I've played BO. My friend owns it...It's meh...I come from practicing comp CoD4, so most cod games I can't stand...I hate the kill streak rewards. Especially how MW2 did it (and I believe BO is similar). Get a high enough one such as a chopper or something, and u can get enough kills to replenish it, again and again...Just die before using it :/.
I tried WaW locale MP with my friends and one of their copies, and I'd prob just play it for the SP, as I hear that a lot of the console players have either left, or (in the case of PS3) are getting severely hacked now.
MW2 I own on PC because I had already pre ordered it before the cut features and other fiascos, and I didn't bother to cancel. I hate the PC version, and the only 2 shooters I can think of more hacked than it was after a few months are War Rock and Combat Arms, and both of those are F2P games...Not a good indicator of security quality.
The SP story for MW2, while a bit blah and 'what' causing (for instance...the global 'terror' accusations and the fact that no one could seem to understand or grasp the relatively easy to see and understand plot Shepard was doing) was nice in terms of explosives. Their idea of difficulty, CoD, is to make the enemies never stop spawning until you rush past them AS WELL as giving the standard increased accuracy/damage...It's more unbalanced frustration than a challenge well beaten.
And why not? Not only did they commit a felony against the people who got them so much damn money with the CoD series by keeping the entire team's bonus of 2-3 mil for getting it out on the release date Acti asked for, but they then tried to say they had never kept the money, they were innocent, and it was going to those who STAYED, and indirectly calling the leavers IDIOTS. Paying a contractual bonus someone is owed to someone ELSE is illegal. Period. The dropped quality of BO and the crap map packs are proof that they lost most if not all of the talent. I'd rather just support IW as it is now...aka Respawn. I hope Bungie doesn't get screwed like IW, but it seems they learned from IW's mistakes and made the same contract demands Respawn did of EA. Sure, it won't make a damn bit of difference but a simple $60 for the devs/producers, but it's my choice and it's the one I want and will be comfortable with *shrug* Not to mention If I REAAALLY have the urge to play the games...my friends always get em.