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The Lucas Boards' MU Thread - Discussing: Sonic

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Peach mains is Patience a good strategy like Patience and Spacing to go against her?

It seems like it would work though i really only played this MU a couple of times. 60:40 Peach sounds exactly right imo. Though i really dislike going against Peach xD

Btw I want to get a better feel for the MU any Peach wanna do a few battles sometime?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
ah kk guess ill just have to figure something out. But not too many Peach mains in my area at least the tournaments I have been to. Well PF uses Peach and there was this other one....hmmm

I need to see some Peach vids any suggestions since I can't battle over wifi?


Jun 7, 2009
I really feel that Peach has the tools to destroy Lucas. There's little Lucas can do about floating d-air pokes, she also can just out camp us with Turnips pretty well, and a glide-tossed turnip to GR CG to X-move is pretty bad. I think it's 65:35.


Smash Hero
Jul 20, 2008
RPSI, it's not that bad ._.
Uh, turnips aren't that bad lol. PK fire > Turnips
PK fire > glidetoss
As for Dair, floating Dair isn't that bad. Nair OoS that.The problem is when she lands it. Just so you know no character can punish Dair on shield. Read PF's post.


Jun 7, 2009
The thing is, if she D-air's our shield then we have to avoid the grab afterwards otherwise we're offstage or worse, which means we're at an extremely disadvantaged situation where one read from Peach>30 damage at least and Peach get's superior positioning.

I'd also like to say Item Projectiles>PK Fire


Smash Hero
Jul 20, 2008
uh PK fire beats out turnips. All you have to do is PK fire when she throws a turnip. Turnips travel slow.
How does Peach get a free grab if she Dairs our shield?


Jun 7, 2009
D-air to predict type of dodge to grab.

BTW, Item projectiles are not thrown very linearly, unlike PK Fire. They are amazing pressure tools and severly limits options. PK Fire is "oh, lol, PS"

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
So via battling a Peach main today I learned the basic MU and by reading the Peach guide by Dark.Peach.

I am changing my side to 35-65. Peach is an effin *****

Turnips are a freacking nuisance it's a huge part of Peach's Metagame. Turnips mess with our camping game, can pressure, limit options, and can gimp Lucas really well. Those turnips rack up alot of damage over time as well to go along with Peach's floating. I don't even wanna go into Floating....Nair, Fair, and Dair + Glidetossing.....just a massacre. Although PK Fire stops turnips it is not better than Turnips.

PK Fire is a great move to use against Peach however.

Peach can get a grab off of Dair when Lucas is shielding. This leads to Peach's CG which 1.) refreshens her moves and 2.) gets us off the stage and 3.) does annoying damage. DODGE! Freacking get out of there. If you get caught basically your screwed alot more than you were a few seconds ago.

With Lucas we can't get out of the CG.....which sucks alot.

Back to the PK Freeze gimping.....uh yea no.....use PKT. PKT is the best gimping tool we have. You can try and follow Peach for a kill gimp buuuuut it's risky and could end up in getting gimped ourselves so PKT for the safest and most effective gimp. PK Freeze is really hard to Gimp Peach with though on some characters I could see it being more effective.

IMO the best moves to use are:

PK Fire, Fair, Dair, Uair, Bair (anything that is in air works)
Though for killing: Fair, Uair (like Levitas said)

Here is what the Peach main had to say:

Battletanx_Commander said:
Well, PK fire can still be a nuisance
Yeah, CGing can be bad since it refreshes my moves too.
Add Dsmash to best moves and it is good.
If you follow me it could lead to yourself getting gimped but PKT is good for gimping.

Lol. :p Glad I could be of some assistance. ^.^

We battled for basically a couple hours so we both learned alot ^-^

And that's basically what I got from the basics. Hope it helps *goes back to the OTL*


Smash Hero
Jul 20, 2008
D-air to predict type of dodge to grab.

BTW, Item projectiles are not thrown very linearly, unlike PK Fire. They are amazing pressure tools and severly limits options. PK Fire is "oh, lol, PS"
Why would you even spotdodge against her Dair in the first place?
And if turnips aren't thrown linearly that what are they thrown? Upwards?

So via battling a Peach main today I learned the basic MU and by reading the Peach guide by Dark.Peach.

I am changing my side to 35-65. Peach is an effin *****

Turnips are a freacking nuisance it's a huge part of Peach's Metagame. Turnips mess with our camping game, can pressure, limit options, and can gimp Lucas really well. Those turnips rack up alot of damage over time as well to go along with Peach's floating. I don't even wanna go into Floating....Nair, Fair, and Dair + Glidetossing.....just a massacre. Although PK Fire stops turnips it is not better than Turnips.

Turnips aren't that bad <.<
They don't mess with our camping game. When she pulls out a turnip, predict her throw and PKF it, PKF plows through turnips. Turnips don't even do that much damage. If you're getting gimped by turnips then you're doing it wrong.

Fair: 16 frames of startup, shouldn't be hard to avoid. Don't shield it...............
Nair: Nair is mostly punishing. I doubt a Peach would use a floating Nair, she has better options.
Dair: The dumb one. Unpunishable when landed. Learn to predict Dairs. Most peachs don't directly float towards you, but rather use a Dair after a SH float when they're near you.
Glidetoss: PKF wrecks glidetosses.

PK Fire is a great move to use against Peach however.

Peach can get a grab off of Dair when Lucas is shielding. This leads to Peach's CG which 1.) refreshens her moves and 2.) gets us off the stage and 3.) does annoying damage. DODGE! Freacking get out of there. If you get caught basically your screwed alot more than you were a few seconds ago.

Lucas might be able to air release out of her grab, not sure though. It refreshens her moves.......yet they still kill late as **** (except for Usmash)

With Lucas we can't get out of the CG.....which sucks alot.

Back to the PK Freeze gimping.....uh yea no.....use PKT. PKT is the best gimping tool we have. You can try and follow Peach for a kill gimp buuuuut it's risky and could end up in getting gimped ourselves so PKT for the safest and most effective gimp. PK Freeze is really hard to Gimp Peach with though on some characters I could see it being more effective.
I already said this. Peach's Dair goes through PKT and Fair probably does too.

IMO the best moves to use are:

PK Fire, Fair, Dair, Uair, Bair(anything that is in air works)
Though for killing: Fair, Uair (like Levitas said)

Here is what the Peach main had to say:

We battled for basically a couple hours so we both learned alot ^-^

And that's basically what I got from the basics. Hope it helps *goes back to the OTL*

~Pink Fresh~

Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
Lucas can force an air release from her grab, by timing your mashing, since her pummel rate isn't quick enough, and his feet don't touch the ground when Peach grabs him.

The best tool for edgeguarding Peach is PK fire, just because it forces Peach to use her TERRIBLE airdodge, take the hit, toad [which makes peach fall at an extremely accelerated rate and has a fairly large amount of lag], or jump.

It's not the greatest option, but it's better than nothing.


Jun 7, 2009
Why would you even spotdodge against her Dair in the first place?
And if turnips aren't thrown linearly that what are they thrown? Upwards?
Umm... let's put it this way. You just shielded her d-air and she landed next to you, and grab beats sheild. So then it becomes a guessing game that's typically pretty hard to win for Lucas.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 28, 2010
Aurora, CO
I only have a small bit of information that can help against Peach's float. If she does this and then dair, Nair out of shield is a good opition, but I say in this case, Utilt is your best friend in this situation because it's really fast and once a Peach knows it's going to happen, it stops some of her opitions and can possibly give us more Oos opitions such as Fair if she retreats. Just a small thought though.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Extremely useful. It's the only way to successfully burn the ***** when she's floating >;D

And it helps alot with spacing as well


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2008
Dtilt locking u across the stage
I prefer to FH PK Fire in the matchup. She can do things to avoid the SH PK Fire.

Dunno if I ever said this earlier, but Peach wins 60/40.
This ^

Although i would FH a WBPKF... it leaves you in a much safer position that if she AD's she can't punish you... the only "bad" thing about wavebouncing the PKF is that if it connects, you can't really follow it up......

Although i guess if you absolutely knew she was getting hit by the FHWBPKF, you could reverse magnet pull right back at her and follow up with tilts/jabs/aireals, or another PKF. :laugh:


lil cj

Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Lucas has an easier time killing than Peach....and this is the first time ive heard of this CG....another charactr has one on us!

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
lol yep it sucks alot. @ my last tourny I got CGed.

Plus I use it during friendlies with friends and sibs.....it's funny ;3

Im still lurking the Peach threads every now and then to help this MU

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
hmmm not that I can think of. Even after making Peach my Secondary xD. Well I am mostly liking Peach though Wario is probably my third still.

Anyways after learning Peach alot in depth. I think stages would be good to start and we get to start this MU with ALOT more Nuetrals (6 more I think) and then some more CPs ;p

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Japes is hardly legal anymore but idk but during Peach training I hate that stage for her.

But gah so many stages to strike now you gotta strike 4 cuz we are lower seed then Peach. So i'd say

FD, YI *haaate this neutral for Lucas*, BF, CSS (I'd say strike this one or Delfino...i just don't like the last phase of this cuz of the CG)

Best neutrals are prob PS1, Lylat, SV. *idk y but i wanna say maybe Halberd but i think that would be stupid*

CPs (god the list has gotten a little longer)

Norfair, Brinstar, (lava java lava <3), and Pictochat (just cuz the stage is fun in this MU)


PS2 (why is this thing a CP *sigh*), FD, and RC(?) *RC seems to go well with Peach's float and air based kill moves. Though we can run around this place....idk*

That's what i would say to do with Peach though there might be others who have another idea on which stage to go to.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
and why not? MLG rules is all my area is using. Plus they are the new ruleset :/

W/e then.

Strike FD, YI

CP Brinstar PS1 or Lylat

Ban FD, and ima say Frigate cuz with the ledge and the CG Peach could probably do some major damage to us.

Seriously though try and consider MLG rules cuz those are the new stage list that basically most tournies are gonna be using so it is smart to consider them in the CP, Striking, Banning thing. But do as you please it is your Thread just trying to help out :laugh:


Jun 7, 2009
I'll bet you five dollars on Paypal that at least two stages are dropped at the next MLG after Orlando.

Jon Farron

✧ The Healer ✧
Dec 8, 2009
Could someone pm me a link to the lucas general discussion and the ness one too? i cant get the characterboards to load D:
Thanks so much!

As for on topic, pk thunder while peach is floating back to stage= death :D

Omg i just realized i cant get anything with the word "forum" in the adress to load wth!?!
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