- Book 2 is called “Spirits” and takes place 6 months after Book 1.
- Concept art from snowy landscapes at a festival at the Southern Water Tribe.
- “The opening scene is at the Southern Water tribe at a festival. *There is a cool banquet hall made of ice. *They go on a crazy journey through another water tribe and it is a bit dark and scary”
- “Korra & co. will travel into the tundra of the Southern Water Tribe. Creepy snowscape with bright green sky.”
- “The look harkens back to the iceberg Aang was frozen in. *The ice has an otherworldly glow to it.”
- “Beautiful Southern Air Temple concept painting. Yellows and oranges. Looks like #LOTR”
- Book 2 is “In the thick of animation and design and production, still a very far way to go”
- “Opening of Book 2 in a festival in the sourthern water tribe, gentle snow falling, lanterns, circus games, A PAINTING OF A MUCH LARGER SOUTHERN WATER TRIBE!”*
- Southern Water Tribe has a beautiful banquet hall made of ice
- Great landscapes, storms, ominous rock formations
- “Mysterious location they’re journeying to in this storm, with cool spooky lighting”, harkens back to the glow Aang’s ice burg had
- Naga and Korra exploring the mysterious location
- Twisted roots coming out of ice walls
- Southern Air Temple all spruced up
- Vistas, base of the mountain around the temple, very gentle, “misty kind of Chinese mountains”
- Ancient air bender site
- Explore the spirits, background, creation of the Avatar
- There are some paintings of the Southern Air Temple and the base of the mountain with mist around them. *They will be going into the spirit world as well with 2 very special episodes
- #Korra will explore spirit world. Book 2 will feature episodes that look back at history of Avatar/spirit world.
- Asami takes over Sato’s company!
- The costumes are similar with elements to compensate for winter. *Asame has an Amelia Earhart look. *The others have longer selves and winter coats.
- Book 2 will feature Bumi as a main character! Same with Kya. Bumi wears pink earmuffs.
- #Korra was inspired by Gina Carano.
- “We’ll meet Unarock, Korra’s uncle. Her whole family is comprised of badasses”
- Korra is very similar, longer sleeves, very athletic, Mandarin a-symmetrical top, looks a little meaner
- Mako get’s a coat! Still has the scarf
- Bolin has an AWESOME green parka
- Asami takes over her fathers company, more business attire
- STILL A BADASS THOUGH, Goggles, and updated racing leathers
- Tenzin gets ANOTHER claok
- BUMI BUMI BUMI HAS PINK EAR MUFFS, Kya will also appear, Bumi definitely has the same spirit as the old king. Bit of a pot belly since we last saw him
- KYA! No dreds, has a half moon necklace, bit of a hippy, FAVORITE SONG IS SECRET TUNNEL, has a special bond with Jinora
- The Avatar parents get an update, going to see more of Korra’s parents this season, Korra’s dad was thought of initially to be like a line backer physically
- Flashback to Tonnraq in his early 20’s, shirtless XD*tumblr_m746aluiuc1r5s8e9o1_500.jpg
- Tahnroks brother, “Unolok”??? will be appearing! Very posh, to bring up the relationship between the north and south tribes
- His children, twins, kind of creepy, slouched shoulders
- Verick???, Howard Hughes, little bit of a playboy guy, Captain of Industry, more humorous, great rapport with Bolin, VERY BRIGHT PURPLE CLOAK, Southern Water Tribe descent
- Spirits! shadowy creature? Can’t even describe!
- Pro-Bending returns! Fire Ferrets vs. Rhino Lions in an animatics preview. But Mako & #Korra aren’t on the team!
- Korra airball races Jinora & uses Avatar state to beat her! Tenzin’s pissed
- Probending! Fire Ferrets agains the —— Lions (missed it), Bolin giving pep talk…to TWO ENTIRELY NEW PLAYERS. Go down as the fastest knockout in probending history XD
- Mako is on a fancy bike, chasing…waterbenders past a Wendy’s XD Intense chase scene, and he takes down the truck! “Looks like you had some car trouble, good thing the police are here.”
- ASAMI FLYING A PLAN, Nearly bankrupt because of her father’s reputation, sounds confident, but sercretly worried
- Pema being heckled by her three eldest and Korra riding around on air scooters, Korra goes into the Avatar state to win the race, Tenzin overhears, and scolds her
- Naga barking, weird shadow spirit appears in the distance, attacks Korra, pins her down….fade out
- Korra goes Avatar state to fight the creature, into the festival
- Amazing motorcycle chase scene b/w #Korra & Mako vs. robbers. Great motorcycle driving effects.*
- Mako becomes a cop in Book 2. And is ready to sling some great zingers.
- So Mako has become a cop, and now Bolin is struggling to find his place in the world. TO BECOME A MAAAAN.
- They always imagine Korra’s father is huge even though he is a gentle guy