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The Big MI Discussion Topic


¡Me gusta tejer!
Feb 22, 2010
Richmond, MI
oh ya and concerning my SiiS...

i HIGHLY doubt anyone had a pool as hard as mine:

top 4 made it out and it had
keitaro, domo, fizzle, kassandra, me, random YOSHI, gifts
Our pool was 100000000000x harder at siis5 than the pool I had at siis6 I wont lie.

I would agree with fzk though he did have the harder pool at siis5.

If only we had some good falco practice keitaro wouldn't have bodied us. :yeahboi: Lol at the mk ditto's on rc you had against him.

Infern Angelis

Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
Dallas, TX
Shoutouts to DRDN for having the cojones to to be the only MI player to MM me

Shoutouts to Gifts for MM me even thought we left our game unfinished and he disappeared the rest of the night until the club. (Really I couldn't find you lol)


Smash Master
Jul 13, 2006
8623 Hickory Drive, Sterling Heights MI 48312
Shoutouts to DRDN for having the cojones to to be the only MI player to MM me
Expect it to happen next time I'm coming for ya :)

And can someone explain to me why were talking about the results instead of how much fun Sat night was? We(mostly) all got pretty messed up and had a good time everything before or after doesn't matter


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
oh ya and concerning my SiiS...

i HIGHLY doubt anyone had a pool as hard as mine:

top 4 made it out and it had
keitaro, domo, fizzle, kassandra, me, random YOSHI, gifts
Our pool was 100000000000x harder at siis5 than the pool I had at siis6 I wont lie.

I would agree with fzk though he did have the harder pool at siis5.

If only we had some good falco practice keitaro wouldn't have bodied us. :yeahboi: Lol at the mk ditto's on rc you had against him.
NOTHING compared to my pool at siis4

dj iskascribble
some other person i'm forgetting, who cares tho

top three makes it out. wtf -___-

fzk's pool maybe comparable


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
@Rizk: Open up MSPaint (I'm assuming you're using a real operating system like windows) and jiggle stuff around until you get something that's no longer than it is now, but only ~130px tall. Whether that just involves shrinking the image, or cropping some of it, or both, do what it takes.

Deleted member

not being able to make top 4 in any of those pools means you suck

oh wait its mi :urg:

Mikey Lenetia

Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2003
Washington Township, MI
Okay, I feel like I have to address something. I know this is going to seem like it's coming out of left field, but hear me out, guys.

I know we all don't hate one another. Really, I do. But all the constant teasing and ridiculing one another here doesn't help, and for some people it goes beyond making us 'salty.' It can actually hurt. A lot of the reason I don't post here as much is just the sheer amount of 'flaming' and 'trolling' I see all of us doing to each other. Normally, I wouldn't have as much of a problem with this, except in our case.

Why in ours? Because we don't really see each other that often or get to play one another. For the most part, we only see each other for tournaments. And even then at tournaments, the trolling of each other doesn't stop, or stay the same. No, it goes to new heights. Between all of us that are used to it, it's no big deal. However, it can be something that those that are outside of our circle can take a really wrong way. We can potentially drive off people from wanting to come around more. We can potentially make people think we're being serious about every trolling/teasing/whatever thing we say if we say nothing but insults and jokes to one another. And we don't see each other except for the odd tournament.

Let's take the whole Kentucky thing into account. Yes, yes, it's all in good fun, and we don't really mean any of it(right?), but there are certain instances that this has just gone too far. I know one in particular that has placed me on the outside ring of all of us, because it's against one of my friends. We know who I'm talking about. And I know for a fact that it has gone beyond simple teasing, because not only did I see the consequences of what we're doing all over the place with this person like it's as natural as breathing, but I heard of others trying to step in to stop or at least slow it down. I've been on that side of the fence before, and it doesn't make me enjoy what I'm seeing in the slightest bit.

I believe in Murphy. I don't want to be the only person in Michigan that someone likes because everyone else is constantly harassing them. It makes me feel like an outsider and that I don't belong in my own state. I've had to deal with that feeling before, and I really, REALLY don't want to deal with that again. I'm not saying we have to outright stop, since it's usually pretty funny. It's just been getting a bit out of hand, and the charm is like the boy who cried wolf. It's funny and tolerable at first, but eventually it just turns ugly and can only end badly.

EDIT: And now I go to sleep. I had to get this off my chest, because I like all of you enough to say how I feel. Now I think I can rest a bit easier.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I do agree actually. The Kentucky thing to me is different. No one else besides Kass took me seriously and I am not responsible for her warped perception of the situatiion ESPECIALLY when I state at least 3 times, I was clearly joking. Everyone else in KY, knew that and we're on good standing. But Kass and I resolved the situation and agreed it was stupid.

Now when it comes to this state, I have to agree 100%. We do troll a LOT. More than any other state in the region by far. As a result some states as a whole do not like us. I mean I don't care but I hate being generalized because I'm from MI. And it doesn't help when we are constantly putting each other down. I mean we've always have but its more serious these days. We do need more unity in this state...seriously. I'm not saying I'm innocent in these regards but we all talk a lot of **** about one another lol. I'm...getting bored with it. I'd rather just focus on getting better with everyone instead of arguing or feeling like I have to ignore certain people. If we don't have each others' backs who else will..?


ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI

I already texted Gifts about this...waiting on his reply..lmao.

Also we're essentially a married couple so back up off that ***. Its mine.

Sparta Kick is mine as well.




Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
I have to agree with Tech about the KY/Kass thing. I too made it ABUNDANTLY clear I was not being serious. Multiple times. And yet she was so prideful that she couldn't deal with laughing at herself a bit. Which, imo is something you need to learn to do in life or you will be angry a LOT.

Also, in person I said nothing mean, trollish, or anything of the sort to Kass. When I sat down for our set, I said, "Hey, how's it goin'?" she just gave me some type of stink eye and didn't respond. After our match I smiled and told her good games, in a sincere tone. The rest of Kentucky I joked with about the issue a bit, but they all were joking back and nobody took it personally. One example of this was Sold2, who I thought was a cool guy and had a lot of fun playing against and talking to, however briefly.

Now let's look at Kass' behavior. She basically yells into Tech's ear during matches, she coached multiple players in game while they were playing Michigan players (such as SK in pools) which should have gotten her a yellow card, or DQ'd if we were to go by the book. Which clearly the tourney was trying to do. (see: Judo vs Logic)

She has also maligned my character to multiple players in a non-joking/trolling context to multiple players. Saying I said horrible things about her deceased grandmother. When if you look at the posts regarding that issue, she brings it up as an excuse for not only why she lost to me on a previous occasion, but why she disrespected me. Completely out of left field. I in response told her I was, "sincerely sorry to hear" about that, and simply added that I too have had family members die. And that while I felt bad about the situation, it's not an excuse to be so unsportsmanlike to me as she was on our first meeting.

I once went to a tourney a month or so after a cousin of mine died. Did I take it out on other people in the smash community? Of course not. I was friendly and wished my opponents good luck, and shook hands after each match with a smile on my face (as I always do). I expect others to have the same level of respect for me. Kass lacks that respect. And her deplorable behavior both this past weekend and on our previous meeting shows that to be true beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I'm going to stop trolling Kass, at least for the next few months, beyond maybe occasionally just throwing out jokes about her state being free. Because she has shown that she is emotionally incapable of handling it, and until she is able to grow up and deal with issues like someone whose actions are governed by thought. (I found it ironic that someone by the name of Logic knocked KY out of the tourney on a technicality btw.)

In regards to MI vs MI trolling. Mikey, you're right that most of us don't see each other that often. And those people who don't should ease up on it. Especially the Goddys out there who don't show up often at all and don't really see the rest of the community.

But those who see each other on a semi-daily basis I think it's ok for. Such as me, gio, thugz, tutu, wtp who play once or twice every week. Clearly we hang out with each other a lot and don't hate each other. When people do things like Tutu going on my account while I'm in the bathroom and making a troll thread in the Olimar/Sheik boards making me look silly, I can laugh at that and take it in stride. I didn't even take the thread/post down as I have been so wildly entertained by the responses.

I think most of us troll these groups mostly. Such as hot_arms trolling AA people, and me trolling thugz, etc. But I'll cool it on the other people in the MI community.

I apologize to any MI players I may have offended.

/wall of text
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