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The Conduit (FC's First Page)


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Actually, split screen worked pretty well in Red Steel IMO.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
The Trust is a cell of the Secret Service. Its a group composed of the top agents in the Secret Service, like from the story, Michael Ford.

Ohh yea E3 09 High Voltage is showing 2 more Wii exclusives, and supposedly both of them are FPS'es.

Nice. Also odd. Most people wait for their game to be out before they talk sequels about continuing their strategy.

According to wikipedia, High Voltage has only ever made two sequels in their entire existence. Maybe they are trying to sell High Voltage more than their trying to sell "The Conduit?" After all the lisencing they've done, I don't blame them for desperately wanting to become a quality developer like Valve.

I'm a little worried that a lot of what they say is too good to be true, but then I remember that it isn't they just highlight things most developers don't actually mention. Really reminds me how awesome technology is though, and makes me like games in general, knowing how awesome and accomplished each detail is.

Actually, split screen worked pretty well in Red Steel IMO.
Don't know anything about Red Steel. Sorry. How did they do the split screen?


formerly VaBengal
Apr 20, 2008
Fairfax, VA
This game is looking amazing. Can't wait for it to come out.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
The Trust is a cell of the Secret Service. Its a group composed of the top agents in the Secret Service, like from the story, Michael Ford.
Yeah, I'm just gonna hope that the guy who leads you (John Adams, clearly a codename), doesn't betray you. You are already facing aliens, defectors, and infected, adding your guide is not going to help (then again, that's what they did in Bioshock).

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Incidently, since all multi-player is online, I can't see how a competitive community could develop. Not a bad thing perse, but if it is as good as it looks like it will be, then The Conduit's competitive community will have an extremely interesting developement. (because you know somebody is going to set up 12 player homebrew based lan parties using 12 televisions, wii's, and copies of the Conduit for tournaments. The Conduit is probably the only IR game that actually qualifies for having a competitive community, after all.)
Every game doesn't need a competitive community, as a matter of fact problems always seem to come when people try to take a non-competitive game [Brawl for example] and try to make it into serious business.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Yeah, I'm just gonna hope that the guy who leads you (John Adams, clearly a codename), doesn't betray you. You are already facing aliens, defectors, and infected, adding your guide is not going to help (then again, that's what they did in Bioshock).
One thing I noticed that in the Flash Forward mission(the first one) you have a different sound C.O that doesn't sound like Adams. Three possibilities.

1)Adams betrays you
2)You betray Adams
3)Adams Dies.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
Every game doesn't need a competitive community, as a matter of fact problems always seem to come when people try to take a non-competitive game [Brawl for example] and try to make it into serious business.
I don't see that happening with the Conduit though, for at least two reasons:

1. You may not have noticed, but a lot of the weapons have multiple uses, A needler type weapon was demonstrated as being chargable so that it can be used as a sniper rifle. I believe that was one of the very first weapons we were introduced to.

If there are multiple weapons like that, then the Conduit becomes a deep and complex game very quickly.

2. Not only that, but it is the only IR pointer FPS with it's level of customizable controls. This is very interesting because it makes the Conduit the best possible FPS to begin a competitive IR FPS community. Before the Conduit, there were no games that truely set a standard for IR pointer controls. Now that the standard has been given to the players, this issue is no longer an issue.

Now all this hinges on one crucial element. The Conduit has to be good. Now many of us have taken this as a given, but the fact is, High Voltage has never made a game that scored over an 85 on metacritic. In addition, "Go, Diego Go!" is the highest reviewed game they've made in 4 years, if wikipedia is to be trusted.

However, the Conduit has a very interesting advantage - it's developer is teaching us to truely appreciate average. The Wii doesn't have any good FPS's that fit into "wii exclusive, multiplayer, and good" categories. So instead of trying to graphically compare it to Gears of War, they tell us about how much better graphically it is than anything we've played on the wii, and how awesome IR controls are, the only thing a Wii FPS has over a PS3 one.

And it's working. Well. I mean, I even recognize that the Conduit may be average, but because it is superior to every FPS on the wii in at least one crucial way, plus has the IR controls Halo 3 lacks, I want this game anyway. If anything, it's taught me to lower my standards, because "average" now-a-days is truely amazing when you have it described to you.

We may get the average, but does it matter? The Conduit will be awesome even if it is average.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
One thing I noticed that in the Flash Forward mission(the first one) you have a different sound C.O that doesn't sound like Adams. Three possibilities.

1)Adams betrays you
2)You betray Adams
3)Adams Dies.
Please be #3, No betraying please between Ford and Adams. (then again, apparently you have more than one guide, well, according to wikipedia)

Game looks generic as hell. It'll probably flop.
Well that is an obvious fear. Legendary did badly not because it sucked, but because there wasn't a lot it gave to the table. The Conduit is pretty much what happens when you mix metroid, halo, and a not so out there season of the x files. The real difference between The conduit and Legendary is exactly WHICH table it is delivering to. The 360 and PS3 are chock full of FPS, all of which can claim something (well, the good ones anyway). The wii, has only like, a dozen games from a first-person perspective, and they are either:

a: on the rails
b: rather pathetic
c: Metroid Prime 3 corruption

a True FPS hasn't been on the wii 'till now, so the Conduit could end up doing a lot better not because it is delivering to the FPS table, but the wii table. Plus, High voltage promises to put in something to not say "deja vu", but right now it looks like they are 4 things:

1: the story
2: The uniqueness of several of the weapons (how many assault rifles have you seen in video games have a scope, because I haven't seen any)
3: the ASE and it's functions (although this is not so strong, as it is now kinda common to rip of the scan visor).
4: the controls


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2007
Well that is an obvious fear. Legendary did badly not because it sucked, but because there wasn't a lot it gave to the table. The Conduit is pretty much what happens when you mix metroid, halo, and a not so out there season of the x files. The real difference between The conduit and Legendary is exactly WHICH table it is delivering to. The 360 and PS3 are chock full of FPS, all of which can claim something (well, the good ones anyway). The wii, has only like, a dozen games from a first-person perspective, and they are either:

a: on the rails
b: rather pathetic
c: Metroid Prime 3 corruption

a True FPS hasn't been on the wii 'till now, so the Conduit could end up doing a lot better not because it is delivering to the FPS table, but the wii table. Plus, High voltage promises to put in something to not say "deja vu", but right now it looks like they are three things:

1: the story
2: The uniqueness of several of the weapons (how many assault rifles have you seen in video games have a scope, because I haven't seen any)
3: the ASE and it's functions (although this is not so strong, as it is now kinda common to rip of the scan visor).
That's true. Do you think the Wii FPS fanbase is large enough, though? Most Nintendo fanboys I know have jumped ship to 360/PS3/PC. Those who are left are usually casual gamers, and unless the Conduit get's a lot of advertising, then they probably won't hear about it. If they do hear about it, then it depends on if they even like FPS games to begin with, and if this appeals to them. Then you have the casual-casual gamers who buy minigame fests and non-games like Wii Fit and Wii Play; they'll be the least likely to buy The Conduit.

It seems like TC has potential, but the target audience is just too small. I expect it to sell around maybe 25,000 units in the first month, then kind of flatline for a while until they stop making it all together.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Yep, it is all to the casuals. Then again, I would be deemed casual until, like, 07 when I started getting game informer, and became hard core once I joined this site.

You just have to tell them that they aren't playing good games, and that there are better games out there.

If the Conduit gets a Score around 9.5 or above (Heck, even 10, the last game to get that for the Wii according to GI is Twilight Princess, so we desperately need one of those), it will likely get back a group of Hardcore Nintendo Fanboys, and weed out the survivors of the flood of ****y Wii games.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
That's true. Do you think the Wii FPS fanbase is large enough, though? Most Nintendo fanboys I know have jumped ship to 360/PS3/PC. Those who are left are usually casual gamers, and unless the Conduit get's a lot of advertising, then they probably won't hear about it. If they do hear about it, then it depends on if they even like FPS games to begin with, and if this appeals to them. Then you have the casual-casual gamers who buy minigame fests and non-games like Wii Fit and Wii Play; they'll be the least likely to buy The Conduit.

It seems like TC has potential, but the target audience is just too small. I expect it to sell around maybe 25,000 units in the first month, then kind of flatline for a while until they stop making it all together.
There are exactly 12 first person shooters on the wii.

Of those twelve games, a quarter of them had a million sales; Red Steel, Metroid Prime 3, and CoD: WoW.

With a library of a thousand titles, less than 5% of all wii games (less than 50) sell a million copies. However, 25% of all FPS's on the wii have sold a million copies. Not only that, but a quick look at a list of wii FPS's (possibly outdated, but still useful for discussion), and I think every wii exclusive FPS has sold a million copies.


I don't only think The Conduit will hit a million, I think it is very unlikely that it won't.

If it makes you more at ease, just about every casual nerd gamer thinks two things when they first see a wii - Lightsaber battles and ultimate FPS control sceme.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
whats an IR pointer i have never heard that term?
IR = Infrared.

The wii-mote's pointer system is two infrared lights (sensor bar) and a sensor on the wii-mote. While technically not a "pointer", it uses infrared light to detect the direction the wii-mote is pointing, which it then shows you on-screen.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
I've been trying to look through the weapons to see which one is this game's sniper rifle. If each group has 5 weapons, then there isn't a sniper rifle human weapon. There are only two human weapons that can be deemed long ranged: The rocket Launcher (which doesn't count), and the SCAR assault rifle. This is more like Halo's Battle rifle than anything else, with a short semi-auto burst instead of full auto or 100% semi. I haven't really gotten a glimpse at Trust weapons, but it looks like the closest thing this game got is the Drudge's Strike rifle, and only if you charge it. Yep, and thanks to human weapon bias, SCAR it is, and I haven't even used a similar weapon, great. On the plus side, Humans got a shotgun, which is also is a weapon I am looking for, as I know a good strategy with shotguns.

Jump behind your enemies, blast them, and if they aren't dead, punch them. I did it to one of my friends in Halo (his game, I don't own any Halo games [He got pissed])

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
I've been trying to look through the weapons to see which one is this game's sniper rifle. If each group has 5 weapons, then there isn't a sniper rifle human weapon. There are only two human weapons that can be deemed long ranged: The rocket Launcher (which doesn't count), and the SCAR assault rifle. This is more like Halo's Battle rifle than anything else, with a short semi-auto burst instead of full auto or 100% semi. I haven't really gotten a glimpse at Trust weapons, but it looks like the closest thing this game got is the Drudge's Strike rifle, and only if you charge it. Yep, and thanks to human weapon bias, SCAR it is, and I haven't even used a similar weapon, great. On the plus side, Humans got a shotgun, which is also is a weapon I am looking for, as I know a good strategy with shotguns.

Jump behind your enemies, blast them, and if they aren't dead, punch them. I did it to one of my friends in Halo (his game, I don't own any Halo games [He got pissed])
Isn't it a bit early to say that a weapon probably isn't in the game?

I mean, they haven't exactly showed us the full arsenol (At least, I don't think they have).


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Isn't it a bit early to say that a weapon probably isn't in the game?

I mean, they haven't exactly showed us the full arsenol (At least, I don't think they have).
I didn't say that there wasn't a sniper rifle in this game (at least, something similar to it), but of the weapons they release, which is pretty much all the human weapons, and like two drudge and two Trust weapons, The Drudge's Strike rifle seems to fill in the Niche of Sniper (and only when charged). They Released for Humans a Pistol, A battle rifle (Halo fans, you should know what a battle rifle is), a shotgun, an SMG, and a rocket launcher (the only Human Weapon the Game's site hasn't released, but is known about thanks to IGN). Humans, don't have a sniper rifle, at least to most people's definition of a sniper rifle. They do, however, have a battle rifle, which in Halo, was among the Best USNC weapons in that game, So the SCAR does have a somewhat bright future for it, or at least it seems...


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
I didn't say that there wasn't a sniper rifle in this game (at least, something similar to it), but of the weapons they release, which is pretty much all the human weapons, and like two drudge and two Trust weapons, The Drudge's Strike rifle seems to fill in the Niche of Sniper (and only when charged). They Released for Humans a Pistol, A battle rifle (Halo fans, you should know what a battle rifle is), a shotgun, an SMG, and a rocket launcher (the only Human Weapon the Game's site hasn't released, but is known about thanks to IGN). Humans, don't have a sniper rifle, at least to most people's definition of a sniper rifle. They do, however, have a battle rifle, which in Halo, was among the Best USNC weapons in that game, So the SCAR does have a somewhat bright future for it, or at least it seems...
The SCAR is technically a Assault Rifle on a 3 round burst. But the weapon which relates a Halo weapon the most is the USP 45. From the videos I can actually feel how powerful that thing will be, and people who played hands on claim its the best pistol since Halo 1


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
The SCAR is technically a Assault Rifle on a 3 round burst. But the weapon which relates a Halo weapon the most is the USP 45. From the videos I can actually feel how powerful that thing will be, and people who played hands on claim its the best pistol since Halo 1

I also see the point in the pistol, but then again, Halo's first pistol had a scope (and possibly a hidden ability somewhere to make milkshakes [joke on how broken it is]), which this pistol apparentlu doesn't.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast

I also see the point in the pistol, but then again, Halo's first pistol had a scope (and possibly a hidden ability somewhere to make milkshakes [joke on how broken it is]), which this pistol apparentlu doesn't.
I don't think a pistol in this type of FPS would need a scope to be broken.

The point of a scope is to make long distance shots more accurate. If nothing else, the Conduit's control scheme should be extremely accurate - you point, it shoots. I would be surprised if you couldn't do everything a scoped pistol could.

But then again, every weapon should be more accurate, so a milkshake maker gets cancelled out by your easy bake assault rifle, your microwavable shotgun, and your All Seeing Eye (probably not used for puzzle solving in multiplayer).

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Pistol sniping is easy to solve from a developer's point of view, all you have to do is add weapon spread. Halo 1 had a godly pistol because of the auto-aim, the scope and the lack of weapon spread.


Smash Cadet
May 6, 2009
This game just gets better loo,ming with each video i see. And the newly released storyline teaser video looks very promising. I'm just tired of hearing about the game, i WANNA PLAY IT, NOW!


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
There was a rumor going around that it came out the 12th but I am pretty sure the release date is the 23rd of june. That is just over a month away. Seems like Gamefaqs is advertising this game a bit. Also the board there seems to be a lot more active. Hopefully it does well. The more people the more competition online.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
I just need to make sure my Wifi works. It has been down for awhile and it doesn't work that well with Brawl, But then again this is an FPS with some of the luxuries Fighting games can't have (shortcuts).


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
There was a rumor going around that it came out the 12th but I am pretty sure the release date is the 23rd of june. That is just over a month away. Seems like Gamefaqs is advertising this game a bit. Also the board there seems to be a lot more active. Hopefully it does well. The more people the more competition online.
The site says 23rd of june, so we have, 1 month and 1 week to go.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria

We had to invent some new ones unique to our engine and this game, including dynametric light tightening, reframbriance, and approxiflexion to name some of the more interesting.

O.K., now they're just making up words.
Doing a quick Google search,the words only show up in that blog....an uhhh..
efficiently develop high quality games on multiple platforms
that made me kinda lol.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
I think those threads showed how idiotic fanboys are. They continue to bash a game and a system even though some things were proven in previous games, and fanboys aren't willing to read a review or their fanboyism blinds them from reading some text.

EDIT: An unfortunate side effect of the stupid idiot that made that fake review is that people who didn't find out it was a fake will not buy it.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2008
I think those threads showed how idiotic fanboys are. They continue to bash a game and a system even though some things were proven in previous games, and fanboys aren't willing to read a review or their fanboyism blinds them from reading some text.

EDIT: An unfortunate side effect of the stupid idiot that made that fake review is that people who didn't find out it was a fake will not buy it.
Was anyone as shocked as I was when that article was made?


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
right now I just hope that This game does well. We are all sorta desperate for a good game, especially since Nintendo Chose to target casual gamers and decided to just give us hard core Some repackaged GC games to make up for it. The promise of Metroid Prime with Wii controls sounds good, but really, they could have done better (a brand new DK platformer, a starfox game, a Kirby game that does alright...)

I nearly lost hope until I found out that Article was a fake. Please may the actual reviews say they were better.


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Ahh... someone just told me about this game recently. Still don't know too much about it, but I <3 FPS, so I'm hoping it's legit. I haven't played a good one in a while, actually.


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
I saw an Ad in my recent GI (GameInformer) telling me that The Conduit was "The best First-Person Shooter" on the Wii and I couldn't help but say "It's one of the ONLY First-Person Shooters on the Wii, it doesn't have much competition" luckily for this game FPS standards on the Wii haven't been set very high, so maybe it will raise some, who knows we'll just have to wait and see.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
I saw an Ad in my recent GI (GameInformer) telling me that The Conduit was "The best First-Person Shooter" on the Wii and I couldn't help but say "It's one of the ONLY First-Person Shooters on the Wii, it doesn't have much competition" luckily for this game FPS standards on the Wii haven't been set very high, so maybe it will raise some, who knows we'll just have to wait and see.
There's like 12 of them but more than half of them are WWII shooters. But then again there isn't much competition as the most serious competitor is a PSP port.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
I saw an Ad in my recent GI (GameInformer) telling me that The Conduit was "The best First-Person Shooter" on the Wii and I couldn't help but say "It's one of the ONLY First-Person Shooters on the Wii, it doesn't have much competition" luckily for this game FPS standards on the Wii haven't been set very high, so maybe it will raise some, who knows we'll just have to wait and see.
There's like 12 of them but more than half of them are WWII shooters. But then again there isn't much competition as the most serious competitor is a PSP port.
So basically, for The Conduit to be the best FPS on the Wii it just needs better multiplayer than Metroid Prime 3?


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
It is sad that people don't read reviews. It is also sad how many fanboys there are that get carried away by such things. The fake review did help exposure a bit. Hopefully word gets out that it is fake otherwise people may opt not to by due to the review.

The previews for the game have mostly been positive. The people who have tried it out have been optimistic. Not to mention NP usually gives a slightly better score than the other reviewers. I am think this game with be an upper 8 lower 9.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
So basically, for The Conduit to be the best FPS on the Wii it just needs better multiplayer than Metroid Prime 3?
Somewhat, but MP3 didn't really have a multiplayer component (Thankfully the series isn't going into that direction and taking the quality of solo game play with it. Echoes and Hunters kinda scarred people that it would happen)., so it just has to be better than zilch (which it is). Also, Metroid Prime is an adventure game from the first person perspective (Think Zelda series from Link's point of view. That is Metroid Prime), and is more focused on exploration than gunplay, and is less linear (not to mention that you don't have anywhere near as many weapons). The Conduit appears more linear, and has more of a gunplay and Multiplayer component that Metroid. Technically they are different Genres. It is easy, however, to get anything in the first person perspective confused with an FPS. Bioshock is labeled as one, yet has more of a RPG like focus instead of an FPS one (If you think about it).

Sorry for wall of text.

The Halloween Captain

Smash Master
May 20, 2008
The northeast
Somewhat, but MP3 didn't really have a multiplayer component (Thankfully the series isn't going into that direction and taking the quality of solo game play with it. Echoes and Hunters kinda scarred people that it would happen)., so it just has to be better than zilch (which it is). Also, Metroid Prime is an adventure game from the first person perspective (Think Zelda series from Link's point of view. That is Metroid Prime), and is more focused on exploration than gunplay, and is less linear (not to mention that you don't have anywhere near as many weapons). The Conduit appears more linear, and has more of a gunplay and Multiplayer component that Metroid. Technically they are different Genres. It is easy, however, to get anything in the first person perspective confused with an FPS. Bioshock is labeled as one, yet has more of a RPG like focus instead of an FPS one (If you think about it).

Sorry for wall of text.
I know that Metroid Prime 3 doesn't have multiplayer (at least I think it doesn't). In fact, that was my point.

Whatever Metroid Prime 3 is, it is the best FPS game on the wii (an adventure game can be an FPS). It is the only thing that really seems to compare to the Conduit (Which I am confident is better than a PSP port). For me, an online multiplayer component is all that would be required to boost the conduit over MP3; I've been waiting for years for an IR Halo online multiplayer game, and the Conduit seems to deliver.
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