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The Gta+Niagara Brawl Power Rankings! (last updated 06/28. OMG RLY!?)

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Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
You guys are such territorial ******* sometimes. It's a ****ing message board. He can post his opinion wherever he likes, and I'm next to positive his credibility is among the highest in our country for smash knowledge....He's not some random scrub like you guys treat him as.

He actually refutes every single point and you guys just basically tease him like we're in public school because he's from a different region.

Get the plug out of your a$$es. I don't see one legitimate reason as to why we should be ignoring swordgard....only irrational reasons.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Tin man, your message was awesome and made me lol. And the only way i can be friends with GTA is by blindly agreeing with nonsense with not valid argument(well not gta in general, a few specific members to be exact, i enjoy talking with alot of people from GTA on aim/msn, most of them being able to logically argue ^.^).

Either way, the people who dont want to hear me all put me on ignore, so i can post even more now ^.^.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
I'm with Niko on this. I don't get the mass hate for swordgard. Just because he disagreed with you on MK, but was from outside the region? I'm sure if he was pro-ban he would have been welcomed with open arms. Ignore him if he really bugs you guys that much, but still, it seems like mostly everyone here is acting like crybaby super*****es about it.

For the record, I'm not angry. I've just been looking for an excuse to say "crybaby super*****" for a long time. <3


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Chart looks nice



Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
I don't hate Swordgard, I'm not bashing him, I just don't see why he feels the need to contradict our PR.

Hes from Quebec, not GtaN, like I said before, if anyone from gtan were to go on the quebec PR thread and tell them how their pr should look like, they would "bash" us the same way.

There is simply no reason for Swordgard to tell our panelists how our PR should look like, its clear that he hasn't been following our scene long enough to know what everyones placings should be.

Just because TO joe outplaced nickcam at 2 or 3 tournies, dosn't change the fact that Nickcam has a commanding lead over TO joe, which is the only reason why TO joe may not surpass Nick.

I may not have been in the scene long enough to know everyones set counts, but i've been here long enough to get a positive read on how the panelists run the PR, and trust me, its fair.

With that said, I will ask nicely again, Swordgard.. If you have nothing nice to say, refrain from posting in our thread.

End rant/


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I don't hate Swordgard, I'm not bashing him, I just don't see why he feels the need to contradict our PR.

Hes from Quebec, not GtaN, like I said before, if anyone from gtan were to go on the quebec PR thread and tell them how their pr should look like, they would "bash" us the same way.

There is simply no reason for Swordgard to tell our panelists how our PR should look like, its clear that he hasn't been following our scene long enough to know what everyones placings should be.

Just because TO joe outplaced nickcam at 2 or 3 tournies, dosn't change the fact that Nickcam has a commanding lead over TO joe, which is the only reason why TO joe may not surpass Nick.

I may not have been in the scene long enough to know everyones set counts, but i've been here long enough to get a positive read on how the panelists run the PR, and trust me, its fair.

With that said, I will ask nicely again, Swordgard.. If you have nothing nice to say, refrain from posting in our thread.

End rant/
At every tourney they have been together to TO joe has outplaced nickam during the last 3 months, with TO joe creating many upsets beating ambrose and other high ranked PR a couple of times. Yes, nickam beat him in the last times they played, but as stated keeping a set count kinda gets redundant because the sets player are becoming old, thus say nickam has 5-2 agaisnt joe, but joe beat him the last two tourneys then everyone would still think nickam>to joe. This is an hypotethical example, but in this case you are purposingly taking the time issue out in order to make old sets worth as much as newer one. Same for tourney placings. TO joe has a commanding lead over nickam in tourney placings.

Either way, havoc is in 2 days, TO joe will place better again.

EDIT: To be fair, i dont want to contradict your PR, it just needs some updating XD


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
TO joe has a commanding lead over nickam in tourney placings.
TO joe I love you and all, but I have to.


....... * outta breath * .........

*Moments later*


Swordgard, you're making our thread sound like a joke, have you any idea how many times TO joe has been outplaced by cam? Lets not let the last " 2 " months effect anything drasticly, we know TO joe is amazing, hes got credibility. I can honestly say that they are almost neck and neck, I'd say with 1 more good placing or even TO joe beating cam at the next tourney will give TO joe the 6th spot, but we can't just forget everything cam has achieved.

I will give TO joe credit, hes beaten a lot of good people and has been getting good ammounts of 5th placings, but chill out with your Swordgard logic it dosn't work in this thread.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
TO joe I love you and all, but I have to.


....... * outta breath * .........

*Moments later*


Swordgard, you're making our thread sound like a joke, have you any idea how many times TO joe has been outplaced by cam? Lets not let the last " 2 " months effect anything drasticly, we know TO joe is amazing, hes got credibility. I can honestly say that they are almost neck and neck, I'd say with 1 more good placing or even TO joe beating cam at the next tourney will give TO joe the 6th spot, but we can't just forget everything cam has achieved.

I will give TO joe credit, hes beaten a lot of good people and has been getting good ammounts of 5th placings, but chill out with your Swordgard logic it dosn't work in this thread.
Chill out with your swordgard logic? It doesnt work in this thread? I think i noticed that when i saw so many people post emotional based posts.

Lets not let the last 2 months affect anything drastically? So your basically saying we disregard the obvious improvement that TO joe did and base the ranking on old tourneys which because they are more numerous count more? By that standard, Ken is forever the best at melee. If someone improves drastically within a small amount of time and consistently places way higher than he did before, logic would tell you that the new tournaments are more relevant to a ranking than the old ones because rankings are used to dictate what is the current best players. As long as it was not a one time event where the player did good and continues to show he has improved, he should be judged by the newer events. Also you are completely disregarding that we can exactly pinpoint the moment where TO joe got much better(when he picked up MK, whether MK is broken or not does not matter, this PR is with MK) , therefore the improvement isnt just an illusion or a 1 time good placing. We can then say that eversince he picked MK, he placed better than nickam. If you want to relate to his fox tourneys, sure but its completely irrelevant.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
No Swordgard, not disregarding nothing, Nickcam has beaten TO joe 3 - 0 or something, and has outplaced him more in total, enough said.

We all know TO joe is good, I'm sick of repeating myself dudes my son, hes a beast, but he has to do more, Nick has a few top 3 placings, joe has 1 I think, if he has more than 1 sorry for my error but regardless of even Nicks top 3 placings, he still has a ****load of fifth and fourth placings, end of discussion.

Swordgard, I still don't hate you, I have limited respect for you though, when anyone asks as nice as I did to refrain from making Swordgard biased posts, you could at least take them up on that offer.

I will ask again, Swordgard, with my tension level rising now, I think you should just not post here at all, or keep it at 1 post a day.

Unless you have something nice to say, say nothing you must.

:squirtle: Squirtle approves this message.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2008
Watching Doc plank FatalX was a painful thing to watch... And Minus' speech on the MK scenario just proves it. I know I know Doc, "play to win," but it's just frustrating to see the current metagame revolve around that.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
Watching Doc plank FatalX was a painful thing to watch... And Minus' speech on the MK scenario just proves it. I know I know Doc, "play to win," but it's just frustrating to see the current metagame revolve around that.
imagine how painful it was to play

if MK isnt banned, at least ban planking.
that was absolutely ridiculous, by far the gayest match ive ever had

I cant wait until someone hosts an MK ban tournament, itll be a lot more fun thats for sure.

its obvious competitive brawl isnt something you can enjoy, its just playing to win
oh well


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2008
imagine how painful it was to play

if MK isnt banned, at least ban planking.
that was absolutely ridiculous, by far the gayest match ive ever had

I cant wait until someone hosts an MK ban tournament, itll be a lot more fun thats for sure.

its obvious competitive brawl isnt something you can enjoy, its just playing to win
oh well
Actually, quoted from the general ruleset of Brawl at Havoc:

-Planking and Stalling!
(I cannot stess this enough, if I hear a complaint about stalling or planking I will watch the match personally. If I do not see any aggression for a full minute, I will disqualify you. Also, if I hear a complaint of serious planking I will ask to see the after game report to determine how many ledge grabs were achieved. If something ridiculous such as 70+ ledge grabs is what you have compared to the opposing player's 20, I will disqualify you for obvious planking, unless you can prove otherwise.)
In Doc's defense, there was aggression throughout the match.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
imagine how painful it was to play

if MK isnt banned, at least ban planking.
that was absolutely ridiculous, by far the gayest match ive ever had

I cant wait until someone hosts an MK ban tournament, itll be a lot more fun thats for sure.

its obvious competitive brawl isnt something you can enjoy, its just playing to win
oh well
Phils input on how to play Snakes

Air plank, Force an approach on Snake.

Now for the problem..

I was playing like I normally play snakes, I was trying to run in and grab but all you would do is spot dodge, grab me, throw me, with the granade, its quite obvious that you can't approach snake from the ground if they do this, so I was kinda aggrivated.

Now the best part, the solution.

Bro, if you're going to stand there tossing nades over and over and spotdodging when I approach you and just keep on using nades, I will plank you, I'm sick of fighting snakes like this. I know it may seem gay, but I assure you, your style was just as gay, do you expect me to get hit by every nade? No, so I'm planking, sorry.

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Doc is my planking apprentice, hes been showing some potential to surpass me but idk i have been more consistent at tourneys....maybe one day you'll become dr.plank..maybe lolll

i should have planked Ally LOL meh i dont really plank snakes, i wont approach if they go complete ocas though...just alot of baiting and punishing from both sides...but this isnt a mathcup topic so ill shh

edit: fatal is beast,doc is beast


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
Phils input on how to play Snakes

Air plank, Force an approach on Snake.

Now for the problem..

I was playing like I normally play snakes, I was trying to run in and grab but all you would do is spot dodge, grab me, throw me, with the granade, its quite obvious that you can't approach snake from the ground if they do this, so I was kinda aggrivated.

Now the best part, the solution.

Bro, if you're going to stand there tossing nades over and over and spotdodging when I approach you and just keep on using nades, I will plank you, I'm sick of fighting snakes like this. I know it may seem gay, but I assure you, your style was just as gay, do you expect me to get hit by every nade? No, so I'm planking, sorry.
The only way to beat MK is with patience, ive learned that the hard way. it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for snake to be aggressive in that matchup, i have to be patient, its the only way. there is still a way to beat me without planking. look at kingace, he manages to beat me and he never planks me, yet i play the exact same way. in fact, our last mk vs snake matches when you dont plank have ALWAYS been close, usually down to the last hit.

when you plank its just basically a huge "**** you" lol. its serious disrespect, and it makes the match absolutely boring and a drag. plus, it doesnt even show you have skill as an MK, it shows that you are only winning because of MKs unbelievably safe options, and not because of your skill. anyone can just stay in the air and keep dairing at a distance, its not hard to do, and its definitely not respectful

dont say air planking is your only method of winning, because youre not improving your skill when you resort to it.
what will happen when you face a snake who knows how to deal with air planking? what can you do then?
this time i wasnt ready for it, because i expected better of you than that, i thought you wouldnt have to resort it.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
1. Kingace
2. SilverDoc
3. Percon
4. Ambrose
5. Hype
6. TOJoe
7. Nickcam
8. Minus
9. Cruxis
10. Mikey

my own PERSONAL OPINION for what update should look like


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Agreed with everything you said Fatal, but as far as I'm concerned, Ace is better at the non planking method.

As for that PR oppinion, it looks great, I'd put Fool above mikey is all though.

Sorry I had to Plank, I just knew I would've lost if I had approached without it, cause' I was getting ***** at the beginning of match 1...

It was my only option, seems you've figured out the non planking mk style, so I figured planking was best.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Yeah, I can't get to tournies and then when school starts in September, I doubt I'll be going to any tournies, so yeah drop me off and don't bother putting me on u and c plz

Give it to someone who will be active

Legend of Mikey on hiatus :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Jaske made top 7 not top 9.

top7 Jaskes


@ Fatal/Cruxis

I'd put hype in 4th, he's 3-1 with Ambrose IIRC. Also, as much as i love max, he should be seeing a drop given inconsistent tourney participance.

If anything, maybe Hype in 3rd, TOJoe in 4th? (He's been outplacing Nickcam, and has beaten doc twice now in brackets.)


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Hopefully next time I won't flop as badly as I did during pools...I was playing my best right after my first two losses XD. Outbreak!!!!

I got really good at melee yesterday too :S
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