<DavidSayer>: I hope this is a real place.
<Count_Kaiser>: oh it is
<standardtoaster>: @_@
<Thunderhorse>: Count_Kaiser
<Thunderhorse>: heart attack grill money match
<Thunderhorse>: $50
<Thunderhorse>: let's go
<Count_Kaiser>: wut
<Thunderhorse>: yeah you're right
<Thunderhorse>: $200
<Thunderhorse>: sorry
<Count_Kaiser>: ...
<standardtoaster>: LOL
<Count_Kaiser>: What will we be eating?
<Count_Kaiser>: Doesn't matter
<Count_Kaiser>: I forfeit
<Thunderhorse>: everything you can
<MonkUnit>: nah man
<standardtoaster>: lol
<MonkUnit>: beggin strips money match
<MonkUnit>: BLT
<MonkUnit>: go
<standardtoaster>: last one to barf wins
<Count_Kaiser>: no
<standardtoaster>: :V
<Thunderhorse>: yo I'm so good at the BLT match up
<standardtoaster>: lol
<Count_Kaiser>: My hearts aches looking at this stuff
<Thunderhorse>: it's like 100:0 in my favor