00 = normal attack button (A by default)
01 = special attack button (B by default)
02 = jump button (X, Y and Up by default)
03 = shield button (L, R and Z by default)
04 = R, L, Z
05 = Unknown (Couldn't trigger this one)
06 = Dpad UP
07 = Dpad DOWN
08 = Dpad RIGHT, Dpad LEFT
09 = Dpad LEFT
0A = Dpad RIGHT
0B = B, X, Dpad RIGHT, Dpad LEFT
0C = Y, X , Dpad UP, Dpad RIGHT
0D = B, Y, X , Dpad UP, Dpad RIGHT, Dpad LEFT
0E = A+B (Both pressed together)
0F = C-Stick (Any Direction)
10 = With a value of "10," the IF statement triggered everytime, regardless of inputting any button...or not pressing anything at all.
11 = Unknown (Couldn't trigger this one)
12 = Unknown (Couldn't trigger this one)