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The Gta+Niagara Brawl Power Rankings! (last updated 06/28. OMG RLY!?)

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Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
I would only go to one of them, and Pound seems to be more popular, 1st time I've heard of winter fest. Anyways, I'm a pot filler, so I would only go to 1 and thats pound 4


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Anthony tbh Hype is right, all of your posts are anti brawl, have you lost all hope in our brawl scene or something?

Just asking.

BTW GUYS I won the mk banned tourney, chyea~!!!


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
It's not like that at all Doc. To be honest, my anti brawl posts are made either:

1. when I'm drunk
2. for teh lolz

I don't really mean any of it. I love you guys <3<3<3


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Niko: Lack of competition in pools will not and has not yet hindered our scene in any form or fashion, do you really want to know what makes our scene the way it is??

It's the community complaining repetitively about how broken Metaknight is, and don't even try to tell me that's not what it is..

All those other excuses are irrelevant to our community, how many times do you hear people at each tournament complaining about how broken / cheap Metaknight is? And how brawl is whack because of the one.. The only.. Metaknight??

Raise your hand please!

You know, i like the fact that people are now complaining about complainers.
Minus, people like you who play your main in tourney rent what makes your scene bad, thats just giving yourself way too much importance. And stop insulting people like its your past time. 1st of all, if you let people win in pools and if they would have left if you ***** them, they never had the will to go pro from the beginning. 2nd, if your doing pools, might as well make em count, otherwise there is no point(hand seed works well if you know how good people are). And 3rd, silverdoc is right, you guys need to stop whining, and simply step it up.

If you think kingace really is good to the point where any non-metaknight player cant beat him, i wonder how the ally does it. Otherwise, just step it up. Ally isnt just some "exception", it is possible to simply step it up to his level. Talent isnt exactly a limitation in this game.

EDIT: Silverdoc, il give you creds when you come to montreal! Still good stuff though, i didnt expect anything less.
Double edit:Cyan, that smiley was too good i swear.


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Nate you were the first person I ever played in tournament, and I know you remember that because we talked about that set recently. You 3-stocked me pretty hard - and the only thing that did for me was motivate me to get better. I've been around the scene for over a year now, and to be honest I'm probably the least improved person in the entire scene. It's frustrating I'll admit; somehow I'm the only one with this much brawl tourney experience in the scene who still consistently loses to every good player out there (and even some randoms) - hell, I drowned in pools at Pownz a few months ago. The point is though that I still keep coming back; losing sure isn't pushing me out of the scene. Maybe I'm an outlier in that respect too though.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
As it should be Avarice, but Swordgard is missing the point.

People just stepping into the water don't come back after they drown unless they have some drive/heart, and I'm one for thinking they should, but the reality is is that many don't. Maybe they would have never stuck around anyways, but regardless.... The main point is that no one random factor can be arbitrarily set for the disappearance of the brawl noobs.

Also, I feel honoured for the great Swordgard to tell me I think too highly of myself. I see you were going for irony, how clever.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
There are a lot of smashers in the GTA that simply aren't aware that brawl has a scene, I'll start putting adds or making a website.

I'll make our tournaments huge again :)


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
As it should be Avarice, but Swordgard is missing the point.

People just stepping into the water don't come back after they drown unless they have some drive/heart, and I'm one for thinking they should, but the reality is is that many don't. Maybe they would have never stuck around anyways, but regardless.... The main point is that no one random factor can be arbitrarily set for the disappearance of the brawl noobs.

Also, I feel honoured for the great Swordgard to tell me I think too highly of myself. I see you were going for irony, how clever.
Niko, gtfo out of here with that ******** ****.
Seriously, read your post again to yourself, that **** is ********, and its exactly the opposite of the truth.
The biggest problem of the scene is the lack of noobs and new players, why? Because people like me (who play there main in pools and **** noobs) scared them away.

Seriously, just because there is nothing real to complain about doesn't mean you should make up some random **** and make correlations between things that have no relation or sense.
Brawl scenes death being equated to people not trying in pools? Stfu.
Just quoting your old post again so you can see my point, i dont get why you say your main point was that there was no correlation when you posted an entire paragraph saying its the opposite O.o .

Either way, i just dont believe there is a reason to make pools if everyone is just going to sandbag. Just bracket it. I just really hate the way you tell everyone to GTFO or stfu and keep on flaming all over the place. Silverdoc pointed out the two problems with your community. A) Lack of new players make it really hard for your community to expand. B) People start whining and then agree with each other when they start whining about everything instead of stepping it up and end up leaving.

Metaknight issue for example: I cant beat metaknight, and EVERYONE plays him! The only way to beat em must be to play metaknight.
Next person: Wow, theres even more MK now, i should play MK too!
In the end: See metaknight is everywhere, we should ban MK OR metaknight is everywhere, this game is all gay cause of him, im quitting.

And if i was thinking that highly of myself, id be spamming my tourney results all over the place and telling everyone how im the best like some of your players(no offense silverdoc, you do do it, but i wont judge you its fine, winning is pretty fun XD ) and i would randomly claim that my region is insanely better than any others thus justifying if i ever lose like some of you do and making me feel even better if i win.

EDIT: At least silverdoc can probably solve problem A, i suggest looking into other boards(gamefaqs, ign and whatsover), worked well for me.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Sword. There's one of two reasons to your constant trolling of GTA threads, and YES what you're doing is trolling.

1) You disagree with us and just want to argue and argue because your opinion is obviously the correct opinion and everyone here has their thumbs up their ***. And if that's the reason, **** off.

2) You are trying to help our scene by pointing out issues and having it up for debate in the hopes that you can guide us on the right competitive path. In which case, there's a saying that applies. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

The end point being. Dude seriously. There's no reason to keep arguing your points in threads that no one wants to hear them. Please stop. You're not helping, and if you have at all, it's been uniting the entire ontario region into thinking you're an *******. I've even seen you admonished by Holy in threads dude. Seriously. Piss off.

*Edit* If this keeps up, I'm going to the mods, and asking them to somehow deny you access to certain threads. And I highly doubt anyone in the Canada regional boards would argue against me doing that.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Nate you were the first person I ever played in tournament, and I know you remember that because we talked about that set recently. You 3-stocked me pretty hard - and the only thing that did for me was motivate me to get better. I've been around the scene for over a year now, and to be honest I'm probably the least improved person in the entire scene. It's frustrating I'll admit; somehow I'm the only one with this much brawl tourney experience in the scene who still consistently loses to every good player out there (and even some randoms) - hell, I drowned in pools at Pownz a few months ago. The point is though that I still keep coming back; losing sure isn't pushing me out of the scene. Maybe I'm an outlier in that respect too though.
I just tried my best man, still wish you were at havoc in the hammer >.<

Maybe online will help you succeed

I think I would appreciate a scene where there are people who wont quit after getting *****, versus a scene of people you are still here cause they are misleaded into thinking they have a chance cause some1 went soft against them in pools. Pools should == brackets.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Sword. There's one of two reasons to your constant trolling of GTA threads, and YES what you're doing is trolling.

1) You disagree with us and just want to argue and argue because your opinion is obviously the correct opinion and everyone here has their thumbs up their ***. And if that's the reason, **** off.

2) You are trying to help our scene by pointing out issues and having it up for debate in the hopes that you can guide us on the right competitive path. In which case, there's a saying that applies. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

The end point being. Dude seriously. There's no reason to keep arguing your points in threads that no one wants to hear them. Please stop. You're not helping, and if you have at all, it's been uniting the entire ontario region into thinking you're an *******. I've even seen you admonished by Holy in threads dude. Seriously. Piss off.

*Edit* If this keeps up, I'm going to the mods, and asking them to somehow deny you access to certain threads. And I highly doubt anyone in the Canada regional boards would argue against me doing that.

A) Public forums. Whenever you make a statement which is false or controversial, prepare to debate your point, thats the basis of getting to knowledge. Why do you guys have such a problem with actually using arguments instead of just blindly agreeing/flaming.

B) You completely misquoted that saying lmao. The road to hell is paved with good intentions means just wanting to help someone without trying leads you to hell. Also note that its note because its a saying that its true. That and this is mostly a utilitarianism approach which has clearly alot of flaws(but then again, what theory doesnt >.>).

C) You cant deny me access to one thread if i dont break any rules. And what im doing clearly does not qualify as trolling by SWF rules. Its called arguing in a logical manner. If you bring a point up, and i disagree, why not debate which one is true. We are logical beings(hopefully) who by comparing arguments should in theory arrive to the same conclusion if you can put aside your bias/emotionnal responses.

EDIT: Just so you know, holy has been sometimes admonishing me for my anti-ban argument, but thats mainly cause hes pro ban but we never really debated too much on it. I feel like if he truly 100% believed MK was that good, hed be using him against me instead of rob(though i feel its only a matter of time now >.>! ).

Double edit: Instead of arguing im a troll, try bringing up an argument that counters mine?


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
I can't believe i'm about to feed the troll.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions has many different meanings apparently. One being, that doing something with the best of intents but without a second's forethought often causes more grief than harm. As a matter of fact, that's the ONLY use of the phrase I've ever heard.

Secondly. Posting with the intent to anger/provoke/insult/belittle is trolling. Posting in a thread you have no business in or relation to is trolling. Having been asked to remove yourself from a thread repeatedly by MULTIPLE persons also posting in the thread, suggests you are in fact. Trolling.

Your own signature admits to your being a troll. "I may seem like an *******, but that's just because I don't agree with you."

And I'll nip your first argument in the bud. You've called us in the GTA whiners, that we aren't as good as we think, that you believe our PR is wrong after ONE ****ING TOURNEY. And you've even had the ****ing audacity (And I called you on this out of the boards on msn about this, so don't even try to lie about it.) to ****-talk ontario brawlers in a non-regional thread. IIRC it was the MK ban vote thread. So yes. You do anger/provoke/insult/belittle.

Posting in ontario threads, that have ****ing nothing to do with Montréal or Quebec even before you attended ONE ontario tourney. That would be posting in a thread you have no business in or relation to. I don't see us trolling montreal threads and telling you guys that your **** is all wrong.

And Mikey, Minus, Nickcam, Doc, myself, and others who I can't name off the top of my head, have ALL told you get the **** out of OUR threads. If you want to make a GTA flaming thread go right the **** ahead. Your bull**** shenanigans DERAIL OUR THREAD TOPICS. WHICH IS ****ING TROLLING


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Oh man....not this again. I reeaallyy don't see how his posts are THAT bad. He really is just showing us logical points to help our scene, although it may feel condescending. And fontunately/unfortunately, is it still trolling if there are people who DO want to hear his points? Like myself, possibly Avarice and/or others? Some things he does is stuid. Arguing about how our PR is wrong when he isn't part of our region is bs, but pointing out that we don't practice is a legit point.

I like Doc's idea a lot! the truth is there seem to be MANY players in the GTA or somewhere in Ontario that simply do not attend tournies. Like when Doc said there was a lot of secret talent he found at Dimmy's first tourney and that Kalm Ganon main who ***** people. There is also a Wario player in Richmond Hill by Yagami Dark who is also supposedly good, who does not reach our tournies. We need to try to expand on advertising to other forums or something to get these people to come.

EDIT: I think Dimmy's MK banned topurney should still go towards PR but maybe not as heavily as non-MK banned? there were plenty of sets between peple who don't main MK, so are those going to be counted?


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Swordgard is making a lot more sense than anyone else at the moment I don't know why everyone is blowing him off as trolling. He's most likely better than our entire scene at this point.

GTA is full of pompous *******s.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario

GTA is full of pompous *******s.

How are you going to imply such words towards GTA, do you have any idea how heartless that is?

I didn't even say anything but bashing GTA specifically like that, shame on you.

They are people just like you, if you're allowed to put your opinions out there SO ARE THEY.

But regardless of this pointless bickering, you guys have to stop arguing, the point of a scene is to have a group of people that all share a specific thing(s) in common, so cut out the arguing **** and lets all get along, act your ages people.. :)

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Seriously... Chill out guys. I've been lurking this whole swordgard thing for a while now, and it's not as bad as you're all making it out to be. Some of it does seem a tiny bit trollish and condescending, but alot of it is the grim truth.

Our scene as a whole is dying for many reasons, and we need to step it up.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
What will we do to save our scene and stop swordgard :laugh:

swordgard I <3 u man (no homo) I'm trying my f ucking hardest to reach your tourney, and I enjoy playing u online cause ur better then me and I learn from u.

as for our scene, Doc had a good idea, we should be doing more advertising, if we had 64 man tourneys frequently I would be very happy.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Lol, erm im kinda surprised by the amount of people who posted to defend me O.o

TBH though i do feel like doc is one of the people who is going to try his hardest to bring in more people. He may sometimes vent alot, but he really does seem to enjoy challenges, which simply shows how determined he is to prove that he can beat the best.

EDIT: Gichan, just saying, like everyone i make mistakes and il gladly admit sometimes i do say stupid stuff just like everyone. I can only try to improve even more : )

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Lol, erm im kinda surprised by the amount of people who posted to defend me O.o

TBH though i do feel like doc is one of the people who is going to try his hardest to bring in more people. He may sometimes vent alot, but he really does seem to enjoy challenges, which simply shows how determined he is to prove that he can beat the best.

EDIT: Gichan, just saying, like everyone i make mistakes and il gladly admit sometimes i do say stupid stuff just like everyone. I can only try to improve even more : )
Keep working swordgard, don't give up

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
LOL picturing you dancing to that makes me :laugh::laugh::laugh:

lmfao you best be picturing my thrusts of ****......luxys is beside amc and putting edge,thats freaking lol wtf is cascada doin thurrrr


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
EDIT: Gichan, just saying, like everyone i make mistakes and il gladly admit sometimes i do say stupid stuff just like everyone. I can only try to improve even more : )
Read it HARD guys, Swordgard is not a troll, he admitted he makes mistakes like everyone else.

Now just leave him the **** alone, you guys are starting to piss me off. It was funny at first, but now you're just harassing the guy.

We need to stick together, no more fighting <3 :)


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Seriously... Chill out guys. I've been lurking this whole swordgard thing for a while now, and it's not as bad as you're all making it out to be. Some of it does seem a tiny bit trollish and condescending, but alot of it is the grim truth.

Our scene as a whole is dying for many reasons, and we need to step it up.
Everyone should read this.

And Doc, Shut the **** up. Please. No need to get defensive over a comment that includes myself you ****!ng arrogant douche.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Didn't swordgard get owned by brose in IC dittos?
Owned? Meh, he 1 stocked me twice >.<, i almost beat him first match. My mistake was going snake. Either way, i didnt knew the matchup, and im not the type who just stand idle when i lose. So i played the ditto alot now : D Otherwise, i outranked him in gta at one tourney(even beating people he usually cant beat) and am doing better than he probably could here. I dont want to state every win i get though or else that would be venting. If you want to know why i consider i place better, PM/msn me.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Alright, swordgard took over this thread too lol. Anyways i've been in this scene for a long time (grab release didnt exist when i joined, ally hadnt been to a tourney yet, and kingace was just learning the powers of the godnado, a long time ago). Brawl back in the day was the ****, every tourney i was pretty hyped for, I practiced and lots of people showed to make it memorable. Ive seen alot of people come and go and i seriously cant beleive ive stuck around for this long. I'm sorry to all you people who think brawl is perfect or something but this game is pretty broken. One button infinites, moves that have almost godlike priorities, Glitches in the game which are not banned (Grab release), matchups that are pretty much 100:0, ledge camping, people running for 8 minutes. You guys are argueing about pools, lol u think ur gonna have pools with 20 people tournies, pools are the least of your worries. Brawl no longer fun for me personally and i know a couple others in sauga who agree with that statement. We might still show up for a tourney or 2 though, maybe....
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