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The Imperial Legion, MD/VA crew. Xanadu Tuesdays, Legionary Wednesdays


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Why is **** so expensive in DQ9. All the damn time after grinding when ever I upgrade all the armor and weapons for my party, I'm left ****ing brokeeee and sometimes I don't even get enough to fully upgrade.

It's even worse when you change vocations asl;dkjfasdfsdf


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
TH, tbh I don't think anyone disliked Kick-*** as a movie. It just presents some complex questions, and some of my friends didn't particularly like the conclusions they drew from the film. Any movie that generates such interesting discussion can't be bad imo.

Also the fact that I saw it on Sun and owned it a day later is a testament to how much I love the film.
I would've gotten it the day I saw it. Sadly that was when it was in theaters so I couldn't get it *sadface*.

Lol good to know you loved it though. And what sort of philosophical subtext did your friends key in on from the conclusion? I would legitimately like to hear it because this kinda stuff is interesting to me :).

Why is **** so expensive in DQ9. All the damn time after grinding when ever I upgrade all the armor and weapons for my party, I'm left ****ing brokeeee and sometimes I don't even get enough to fully upgrade.

It's even worse when you change vocations asl;dkjfasdfsdf
You know what they say: the best things in life are free.

Like ultimate weapons that come out of level 10 chests.

And you ;).

EDIT: I accidentally played Count Kaiser's (the normal one when trying to get the Boss Kaiser team out) against a team of:

~ Steath Rock & Rock Polish Bisharp
~ Thundrus
~ CM Espeon

I don't know who the 6th Pokemon was because needless I say I lost. TO A TEAM WITH A ****ING DYNAMIC PUNCH GOLURK. I don't think this team can reach new lows.

New rank: 6,192

This isn't even comical anymore.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 16, 2008
Chambersburg PA
i actually used dynamic punch golurk before, hes got no guard so i looked at him as machamp light. and thats essentially what he is, only benefit is access to rock polish.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Why is **** so expensive in DQ9. All the damn time after grinding when ever I upgrade all the armor and weapons for my party, I'm left ****ing brokeeee and sometimes I don't even get enough to fully upgrade.

It's even worse when you change vocations asl;dkjfasdfsdf
Haha you're not supposed to be able to fully outfit your team in the best stuff all the time. It forces you to make decisions based on what you need, and encourages alchemy (which will get you way better stuff than you can buy anyway). And don't worry, in the post-game you'll have more money than you know what to do with (until you realize you need as many chronocrystals as you can get your hands on and they're 50000 a pop). Money's a lot easier to get ahold of in the post-game though.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
what. LOL. damn it. that's amazing and also harsh.

When do I start Alchemy anyways. D:

I have so much alchemy **** in my bagggg s;ldkjf;asdklfasd

i just earned my ship


Smash Lord
May 2, 2005
Savage, MD
@ TH - If I can recall our conclusions - Doing the right thing and standing up for the little guy may be a noble path in life - but it will ****ing cost you and the world will try to destroy you along the way. The best way to address inner city violence is to kill everyone who's committing a crime, leading to a circle of destruction that escalates into street war. My Bud was surprised we didn't get to letter bombing territory. Speaking of violence - it's apparently funny and people love watching it on TV like old school bloodsports (the streaming execution scene). Anything involving Bid Daddy and his actions as a father - to me at least he's the most horrifying character in the movie, and I don't think I was alone there. Dude pretty much sacrifices his daughter's chance at a normal life so he can pursue this self-destructive vengeance quest.
Perhaps the biggest problem my friends had with the movie that I did not, was what they called the degree of separation from reality. Most violent movies [Sin City, Kill Bill, From Dusk Till Dawn] have several degrees of separation - they're over the top enough that they come off as fantasy. In Kick-*** the world is presented as our world, or very close to it. Street violence is grim and seems authentic. The constant joke is that Superheroing in real life is much less glamorous or fun than it is in comics. It's not really till the end of the movie that things got silly enough that it's no longer plausible. I felt this wasn't really an issue - after all it's an R-rated film obviously targeted at adults, who can clearly differentiate fantasy and reality. But my friends were worried about what it's effect would be on younger kids nonetheless.
So yeah I think those were the big discussion points.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Can't my old team do anything other than die and embarrass itself? D:
Well I have an idea to revitalize it. The Boss Kaiser team is doing ok, but it might as well be my own team because it mutated so much from your original team that it might as well not be your team at all - the only team member it kept from your old team is Hydreigon, and I had to scrap that eventually since in a pretty big oversight from me, half of the team was weak to fighting and I only had one resistor X). I did have Darmanitan in there though.

But I do have an idea to keep most of the old team intact. Of course the first thing I'll have to do is axe Klinklang cause there's nothing I can do to make his dumb *** useful.

what. LOL. damn it. that's amazing and also harsh.

When do I start Alchemy anyways. D:

I have so much alchemy **** in my bagggg s;ldkjf;asdklfasd

i just earned my ship
You could do alchemy the moment you got Crack Pot in your inn. So in other words right now :D.

@cmart: I will be happy to respond to you as soon as I'm done working! Normally I'd do it right now but I'm getting ready for the last day of a 6 day work week, and it's hard to type up the wall-o-text I'd like to do in response to that atm. Don't think I'm ignoring you though cause I will come back to that!


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
@ TH - If I can recall our conclusions - Doing the right thing and standing up for the little guy may be a noble path in life - but it will ****ing cost you and the world will try to destroy you along the way. The best way to address inner city violence is to kill everyone who's committing a crime, leading to a circle of destruction that escalates into street war. My Bud was surprised we didn't get to letter bombing territory. Speaking of violence - it's apparently funny and people love watching it on TV like old school bloodsports (the streaming execution scene). Anything involving Bid Daddy and his actions as a father - to me at least he's the most horrifying character in the movie, and I don't think I was alone there. Dude pretty much sacrifices his daughter's chance at a normal life so he can pursue this self-destructive vengeance quest.
Perhaps the biggest problem my friends had with the movie that I did not, was what they called the degree of separation from reality. Most violent movies [Sin City, Kill Bill, From Dusk Till Dawn] have several degrees of separation - they're over the top enough that they come off as fantasy. In Kick-*** the world is presented as our world, or very close to it. Street violence is grim and seems authentic. The constant joke is that Superheroing in real life is much less glamorous or fun than it is in comics. It's not really till the end of the movie that things got silly enough that it's no longer plausible. I felt this wasn't really an issue - after all it's an R-rated film obviously targeted at adults, who can clearly differentiate fantasy and reality. But my friends were worried about what it's effect would be on younger kids nonetheless.
So yeah I think those were the big discussion points.
I dunno, in a way I think Big Daddy is one of the most loving fathers ever in a movie. How often do fathers and daughters bond that closely? They were each others' best friend (only friend really). Yeah they live in a very weird and unorthodox way, but it works for them. And it's not like Hit Girl isn't happy (at least until her dad dies). So she doesn't have a traditional childhood, so what? Her dad makes her kill people though which is pretty ****ed up but ... well I don't really know where I'm going with this.

One of the things I liked best about Kick-*** was how plausible and real and gritty it all was. I have exactly 2 beefs with the movie: the bazooka and the jetpack. They're just silly. I wish they had ended it a different way without those 2 things. But no movie is perfect, and all in all it's still easily one of my favorite movies of all time.

As for kids not being able to separate fantasy from reality, who cares? It's obviously not a kids movie. You shouldn't have to make it silly and unrealistic just because some kids are going to see it and it might **** them up.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007


at the rate i was going, I would of beat the game before I learned how to alchemy.

****ing as
s and tit


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
If you rush through the main story you'll be missing out on a lot (not like missable stuff, just side-content that enhances the experience).

Have you been collecting mini medals and getting your rewards for that?

Have you gotten any keys yet? I think when you have the boat you can at least get up to the magic key, if not the final key.

Have you checked out any treasure maps?

Have you been checking the DQVC? Buy every alchemy ingredient you see on there (all the little things like Lucida Shards, Astral Plumes, Enchanted Stones, Yggdrasil Leaves, etc). They're generally hard to get ahold of and super important for the post game. The other stuff, a lot of it is semi-missable, but it's probably way too expensive for you at this point in the game, and not really important unless you're a completionist.

Speaking of DQ9, cmart have you finished the main story yet?

I guess I should also ask, who's free this weekend?


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
Well I have an idea to revitalize it. The Boss Kaiser team is doing ok, but it might as well be my own team because it mutated so much from your original team that it might as well not be your team at all - the only team member it kept from your old team is Hydreigon, and I had to scrap that eventually since in a pretty big oversight from me, half of the team was weak to fighting and I only had one resistor X). I did have Darmanitan in there though.

But I do have an idea to keep most of the old team intact. Of course the first thing I'll have to do is axe Klinklang cause there's nothing I can do to make his dumb *** useful.
Lol Klinklang, most useless pokemon since spinda.

Hope this idea of yours works, cuz I really like Hydreigon and Moses. Reuniclus can go away, since it doesn't seem to be pulling it's weight.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
I did get to watch Kickass. I found it to be a good and enjoyable movie. My main issues were the romance in the movie and the over the top ending.

Some issues I noticed in the movie

1. The watcher- The idea that even if people see something wrong and have the power to do something about it, they won't.
Is society so sedentary and apathetic?

2. Superheros- Why aren't there superheros? In truth really the question is why aren't there people who fight for justice? Where are all the vigilantes? Can someone truly practice a perverted justice without going too far? What happens when an innocent man has to die for "justice?" The whole idea of the movie is that superheros aren't some guy with tights, superpower, and pure sense of justice. It is that a superhero can be a regular person. Which then leads to the above questions. Mainly if a regular person can be a superhero then were are they and can someone truly be an incorruptible hero?
The main character ask this question and gets the response "It is suicide." I mean in truth any one who stands up to organized crime is at high risk of death, but there have been successful vigilante organizations. As cmart said this simply leads to a street war. So then from there we get into how does one stop the violence? Cmart suggested that every criminal would have to be wiped out. Other comics have suggested that only a reign of benevolent tyranny could end the violence and crime.

more to come later. I am procrastinating too much on my projects as it is.

Anyone know how to do the metal slime glitch. It has something to do with rearranging your maps and moving in a certain pattern but I can never get it to work. It would be really helpful as waffle gave me a Metal King slime map but they don't show up too frequently.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Yeah, certain maps create a seed that will make the enemy you want always be the first one that appears when you enter the area. But you can't know which map will work except just by trial and error. After going through all my maps (quite a few, as my list of treasure maps is maxed out) and none of them working, I gave up on it. If you wanna keep trying, go ahead. Let me know if you find one that works.

Outside of that, the best ways of grinding that I know of are just hunting MKSes on floors where you know they appear (ideally not a ruins grotto though because they're the most annoying to navigate and avoid battles), or grinding a level 1 legacy boss over and over. Slime hill is only good if you're a really low level (almost useless once you're over 40), and grinding PKJs is usually meh because they only give you about twice the experience of an MKS, but the enemies they appear with are much tougher and more annoying.

The advantages to grinding level 1 legacy bosses are:
-You don't have to hunt them
-Most of the legacy bosses don't have Disruptive Wave at level 1
-Once you figure out a good strategy, it will work consistently and they will go down fast (you need good equipment though)

It's probably not quite as fast as farming MKSes for XP but you don't have to pay close attention which is nice when you're doing something else (in fact, I'm farming level 1 Malroth as we speak). And orbs are always important. If you wanna grind just your main character though, I'd suggest sticking to MKSes. Even level 1 legacy bosses are difficult to solo.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
I think TH is unavailable but I'm pretty sure at least cmart and I are gonna smash in Westminster on Saturday. No idea what Bandit's doing.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
I'm free sat-mon. Today i'm gonna be with Sova/getting my new car.

Also. JC. I just earned my ship from Marionette. Is there anything I should go back for?

And I've been collecting mini medals. I know those are a DQ thing because of DQM. :V


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Yeah I'm not gonna be free this weekend. This six day work week and big paper due next week is going to make sure of that.

Fine by me though. Means I can hyperbolic time train with landing detection that much more.



Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
If it's ok with the hosts for me to have a Project M setup on the side, I'd be down for Xanadu.

I'm free sat-mon. Today i'm gonna be with Sova/getting my new car.

Also. JC. I just earned my ship from Marionette. Is there anything I should go back for?

And I've been collecting mini medals. I know those are a DQ thing because of DQM. :V
By "free sat-mon" do you mean you'd be willing to come up to MD? That'd be cool, though I'm not sure this is the best weekend for it, since TH is busy and I'll be busy on Sunday.

Honestly I can't remember the main story well enough to know exactly what you need to do when you get the ship. Just go around and visit every town so you can Zoom, because sailing is kind of annoying. I dunno if you've been there yet but Dourbridge (southeast continent) is where you turn in your mini-medals for prizes, Swinedimples (northeast continent) is where you get the weapon-specific quests (and shields, most importantly), and Wormwood Creek (southwest continent) is where you get a good portion of the vocation-specific quests. Oh, you've unlocked as many vocations as you can, right? I believe you can at least get Gladiator, Paladin, Armamentalist, and Ranger by now. Sage you get in one of the last areas, and Luminary you can't get until the post-game (no big loss there though, trust me).


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
I got the Arma quest and I think the ranger quest as well. I havnt gotten the gladiator and paladin quest however.

And yea, I'm willing to come up to MD/VA this weekend. :V


Smash Lord
May 2, 2005
Savage, MD
@ Neko iirc I believe your next stop after getting the ship is the desert continent. Also, I would love to see you this weekend, but like JC would not be available other than sat.

@ Caeser - I agree with you 200% Those were the same arguments I made to my friends about why I didn't have an issue with the movie. One of the guys is a game developer btw, so he felt a little attacked w/ the fps viewpoint moment w/ Hit-Girl shooting people in the face. I guess you could say he's sensitive to criticism about violence in games, and extended that to the movie for some reason. *shrug*
As for Big Daddy - my own viewpoint on him is skewed due to reading the comics, where he's a much, much less sympathetic character. He's a lot cooler and more justified in the movie, and Nicholas Cage does an amazing job making the character likable. I guess I'm letting impressions of the comic color my opinion more than it should - we are talking about the film after all.
Also, I'm still not done w/ the main game. I can only offer the excuse of watching a lot of movies/anime this week. : [

@ Metal Monster - I was mainly paraphrasing conclusions my friends came to after watching the movie. I actually believe there's a kind of naivé idealistic angle to the movie, wherein ordinary people can make a difference of some kind.
After all, Kick-*** does inspire a second generation of heroes (that we don't see lol).


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Well tomorrow we'll either be smashing at my house or (more likely) hanging out at the Xanadu tourney, unless my crewmates have some objection to that.

You have my phone #? I would offer to house you Saturday night but I'll have to check with my mom first, it being Easter and all.

@cmart: I read the comic too, but frankly it was crap and I choose not to consider it part of the Kick-*** canon.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Count Kaiser's team is officially out of its rut. I'm not sure if it's perfect yet, but it climbed up to rank 3,000ish, which is higher than it's ever been before (and definitely better than being perpetually stuck at 5,000 or so). Boss Kaiser team is still doing better at 1,400ish, but considering its been around for a number of days longer, I can see the Count Kaiser team catching up.

And I even managed to keep Hydreigon, Conkeldurr, and Reuniclus while keeping Ferrothorn and Darmanitan! :D. Lead Dragonite is the only Pokemon you didn't recommend to me (thanks Tant! Considering Kaiser's balls slow team, an effective parashuffler like Dragonite works as a wonderfully obnoxious lead!). Reuniclus might even end up going back to the TR version.

I give you this team Count Kaiser for I trust you. Believe you will use it

Count Kaiser receive Drug

Count Kaiser!Drug
Bag ****

We are only two men to deal with it.

Good luck at Xanadu though guys! I would feel kinda sad about not going but then I remember that you guys have to play the non-patched demo codeset for money XD XD XD XD XD XD XD :lulzface:.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 16, 2008
Chambersburg PA
no go on earlier, im busy til around noon here, putting me in westminster around 2.

will consider driving self to xanadu if you are unwilling to wait.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
no go on earlier, im busy til around noon here, putting me in westminster around 2.

will consider driving self to xanadu if you are unwilling to wait.
I don't wanna **** you over or anything but I really would like to go earlier, especially if Neko is going because he doesn't know many other people there.

Maybe you can carpool with cmart, since he's leaving from Westminster-ish area around the time that you would be getting there. *shrug*
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