Don't worry; I'm not going away. :D I'm just not at all knowledgeable on the first two games; I've barely gotten past the first dungeon in AoL, and have gotten maybe halfway in LoZ. Thus, I'm letting those of you who know more about them be the authority on them. I'll still be here.
I'm on your level. I know all that I do about them from reading up on Zelda Wiki and what not. I've never gotten the chance to really play through either of these games, unfortunately. I guess I'll get us started.
Who? Link, the hero, reigns from the land of Catalia, west of the Hyrule seen in these games.
Zelda, the princess of Hyrule, has been captured by
Ganon, a demon-swine warlock, and imprisoned in his lair in Death Mountain.
Impa, Zelda's handmaiden, has been sent by the princess to find a hero to save her. These four are the main characters in the story.
Where? Hyrule, but apparently a different Hyrule than the one featured in OoT and TP. Important locations are:
- Lost Woods
- Death Mountain
- Spectacle Rock
- Cemetery
- Eagle Labyrinth
- Moon Labyrinth
- Manji Labyrinth
- Snake Labyrinth
- Lizard Labyrinth
- Dragon Labyrinth
- Demon Labyrinth
- Lion Labyrinth
- Death Mountain Labyrinth
What? The most important item in this game is the Triforce of Wisdom, as Zelda has broken it into eight pieces, which she hid in the eight dungeons. Link is tasked with completing this dungeons to piece together the Triforce of Wisdom so he can defeat Ganon, who too, desires the Triforce.
Why? Ganon hungers for the Triforce of Wisdom because with it, he can take over completely, but keeps Zelda alive simply because she's the only one who knows where it is and how to obtain it. Unfortunately for Ganon, all he does is sit on his *** all day every day in his lair while Link, a farmboy from a distant land just so happens to be piecing together this treasure that Ganon wants. Link does this because he's destined to, and because Impa asked him to rescue Zelda.
How? Not much more can be said here, other than Link has to complete eight dungeons so he can face Ganon in the ninth dungeon at Death Mountain.
When? This game must take place in the Adult Link timeline created at the end of Ocarina of Time because in the sequel to this game (Adventure of Link), the towns in
this Hyrule are named after the awakened sages in Ocarina of Time. Remember however, that the sages were never awakened in Young Link's timeline in OoT (after he was sent back) because he didn't need to do that, as Ganondorf was to be executed before he could harness power. So this, and AoL take place in the Adult Link-WW timeline.
But now this brings up a very, very interesting point. Ganondorf, as seen being executed in TP, possessed the Triforce of Power, and hence, avoided death. He did
not possess it in OoT until after Link drew the Master Sword, but if TP is to take place in Young Link's timeline, then how did Ganondorf get the Triforce of Power? Link never drew the Master Sword after returning to his childhood, so Ganondorf could not have entered the Sacred Realm, touched the Triforce, splitting it between he, Zelda, and Link, and hence, could theoretically not have avoided death in TP after the Sages' (not
the awakened Sages in OoT - these are the Sages prior to those) failed execution. Hmm.... much to think about.
Perhaps the execution scene in TP actually took place after
another Legend of Zelda, which would have to take place between OoT and TP, in which Ganondorf somehow obtains the Triforce of Power without the Master Sword being drawn. Thoughts?