Whoa, what? No, no, that's impossible. It kind of makes sense, but it doesn't at the same time.I was looking into the WW and TP storylines (the only two games in the series I ever completed) and WW Ganon is oddly like Zant in motivations, both wanting to move from their harsh environments (Gerudo desert, Twilight realm).
I want to say that in some timeline, TP happens without Midna, and thus, Link isn't the hero because he was the divine beast that no one could see locked away into a dungeon. Zant, a member of the banished Gerudo tribe and thus having the Gerudo icon (the reason that the Gerudo symbol even exists in the Twilight realm), becomes fully possessed by Ganondorf, ruler of Twilight. The goddesses flood Hyrule so that the light spirit springs are no longer accessable, so as to never allow the possibility of the realm of Twilight surpassing the realm of light again, and brining light back into Hyrule. And thus, Zant becomes Ganondorf in Windwaker. I want to say that, but it doesn't fully make sense if TP is the direct sequel of OoT in reference to OoT, which I don't know enough about to form a timeline with.
Just so you won't ask any questions, I'll sum up in a good sentence why it can't happen: Ganon was never imprisoned in the Twilight Realm in Adult Link's timeline, so he never made any connection with Zant.
If you can make sense of that, then you'll understand why your theory cannot be true.