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The Band of the Hawk: you have brought shame among the hawks


Monochrome Like A Panda
May 18, 2007
Fort Washington, MD.
I saw the trailer for that a like last month on cleavermovies and I wasn't too impressed. Is he in the main cast?

Edit: I am thinking of a different movie : The wolfman.

Edit again: I cant find any info about the movie, are you trolling me =(


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
lol Phil's just trolling, the Michael Bay part was a dead giveaway. If you think for a second I'm not fully up on what that no talent *** clown is ruining next you're sorely mistaken :)


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
I know! I haven't found anyone yet, I think I'm just gonna ask around on Saturday and see what I can get last minute lol hopefully a good Fox
You better be coming Seb. I can't sleep, too excited.

BTW I'm a Fox main. Let's do some doubles friendlies and see if it works out? ;)


Monochrome Like A Panda
May 18, 2007
Fort Washington, MD.
ROFLMFAO! What a crazy *******.

I was like WTF is on his face....then I got it...soooooo ignorant.

Lol at like him essentially summing up the whole movie.

Birthday, Leaving Bella, Wolfs, Back Together, Volturi, Done.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Public Enemies sucked, I'm done with Michael Mann. That was the last straw.

A foiwa jghae hgpeifhg jgspighdfs

IT HAS A 29% on ROTTEN TOMATOES AND ROGER EBERT GAVE IT ONE STAR. This thing is getting HORRIBLE reviews and even my co-worker who liked Twilight said she didn't care for New Moon at all. WOW piece of **** trash movie makes this much money already. I think I'm going to be sick

Oh yeah, RoM2 was fun and I have the worst luck ever. I got second seed in the first round of pools after almost beating Raynex, and in second round of pools I had Jman, Ritz, Doyoungtowin, and HomeMadeWaffles. Only top 2 make it out. Jman 2-0'd everyone and I then I beat everyone else and it came down to me and Waffles. It went to game three and I was winning the third game the entire time. I think it was at my two stock mid percent to Waffle's one and THEN the dumbest **** happened. Right across from us Raynex and Eggm were playing their pool sets and Eggm barely beat Raynex and Raynex got pissed and jumped out of his seat in anger. In doing so he accidentally tripped the cord for our cube and our match was turned off.

It was unreal, so we had to redo the match and I gave up before it even started. I lost my motivation, I had the set in the bag and it was intense and both Waffles and I were really into it and then for that **** to just destroy my momentum is bull****. So Waffles started beasting and I forfeited the matche before it was even over.

So that's why I didn't make it out of round 2 of pools and thus didn't make it into brackets. It's no one's fault I'm just unlucky as ****. FML


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
LOL did you taste that **** Joey? It was AWFUL, Haley's insane for actually enjoying that. I think I can't stand any form of alcohol anymore. The smell and taste both make me want to vomit the instant I drink it. Oh well, hopefully something interesting will happen at Pound 4 ;)


Smash Hero
Jan 7, 2007
where ever I please,im a f***in boss!!
Public Enemies sucked, I'm done with Michael Mann. That was the last straw.

A foiwa jghae hgpeifhg jgspighdfs

IT HAS A 29% on ROTTEN TOMATOES AND ROGER EBERT GAVE IT ONE STAR. This thing is getting HORRIBLE reviews and even my co-worker who liked Twilight said she didn't care for New Moon at all. WOW piece of **** trash movie makes this much money already. I think I'm going to be sick

Oh yeah, RoM2 was fun and I have the worst luck ever. I got second seed in the first round of pools after almost beating Raynex, and in second round of pools I had Jman, Ritz, Doyoungtowin, and HomeMadeWaffles. Only top 2 make it out. Jman 2-0'd everyone and I then I beat everyone else and it came down to me and Waffles. It went to game three and I was winning the third game the entire time. I think it was at my two stock mid percent to Waffle's one and THEN the dumbest **** happened. Right across from us Raynex and Eggm were playing their pool sets and Eggm barely beat Raynex and Raynex got pissed and jumped out of his seat in anger. In doing so he accidentally tripped the cord for our cube and our match was turned off.

It was unreal, so we had to redo the match and I gave up before it even started. I lost my motivation, I had the set in the bag and it was intense and both Waffles and I were really into it and then for that **** to just destroy my momentum is bull****. So Waffles started beasting and I forfeited the matche before it was even over.

So that's why I didn't make it out of round 2 of pools and thus didn't make it into brackets. It's no one's fault I'm just unlucky as ****. FML
why lose motivation???

did kage lose motivation when he was 3 stocks down on mango??? NO

he made a three stock comeback like a true warrior should....


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
ROM was sooo much fun. And Haley was sooo drunk.

Seb, I wanted to get some friendlies in yesterday but never got the chance. Next time I see you okay?


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I'm not amazing like Kage. I'm so inconsistant and when bs like the power being tripped while I'm winning happens I give up in my mind and there's nothing I can do about it. I guess that's why I'm not a pro, I give up a lot.

I'm also horrible against Doc, I need to play you a lot more. It's sad that we're in the same region and almost never play each other. Jesus I'm so stupid, if I just played your Doc for like 6 hours straight I wouldn't lose to any other Doc since you're the best in the world. Oh well, live and learn.

Joey, yes screwdrivers are good when you get the right kind of orange juice.

LOL of course Cristin, HOPEFULLY I will go to Saffron and if I do we will play for hours. Armada and Silent Spectre serious matches :)


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2006
Bowie, MD
lalwlwlalawllwooooohl lo l alwlalwlwlwlal

lalalalalala lawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwl



Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
LOL of course Cristin, HOPEFULLY I will go to Saffron and if I do we will play for hours. Armada and Silent Spectre serious matches :)
Word! And bring some more MD/VA peeps with you, it's gonna be SO HYPE. Raynex said he was coming and boxman/darc too plus others.

Also, I agree with boss...you shouldn't give up. It's silly, you gotta think of the outcome of the situation rather than just being hopeless.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Word! And bring some more MD/VA peeps with you, it's gonna be SO HYPE. Raynex said he was coming and boxman/darc too plus others.

Also, I agree with boss...you shouldn't give up. It's silly, you gotta think of the outcome of the situation rather than just being hopeless.
YES! If I don't get a ride I'll bus up there I swear. Just need to find housing.

And I always give up lol ask anyone that plays me a lot. I yell, "I'm dead!", everytime Boss or another high level player grabs me or hits me off the stage lmao it's just the way I am.

yeah i need to suck a lot of **** and take it up the ***. that is all


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Also, day one at RoM2 when I got to the venue in the morning I ran into Kage and jokingly said, "So you're going to beat Mango eh?", and he laughed and we briefly talked about the Ganon Falco/Puff matchup. Scary that he ened up beating Mango @_@

What's even funnier is later on when I headed toward the bathroom Mango was waiting outside it cause someone was in there. I started a random conversation and he eventually said, "Are you Thumbs?", and I said, "Yeah", then he says "Hi" (in the strangest way ever) to which I reply with, "I'm the guy that's going to beat you at Pound 4". He said, "Ok", then pulled out his phone and started texting people. It was hilarious.

Let's see if my second random prediction comes true LOL if so, I warned him :D

AH and this is now the THIRD tournament I have attended where Mango was and STILL have not played him. Well, I played him at like 1 am when he was drunk off his *** in the hotel room, but he quit out of the match in the first 30 seconds cause he was so wasted lol


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
If I actually did face him in tourny, he would most likely go Falco cause I'm just a random Falcon and he can beat Falcons easily with Falco anyway. I'd get *****, but anything's better than fighting his freaking Puff. That would be a nightmare.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
...hmm talk about a guy who didn't make it out of Pool 1 at ROM 1 ?

lost to IDEA ? rofl

sorry you can't acting like me :o
I'm not acting like you, I've always had zero confidence in myself. You can't beat me in that department ;)

Oh yeah, right before we left the tourny a HUGE black guy apparantly lost a set in brackets to Vanz and all we heard was this loud yell, "****ING MUTE CITY", and out of nowhere a chair comes flying at me and crashes into my leg. It hurt quite a bit lol he threw that **** halfway across the room. D1 told me that the player's tag was Unkown. lol it was scary and funny at the same time.

edit- just found this lmao

Maaaaaaaaan, this was a sick tourney. Sorry for flipping out and throwing the chairs. I thought mute city was banned at this so I banned FD vs Vanz. We're cool now.

I met a lot of people and got a lot of recognition at this, so I'm glad.

Also, Kage is the best player in the world....get at me!!!


Shoutouts when results thread comes out. See you all at Pound 4.


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
UNKNOW522 ??????? ....... if so, i know that guy :o lol

and WHERE CAN I BUY WHOLE SERIES OF MANGA online ?????? I really want to read Black Cat...
and it would be cheaper to buy the whole series at once... :/ but I don't know where to find it..


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Public Enemies sucked, I'm done with Michael Mann. That was the last straw.

A foiwa jghae hgpeifhg jgspighdfs

IT HAS A 29% on ROTTEN TOMATOES AND ROGER EBERT GAVE IT ONE STAR. This thing is getting HORRIBLE reviews and even my co-worker who liked Twilight said she didn't care for New Moon at all. WOW piece of **** trash movie makes this much money already. I think I'm going to be sick

Oh yeah, RoM2 was fun and I have the worst luck ever. I got second seed in the first round of pools after almost beating Raynex, and in second round of pools I had Jman, Ritz, Doyoungtowin, and HomeMadeWaffles. Only top 2 make it out. Jman 2-0'd everyone and I then I beat everyone else and it came down to me and Waffles. It went to game three and I was winning the third game the entire time. I think it was at my two stock mid percent to Waffle's one and THEN the dumbest **** happened. Right across from us Raynex and Eggm were playing their pool sets and Eggm barely beat Raynex and Raynex got pissed and jumped out of his seat in anger. In doing so he accidentally tripped the cord for our cube and our match was turned off.

It was unreal, so we had to redo the match and I gave up before it even started. I lost my motivation, I had the set in the bag and it was intense and both Waffles and I were really into it and then for that **** to just destroy my momentum is bull****. So Waffles started beasting and I forfeited the matche before it was even over.

So that's why I didn't make it out of round 2 of pools and thus didn't make it into brackets. It's no one's fault I'm just unlucky as ****. FML
raynex posting:

wait what? I was in my seat the entire time. I had the lead the whole match and Eggm made a comeback because I ****ed up a throw. HE was the one who jumped out of his seat and pulled the cord. I got up and explained that to Waffles, I thought you heard...


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
raynex posting:

wait what? I was in my seat the entire time. I had the lead the whole match and Eggm made a comeback because I ****ed up a throw. HE was the one who jumped out of his seat and pulled the cord. I got up and explained that to Waffles, I thought you heard...
Oh my bad, I was so mad I must not have heard you. Right before the power got pulled I heard you yell really loudly when you lost and I heard someone jump out of their seat and I didn't actually look over until both of you were standing up, so I assumed it was you. In any case, it was no one's fault (well probably eggm lol) but he didn't do it intentionally so I'm not so mad about it anymore. It's just bad luck.
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