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Legend of Zelda The Milk Bar [Archived]

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Apr 13, 2008
Link gets a sketchbook. From then on, if you go into first-person view, hold in the B trigger, and trace an object or enemy with the pointer, Link will make a field-sketch of that thing. You can store a good deal of them, then take them to an old hermit somewhere who used to be a great adventurer, and knows almost everything there is to know about Hyrule and it's inhabitants...but he's grown forgetful in his old age, and Link's sketches jog his memory, at which point he'll tell some story/legend/myth/fun fact/description of the enemy or person you've drawn.

It could also be a Pictobox, but I like the idea of having to do something as opposed to just pointing and clicking. It would also depend on the technology level of Zelda Wii, to an extent. Although the PictoBox could always just be a really expensive, optional upgrade to the sketch pad, right?
May I cry? BEST IDEA EVER! Ironically, I was once designing a mod for the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion where upon spotting different creatures, you could "cast a spell" (served as a painting animation) where you would sketch the creature. Great minds are great -- oh, and think alike. I've read your further ideas in the subsequent posts to this gold, and it's just brilliant. Of course, for all of those who do not feel rewarded simply for attaining all of these sketches, there should be a great reward for completing the sketchbook 100%.

The return of the Pictobox (as an upgrade to the Sketchbook, just as the color Pictobox was an upgrade to the normal in WW) is a wonderful idea. I'd love to see this implemented strongly. Perhaps it would yield different rewards for completion than the Sketchbook would. Perhaps color-upgrades are accessible in the [my] Master Quest version [idea] of the game also included on the disc.

Regardless, some sort of Journal should definitely be implemented, encasing notes of events, discoveries, etc, etc, a Bestiary, a map, and sketches/descriptions of the various locations found in the game. There should be an extreme amount of extra content in the game, most of which is only found upon optional exploring. Perhaps merely playing through the game in a linear fashion would fill in about 50% of the possible journal work, so the other 50% (that's a huge amount in comparison to even the story of TP) would be discovered through both ease and pain, traversing the many reaches of Hyrule, from caves and dungeons to forests, waters, and mountains.

On a totally unrelated note, I'd like to revisit the "sewers" of Hyrule Town, as we did in Wolf form in TP (accessed through the trapdoor in Jovani's house).

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
On a totally unrelated note, I'd like to revisit the "sewers" of Hyrule Town, as we did in Wolf form in TP (accessed through the trapdoor in Jovani's house).
I'm glad somebody likes the idea. It hit me like a cement truck, and I just had to share it, even though I haven't been in here (or a certain group) in at least forever.

I'd like to transfer the "writable map" that Phantom Hourglass gave us, but the Wiimote's pointer isn't the best tool for writing. It could work for making marks or something, if they tuned down the sensitivity, though.

And all that extra content you mentioned? The flora, the fauna, the people, the places, the buildings, the objects, the enemies--all of that should be sketchable. If you wanted to get a sketch or picture of a large...noun, you'd have to find a good vantage point. For instance, you'd have to find this really out of the way place, at the very edge of Hyrule Field to get a sketch of it. And the old hermit I talked about earlier would only handle monsters--he was a great warrior back in his day. There'd be other NPCs to handle the items (a crazy, withdrawn nerd who collects things), places (an old, rich tourist), people (a trio of gossiping teenage girls), and so on.

...Anyway, technically there were sewers in A Link to the Past, as well. Several times, actually.

The Fail Tracer

The Universal Cosmic Tracer
Dec 28, 2006
Beside myself
I was wondering last night when I started MM again, derv...

HOW did Link get that new shield? It's not the same.

But I agree. I would love to see Termina in TP graphics. In fact, any older Zelda game using TP graphics would be absolutely awesome, even if it was the same thing except for the graphics. Anybody feel the same way?


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
But I agree. I would love to see Termina in TP graphics. In fact, any older Zelda game using TP graphics would be absolutely awesome, even if it was the same thing except for the graphics. Anybody feel the same way?
It would be interesting to see but I would rather have a new adventure than to explore a area that was already played in but with new graphics.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
HOW did Link get that new shield? It's not the same.
Maybe the Blacksmiths of Royal Family did a favor for Princess Zelda and forged the Hero's Shield for Link.

IF the next Zelda game is a sequel to Twilight Princess is bound to be a future Zelda. They got fire arms in Twilight Princess already.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Are you referring to the cannons, or am I missing something? They had cannons in WW, too.
Auru uses a Rocket/Anti Tank Weapon. He uses it to blow up the Lizaflos that are about to kill Link when he nears the boss key.

Also I hear Biggoron sword makes a appearance in Hyrule Castle. Its in the west for Wii and East for GC. I looked at it and it looks ALOT like Biggorons sword.


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2008
It's a Secret to Everybody!
I've been away for a while, Wow you guys have discussed a lot while I was away. It really is no surprise that there are already cannons in WW and TP, afterall there were bombs and bombchus in OoT, the next logical step for that technology is realizing that in can be used to throw heavy projectiles a long distance.

As far as the world goes, a larger world is nice and all, but a big world that is mostly empty just sucks, (probably my biggest grief about WW, it's "huge" world consisted mostly of empty ocean and the occasional towers that all looked the same.) TP did a little better, sadly though, you were limited as to what was explorable, there were places that just should have been opened up. As far as the world is concerned, if the Next Zelda can capture the openness of WindWaker and combine it with the Richness of TP/OoT we will have a truly great world to call Hyrule.

Speaking of BigGoron Sword. I really Liked How OoT gave you that option of fighting with a Two Handed Sword rather than just sword and a shield all the time. The megaton hammer could also be wielded effectively. I would like to see this be expanded on, give us the choice of using BigGoron Sword, maybe even give link the ability to duel wield swords. After all, usually ends up with at least two, the one he starts with and the master Sword.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 9, 2008
Hull, England, UK, Europe
we both have awesome opinions i think :)

and it doesn't have to be the same, clock town could be gigantic, or the deku people may have control over termina, of course controlled by a dark power which you learn about later on.

oh the possibilities


Apr 13, 2008
I dreamt last night of a completely alternate Ocarina of Time. I'll try my best to explain everything I saw. Keep in mind that this is all in OoT graphics, so imagine them like so.

Firstly, the game started off with Link in the top floor of Hyrule Castle/Ganon's Tower, but the room looked frozen over with multicolored crystal, with Zelda eternally sleeping on a bed (like in Adventure of Link). As you approached Zelda, Ganondorf appeared and sent you back in time to being a child so that you could not interrupt his intentions of taking over Hyrule.

However, as I was "playing" the game, I tried again and did not confront Zelda, but rather walked backwards and walked into a warp (similar to the pads that warp you upwards and outwards of the little caves you fall into) which led me to the floor below. I only had three hearts, and the sub-boss here was AWESOME. It sort of looked like a cross between Final Fantasy VIII's Omega Weapon, Giratina, and an Iron Knuckle, with four legs, a torso (like a centaur) and arms/wing extensions, all clad in armor. There was no way in hell that I wanted to fight it, so I ran around the circular (actually it was octagonal or dodecagonal, or somewhere between eight and 12 sides) room going down a short flight of steps, avoiding the battle arena (the room was built of stone similar to the Master Sword room in the Temple of Time and similarly lit), going up another short flight of steps, and entering another warp portal.

I then arrived on the next floor, where a large armor-clad Lizalfos titan lied. It had red-brown skin with orange detailing and sort of rustic-platinum (as if platinum rusted) armor. It wielded a giant axe and again, there was no way in hell I was going to fight it. So, then I just turned the game off, and started again (by the way, I was playing it on an emulator, so cheats were available) and activated some cheats. I then started the game as Young Link in a different looking Kakariko. It looked to be a cross between OoT's and TP's Kakariko, but in OoT graphics. The grass was still there, but it also had a spring. I left Kakariko and headed to Hyrule Castle Town. By gollie, this place was awesome. It at first looked the same, but as you passed through the path that led to Hyrule Castle, the town extended even further, but into a farm-like hill village. Apparently the town was huge. The central town was the stone-built town, but the outskirts had dirt, grass, and houses built of wood, straw, stone, etc, etc. To see all of this in OoT graphics was just really **** cool. So then I headed towards Hyrule Castle, and it just gets a bit nonsensical from there.

Anyways... the point of this is that the dream has inspired me to rebuild Hyrule through my eyes; to create a new rendition of the land we all know and love. It'll be in map form, of course, so stay tuned.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
So now Spire is going to make his own version of Zelda?

What program will you use?


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
I just got OoT on the vc yesterday. First thing i did when i became adult link was get biggoron sword. I stayed up until 1a.m :laugh:

plus any one get freaked out by Fado? she's like Stalfos stalfos. i was like o_0


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
So now Spire is going to make his own version of Zelda?

What program will you use?
He's gonna use whatever Nintendo gives him because they should use the ideas he has. There probably is an actual Zelda game somewhere planned in his head.


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
we both have awesome opinions i think :)

and it doesn't have to be the same, clock town could be gigantic, or the deku people may have control over termina, of course controlled by a dark power which you learn about later on.

oh the possibilities
I miss Clocktown. If they ever want to make a new young Link LoZ, I would want a time based one. But not a time limit.


Apr 13, 2008
He's gonna use whatever Nintendo gives him because they should use the ideas he has. There probably is an actual Zelda game somewhere planned in his head.
Hahahaha, I'm still laughing at this. Ahhh, I love you guys. I guess when you dream of an entirely fictional Zelda game and are able to see every single detail in EVERYTHING, you must have some Zelda game planned out in your head.

For the record, I'm going to begin work on a Zelda fan-fic soon, with a story, artwork, etc, etc. Anyone want to join?


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
I'll help with the story.

As long as there's no OCxCC pairings, it remains canonical, and it's not like 'zomg Link and DLink are liek best friends and then they have buttsecks!111' I'm on board. And knowing you, I don't have to worry about any of that.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Hahahaha, I'm still laughing at this. Ahhh, I love you guys. I guess when you dream of an entirely fictional Zelda game and are able to see every single detail in EVERYTHING, you must have some Zelda game planned out in your head.

For the record, I'm going to begin work on a Zelda fan-fic soon, with a story, artwork, etc, etc. Anyone want to join?

As for the fan-fic, I want to help but I don't know what I can do. I need to think of some job for me.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Ohh you know what would really work out if the next Zelda game is going to be a unification Great War kinda game?

Make it some thing like Mount and Blade. That game is just Zelda combat. Im serious.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Spire III said:
For the record, I'm going to begin work on a Zelda fan-fic soon, with a story, artwork, etc, etc. Anyone want to join?
If I owned a scanner, I'd be able to show off upload my 200 page and counting fan comic, but for now all I have is a prototype design for the Link I'm using in it from two years ago...

But I might want to help you, depending on the storyline and stuff.

Generally, I'm not really looking to explore the Zelda Universe so much as I am looking to use the familiarity of the Zelda Universe to tell my ideal adventure story. Which just so happens to involve Zelda. :chuckle:

EDIT - Oh, and it's not "Windwaker Returns". That was just something I threw in there, as this was before I had finalized the plans for the comic.


Apr 13, 2008
@ XACE-K and Sly Fox, the two of you could work on the storyline (something pretty much everyone will be working on) and concepts regarding, well.. everything.

@ Mendez - nice work man! I was hoping to get a Zelda graphic novel written, and who better than you? I could do it, but I'm going to be working on concept art instead. If you'd be willing to, I'd be honored.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Ohh I think Ocarina of Time references A Link to the Past. When getting the Hylian Shield the store keeper mentions that the Knights of Hyrule use this shield. In Alltp this quote appears

The hero's triumph on Cataclysm's Eve
wins three symbols of virtue.
The Master Sword he then retrieves,
keeping the Knight's line true.

Link signature Shield is the Hylian Shield, kinda making him a knight.

And Chief Mendez what the comic about? There needs to be more Wind Waker comics and more Zelda comics that make sense for that matter.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
@ Mendez - nice work man! I was hoping to get a Zelda graphic novel written, and who better than you? I could do it, but I'm going to be working on concept art instead. If you'd be willing to, I'd be honored.
Well, like I said, I'm really not at all equipped to do anything like that right now.

But scanners are cheap, and I start atthe best job ever in a week, so...

For now, just keep it on the back burner.

Darkslash said:
And Chief Mendez what the comic about? There needs to be more Wind Waker comics and more Zelda comics that make sense for that matter.
Technically it's not about Windwaker at all. It's not even really defined/placed in any "timeline" right now.

As far as the story goes, the idea behind it is "the Zelda I've always wanted", or "my ideal Zelda". What that means is a lot of comedy, more characters and dialogue, sailing (though the entire world isn't ocean, like in Windwaker), and details.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
@ XACE-K and Sly Fox, the two of you could work on the storyline (something pretty much everyone will be working on) and concepts regarding, well.. everything.
Well I could do that along with thinking of new characters and what should be in or not.


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2008
It's a Secret to Everybody!
In the mean time, why is your favorite location in the Zelda Universe, what place just left a lasting impression on ya be it from the aesthetic beauty of the location, or just for what every reason.

My favorite place is the lost woods in LttP where the Master Sword is hidden. The music is just calming although not really memorable, and playing with the fake master swords is kinda fun also.

I also really like the TP Hyrule Castle, quite honestly It just feels big, not only that, it's architecture is actually fairly realistic, meaning if someone had they money, they could build it in real life...
It's possible don't underestimate engineers.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
In the mean time, why is your favorite location in the Zelda Universe, what place just left a lasting impression on ya be it from the aesthetic beauty of the location, or just for what every reason.
The Great Sea as a whole. There wasn't a specific moment where I was like "whoa", rather, it was the cumulative experiences I had out there. Sometimes it'd just be business as usual, but if a storm rolled up, or I scouted a far-off submarine through my Telescope...

It's that sense of scale, and never knowing what you'll find on the next island that did it for me.

It's possible don't underestimate engineers.
Keep dreamin', man. :chuckle:


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
I don't know if it's my most memorable EVER, but Temple of Time in TP awed me w/the music from OoT, and the 1st Darknut.
*Whoa! Chief Mendez! You may not remember me, but I met you in that heated Zelda debate before Brawl came out.*


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
The Temple of time part of Twilight Princess is pretty much the most memorable place for me. If you needed help on how to gain entrance in the Temple of time, chances are that Twilight Princess is your first 3d Zelda game. IT felt automatic on what to do. I mean I could almost hear the Master Sword screaming what to do. To be honest i was half expecting to go back in time when you put the Master Sword back into the pedestal of time. And lo and behold you do. I was also expecting when you go inside the temple and put the master sword in the pedestal of time Again you would become young Twilight Princess Link.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
In the mean time, why is your favorite location in the Zelda Universe, what place just left a lasting impression on ya be it from the aesthetic beauty of the location, or just for what every reason.
Well I liked when you learned the Requiem of Spirit (right?) outside the Spirit Temple. idk why, I just liked the scene.

The Fail Tracer

The Universal Cosmic Tracer
Dec 28, 2006
Beside myself
My favorite location is probably the Great Bay. I love tropical islands and the like. It's also where I got my favorite transformation mask (not counting the Fierce Deity's Mask), and there are so many other things about it that I just can't describe why I like it.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Ganondorf seriously needs a new remix to his theme song. He seriously does. Twilight Princess last battle with Ganondorf didn't have the right theme song. He needs some Major Orchestra with Mighty Vocals. Think One winged Angel


Apr 13, 2008
Ganondorf seriously needs a new remix to his theme song. He seriously does. Twilight Princess last battle with Ganondorf didn't have the right theme song. He needs some Major Orchestra with Mighty Vocals. Think One winged Angel
Like this?

Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Estuans interius
ira vehementi


Sors immanis
Et inanis
Sors immanis
Et inanis


Veni, veni, venias,
Ne me mori facias
Veni, veni, venias,
Ne me mori facias


Veni, veni, venias, (Gloriosa)
Ne me mori facias (Generosa)
Veni, veni, venias, (Gloriosa)
Ne me mori facias (Generosa)



I think that Nintendo needs to get ZREO to do all the music for the games.
Yessir. Can't argue with that.
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