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The Imperial Legion, MD/VA crew. Xanadu Tuesdays, Legionary Wednesdays


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Oh before I forget over the weekend, Swampert/Serperior/Metagross have really good synergy with one another. Even though you picked them randomly, they cover each other's weaknesses very well and all have decent bulk.

Weaknesses - Fire (Swampert), Ground (Serperior)

Weaknesses - Grass (Metagross, Serperior)

Weaknesses - Fire (Swampert), Ice (Metagross), Flying (Metagross), Poison (Metagross), Bug (?????)

The only weakness not covered is bug, but Crobat resists that easily and also has good bulk. Though changing out Serperior with something like Salamence or Flygon will fulfill the need for a ground resist (since that's really the only thing Serperior brings resistance-wise) without adding weakness (only ice and dragon for each iirc, both of which are covered by Meta). Serperior has some nice utility and bug shouldn't be a problem if you can keep Crobat healthy - Crobat itself is covered by Meta for Ice/Psychic, Swampert or Serperior for Electric, and either Metagross or Swampert for Rock.

I had some free time to do some thinking for you since you didn't want to work too hard on PKMN :p.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Oh yeah, no doubt Recover + Unaware makes Swampert outclassed by Quagsire. It just so happened that Quinnydinny picked Swampert which happened to have good synergy with the other favorite Pokemon he picked. His team was Crobat/Serperior/Swampert/Gigalith/Tyranitar, and it's actually pretty amazing how intuitively he came up with a team with such good synergy just based on which Pokemon he liked the most.

Movesets were a bit of a different story though. But with some time I think I can make at least Crobat/Serperior/Swampert/Metagross work. Maybe Ttar too, but I'm not sure how much he values Tyranitar on his team without Gigalith.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Nice team, honestly. I hate Gross but now that chandelure exists it is much easier to beat gross.

Here is my team: Machamp lead (surprised he's still there? Don't be.)

Then i kind of have two things going on. The A team and the cleanup crew. Machamp usually does a good job ******. Should i run into a flying lead that has brave bird machamp will be quickly retreating.

The A team is the trio of Vaporeon/Gliscor/Zapdos. Vaporeon and Gliscor are both toxic stallers and cover each others weaknesses. Zapdos is my alternate for people they can't kill with toxic. Zapdos also deals with dragons a bit better so I use him for that.

Then there is the cleanup crew: Chandelure and Scizor. Scizor is physical choice band, and Chandelure is choice scarf special. Let me tell you what happened yesterday with scizor:

I lose chandelure on a pursuit by tyranitar. Scizor is my only pokemon left. My opponent has 3 pokemon. something i don't know, ttar, and gliscor at 100% I'm figuring i have no chance at this point.

Obviously ttar switched out, because a BP would certainly kill it (it was also at 40% or so.) so in came gliscor. For whatever reason, he did knock off turn one, so BP did 40% health) the toxic orb only restored 16. So knock off didn't hurt me at all, it just saved him from getting 2hko'd. I get hit by 2 EQ's and am down to 120 HP or so but kill the gliscor. Technician + stab = still enough **** without CB

Next up is reuniclus. Now me, not realizing that knock off gave me all my options back, just BP anyways. I guess i could've pursuited, but no problem.

So the following was the best luck i've ever seen. I crit the bullet punch, take the reunuclus down to 2%. Reun takes his shot, a focus blast, and it misses. BP finishes him off. Then in comes the ttar, and bp and gg.

Scizor what a monster. Hax definitely played in, but this should be a reminder always put yourself in a position to win, even if it looks grim, because anything can happen.

edit: t-h-i-s is being edited for today as the black plague for whatever reason.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 16, 2008
Chambersburg PA
current team im running btw is quite fun
Machamp lead - been using him since gen 4, nothing has really changed
(occasionally go back to yanmega lead although the host of choice scarf leads these days wreck him)
cs chandelure - yeah i caved and ran him, why not hes beefly
quagsire - replaced my all time favorite simply because he doesnt phase, he laughs in the face of their bulk ups and kills em instead, doesnt delay the problem, eliminates it
cs haxdrag -first 5th gen poke i ever used, hes great, often sweeps late game with outrage
cs terrakion - that speed + rock fighting stab is amazing, yeah i run a lot of choice scarfers but i like em that way.
lefties sawsbuck - my own design, works quite well as a quagsire protecter. absorbs grass hits, swords dance on the switch, than horn leeches his way to victory.

edit - omg never type lol x3


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Shadow tag still needs to be banned. I will make a shadow tag team right now and i guarantee i'll have 1200 in an hour.


this april fools sucks, good ****ing **** smashboards


Completed the team, requires no effort, no skill, and is almost guaranteed to win unless your opponent runs entirely focus sash/sturdy teams, and even still can get close. i had my opponent send in a choice scarf Chandelure to fight me, SHADOW BALL DID 17%

And i didn't even catch them with truant this time. I think it should be more like a shadow tag clause instead, only one pokemon on your team can use shadow tag. That might fix the issue.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
All the preevo forms learn shadow tag

and Gothorelle and her preevo forms learn it

So basically, you use durant to put truant ability on your opponent
Switch in gothorelle and start flashing and twave them, and protect on the turns they can't move
Switch in litwick and continue, momento to finish
Then at that point you can probably send in Chandelure, who can calm mind and acid armor inbetween truants. Now even if you don't get truant, this is still possible, thanks to flash and calm mind and momento. Truant just makes it easier. Once you've maxed calm mind and acid armor, (Chandelure is trained in SpA and HP), so that your you can't be ohko'd by anything, literally, and the only chance of your guy dying is focus sash destiny bond, which pretty much never happens. From there, you just pick flamethrower or shadow ball, depending on who your opponent has, because only like poison water types resist both. but 6 calm minds basically make chandelure able to OHKO a tentacruel with flamethrower

its stupid man, my opponent let me setup on his togekiss lead then baton passed out to escape, but i still caught his genesect in the lock later on even after gothorelle died. flashed him out and then momento'd litwick and lampurt and sent in chandelure and started powering up. Even when a signal beam did hit me, it did 10% damage.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
I want to try out Tant's team now. I am in the opinion that shadow tag should be banned though.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
I'm more for supporting a "shadow tag clause"

only one pokemon on your team can have shadow tag.

Because Arena trap is only viable on dugtrio (only diglett and trapinch can learn it otherwise), it might be ok to leave that off the clause.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
It's mostly Tant and he's not part of our crew. But you're right, we should talk Project M :bee:

Current hilarious discussion in the P:M thread: Slashy is trying to argue that Brawl tethers are better than Melee tethers and take more skill or some ****, and why oh why do people want Melee tethers back. How that kid ever got accepted into college I will never know.

Oh we should talk DQ9 too. I'm so glad we started playing it again last weekend, and now my sister has started playing and she seems really into it. I'm definitely gonna delve back into it. That Nimzo mother****er is going down.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
The reason I wanted to take wrestling discussion out of this thread is because SOME people - and I won't name names XD - were being big *****es about it. But I'm a reasonable guy, and if it really bothers someone that much, then it's only courteous to stop talking about it. No one was bothered with talk of competative Pokemon. But if you're bothered by talk about competative Pokemon Laijin, I will stop talking about that as well.

Tant is right though. This is a social thread and we should be allowed to talk about whatever we want, whether it's Project M or DQ9 or Pokemon or wrestling.

Tant is also right in that Pokemon is fun :p.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2005
Savage, MD
Slashy is quickly becoming one of my favorite people. I'ma have to get back to DQ9. I've mostly been playing bullet hell games since my friend imported a bunch from Radioactive Japan.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
I don't mind a little wrestling discussion, but at one point it was basically an AIM conversation in here for several pages and it was making it impossible to talk about anything else. That's what really bothered me.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
Rock paper scissors is mad legit.

Brawl style tethers seem ridiculously good in a melee setting. Other characters actually have to be smart about how they recover as a simple dtilt could gimp them. I just find it hard to imagine some of the tethers sticking to the side of the stage. Imagines olimar hanging from the underside of FD.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
I would say Brawl style tethers in Melee are much worse than Melee style tethers, and completely mindless on top. Especially for Ivy/Oli where they have no other recovery options, it's trivial to just wait on the edge and gimp them (and imagine if we had Melee ledge occupancy!). At the other end of the spectrum you have Sheik, who would be nigh ungimpable if she still had her tether. She wouldn't even have to guess, she would just get a free recovery any time she's in tether range. Thankfully we removed that.

But I'd have to say the biggest loss is all the neat tricks you could do with Melee style tethers. It truly saddens me that Samus and Link can't recover from the bottom of FoD. I really hope we manage to fix it, but luckily it's something that only affects a small portion of the cast. Basically all of the important global fixes have been made now that we've figured out the Holy Grail of Brawl hacking, Landing Detection! :bee::bee::bee:

cmart btw, when we play this afternoon, you will be able to missile cancel properly with Samus. Get hyyyyyyped!


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
Baltimore, MD
You guys finally found it? That's good to hear. I really gotta play PM again sometime~

But I think homebrew isn't able to be installed anymore on like 4.3 or latest right?


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
I have no idea. We only officially support the hackless method though so it doesn't really matter. It works on any Wii.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2005
Savage, MD
I've been hyped for true missile cancels since I read the blogpost. I'll have to practice double missiles and platform canceled missiles again. I'm sure I'm mad rusty at all the hard stuff.

As for tethers - brawl ones do have advantages - they're a lot faster than melee tethers if you're confident with them and use them right away. That doesn't really help Link though since his is so short, and if you get knocked far enough away they're kinda worthless (no advantage over trying to sweetspot a recovery at all).


Smash Apprentice
Sep 16, 2008
Chambersburg PA
this is true, id like to see certain characters get the melee style teather back, but again it would be stupid op on characters like shiek if it worked for her. maybe its something that need not be universal?


Smash Lord
May 2, 2005
Savage, MD
Sheik already lost hers iirc. I would love for Zamus to have both. Oh and I'm terrible with Zamus, would playin Brawl+ help me understand her character better? Or is that a silly idea?

LD = <3


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Yeah Sheik's has been gone for a long time. As for ZSS, we really don't know where we're going with her yet, so I doubt playing Brawl+ would help.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Silly idea. She's nothing like B+ ZSS now.

Also I accidentally turned on the Japanese setting on my iPhone and wacky smilies like this: o(^▽^)o are an actual category of letters you can type and have your words auto-corrected to.

Wtf... ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪
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