That's actually pretty cool. What kind of stuff can you raise? Domesticated enemy monsters like the Slime Knight? Or are there unique breeds that you can raise. I'm trying to think of a DQ9 monster that would be cool to have under player control (that are not Barbarus. Would raise that in a heartbeat if I could), but I can't remember any ones with awesome designs. Maybe this is a sign that we should play DQ9 again.
I wonder if I could raise a Moai Minstrel...
DQ5 doesn't have as many different monsters as DQ9, but there's still quite a selection. Here's a list of the recruitable monsters (not all the different monster types in the game):
Archdemon: [01] Jailcat: [36]
Bad Apple: [02] Killing Machine: [37]
Barbatos: [03] King Cureslime: [38]
Battle Pip: [04] King Slime: [39]
Beastmaster: [05] Liquid Metal Slime: [40]
Blizzybody: [06] Magic Marionette: [41]
Bomboulder: [07] Man o' War: [42]
Brownie: [08] Mandrake Marshal: [43]
Chimaera: [09] Metal Slime: [44]
Conkerer: [10] Minidemon: [45]
Conkjurer: [11] Moosifer: [46]
Conkuisitor: [12] Mudraker: [47]
Conkuistador: [13] Old Man of the Sea: [48]
Cross Eye: [14] Orc King: [49]
Cureslime: [15] Pip Fighter: [50]
Dracky: [16] Pocus Poppet: [51]
Drag-goof: [17] Powie Yowie: [52]
Epipany: [18] Prestidigitator: [53]
Fandangow: [19] Restless Armour: [54]
Fat Rat: [20] Revaulting Horse: [55]
Flamethrower: [21] Rockbomb: [56]
Funghoul: [22] Rotten Apple: [57]
Ghost: [23] Samigina: [58]
Gigantes: [24] Slime: [59]
Golem: [25] Slime Knight: [60]
Goodybag: [26] Small Fry: [61]
Great Dragon: [27] Snowbird: [62]
Grudgerigar: [28] Ticking Timeburrm: [63]
Hades Helm: [29] Walking Corpse: [64]
Hawk Man: [30] Warhog: [65]
Healslime: [31] Wax Murderer: [66]
Hellion: [32] Wiz Pip: [67]
Hoodlum: [33]
Hulagan: [34]
Hyperanemon: [35]
There are over 200 different monsters in the game, but the rest are mostly just palette swaps of these, so basically you can recruit one type per monster "family" excluding special cases like slimes where you can recruit pretty much all of them except MKS.
They're not all winners but quite a few of them are interesting and useful. <3 Slime Knight, Golem, and Killing Machine. And I think Barbatos is a palette swap of Barbarus.
3DS is tight. I spent about 5 minutes messing with 3D stuff, now back to pokemon. This thing is MAD TINY. Super hyped.
I have to say the 3DS plays DS and DSi games in low res, unlike the DSi and DS Lite, which look better (and the DSi has bigger screens height wise and width wise on the bottom).
I know they're just silly little tech demos but I'm loving the AR games.
I just compared Mario Kart DS side by side, and yeah, that is noticeably different. It's not that it's "low res," it's that the 3DS screen is higher res than the DS screen, and the game is being stretched to fill the screen, so the graphics aren't quite as crisp because they aren't in their native resolution. I don't really mind it though. It's actually like ghetto anti-aliasing, making DS games look less pixellated.