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The Gta+Niagara Brawl Power Rankings! (last updated 06/28. OMG RLY!?)

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Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
Also, you guys need to add MK to Brose's mains

I want everyone to see how much of an MK fest ontario is



Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Cruxis, you do realize snake has tools to beat planking....

Planking isnt OP vs snake, thats an easy thing to get around as snake using c4.

As for silverdoc using mk to beat fatal, you guys shouldnt ban MK, hes far from being OP, and you guys are too far from the top of the metagame to be taking this kind of decisions based on one MK beating someone by airplank/planking.

Edit: Dont get me wrong, mtl is pretty far from being there too.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
when is this **** gunna be updated? cuz jaske seriously deserves a spot on the U and C's, he beat out some great players and came 7th at HITH, like dam.

also theres some U and C's that really dont deserve to be on there, and i think fatal/cruxis should be moved to the PRs,

woot at raidos being U and C he's really legit.

just an idea of a scrub no reason to flame, a legit answer would be nice (no hate pls)


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
Cruxis, you do realize snake has tools to beat planking....

Planking isnt OP vs snake, thats an easy thing to get around as snake using c4.

As for silverdoc using mk to beat fatal, you guys shouldnt ban MK, hes far from being OP, and you guys are too far from the top of the metagame to be taking this kind of decisions based on one MK beating someone by airplank/planking.

Edit: Dont get me wrong, mtl is pretty far from being there too.
Doc air planked me, not ledge plank.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Doc air planked me, not ledge plank.

My bad for that. Funny though how any type of camping strategy is now planking XD.

Either way, air planking isnt a problem at this level, yes it is a solution until you find out that it creates in no way a slippery slope situation where trying to hit him only results in you getting a high risk of dying, which was the case of planking vs some chars. Because there is no slippery slope, it means you can try attacking him, and the risk/reward ratio is preserved, and if you manage to get him he still needs to come and attack you(and hopefully trips into a ftilt....). MK isnt impossible to hit in the air, he gains no invinicibility, it should not be a problem.You have enough projectiles to reduce his options to the point where he has to make a choice between 2 things before you do them and if he chooses wrong hed take damage.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Personally when an MK air planks me, I toss up a nade or mortar to bait an airdodge and go for a sweet spot uair, or another mortar, out of the vulnerability of it. I'm not good enough to really comment, but I find it works for me. I'd much rather fight a campy MK then an aggressive one who knows how to pressure in all the right ways. >_>

EDIT: Sorry for off topic.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Wtf are you guys doing this is a PR thread not a Snake vs MK discussion.

Cruxis, stop whining, its not like you haven't beat me before.

Swordgard, stop posting unviable bull on our PR thread.

PND, PM Cruxis instead of posting that stuff please, I actually respect you I don't see myself getting mad at you anytime soon.

As for PR update, I think Jaske is U and C's, as is Carter.

Joe should be 6th not 4th, he still has to do better than 5th.

Hype above brose, me above percon.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Wtf are you guys doing this is a PR thread not a Snake vs MK discussion.

Cruxis, stop whining, its not like you haven't beat me before.

Swordgard, stop posting unviable bull on our PR thread.

PND, PM Cruxis instead of posting that stuff please, I actually respect you I don't see myself getting mad at you anytime soon.

As for PR update, I think Jaske is U and C's, as is Carter.

Joe should be 6th not 4th, he still has to do better than 5th.

Hype above brose, me above percon.

Unviable bull? XD XD Man, i never heard that one before XD.

Either way, I pretty much agree with your changes. Ambrose has been kind of inconsistent lately, joe has been mad consistent though not above ambrose yet . Jaske and carter did place super well and should be U and comers, as for you and percon its close but i think right now you have a slight upper hand.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Unviable bull? XD XD Man, i never heard that one before XD.

Either way, I pretty much agree with your changes. Ambrose has been kind of inconsistent lately, joe has been mad consistent though not above ambrose yet . Jaske and carter did place super well and should be U and comers, as for you and percon its close but i think right now you have a slight upper hand.
Even if Percon came and got like 5th and I got 2nd, I'd still be ok with him being ahead of me, the reason I feel I should be second is cause' of all gta that attended I got first in my region / province.

I think I deserve that spot now, and to joe is 0 - 1 with hype, I'm 5 - 1 with hype, 3 - 1 with brose, 2 - 2 with joe, 2 - 2 with max, 4 - 0 with cam, 1- 4 with ace, 4 - 2 with nate, 2 - 0 with mikey, 2 - 0 with fool.

What do you think guys? Oppinions.


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
The next update will be done after Havok, why don't you guys worry about things then?
I'm all for an update now since a bunch of our top players are going to the States for SNES so there wont be too much opportunity for PR members to play each other for a while.

Edit: Ty if you read this the sig you made me is bit too big lol. Can you make it smaller? I'm not sure the exact limit for the size, I'll go try to find that now.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Quoting swordgard makes me able to read his posts, then I die on the inside a little more every time -_-
Its funny cause im saying stuff that some members of gta are saying yet you will disagree with everything i say. Also, i was getting there about you guys needing to step it up, but you guys bashed me instead. Dunning krueger effect, anyone remember that? Oh well, your just gonna ignore this, bash me again, say everything i say is BS without any proof.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
Its funny cause im saying stuff that some members of gta are saying yet you will disagree with everything i say. Also, i was getting there about you guys needing to step it up, but you guys bashed me instead. Dunning krueger effect, anyone remember that? Oh well, your just gonna ignore this, bash me again, say everything i say is BS without any proof.
If its any consolation yer still a B-sticker. And that's a plus in my book :bee:

I'm looking foward to this update as usual. Drama is awesome sauce.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
If its any consolation yer still a B-sticker. And that's a plus in my book :bee:

I'm looking foward to this update as usual. Drama is awesome sauce.

Yeah for b sticking(cstickings got nothing over this).

And lol, your awesome for quoting me XD Now mikey has to read it XD

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
hmm im sorta iffy now, if hype were to lets say pass brose on PR, think i might have a shot at passing brose? i think im 4-0 or 5-0 against him since swordgard taught me the matchup at Nikos(i think that makes us 4-3 or 5-3 overall but im not entirely sure) and ive outplaced him for a while also, i dunno cause if hype was 5th i wouldnt say i should be above him cause he beats me and were pretty much even in terms of placings but im just throwing that out there, then again brose is a legend and i cant take away the stuff hes done in the past, idk its up to you guys lol =p


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Because of the snes weekend coming up, this will be updated afterwards. That means that the sauga outbreak will also count towards it.

We have to worry about getting out trip and shiz together before updating this, considering also that there is a break in tournaments after sauga outbreak, it makes the most sense to do it then.

Tin Man: Ok, but why do you deserve that placement?


Smash Rookie
Jun 28, 2009
Edit: Ty if you read this the sig you made me is bit too big lol. Can you make it smaller? I'm not sure the exact limit for the size, I'll go try to find that now.
Does anyone know the max size limit for a signature?

EDIT: Just measured it myself, anyways. Here is what I think the max size should be, I already uploaded it myself and emailed it to you, here is the link:


Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
Tin Man: Ok, but why do you deserve that placement?
Here goes nothing boys, wish me luck ;)

Cyan quit.

Mikey asked to be taken off if he doesn't make top 10. Cruxis has already explained why he should be in top 10, and when u review fool, i'm sure u wont put mikey in top 10, meaning he will also be out.

IIRC, Niko K wasnt on U and C in the PR version before this one, so that means he fluctuated on there, and after havoc (his placement, and the fact I 2-0d him in our set), he should fluctuate off.

That opens 3 U&C spots (cyan gone, fatal moving up/mikey gone, and Niko K gone).

Jaske got 17th in june pownz, and 25th in july pownz (and I 2-0d jaske that pownz).

Sauc3 never outplaced me, and in sets we are 2-1 my favor, and 2 of our sets were in pools, the other one was in brackets, and I won that one. Sauc3 got 25th june pownz, 17th july pownz, and 17th this pownz. Even though he beat hype, he lost to wolfblade whom I beat at havoc.

Out of 3 spots, I beleive Carter should be there cause I have no proof against him, other then lack of attendance, and then that leaves 2 spots open...

These are all the people that I have heard good things about from others, and I just called them out. I am consistent (even though I placed 13th again, havoc had 48 people vs pownz's 36ish people so thats a + for me) and if it helps, I also out placed Pasta Boy.

Thats all (for now) folks


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
The problem with your arguement is that you don't get on the UandC by beating/outplacing other people on the UandC (or other potential UandC) for that matter. You get on by placing well, or beating out some of the PR players. You've placed 13th each tournament, and haven't beaten out anyone on the pr. Imo that is far from qualifying.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
Here goes nothing boys, wish me luck ;)

Cyan quit.

Mikey asked to be taken off if he doesn't make top 10. Cruxis has already explained why he should be in top 10, and when u review fool, i'm sure u wont put mikey in top 10, meaning he will also be out.

IIRC, Niko K wasnt on U and C in the PR version before this one, so that means he fluctuated on there, and after havoc (his placement, and the fact I 2-0d him in our set), he should fluctuate off.

That opens 3 U&C spots (cyan gone, fatal moving up/mikey gone, and Niko K gone).

Jaske got 17th in june pownz, and 25th in july pownz (and I 2-0d jaske that pownz).

Sauc3 never outplaced me, and in sets we are 2-1 my favor, and 2 of our sets were in pools, the other one was in brackets, and I won that one. Sauc3 got 25th june pownz, 17th july pownz, and 17th this pownz. Even though he beat hype, he lost to wolfblade whom I beat at havoc.

Out of 3 spots, I beleive Carter should be there cause I have no proof against him, other then lack of attendance, and then that leaves 2 spots open...

These are all the people that I have heard good things about from others, and I just called them out. I am consistent (even though I placed 13th again, havoc had 48 people vs pownz's 36ish people so thats a + for me) and if it helps, I also out placed Pasta Boy.

Thats all (for now) folks
why are you bad mouthing every potential in ontario? honestly i dont see the point of being on the U and C's if you have to lose the respect of the community, since thats what the PRs are all about, seems kinda counter productive no?

my best advice if you want to get on the PR (to my knowledge at least) is what minus said, place well at your next couple tourneys, make a name for yourself (not by saying your better than other people but from people (panelists) recognizing you), or beat a PR member, you're good tin man, but i think you place yourself in higher regards than you actually are. Just keep going to tourneys, dont force it.

and yeah i did lose to wolfblade because he's a great lucario, but saying you beat someone whose beat someone is stupid, since that can pretty much cancel out any logic in power rankings.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
Tin man:
When I entered the scene, I placed top 10 @ every tourny I went to for several months, including a 4th place and didn't make U&C.
Then I continued to get top 10 for the following months with 1 exception. I beat percon, nick and culex and only then did i make U&C.
It took even more than that to actually get on the list.
It's not as easy as you think.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Man, from what i can see, your scene is inconsistent as hell lol.

People beating people way above them on the PR and placing 4th and stuff.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
The next trick to mindgaming mikey is actually just copy pasting what i said and then say... that wasnt me that was swordgard.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Tin man:
When I entered the scene, I placed top 10 @ every tourny I went to for several months, including a 4th place and didn't make U&C.
Then I continued to get top 10 for the following months with 1 exception. I beat percon, nick and culex and only then did i make U&C.
It took even more than that to actually get on the list.
It's not as easy as you think.
This, I keep saying this, people think I got on the PR based on bias and ****.

I Got like 4 top 3 placings + 2nd in my region with ally and holy in a tourney before I got 6th, not many entrants who are new to the scene can do that.

And after that, all my placings were top 5 or higher, with some top 3 placings in there. Everyone is getting better now, so I think you'll have an even harder time, tinman.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
Who cares where you land on the PR, if you place well then you place well and that's all that matters. Concerning over a numbered list and a tiny bit of recognition shouldn't matter so much since it ultimately amounts to nothing in the bigger scheme of things. To put it into perspective, I'm sure JL could still beat half of those on the list even now. The PR is about both simply promoting competition and having fun ... so perhaps it's time to start having some.

A number doesn't determine how well you actually place.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
Who cares where you land on the PR, if you place well then you place well and that's all that matters. Concerning over a numbered list and a tiny bit of recognition shouldn't matter so much since it ultimately amounts to nothing in the bigger scheme of things. To put it into perspective, I'm sure JL could still beat half of those on the list even now. The PR is about both simply promoting competition and having fun ... so perhaps it's time to start having some.

A number doesn't determine how well you actually place.

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