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The Full Smash 64 Learning Curve (MASSIVE UPDATES)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2003
Bellevue, WA
ya mine's pretty good

let's play if I ever find myself in socal or if you find yourself in Seattle or if you feel like playing online again


Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2009
yea thats the problem people dont. and yea im 5c tigerbombz matchezzz come to sssBbsBb


Jan 28, 2008
Northern VA, USA
It's a big gap, but is there really filler? I feel like the explanation of level 6 is quite accurate. When I've played SuperBoomFan, I feel like the biggest gap by far in our skill differences is in the spacing department.

Not to say that there isn't a ton of stuff that could be added to this list. Lots of advanced techniques could be added or expanded upon, like DI, full jumping vs. under-jumping (that needs a name... I'm not talking about short-hopping, I'm talking about the less-than-full jump that you get when you're running and try jumping), various platform techniques, and more.



Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2003
Storrs, Connecticut
It's a big gap, but is there really filler? I feel like the explanation of level 6 is quite accurate. When I've played SuperBoomFan, I feel like the biggest gap by far in our skill differences is in the spacing department.

Most people mean that a lot of good players fit into 5C but the even the range of skill of players in 5C is way too big to fit into that small a subsection.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2003
Bellevue, WA
5C to 6 is mostly a measure of consistency, I think.

To give an example, when I face boom's falcon it's not like he completely overwhelms me with spacing or anything. It's just that I hit him three times for every five times he hits me, and thus at the end of the match he usually has a couple of stock left. We both do the same kind of stuff, but he's more consistent at it and catches me more with his mind games.

Since the main factor here is consistency, it becomes really hard to use a vanilla ranking system to classify a player's skill past this point. Here, the only question that matters becomes "who wins more?" And aside from obvious answers like boom and Isai, the answer is typically "I dunno."

Darth Rancorous

Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2009
Concord, CA
i agree with kefit here. the only reason one player in a level loses against another player in the same level is not because they know more "advanced techniques," it comes down to who applied those techniques more efficiently than the other player. boom may be a level below isai, but in one of their recent matches, i noticed that boom 3 stocked isai. once u get past 5B, it all comes down to who is more consistent imo

Amon Amarth

Smash Journeyman
Apr 17, 2007
Vista, CA
Even though I'm probably pointing out the obvious...I just have to say it's amazing to see this game evolve in such a manner years after release. I wonder what kind of game the generation of smash64 players will create (provided some of us take a career in video game programming).


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2003
Storrs, Connecticut
Even though I'm probably pointing out the obvious...I just have to say it's amazing to see this game evolve in such a manner years after release. I wonder what kind of game the generation of smash64 players will create (provided some of us take a career in video game programming).
You never know, one of us might become the sirlin of smash and make an OFFICIAL SSB64 HD Remix... ok who am I kidding.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
Does the levels vary for anyone else? I'm usually playing moderately to bad, while then I'll have like 1-2 segments of the day where I'm "In the Zone"; this is where I'd honestly place myself as a 5c, but then I can't put myself as a solid 5c because I'm inconsistent.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2008
The experience factor is kinda missing on this learning curve.
I would say it should be a 5D for the vastly experienced players who reached 5B-5C level since long ago.
Same could be applied for lower levels like 3B, where 3C are long experienced scrubs who didnt bother to get better at advanced stuff and still are kinda harder to beat due to the experience.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
Mario reincarnate, Kefit, and myself are about 5c

Zen Yore and Fireblaster being just above, but not quite 6?

This thread is losing it's accuracy >_<

I need to play Blue Yoshi to see where j00 r 2!

Last time we played i would have put you at 5a ish, have you gotten better? :D


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
played this game again recently.
discovered Im back to 5A , cant combo anymore.

I suppose it will come back with practice


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2003
Bellevue, WA
Mario reincarnate, Kefit, and myself are about 5c

Zen Yore and Fireblaster being just above, but not quite 6?

This thread is losing it's accuracy >_<
While I trust people to rate others far more than I trust them to rate themselves, it would help if those who were rating others based their ratings on more than a couple of matches total.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
I need to play Blue Yoshi to see where j00 r 2!

Last time we played i would have put you at 5a ish, have you gotten better? :D
I improved alot since then. Back then I was about the same level as an EGX noob... well who am I kidding? Back then I was an EGX noob. I probably would have put myself as a 4 instead of a 5A (as I wasn't doing alot of advanced techniques).

Now, online, I would probably put myself as a high 5B, and offline a low-mid 5C. Online, I can't short-hop due to my keyboard config (and I'm way too lazy to add a c-button in my config).

But to answer your question, yes I have improved alot. And yes we should play :)

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Reading the descriptions carefully, here is how I understand the 5/6 rankings:

5A: Simple two-hit combos, basic stuff, some AT's used.

5B: Combos that deal lots of damage (40-50% or more). All generic AT's used and few advanced AT's

5C: Spacing has improved

6: Amazing people.

So from this, 5A is attainable by most people, 5B are for the mid-level smashers (or most of the lower level Kaillera community), 5C is for the higher level smashers (mid-high level Kaillera community). Using this logic, most of Kaillera is 5B, and the better people are 5C. So people overestimating their placement may not be true... it may just be the way the rankings were described leading to a vast majority of the community being in 5.

If you think about it, there is no real way to fit people in their own ranks. People go through different paths when playing this game. People coming from melee will be low on the rankings (maybe around a 3) in terms of their playstyle, but a 5A in terms of AT's (since L-cancelling, dash dancing etc are in both games). There are way too many variables to consider to make a completely accurate list.

I personally think that a person's rank is determined not by how he plays, but by the way he sees the game. Beginners see it as 'try to hit the opponent', and the higher you go, the better the way you see the game. I notice this in my local smash club, as I see the game differently from other people, which gives me an edge (and differently skilled people see the game differently).

Making an actual list in this sense would be impossible, since there are literally infinite ways to see the game, but different ways have different advantages.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
Kefit I have watched many of your matches and we have played a decent amount of times, sorry if you feel i should rank you higher then myself or Mario, but it just wouldn't be true :(


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2003
Bellevue, WA
Kefit I have watched many of your matches and we have played a decent amount of times, sorry if you feel i should rank you higher then myself or Mario, but it just wouldn't be true :(
I actually have no idea how good you actually are, since we've played each other like once. I'm just pointing out another problem with judging skill at the 5cool stage - we tend to stick to small play groups, since playing online isn't that great to begin with, but playing online with four or five delay really, really sucks.

I like how everyone thinks there that good
Well yeah. It's called 5cool for a reason. If you aren't in it then you aren't cool.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada!
I actually have no idea how good you actually are, since we've played each other like once. I'm just pointing out another problem with judging skill at the 5cool stage - we tend to stick to small play groups, since playing online isn't that great to begin with, but playing online with four or five delay really, really sucks.

Well yeah. It's called 5cool for a reason. If you aren't in it then you aren't cool.
I am well aware of the delay thats present in online smash, regardless i still think what i said is accurate, its not hard to see how good someone is even simply from their general tendencies in game...

If you dont know what i mean by that I am not willing to explain

Darth Rancorous

Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2009
Concord, CA
i think there should be two levels for level 6, for example 6a and 6b. i would put people like tigerbombz in 6a and people like boom in 6b just goin off from my experience. im a level 5b but tigerbombz ***** me (no homo)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2003
Bellevue, WA
I am well aware of the delay thats present in online smash, regardless i still think what i said is accurate, its not hard to see how good someone is even simply from their general tendencies in game...
You missed my point. While skill can certainly be discerned to some degree through the haze of high delay, the game is far less fun under those conditions. Thus, people generally stick to only regularly playing those who are close by in an effort to minimize delay.

Due to this, the question of "who beats who more often" - which is the only question that matters for ranking players at higher levels - cannot be effectively answered when it concerns players from different regional playgroups.

Perhaps I'm wrong, and other players around our skill level regularly tolerate 4+ frames of delay in order to play people far away. However, this certainly doesn't seem to be the case amongst those I usually play.


Jan 28, 2008
Northern VA, USA
Due to this, the question of "who beats who more often" - which is the only question that matters for ranking players at higher levels - cannot be effectively answered when it concerns players from different regional playgroups.
Who beat who more often is a question that matters to everyone at all levels, BUT should be separated based on the levels. In other words, every general level of play should have its own tier chart. So there should be like 7 different tier charts.

Perhaps I'm wrong, and other players around our skill level regularly tolerate 4+ frames of delay in order to play people far away. However, this certainly doesn't seem to be the case amongst those I usually play.
4 frames isn't that bad. 5 frames is when it starts to really affect things, IMO. :p
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