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The Imperial Legion, MD/VA crew. Xanadu Tuesdays, Legionary Wednesdays


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Honestly, I think I might have to.

I got the not guilty verdict, but got a huge fine. I paid it off, but that combined with the $300 driving class, BlazBlue and DQ9, gas driving to Westminster/Rockville, and my eating expenses both with you guys and by myself, I am now almost literally dead broke.

I have $23 and a half tank of gas. I don't get paid till the 9th, which is a day after Apex. I barely have enough gas to drive to Westminster before then, and barely enough to pay $20 housing fees. Even if I could scrounge up enough money for the venue fee, I couldn't enter anything and would literally have to starve for 3 whole days. There is almost no way me making Apex is anywhere near realistic for me.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Dude that sucks :(

Well if cash on hand is the problem, I can lend you the money. But if you just wanna sit this one out, I'd understand.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
I do want to go, but money is now suddenly the only issue. You don't have to lend me the money if you don't want to, but if you do then thanks and I would be more than happy to go. You know I got you for next week (god**** my payday for being on the 9th). And I highly doubt I'll spend $300+ within a week. I highly doubt I can avoid paying you back anyway considering we see each other weekly XD.

But if you're not cool with it, then it's fine too. I know with all the DJNintendo hubub, people are really reluctant to loan money.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
But you're not black.

I got you man, whatever you need. I have plenty in the bank (I'm a stingy ****er in case you didn't know) so it's no problem at all. I don't wanna drive up there by myself and I need my DQ fix. All I ask in return is that you play some P:M with us :p


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Do we even have a plan? I know Vist just texted me saying he's got some other arrangements. So Friday we stay at your place and we head over the to venue Sat morning and room with Tant and co?

Shucks I did take off on Friday already though. I'm sure I can think of things to do with my time in the morning though...*coughDQ9cough*.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
You already took off on Friday?

Let's go up Friday morning then. Come over tonight. I'll be home by 5.

Tant, I assume it's cool if we stay Friday and Saturday night?


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Well I have work until 10 tonight, I'm probably gonna be too bushwhacked to drive after.

I can drive over early morning though Friday, get there anywhere between 9 and 11, and we can head over to the venue then. I assume a few hours lost at the venue isn't something you'll really miss :laugh:.


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
Baltimore, MD
young as niga bulletproof on myself (wtf still)

bisheses on my dik because all my albums platinum

i dont give a *** tho


64 impala uhhhhh....

6 hours ago
LOOOLL!! He goes from Goku and Gohan to ****ing Ric Flair and Vince McMahon."


wtf does that have to do with anime :<<<<


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
young as niga bulletproof on myself (wtf still)

bisheses on my dik because all my albums platinum

i dont give a *** tho


64 impala uhhhhh....

6 hours ago
LOOOLL!! He goes from Goku and Gohan to ****ing Ric Flair and Vince McMahon."


wtf does that have to do with anime :<<<<
Lil B – I’m God

By now we all know that Lil’ B is your number one guy for philosophy, life advice and spirit guidance, but today our dear Guru’s twitter overtake really took the cake and he blessed us with the ultimate twittered guide to his wisdom of life. We decided to capture his story on the blog as he is the new voice of our generation.

“Man, real talk what you feel about thirty years from now. Like really everything you do now is all written in your life book. Your life is a movie. Ya’ll dont realize I have matured so fast. I wile out because I’m young. I’m twenty years, born in 89 so I know I’ma be a pure man getting older. It’s dudes older then me that act younger then me. It’s dudes younger than me that act like babies. It’s dudes my age that are finding themselves. But really, I found my self at a young age so its like the age I’m at now I feel like I’ve got five or six extra years of front brain knowledge. From ****ing up and then getting it straight. But really people dont know I´m much mucher than guys older than me, because I respect game. And when you respect true as game then honestly your life will change, the game will become yours and you will run game, not (lying). But running game as in running court, like running the game. Thats what I´m here to do. Whatever level I´m on. Rawest. Point blank. Point blank. This is a salute to all the real. Salute to all the positive. Positive meaning having that attitude. We all lose it and we get mad but we have the positive core. The positive core will promote you to feel amazing because you truly will be a good human. I truly feel this way so honestly no matter all the hate I get because really it just makes me continue to move like a leo in this jungle and I truly believe that if you have a true positive core you will be happy and appreciate life.

I´ve pretty much almost seen hell on earth. I have not been to a third world country, not because I couldn’t because really I did not want to see the extreme pain over there. So really, with seeing hell on earth I had choose to live my life in the positive and turn and give it to the earth I gave my life to the day. And the day to give my art to you and spread like my lifes diary to you. Everything I go through everything I feel I´m that type of young man. So really, I´m proud to be me and I´m honestly proud of where I came from. It hurts to see some of my brothers from my spot Berkeley hate. On me and what I do. I look at it like in life its been points and even right now everyone has left me for dead and really that wat life is. Everyone leaves you for dead until you show them you have worth. Until you show them all this material power. The fake, I cannot stand you. But to the real that stick with the real people. The personalities. The people that come in and judge you of being you. It´s respect. But it hurt to see some of my people from Berkeley diss me over some **** I said. But it´s good because you see who’s crack. So I rather know anyway and I seen a lot of solid dudes crack over speaking, or not talking. I’ve seen dudes crack over me not talking to them. Dudes, I really did thangs. Put life on the line at a young age for. Everythang. And its like man if a person dont respect u for you then you cant **** with ‘em.

And I say “I’ma **** yo *****, *****, I’ma **** yo ho, *****!” and it’s not even talking about that. It’s just to the hart of the hater. And I love the people and situations that made me strong, because I will die alone. And I´m ready to. But I´m also ready to love the world. And I´m also ready to live my life and not have thinking patters of living a short life and thinking about when I´m going to die. But honestly think about how long I´m going to live. It’s sad that I still have the same thoughts of how I did when I was shady. Because that mindset never left me, but I´m glad because it makes me see everyone. And if they true I really got em from the hart. I look respect in the eyes. No mask. No nothing. No gloves. Dna respect in the eye. So really it comes down to no-one is going to stop me from telling my personal diary and journey. I am the #BASED. I´m from Berkeley.

Truly from a place were there are at least eight billion people on earth I dont know. And so happy a boy from Waterfront West Berkeley puts on so I´m not gonna let none of ya´ll take this from me so my family can eat and I´m going to rap till I die. You haters will see me and respect my mind. If you dont care about me I forgive you. It comes down to who is the realist in this game. In the streets. In life. Who´s the realist. Who really is the realist? And that wat it comes down to? All around who really is the realist? From positive energy. I guarantee. I´m going to die a man of dignity and my family and any one that was ever associated with me will be considered legends. I have thoughts no-one thinks. I have seen things in ways no one has. Colors at a young age I can’t explain, colors from video games and sounds from video games that have made my mind addicted to these sounds. I love electronics. The pen. The pad. The paper. I get the most happy when I am listening to music. Around music. Near beats. Near paper. The studio. Recording. Visions/the product. I´m so happy to tel you all my life on audio since I have been 14 years old. I have started cursing. I didnt come clean at all. 14 I was worse then I was now. My inspiration was pain and the streets. Respect in the streets fame and respect. Girls and tv. Clicked up. I wanted to be clicked up with power. I used to get roasted and I followed. I learned. My feelings were hurt. But I grew. My layer real.

I’ve almost seen death plenty of time. And painful deaths at that. You don’t realize I am positive because it is the truth. I´m not an angel and I´m not a saint but I am true with a core message like 2pac and I promise I know if Pac was here he wouldd respect this #BASED. If he truly knew the message, the core love and foundation I have spread through this music that my people hear. Hate on me. About. They would see that I am doing something amazing for the world. Yes, it might be weird that I´m young. That I have advanced thoughts that me myself I cant even catch sometimes. Yes, I feel like I´m in a lifes movie that is so real that I have advanced thoughts that me myself I can’t even catch sometimes. Yes, I feel like I´m in a lifes movie. That is so real and even if we don’t look the same I do understand what your going through because trust me I haven’t seen it all but I have learned from it and right now I´m just ready to do what I have to do with my rap journal of life and get it to the people that respect my #BASED mind because thats my job to tell u about everything I no. So to all my respect. All my support. All my #BASED I do this for you, #BASED world 2010.

But point blank anything with Lil B cost $ for real, I´m talking playboy $$ mansion money. I´m honestly a living legend and its weird I know it. And also if you’re thugging super hard adopt a pet. Honestly, a cat. It will relax you. A baby cat at that. ASPCA I love you! Adopt baby cats!” ♦


Dis is crack.


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
So, you wanna play?
I got into the 2nd paragraph of that rant and my brain melted from trying to deal with the 5th grade grammar and all the typos.

I'll just assume it was epicly awful.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
TH: I just took off work tomorrow so I'm all set. Also, in a strange twist of fate, I may be bringing my truck in tonight to get it repaired from that accident a couple weeks ago, meaning I could have a sweet rental car which we could take to Apex! Buuut, it might not happen tonight, in which case my truck would have to go in sometime tomorrow, but we'll work all that out later. Shouldn't affect our plans much regardless.

Also, in case you aren't following the Apex thread:
Any DQ9 players coming?
JCeaser, find me @ the Venue. I will be on that DQ9.
Yeah Waffle told me you were into it. If there's some down time, you wanna run some grottos with Thunderhorse and me?
I am so down! I'll get my MC in shape for tomorrow.
I better grind like crazy tonight because I'm sure you guys are both way ahead of me. I'm still a lvl 41 Pally and haven't even finished the main story yet.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Oooooooh ****. I bet Waffle's regretting not going to Apex now XD. Though we could use a little bit of pimp hand in our party.

Isn't Malcolm level 99 though? My Ranger's only level 50,although he's finally getting good damage output (his strength stat as a Ranger at 50 is 262 compared to my level 47 Warrior's 279). Still, I really want to cap off the Deftness bonuses and get cracking at the MA's skill tree.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
I have no idea what level Malcom is. Waffle got a lvl 35 map from him, and assuming that was his highest map, it's unlikely he was lvl 99 when he got it, since the level map you get is partially based on your main character's level. I'm lvl 41 and I just got a lvl 31 map. So I imagine if he was lvl 99 he'd have a much better map than a lvl 35 by now.

But that's beside the point. Actually, I completely forgot what the point was supposed to be. Oh well. LMS time.

**** apparently I've put in 69 hours of game time, wtf? It definitely doesn't seem that long.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 16, 2008
Chambersburg PA
found metalslime hill **** yeah, leveling be happening like mad now.

i got plenty to do this weekend, would love to be playing dq9 with you guys but i think ill be just fine ;)


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
5 4 3 more mini medals until Sacred Armor ... dammit, need now!

Actually, between Magic Mirror and Insulate and my shield scroll which prevents crits, my Paladin (and therefore my team) is basically invincible after a couple turns of setup. The Sacred Armor is almost unnecessary at this point.

TH, when ya coming up?


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
I'm leaving in about 30 minutes, just to make sure I don't catch the morning rush hour (as my original plan was to leave at 7, but eughhh my parents have told me horror stories about traveling on 66/495 at that time).


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Dude it's Friday. There's no morning rush hour. Trust me. Or better yet, look at the traffic on Google Maps. It's all green.


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2008
Provo, UT
This is the social thread, right?

I have a friend that lives in Rockville and says that he can't find anyone to play. Is there anyone around him?


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
We don't live in Rockville but we do visit there frequently. What version of smash does your friend play?


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2008
Provo, UT
I believe he plays just Brawl, but I'm not 100% sure on that. He wants to find some players that aren't his friends. He's a member of a wifi community and wants to start on new people.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Dude Malcom gave us an AMAZING grotto map. TH got like all the metal slime gear in just a few runs, lucky *******. I got a metal slime spear though so I'm happy since my main uses spears anyway. There was a ton of other great loot too. The enemies are **** hard (the Uncommon Cold is in the last few floors and has a ~200/person breath attack) but the boss is Equinox so it's a joke if you can make it that far.
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