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The Gta+Niagara Brawl Power Rankings! (last updated 06/28. OMG RLY!?)

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Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Screw pools, I want to go into brackets fresh

Lets put it liek this what if you beat Kingace's Falco in pools, no one cares. People sandbag, theres nothing you can do about it.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
It's just the pros being scared of losing their PR spot, so they minimize the chance of people getting legit wins on them and say they are sandbagging (mikey, LOL, just joking).


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
lol for some reason our scene just doesnt take pools seriously

ive seen almost every big player just using secondaries or fukking around or sandbagging during pools


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
To this day I don't see why the hell the brawl community thinks this shouldn't apply. It's hindering the scene largely.
Agreed. To put it simply:

If you aren't trying in pools then you aren't trying to maximize your chance of getting an easier bracket, therefore not maximizing your chances of winning the tournament. Pool seeding directly influences how far you will get in bracket (unless you're Ally and you get 1st anyway).

Also not playing to your fullest against newer or lesser players limits the amount of actual experience those players get if it's their only chance to play high level players (which as Niko pointed out, hinders the scene).

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
If you are gonna sandbag in pools, might as well, take 4th seed and give other players free wins. From a moral point of view, sandbagging is disrespectful, and that ties in to what Avarice and Niko have said. It hinders the scene. So what will it take to force people to perform their best in pools? Make pools = to bracket matches right nao. That otta whip people into shape. Going straight into brackets without pools doesn't sound like a good idea. Pools are more accurate, then seeding by hand, people should start on equal ground (although pools are kinda seeded).


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Half the reason our scene is so ****ty right now is due to the fact that nobody even takes it seriously. Sandbagging in pools is taking half the tournament as a joke because you insist oh, I'll make it into bracket no matter what so I'll use x character.

Pools is supposed to be just as competitive, so you can have a less stressful time in brackets. The brawl scene is really dying and Melee is coming back strong. Do something about it, start with changing your attitudes.

Deleted member

If you use your secondaries in pools, it should reflect on your PR standing. It's your loss, it's your fault.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
@Avarice - my other characters ALWAYS beat "new people" in pools, so its the same experience of getting beaten, and badly might I add ; )

@Tinamn - its not disrespectful, its plain strategic, why burn myself out on Marth/Dedede when I can have a really easy time with Falco/Snake and still come out 1st/2nd seed, then I go into brackets fresh with my primary characters. Why pass up the opportunity to scout the other person's habits and exploit them when its double elimination time?

@Niko - I don't think we can attribute Brawl dying to people sandbagging in pools

@Delorted - if that makes people feel better then by all means

Ok all this talk about pools and how they don't matter let me lay down a couple facts about my pools experiences
-I've lost to 4 people: Ambrose, Cyan, Distructo, Pho. Cyan and Ambrose legit beat me, they're better than me, they deserve the wins. Pho legit beat me too, good shiz ****** my Dedede lol
Vs Distructo I had:
1) limited toonlink experience, so I was feeling out the matchup and the way he plays toon link
2) after I did feel out the matchup, I realized it was an 8 minute campfest...why on earth would I want to go through that
3) THIS VERY REASON HERE IS WHY I DON'T GIVE 100% IN POOLS MOST OF THE TIME: I had to play him again in brackets, and guess what? I literally laser camped him to 200% every single stock and won with less than a minute to go in each match.

I'll be really blunt here, if the nature of Brawl wasn't so slowpaced, I'd probably expend more energy in pools trying to win. But alot of the times ESPECIALLY vs mk these matches are 6+ minutes...no thx

ALSO end note: If I believe you're good, I won't sit there and play a secondary...unless you're legitimately better than me you're not going to win (i.e. Ambrose, Cyan, Pho - yes hes better than me, he adapted hardcore to my Dedede).
EXAMPLES OF PEOPLE: Vs U and C people I try, in some cases just enough to win but mostly I give it a good run - raidos, sauc3, decoy, wolfblade, tinman, gi, carter, etc.

Ending thought: Don't miss the point, I scout in pools and use up less energy so come time for brackets I'm ready to go


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
this thread has inspired me to go ICs in pools and falcon in bracket.


1. Pool Matches and Bracket Matches count (according to some people here)
2. Generally there are more pool matches than bracket matches
3. I want to sandbag at some point
4. In order for my wins to be greater than my losses, I just have to win pools and lose brackets,

mine logic are flawless


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Mikey all I read are personal excuses and don't even prove a point in the grand scheme.

We can easily attribute brawls fall in the GTA to people NOT CARING ENOUGH in pools. It weakens the attitudes of all the newer and less renown players, as well as the more seriously skilled players because the tournament scene isn't even worth clmibing up in the first place. Due to the fact that it's taken so lightly. Brackets are only half of the tournament, and for many, it isn't a part of the tournament for them.

If people created the feeling of full effort and competition throughout an entire tournament, there would be more inclination to come back may it be revenge or self improvement. Older players from the scene wouldn't feel the sense of futility when attending tournaments and the scene would prosper.

I personally think it's over analytical elitist mindsets like yours that are hindering our scene.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Niko, gtfo out of here with that ******** ****.
Seriously, read your post again to yourself, that **** is ********, and its exactly the opposite of the truth.
The biggest problem of the scene is the lack of noobs and new players, why? Because people like me (who play there main in pools and **** noobs) scared them away.

Seriously, just because there is nothing real to complain about doesn't mean you should make up some random **** and make correlations between things that have no relation or sense.
Brawl scenes death being equated to people not trying in pools? Stfu.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
This thread was missing a good old Niko post ; )

So nostalgic lolz

Also, now that Minus posted I remember that he beat me in pools too lol

Also sauc3 got the right idea lol


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Heres my two cents. Why go supersaiyan three in pools matches when u could coast at supersaiyan one and not waste any energy. The only time u might need to take a match seriously if it determines 1st seed and second seed, that being said i dont usually do that unless its a person who i dont play often. Beating someone in pools is okay but the bracket is what counts and i know plenty of examples of people (including myself) who could care less about pools. Its a mindset and if u go in showing all ur tricks in pools you are most likely gonna run into some problems later

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
tru tru cam

but to a certain point i agree with Niko(cept for pool sandbagging killin our scene thats lol), a problem we have is noone really wants to play one another 4 srs outside of tourneys, ppl who have refused to play me with their mains or sandbag in friendlies to wait for if we played in tourney matches ****s dumb i just want to get better at the game so when i go to states i know what im doing..the only people that come to mind who play me without sandbagging in friendlies are Niko,Holy and sometimes Doc if hes in the mood


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
All I said was we could attribute it to the cause of our falling scene, not the primary cause. No need for everyone to blow up and get defensive. It's definitely a reason our tournaments are boring lmfao. Pools are looked upon as a hassle...


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
Heres my two cents. Why go supersaiyan three in pools matches when u could coast at supersaiyan one and not waste any energy. The only time u might need to take a match seriously if it determines 1st seed and second seed, that being said i dont usually do that unless its a person who i dont play often. Beating someone in pools is okay but the bracket is what counts and i know plenty of examples of people (including myself) who could care less about pools. Its a mindset and if u go in showing all ur tricks in pools you are most likely gonna run into some problems later
excellent point.
supersaiyan three is tough to get to.



Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
tru tru cam

but to a certain point i agree with Niko(cept for pool sandbagging killin our scene thats lol), a problem we have is noone really wants to play one another 4 srs outside of tourneys, ppl who have refused to play me with their mains or sandbag in friendlies to wait for if we played in tourney matches ****s gay i just want to get better at the game so when i go to states i know what im doing..the only people that come to mind who play me without sandbagging in friendlies are Niko,Holy and sometimes Doc if hes in the mood
Money matches, double digits and over for more than best out of 5, best out of 11+ only.

People like Doc, Kingace, etc will accept that i.e. the people you want to train with. I guarantee Doc would accept that with multiple characters lol

Casuals = people don't sandbag THAT badly beacuse loser gives up the tv lol


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Pools are legit.

I for one, would never sandbag. If I do well in Pools, I'll get a good seed, and my Brackets will subsequently be a cakewalk.

And if you learn my strategies? Good, more of a challenge. Maybe I'll Counter-Pick differently, or you know, play a different way or use a different character!

Jeez, what new and interesting ideas!


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
I think taking pools seriously is just a waste of time.

i mean, I personally think that we SHOULD take them seriously, but clearly the guys in charge here consider it not to matter much, if it all.

So like you guys said, why waste energy going SSJ3 when i can just pretty much chill. why waste my effort when it wont count? and also, its a mindgame too, to sandbag someone in pools and theyll be thinking LOL HE SUXZ and then they play a completely different style in brackets.

i dont consider sandbagging "disrespectful," what i do consider disrespectful is planking though. thats just a big **** you. but im not pointing fingers at anyoone!!!

when the brackets start, thats when I got fukken LSSJ nigguhz

broly foreverr


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
That's the thing Cruxis. It SHOULD be counting, but people are spreading their lethargic attitude about pools and not taking them seriously >.<.

Deleted member

Just reform the PR and make them count. It'll stimulate *****es.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
There are good points not to so SSJ3 in pools I guess. If you get 2d or 3rd seed, there isn't much of a difference between the two. if ur playing for 1st/2nd or 3rd/4th, u better step s hit up though =0


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
I think taking pools seriously is just a waste of time.

i mean, I personally think that we SHOULD take them seriously, but clearly the guys in charge here consider it not to matter much, if it all.

So like you guys said, why waste energy going SSJ3 when i can just pretty much chill. why waste my effort when it wont count? and also, its a mindgame too, to sandbag someone in pools and theyll be thinking LOL HE SUXZ and then they play a completely different style in brackets.

i dont consider sandbagging "disrespectful," what i do consider disrespectful is planking though. thats just a big **** you. but im not pointing fingers at anyoone!!!

when the brackets start, thats when I got fukken LSSJ nigguhz

broly foreverr
Joe and I will formulate a planking duo, and plank you day and night, night and day ^_^:).


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Niko: Lack of competition in pools will not and has not yet hindered our scene in any form or fashion, do you really want to know what makes our scene the way it is??

It's the community complaining repetitively about how broken Metaknight is, and don't even try to tell me that's not what it is..

All those other excuses are irrelevant to our community, how many times do you hear people at each tournament complaining about how broken / cheap Metaknight is? And how brawl is whack because of the one.. The only.. Metaknight??

Raise your hand please!


Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Niko: Lack of competition in pools will not and has not yet hindered our scene in any form or fashion, do you really want to know what makes our scene the way it is??

It's the community complaining repetitively about how broken Metaknight is, and don't even try to tell me that's not what it is..

All those other excuses are irrelevant to our community, how many times do you hear people at each tournament complaining about how broken / cheap Metaknight is? And how brawl is whack because of the one.. The only.. Metaknight??

Raise your hand please!

That's why you pick up a character that can take Meta Knight (right doc :p lol friendlies)


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Guys, our scene is teh way is it because:

1. brawl sux
2. It's TORONTO. our populations is uber small, so we're not going to have high attendance at tournaments no matter how hard we try.
3. americans dont come because theyre ghey.
4. brawl sux

tl;dr im drunk. and we need to go to american melee tournaments =)


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
Niko: Lack of competition in pools will not and has not yet hindered our scene in any form or fashion, do you really want to know what makes our scene the way it is??

It's the community complaining repetitively about how broken Metaknight is, and don't even try to tell me that's not what it is..


Sandbagging is disrespectful if it's not strategic. I understand sandbagging so people wont know your patterns and I realize people want to save their energy. Those are legit reasons. Sandbagging just because you're going to win anyway is disrespectful.

I'm undecided on whether and how much pools should count for at this time.


Edit: Is it just me or is every one of anythony's posts anti-brawl. gtfo with this brawl vs melee ****.


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Guys, our scene is teh way is it because:

1. brawl sux
2. It's TORONTO. our populations is uber small, so we're not going to have high attendance at tournaments no matter how hard we try.
3. americans dont come because theyre ghey.
4. brawl sux

tl;dr im drunk. and we need to go to american melee tournaments =)
Wikipedia said:
With over 2.5 million residents, it is the fifth most populous municipality in North America
Unless there are only 4 regions with better tournament attendance than ours then that's not an excuse.

Also that's just the population for Toronto proper; not the entire GTA (5.5 mil)


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Unless there are only 4 regions with better tournament attendance than ours then that's not an excuse.

Also that's just the population for Toronto proper; not the entire GTA (5.5 mil)
I ****ing love you Cex this post had me rolling as much as the capcom / nintendo thing lmfao lmfao :laugh:

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Unless there are only 4 regions with better tournament attendance than ours then that's not an excuse.

Also that's just the population for Toronto proper; not the entire GTA (5.5 mil)
Smash isn't popular in the GTA. When I tell people that I play Smash, the usual response is "lolsmashsux". CoD is huge in the GTA though.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Edit: Is it just me or is every one of anythony's posts anti-brawl. gtfo with this brawl vs melee ****.

And I didn't think Toronto was that huge in the grand scheme of things... I guess a better way to phrase what I meant would be "Smash never had a huge scene in GTA to begin with, so it's not surprising that Brawl tourneys have such a small turnout over a year after it's release." When we were hitting 80+ at LBT and OIN, that was mainly because the game was so new and hype was at an all time high. Tournament attendance is lower almost everywhere from what I've gathered, but GTA got hit hard :ohwell:

The Michigan+Ally tournaments were fuckwin. I think their absence might have something to do with the small attendance as well :urg:

On a brighter note, any Brawlers planning to go to Pound?
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