Mine:My Zelda experience: I've played all (canon) Zeldas that don't have "Four Sword" in the name. I have beaten Link's Awakening, OoT (like 20 times...), MM, WW, the Oracle games, but never a linked game of both together, Minish Cap, PH. I've gotten to Ganon in ALttP, but never beaten him. It's such a hassle going through the whole tower to get to him after you lose. I've gotten about halfway through LoZ, not really sure how far exactly. In AoL, I beat the first dungeon, but didn't really enjoy it. So that's my history with Zelda. I don't usually beat the games perfectly, though I will explore for stuff. But I only do side quests that interest me. I got the 100 skulltulas, but never more than half of Angela's bugs. Biggoron Sword is necessary, as are the great fairies in MM, but not necessarily all masks on each playthrough. I'm working on my figurine collection in WW. Finished Windfall; that was tedious, but once I finally found the last person, I was pretty happy. I'd say I have about 2/3 of them total.
LoZ: Don't remember when I first beat it, but I never bothered to 100% it until recently (mostly because I never needed [or wanted to]), but the second quest is quite enjoyable.
AoL: First beat this, um, maybe 8 years ago? Did a no attack levels run over the summer (which was originally no levels, but that didn't work too well), and that made the game so freakin' hard. I ended up having to break that rule for the Great Palace though, as I realized it'd have been impossible to get through it.
LttP: Gotten 100% a few times, but as with most of the Zeldas, I stop short because it's unnecessary. Did a No Sword Upgrade run a couple years ago. Trinexx...ugh. Ganon's not that much different with the Master Sword, but you do need to use the Spin Attack to hurt him.
LA/LADX: Just recently replayed & beat LADX, easily my favorite handheld Zelda.
OoT: I think this might have been the first Zelda I got 100% in - all Skulltulas, all Hearts, the two scales, all arrows, item upgrades. Also the only Zelda where I've played and beaten 3 hearts. On my last playthrough, I went further with the limitations I placed on myself: 3 hearts, minimalist (included no Fire Arrows and Lens of Truth), no deaths. Volvagia and Ganon(dorf) can be slightly challenging because you die if you get hit.
Because the Fire Arrows are needed for the Shadow Temple part of Ganon's Castle, I couldn't get through it without a glitch in the Spirit Temple rooms, and the Shadow Temple was, well, FUN. Bongo Bongo without the Lens is a ***** until you figure out how to properly space Link between the hands.
MM: Don't remember too much of this, as I haven't replayed it since I beat it the first time, but I really should. I do, however, <3 <3 <3 Fierce Deity Link.
Oracles: I didn't think they were too bad when they were released, but if I played them now, I'm not sure how I'd enjoy them.
WW/PH: I enjoyed WW once I got past the graphics (which wasn't hard, I grew up on 8 bit games), but PH was just crap.
Twilight Princess: Didn't like it two years ago, and hated the Ordon crap when I replayed it a couple months ago, but it's a great game.
My main problem with the Zelda series seems to be making sure they're challenging enough. Even with a ton of handicaps, I'm able to breeze through the games.
I agree. Biggoron's Sword kicks ***.Yeah I always get Fierce Diety. That's like walking through Ocarina of Time and not making the Biggoron's Sword.