Smash Hero
Zacian and Zamazenta
Zacian and Zamazenta are a pair of wolflike Legendary Pokémon from the latest entry in the Pokemon series, Pokémon Sword and Shield. It is said that Zacian holds a shining blade in its mouth that can cut through anything, while Zamazenta turns back any attack with the gleaming shield that covers its body.
Well, why not? Pokemon tend to be unique from the rest of the roster, don't they? I'd also like to see something besides a starter get in. We've gotten a starter Pokemon as a newcomer in every Smash game since Brawl. Even if the resulting character is fresh, a lot of the fun has been siphoned away from speculation because of this. Many unique and creative Pokemon are passed over in favor of one of the three safest and most obvious options, the starters. I think it's time we get something a little more unpredictable.
But why these two specifically you ask? Well, I feel like the designs speak for themselves. A quad character is already an unusual and rare thing for Smash, but having a quad with a sword or a shield would be extremely creative.
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Q: Isn't it way too late for these two?
Now that we know additional characters are planned, not at all. The fifth fighter is expected to release by February 2020, so anything after that would be in a perfect timeframe for a Gen VIII rep.
However, if you need more assurance, we have Byleth now - a character from a game released only four months earlier.
Q: They have Spirits. Isn't it game over?
It makes them look less likely, sure, but it's not the end of road for many reasons.
- The Nintendo Versus Twitter account specifically said that the Gen VIII Spirits were being added to celebrate the release of Sword and Shield. They're promotional, and if promotion was their main goal, why hold these Spirits off for several months until the Gen VIII Pokemon got in? By then, Sword and Shield would be dying down. Sort of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?
- As you can see in this thread, there's plenty of artwork to choose from. Since their Spirit is combined, they could easily add one or even both and make a Spirit for them individually. More importantly, none of the Gen VIII Spirits use the same artwork that every other Pokemon Spirit uses (save for PT and Detective Pikachu, who comes from a spinoff), despite their artwork existing beforehand. Zacian's artwork can be seen here.
- We still don't even know if Spirits deconfirm. Every DLC fighter so far has come from a franchise that didn't have any content in Smash to begin with. The only exception is Piranha Plant, who was clearly in development for a long time prior to his announcement. He had to have been, otherwise we wouldn't have a Palutena's Guidance for him or an amiibo that was released right after his release.
Q: How are these two better than the other Gen VIII Pokemon?
Regardless of what I say, it all comes down to opinions. I still think these two would be very unique, but some of you might want Sirfetch'd or Toxtricity instead. Nothing wrong with that.
That being said, I do think Zacian and Zamazenta have one of the best chances out of the Gen VIII Pokemon. Every Pokemon we've gotten so far received a fair amount of promotion from TPC during their Gen, and I don't doubt for a second that this influences Sakurai. He wants to make sure he picks a Pokemon people will recognize and enjoy, which is probably why the two most recent additions are starters.
Q: How the heck would Zacian hold items and grab fighters if it's already carrying a sword?
Because someone's gonna ask.
It's something that can easily be worked around. Zacian's ribbon-like fur functions similarly to Sylveon's ribbons. In other words, it has full control of them, and we even see in official artwork that they also work as a makeshift sheath for its sword. The ribbons can also carry two-handed items as well.
Q: We're only getting third-parties. Why bother?
FOUNDER - Cosmic77
2. Pokelego999
3. Garteam
4. fogbadge
5. Thatkidwiththeafro
6. Staarih
7. RealPokeFan11
8. kirbsmash
9. dezeray112
10. WeirdChillFever
11. Delzethin
12. Adelto
13. meleebrawler
14. Poochy756
15. AndreaAC
16. Guh-Huzzah!
17. Veenon
18. Noipoi
19. GothFluttershy
20. Altais
21. RandomAce
22. Zeb Nasaki
23. Denden64
24. SvartWolf
25. Bassoonist
26. thecursedside
27. True Blue Warrior
28. Perkilator
29. Trevenant
30. HansShotFirst20
31. Lusitania
32. StrangeKitten
33. zacian
34. Swamp Sensei
35. Hex Maniac
36. tjdmhem
Credit to:
Leparagon, for the Zacian and Zamazenta sprites.
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