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The Imperial Legion, MD/VA crew. Xanadu Tuesdays, Legionary Wednesdays


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Pssh, haters gonna hate.

Oddly enough, 2 of my favorite video game character designs, the DQ5 hero and King from Cave Story, both wear purple capes. Go Ravens!

DQ8 hero is definitely a pirate.

cmart if you see this, I can't come by today, but I should be good for tomorrow. Also, I fixed Luigi's hitboxes, so we'll see how he fits in with the demo characters now.


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
So, you wanna play?
Why did he say he was going to retire? Is there something going on behind the scenes like HHH axed him because he slept with his wife or did he just legitimately decide to retire.
He had a spinal fusion in 2003 after he broke his neck. He's been wrestling ever since but they say for a few weeks now he's had uncontrollable trembling in his arms and hands along with numbness throughout his arms. His spinal cord has narrowed above and below the fusion and if he keeps wrestling, he will be paralyzed or will die.

The same injury is why Stone Cold doesn't wrestle anymore.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
He had a spinal fusion in 2003 after he broke his neck. He's been wrestling ever since but they say for a few weeks now he's had uncontrollable trembling in his arms and hands along with numbness throughout his arms. His spinal cord has narrowed above and below the fusion and if he keeps wrestling, he will be paralyzed or will die.

The same injury is why Stone Cold doesn't wrestle anymore.
Ah, well that sucks then. I was never a huge fan of him, but he was ok in my books. Sad to see him go.

In other news!

I've been getting off my lazy bum and started breeding for my in-cart competitive Pokemon Black team. Figured I'd start with Hydreigon since it's easily accessible in game, one of them will easily help me rack up BP in the Battle Subway, and I needed to buy some time until the Dream World Kanto starters are available (which is tomorrow!). So far though after a little less than a day of breeding, I've just gotten one 31 HP IV Deino (the Ringo Starr dragon) and two 31 Special Defense IV ones...which is nice but doesn't help me at all. Serebii tricked me into thinking I got like five 31 Speed IV ones though. Thank god for the IV checker though.

I have a feeling this will take a looooong time.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
I will be sav'ing my pokemon

I probably will be running sandstorm team competitively, now that chandelure is banned on shoddy and pokemon online

I currently have a sandstorm team that 5 OF THE 6 POKEMON ARE WEAK TO WATER and im still in the 1200s in score

I like strong offense.


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
Chandelure is banned now? Wth, when did this happen, and why?

If anything, I figured that the ability Shadow tag would be banned, like how they banned inconsistent.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Question TH

You using any AR codes to aid in breeding? If so, which ones?

Mainly asking out of curiosity.
Absolutely none. This is being done 100% painstakingly legit. No AR codes, no RNG abuse, just pure breeding baby.

So far I have a male Deino with 31 HP, Attack, and Speed IVs and a female Rash Deino with 31 HP/Special Defense/Speed IVs. Now if only I could generate any Deino with 31 Special Attack IVs, I can use the Power items for Special Attack and Speed to transfer those stat over to a male of any nature (hopefully grabbing a 31 HP or Attack IV as well), and then breed the male with a Power item for special attack with the rash female with an everstone. Guaranteed Special Attack passing, 3 separate chances to get the Speed IV, and a fairly good shot at another 31 IV. That alone is good, but if I can nab another 31 IV that's randomly generated, I think I can call this Hydreigon done and move on to the EVing phase.

Honestly I'm pretty close to being done at this point. It all depends on how fast I can generate a 31 Special Attack IV Deino from thin air.

Smashfest in Westminster this weekend? We should celebrate Landing Detection.
Hell I need to get landing detection in the first place. Thanks Dantarion!


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Play Monster Rancher 2 and try to breed a perfect stat Zuum main-type monster and unlock all of its attacks, then we can talk about patience. IV breeding is a breeze by comparison, and I only have 2 of the Power items. Once I get all six, I should be able to control IV transfers much more efficiently. I'm actually much more scared of soft resetting for a Dream World Charmander, of which I have absolutely no control over how he turns out other than his nature and no possibility of breeding it for a better one.

I know you probably don't know what I'm talking about with the Monster Rancher 2 stuff, but just the fact that I consider IV breeding much easier than that should be a clear indication on how balls hard that game in general is, especially considering the breed of monster I chose to raise. Took about 6 or 7 in-game generations for that thing to finally pan out.

Actually, let me give you an idea.

I got my Playstation in about 10th grade, and MR2 was my first game. The first generation version of the monster which I finally perfected was the first one I chose to raise. I finally got it to perfection about a year or two ago.

I started in 10th grade. I finished 1 or 2 years ago.

That's 7 years on and off that I spent on that one monster alone.



Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
That doesn't answer the question ... why? Why bother doing it "legit" if there's an easier way that doesn't waste hours of your life on mindless tedium? I mean, when I go for the alchemiracles in DQ9, you can bet your *** I'm gonna use the Hoimi table. It may be "cheating" but at least I didn't waste hours of my life doing the same thing over and over and hoping for the random result I wanted.

Though there is a difference between Hoimi and using codes or glitches that may mess with the integrity of your game. Being a cartridge game, it is possible to permanently damage it. Does Pokemon have the equivalent of a Hoimi table? I assume that's what you meant by "RNG abuse."


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
I simply use codes to speed up the process, not to do anything illegal like spiritomb with Wonder Guard. Anything I can do with codes can be done without codes and with patience( EV training, IVs, Breeding, etc.).

The only thing I'd see codes necessary for is perhaps getting a pokemon with specific IVs to use a particular type of HP Ice.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
People really consider the hoimi chart and locker to be cheating?

Using codes in order to get a team you want for pokemon is fine by me. All the grinding and breeding you have to do is like a barrier to players who don't have the time to invest in such a thing. The skill isn't in grinding and breeding, it is in team building and the actual battling. That is my take on it.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
I mean, I totally agree that it's fine. It's only "cheating" in the sense that it's not the way the game is intended to be played. It's sorta like wavedashing in Melee. Casual or moral-high-ground players may whine about it but it definitively makes the game better at high levels. No different than using exploits or glitches to get what you want in an RPG like Pokemon or DQ9.

Metalmonstar do you have DQ9? I'm so close to my fully upgraded inn. Need more tags!


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
That doesn't answer the question ... why? Why bother doing it "legit" if there's an easier way that doesn't waste hours of your life on mindless tedium? I mean, when I go for the alchemiracles in DQ9, you can bet your *** I'm gonna use the Hoimi table. It may be "cheating" but at least I didn't waste hours of my life doing the same thing over and over and hoping for the random result I wanted.

Though there is a difference between Hoimi and using codes or glitches that may mess with the integrity of your game. Being a cartridge game, it is possible to permanently damage it. Does Pokemon have the equivalent of a Hoimi table? I assume that's what you meant by "RNG abuse."
You're right, the RNG abuse method is like the Hoimi table, but AR isn't really dangerous to your game at all. I've used one for Emerald and it worked great. There's 2 reasons why I do it:

1. I don't have an AR compatible with DS games. I mentioned using AR for Emerald, but that's a GBA game. I tried to get an AR for the DS, but it would always crash on me when I tried to enter codes manually, and its initial selection of codes were extremely subpar. I ended up just ARing whatever I could on Emerald and transferring it to Diamond, and I had to legit breed the rest...where I found out it wasn't actually too awful.

2. The RNG abuse method, if it's anything like the one in Diamond/Pearl, is unnecessarily difficult. I'm not against using in-game exploits. I've used the cloning glitch in Emerald to great effect! I abused the hell out of that ****. And while it was a bit more of a pain in the ***, I've used Diamond's GTS cloning trick as well. Both methods were relatively easy though. With the RNG abuse method, I had to do stupid **** like play a coin flipping minigame 30 some times, be EXACTLY on the ONE right tile ect. It sounded like a complete pain in the ***, and I heard RNG abuse in Black/White is much tougher to exploit. Sure it gets results instantly, but it's just as tedious as doing legit breeding in the sense that if you **** ONE thing up, you have to go back and do a whole laundry list of **** all over again.

Granted I don't know what the RNG abuse method is for Black/White seeing as how the coin flipping minigame isn't in it, but if it's tougher than Diamond/Pearl's, then no thank you.

I simply use codes to speed up the process, not to do anything illegal like spiritomb with Wonder Guard. Anything I can do with codes can be done without codes and with patience( EV training, IVs, Breeding, etc.).

The only thing I'd see codes necessary for is perhaps getting a pokemon with specific IVs to use a particular type of HP Ice.
I don't really care about people who use AR or RNG exploits. I've used them myself before. So I'm not really sure if you're trying to defend your actions to me or something, but you don't have to. I don't care if you or anyone else uses AR as long as it's legally possible to obtain in game :p (and then some. Using the Pinch berries in Black/White or non-released DW Pokemon are ok with me even though at this point you can't obtain either in-game. Now Wonder Guard P2 on the other hand...).

People really consider the hoimi chart and locker to be cheating?

Using codes in order to get a team you want for pokemon is fine by me. All the grinding and breeding you have to do is like a barrier to players who don't have the time to invest in such a thing. The skill isn't in grinding and breeding, it is in team building and the actual battling. That is my take on it.
I mean, I totally agree that it's fine. It's only "cheating" in the sense that it's not the way the game is intended to be played. It's sorta like wavedashing in Melee. Casual or moral-high-ground players may whine about it but it definitively makes the game better at high levels. No different than using exploits or glitches to get what you want in an RPG like Pokemon or DQ9.
Couldn't have said it better myself...except L-canceling would be a better AT comparison :p. WD and L-Canceling are seen as just technical barriers to people who don't have time to practice in the casual/Brawl player's mind. Doesn't mean people don't sit down and practice WDing and L-canceling.

Also where the **** did this "cheating is right or wrong" discussion come from? I just answered Count Kaiser's question of what codes I was going to use, and then this? I never implied once that I thought RNG abuse and AR were cheating/wrong/not ok ect, just that I wasn't doing either at all. Then Kaiser said I was more patient than he was, and I said that it was nothing like what I had to do before (and the example I chose had almost nothing to do with RNG other than using an item that could randomly make my monster lose life and sometimes not learning higher techniques...and I soft reset the **** out of that).


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
That's my bad. I assumed you weren't using codes or RNG abuse because you thought it was wrong, not because it's a pain to do. That's a legit excuse not to do it.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Th I have the item codes working save for tms and hms. I haven't done sav for actual pokemon yet but ill keep you informed once I get sav working. I got encounter codes to work also.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Nice. I'll need to hit you up for a Custap Berry and a Salac Berry once I get my team finished. Probably some more Leftovers too since there's only one in game and you can't buy them (and you can't transfer them from previous games, otherwise I'd have a good 8 or so).


Smash Cadet
Feb 18, 2008
I would say that breeding is largely a waste of time these days. Almost everyone that plays pokemon competitively is using shoddy and now Pokemon Online. It's just too easy to use and you can make a team or several teams in a fraction of the time that you can in game. I spent something like 200 hours over the course of leaf green and emerald breeding pokemon that I ended up not really ever using because I decided to change my team before diamond came out. Changing your team on cart is a disaster. There is almost no reason not to use an AR because it is statistically impossible to get perfect IVs without it. So really the only reason to do legit team building is for the sense of accomplishment or because you just enjoy making yourself suffer.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
It's not statistically impossible to get perfect IVs, but it's unlikely and probably unrealistic. It is very likely though to at least get 4 perfect IVs, and you can almost guarantee yourself 3 perfect IVs. Combine that with the fact that you're usually not going to need 1 of the 6 stats depending on the Pokemon and you can essentially be as effective as a perfect IVed Pokemon unless you're really hung up on taking hits with a frail sweeper or doing as much damage as possible with a wall. If you want to be super pedantic, you don't even need perfect IVs in anything but Speed. Having a 30 IV vs a 30 IV in something like attack or defense isn't doing to chance the calculations a whole lot. Even a 25 IV will work in that situation, which is easy to get (Hidden Powers though...yeah Action Replay that ****. Getting the exact one you need by normal means isn't worth your time).

As far as not using your Pokemon on your in-game cart, yeah that kind of used to be a problem before, but almost everyone in this crew uses carts to battle (off the top of my head, it's me, Waffle, Kaiser, and even though Tant isn't technically in the crew, he hangs out with us fairly frequently). Not to mention there are Pokemon tournaments consistently at gaming/anime conventions and it's even starting to pick up as a side event at Smash tournaments. Hell I even missed a Pokemon tournament on the last day of MAGfest because I didn't bring my DS. So there are plenty of opportunities to bust out an in-game Pokemon team now, ARed or not.

Also Emerald/Leaf Green didn't have the Power items. That's really the one thing that makes IV breeding as tolerable as it is. We had no way to control which IVs got passed down and we had no way to truly check if our Pokemon had 31 IVs or not (since the IV checker didn't exist either. Using Serebii's IV checker can be very misleading...as I recently found out). Hell if things continue at this rate, I'll have a team that functions almost as well as a PO-created team in a little over a week that will last me until Grey at the very least.

But yeah Pokemon Online is super cool and super easy to use by comparison. Not knocking on that in the slightest.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
If you had played DQ5, you'd know the guy with the purple sash is not a pokemon, he's the original pokemon master. And his ultimate weapon is the Dragon Staff, not some gay *** UFB.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
That's very true. The main character in DQ5 is nowhere near a gladiator. Unlike most games, DQ5's main character does not have the best attack stats in the game (though still good). He's more like a Minstrel/Armamentalist hyrbrid. Lots of good support/heal spells and solid attack on his own, but not the best at anything. He can't even use the best armor or weapons. If you want someone like that, who's all brute force or offensive magic or an amazing healer or tank, there are tons of monsters that specialize in different things like that (you wanna see specialized, capture a Liquid Metal Slime :troll:). The human characters are generally more well rounded, though apart from the jack-of-all-trades main character, they still do fit into pretty clear-cut classes.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
I can teach you Pokemon Black, I just need to know exactly how much you know about competitive Pokemon so that I know where to start. Are you familiar with basic competitive terms like IVs and EVs? Are you familiar with the art of switching and prediction? Do you know none of these at all?

When I mentioned Hitmonlee, it was only a half joke. Liepard's best set imo (Fake Out Unburden w/ Normal Gem) is done more effectively by Hitmonlee in almost every way. Most of the Comm Mons like Pidgey and Rattata and such have little to no competitive use, but if you really want to use Liepard, I'll see what I can wrangle up.

A for DQ9, most people here are fairly experienced with it. JCz would be the best one to ask about that though since he's still fairly up to date with current information.

You know what'd be awesome? If you came up to NoVa for a weekend. We could talk DQ9, Pkmn, and then some.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
I know about EVs and thats about it in terms of what I'm sure about. LOL.

And I my car is getting shipped to me by the end of the month so be hype for that. I'll be able to visit nova.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
I'd recommend a Priest. No party should go without a healer. Have you unlocked any advanced classes yet?

If it matters to you, in the post game, Gladiator and Priest are the top tier classes, with Paladin and Sage rounding out high tier. Of course it's easy to change so it's not like committing yourself to one now will screw you over later. You can pretty much do whatever for the main story.
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