I think the pro-inescapablezerotodeath people need to understand one incredibly important thing about games. Not actually getting to play them isn't very fun.
Basically, playing the ICs are always fun as it is a very unique match-up, as it revolves around keeping Nana and Popo separated. However, if you actually get grabbed, you suddenly have no saying in what's going to happen in the game for quite some time. This while the other player completely and utterly ***** you.
Not actually getting to affect the course of the game is complete ****ing bull****. If you think that's what a game should be about, you have no business playing games at all.
I think everyone can agree that we should avoid this kind of non-gameplay if we can, but in this particular case there are some pronounced downsides to removing ICs infinites.
As we are all aware of, they aren't really the best characters in the game, and thus shouldn't receive any nerfs. Removing the infinites would undoubtedly make the ICs worse, but this argument can be worked around by buffing them in other aspects of their game.
If you think this would make the ICs play less unique, there is still desynching, which many argues would lead to IC players playing even more uniquely than before (presently they don't actually have to incorporate it into their playstyles).
This scenario can only play out if we find a good way to remove all infinites and keep all CGs which you can escape from by DI/teching. How we go around buffing the ICs aren't all that important.
A good thing to remember is that both sides are actually making valid claims, so lets sum 'em up along with some opinions (mine).
"Don't fix what ain't broken!"
I must argue against this point, since a game without infinites would always be a better one. Just because something isn't broken doesn't mean it's not undesirable.
Thus the argument is invalid.
The ICs doesn't need any nerfs!
This statement is unanimously agreed upon, but if the sum of the buffs and nerfs the ICs receives in the final version of brawl+ is in favor of the ICs, they aren't actually being nerfed.
Thus the argument is invalid.
"Infinites are hard, ICs mess up really often!"
If someone can master that, someone is going to master CGing. I think we've debated technical skill enough considering the l-cancel debate.
"Infinites are boring."
I explained my stance on this in the wall of text above. Seriously, they are.
I'd like to end this in favor of the "Pro-Fun" people, simply because I think they're right. Makes sense, amirite?
However, it all comes down to if we can construct a code that removes what we want removed without affecting any other aspects of the ICs gameplay. If we can't remove it with hacks, I'd suggest we leave it untouched. It will still be boring and un-fun to face IC mains, but I can guarantee they won't dominate tournaments.
Infinites are gay.