The past few days have been pretty eventful to say the least. I'm pretty sure most people were anticipating a third-party to start off the second pass, not an ARMS character of all things.
Anyway, how do you feel about Gen 8? Feel more confident that it'll get a character, or is ARMS a special case? Does the possibility of an AT or Spirit being added make you feel more confident in Zacian and/or Zamazenta?
I’m not saying it’s guaranteed, cuz nothing is guaranteed, but a Pokémon from sword/shield just got a whole lot more likely. In my eyes at least.
Nintendo is picking the characters, right? Based on Byleth we know Nintendo wants characters from Nintendo games people are playing. What’s a Nintendo game people are playing, and will be playing a whole lot more of come June and November? Pokémon.
But what about the spirit event? I never bought the argument in the first place because (aside from the legendaries) all the potential Galar fighters
weren’t spirits. Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Toxtricity, Sirfetch’d, none of them are present. And it isn’t a matter of making a spirit board either. There are over 80 new Pokémon. It’ll probably be the easiest spirit board to make. And now, thanks to ARMS, we know that having content already in the game doesn’t matter. I never really thought it did, but now we know for sure. Some people will still try to use the spirit event to shut it down, but I guarantee a week ago those same people would have shut down an ARMS character. We’re just fans, we don’t know anything.
We know adding a character from an already represented series isn’t an issue either. We got our 78th Fire Emblem a few months ago, nothing stopping them from giving us our 78th Pokémon.
Like is said, not guaranteed. But the only real reason for it not to be kinda doesn’t matter anymore. So I’m really thinking it’ll happen, and I’m really excited to see who they pick.