's still vulnerable to the Nova Beam being used in cooperation with the X-Ray Visor. After this phase (with half of his health gone), Omega Ridley continually flies around the room now that his wound's completely exposed, attempting to prevent it from being targeted. After Ridley's wings tire out, he eventually lands back on the ground with Samus, which then she uses her P.E.D. Suit to further overload the exposed wound with Phazon, resulting in Omega Ridley's body vanishing in a blue flash of light. You receive the Hyper Grapple for beating him, allowing Samus to destroy the Pirate's planet seed in the process.

The Aurora Units then discover the location of planet Phaaze, the source of all Phazon. However, it is impossible to get there by normal space travel. The only way to get there is by a wormhole, which can only be created with the Leviathan, which requires special Pirate codes to operate (only obtainable by the exploring G.F.S. Valhalla.) Traveling with the Federation via wormhole, Samus arrives and descends to the planet. Suddenly, Samus begins absorbing dangerous amounts of Phazon energy, nearly corrupting her completely, but manages to prevent this by venting all her available Energy Tanks and locking herself in permanent Hyper Mode. After venturing to the planet's inner sanctum, she encounters Dark Samus, who fuses with a stolen Aurora Unit that is linked with Phaaze's core. Samus is able to defeat Dark Samus, which destroys the Phazon in her body and causes the planet to self-destruct. The Federation fleet escapes via another wormhole, but loses contact with Samus in the process. Eventually though, her ship appears, and she reports that the mission is complete, and flies off into space. Should the player collect every pickup upon completion, a special ending after the credits shows an unknown ship that's very identical to the Delano 7 (Sylux's ship) following Samus' gunship as it flies off from Elysia.

Meta-Ridley's Norion assault (5:08)

Meta-Ridley boss battle (4:39)

Omega Ridley boss battle (10:08)



Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Luke Groundwalker I'm with you
What you just did there is definetely not a good way to make a lot of friends on this forum. In fact, the only way you could've made a worse impression is if you would have gone around to all the threads and posted Mudkips and nudie pics a million times.

Dark Mule

Smash Rookie
Nov 15, 2007
What you just did there is definetely not a good way to make a lot of friends on this forum. In fact, the only way you could've made a worse impression is if you would have gone around to all the threads and posted Mudkips and nudie pics a million times.
I was just saying that I am tired of Chuck Norris. I've looked at a lot of threads, and had another profile that I left. I know Luke Groundwalker isn't very popular with people.

Must get 25 posts to vote for Ridley next round in the Eliminator
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