Sometimes I feel that way too, I've never gotten back together with an ex before. I had a guy in 2010 who I was with for a year dump me and then try repeatedly to get back together with me once he realized what he was missing@GirlyNessMain: I know what you're going through. I've been through that exact same situation, and you know what happened? We finally got back together and it was never the same, and I realized what I was crying over really wasn't that great. *shrug*
I don't think relationships should be on and off ever. I don't believe in getting back with anyone who you've dumped or anyone that's dumped you. 1. It's never going to be the same 2. If it didn't work the first time why would it work the second time?
But this time it feels different. In some ways I don't want to move on. Sometimes when things don't work out the first time, you learn from that and get it right the second time - it happened to my parents, my dad cheated on my mom when they were dating, 4 months later they got back together, he never did it again, they ended up getting married, and just celebrated their 28th anniversary. I don't think I've ever seen a happier married couple their age. I have other friends who have been through similar situations and are still going strong after working out all the kinks and learning their lessons - I think, if they can do it, why can't we?
But for as long as the other person is not willing to try, my views are simply one-sided. Maybe I just have too much faith in people, and I'm suffering for it.
edit: there was no cheating involved in my breakups. I was forever faithful and devoted to him. What I meant to say is that people stick together through so much worse