Nice team, honestly. I hate Gross but now that chandelure exists it is much easier to beat gross.
Here is my team: Machamp lead (surprised he's still there? Don't be.)
Then i kind of have two things going on. The A team and the cleanup crew. Machamp usually does a good job ******. Should i run into a flying lead that has brave bird machamp will be quickly retreating.
The A team is the trio of Vaporeon/Gliscor/Zapdos. Vaporeon and Gliscor are both toxic stallers and cover each others weaknesses. Zapdos is my alternate for people they can't kill with toxic. Zapdos also deals with dragons a bit better so I use him for that.
Then there is the cleanup crew: Chandelure and Scizor. Scizor is physical choice band, and Chandelure is choice scarf special. Let me tell you what happened yesterday with scizor:
I lose chandelure on a pursuit by tyranitar. Scizor is my only pokemon left. My opponent has 3 pokemon. something i don't know, ttar, and gliscor at 100% I'm figuring i have no chance at this point.
Obviously ttar switched out, because a BP would certainly kill it (it was also at 40% or so.) so in came gliscor. For whatever reason, he did knock off turn one, so BP did 40% health) the toxic orb only restored 16. So knock off didn't hurt me at all, it just saved him from getting 2hko'd. I get hit by 2 EQ's and am down to 120 HP or so but kill the gliscor. Technician + stab = still enough **** without CB
Next up is reuniclus. Now me, not realizing that knock off gave me all my options back, just BP anyways. I guess i could've pursuited, but no problem.
So the following was the best luck i've ever seen. I crit the bullet punch, take the reunuclus down to 2%. Reun takes his shot, a focus blast, and it misses. BP finishes him off. Then in comes the ttar, and bp and gg.
Scizor what a monster. Hax definitely played in, but this should be a reminder always put yourself in a position to win, even if it looks grim, because anything can happen.
edit: t-h-i-s is being edited for today as the black plague for whatever reason.