Smash Lord
Thank you, as for Klinklang....Count Kaiser's team is officially out of its rut. I'm not sure if it's perfect yet, but it climbed up to rank 3,000ish, which is higher than it's ever been before (and definitely better than being perpetually stuck at 5,000 or so). Boss Kaiser team is still doing better at 1,400ish, but considering its been around for a number of days longer, I can see the Count Kaiser team catching up.
And I even managed to keep Hydreigon, Conkeldurr, and Reuniclus while keeping Ferrothorn and Darmanitan! :D. Lead Dragonite is the only Pokemon you didn't recommend to me (thanks Tant! Considering Kaiser's balls slow team, an effective parashuffler like Dragonite works as a wonderfully obnoxious lead!). Reuniclus might even end up going back to the TR version.
I give you this team Count Kaiser for I trust you. Believe you will use it
Count Kaiser receive Drug
Count Kaiser!Drug
Bag ****
We are only two men to deal with it.
I am very disgusted with the trashy man. In spite of the monster, and the coach, only trashy, I will beat down them all. For this I must strengthen myself. The monster is the same too, collect all the trashy, righteous fellow all are unpardonable. You don't affect me *points to Klinklang*. The trashy strolling is an eyesore.
Seriously, why would gamefreak give a pokemon an awesome set up move, then give him moves that don't take advantage of it? It's so infuriating.
As for Xanadu...>_>
I may or may not be going....<_<
More schoolwork you see (no, really!)