That feeling you get is just you being overwhelmed. Most player's play level will fluctuate while playing, so if you are playing someone who is comfortably even with you, you will notice bursts where they have a consistent advantage or you feel that advantage. It's kindof like a moment in time where you don't know what to do and get stuck while trying to figure it out. Meanwhile, you're getting whooped on screen.
Calle W, according to Hack, overwhelms him occasionally, but not consistently, and that could be for a number of reasons, but I'm not going to speculate as I honestly haven't watched him play ever.
Armada's base level of play will overwhelm most players below him, but players at his own level don't usually crumble while playing him. His playstyle is incredibly stable imo.
Mango overwhelms pretty much anyone he wants to with a wide variety of characters, and he does it often. He can really make anyone feel pressured and make mistakes. His base level of play is comparable to most of the top players playing well and he fluctuates to being untouchable.
I don't see that kind of play out of anyone at that level but him tbh, which is why we say he is a level above the rest of the top players.
This post is worded awkwardly because I'm at work and need sleep lolol