If you rush through the main story you'll be missing out on a lot (not like missable stuff, just side-content that enhances the experience).
Have you been collecting mini medals and getting your rewards for that?
Have you gotten any keys yet? I think when you have the boat you can at least get up to the magic key, if not the final key.
Have you checked out any treasure maps?
Have you been checking the DQVC? Buy every alchemy ingredient you see on there (all the little things like Lucida Shards, Astral Plumes, Enchanted Stones, Yggdrasil Leaves, etc). They're generally hard to get ahold of and super important for the post game. The other stuff, a lot of it is semi-missable, but it's probably way too expensive for you at this point in the game, and not really important unless you're a completionist.
Speaking of DQ9, cmart have you finished the main story yet?
I guess I should also ask, who's free this weekend?