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The Austin Smash 4 Thread - Weeklies are now at OOPLES!


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
I'm not angry at all, by the way. I love the Austin scene a lot, and I want them to get better.
I just hate seeing people literally wanting to quit because their community won't put in serious practice.

That's like, one of the lamest reasons.


Alicorn or not, my mane mare, my unicorn, Twilight
May 18, 2007
San Antonio, TX
Find it amusing that the head of the giraffe still manages to position itself over his head post-shop.


Smash Champion
Jun 9, 2010
Houston, TX (Fire Nation)
Eh I really don't think it's too much of a tragedy that Austin likes to mess around when they play. Here in Houston, all the people that live with me (Gnes, Trela, PJ and myself) don't play often but when we do, we mess around (PJ and I love doing Snake vs MK) but we still stay slightly serious. If one of us wants to practice, we just force the other to play serious. If PJ and I are playing "x vs x" and I want to start practicing, I just go Olimar on anything he throws out and camp the **** out of him until he goes Toonlink or quits.

Panty, like Illmatic said, quitting because you get no practice is not really a good reason. If you're REALLY determined you could find people to play or force the few that would to play seriously. You don't even need that long to get good practice in. Even like 8 games can be enough for practicing for the ones who don't want to.

Another I've been wanting to address (this is for San Antonio and Austin) was that you guys have no scene anymore! I miss traveling and seeing all kinds of players from different cities! I really enjoy seeing Fort Worth grow together and challenge Houston. Panty, if you really want to improve you should really work on rekindling your scene's fire to play. Find more people and find places to smash (hell I started with my apartment and you see what it is today: a place where at least ONE person in Houston is here playing smash). I think it would be really good for you!

Best of luck to you guys :) and I will never knock playing Brawl for fun because that's what I'm usually doing! But practice is good too! I look forward to seeing your scene grow if you choose to make it Panty :)

Sky Pirate

The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
Mar 10, 2009
Elgin, Texas
I reflected on it for a bit and was about to propose something ludicrous because I was tired of making a bunch of compromises, getting my back bitten when I thought everything was fine, yadda yadda yadda...

But then this happened:
And I forgot all about it.

Tell you what, Joel. If you want more time for singles, we'll make more time for singles.
Everyone learns in their own way and it's true that you've been neglected a bit in favor of other people (since we tend to do singles later in the evening after the people that like doubles and such leave, the crowd thins, etc.).
And I will take it a bit more seriously, but I'm making no actual promises about my performance. To be quite honest, I do get really dizzy sometimes and continuous play can be really disorienting.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2008
Austin, TX
I loled at each picture.

@Sync how does one force someone who doesn't want to play serious, play serious?

@Illmatic I would love to play wifi, but my connection here isn't great.

@Kprime Adopt me.

@Austin, I talked to some peeps and read what they have to say. I don't think I will quit, because I love this game. But I do want to see some of you step up and play some singles.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2010
Austin, TX
For the record, I was always the one who hated everything but singles. Lol Not practicing at all this week and not gonna go to a fest if there is one. **** this handddd



Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2008
Austin-UT/San Antonio
i don't know if it's worth mentioning but every melee player kinda wants to be the best in the city. consequentially, every time we meet we often run a pride round robin, bo5. nobody in the group likes to lose and i think overall, we all get better due to that. maybe y'all can do that too.

when i was watching ya'll at the meeting, ya'll were only playing on one tv despite being ~6 players. i asked and ya'll said it was fine, that you all were used to it. i wouldn't consider myself a good player yet, but i don't think playing doubles all day really helps in improving skill. there's just too much to analyze in those type of matches. just my two cents.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2010
Austin, TX

Why did you not say this before now? I thought you loved Ganon Challenge and Highlander.
What do you mean? I used to say this a lot. lol I like highlander but would not mind at all if there was less (sandbag)doubles/ganons.

Nice av Tofer here are some other cool aminals.


Sky Pirate

The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
Mar 10, 2009
Elgin, Texas
Glad THAT'S (almost) over. I've had Puyo Pop Fever on pause for like... four hours.

BTW. Mike2, is it a coincidence that the filename of that one picture is "fap.jpg" or are you trying to tell us something? :3


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Lmao, looking back - my paragraphs sorta look *******ish because who am I to tell you guys how to have fun? But like, it's good to know that if you guys want to get better... you are all now taking to initiative (even further) to do so.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Well, I'm just gonna blame myself for not being more vocal about it, cause I assumed everyone else felt more positive about doubles, highlander, and ganon challenge. Funny, how that works when a lot of people are feeling the same way, but no one says anything out of fear for going against the norm. As far as my personal statement goes, there is only so much funsies and mindless matches we can do before it just wears you out.

For the record, I enter tournies to have fun, but I still wanna get "good" to a certain extent in singles. Never bother with doubles, and when we do singles at fests, I tend to play much more serious. I think I don't find much interest in doubles is because, everyone around me isn't trying either so I see no point either. You're not getting any true practice.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
@Panty, you can't. Trust me I've learned this the hard way. It doesn't mean YOU can't practice your heart out though. Play your very hardest. They don't wanna try? **** them for it. Once, M2K told me it doesn't matter who he's playing or if it's friendlies or whatever, he's trying his very hardest to **** his opponent.

You can't make anybody do anything they don't want but that doesn't mean you personally can't strive to get better. It comes down to recognizing every situation. Try to notice if they're doing something over and over. What can you do that beats it. Learn to expect hits and how to DI them to increase how you survive. Learn how to perfect shield as much as you can. Do this over and over and you'll learn so much. And if you wanna see a drastic increase, it doesn't come by doing this a little bit. You have to really put in the work and effort. Even the boring stuff.

@Bored: same concept goes with doubles, you just have to find a partner as willing to get better as you. Even if the other teams aren't trying very hard, learn to set up attack strings and setups from grabs, etc. Getting a static partner for a while and learning synergy is great for doubles. And usually a lot more fun for everybody because of the crazy strings you can learn to put together.

Also, you guys should listen to Sync. Try to get more people interested in playing. Recruit people, try to host a tournament once a month or something like that and make sure you invite them. Teach them all the stuff you know. And it takes more than one of you willing to do it. There's a lot of you who can help put in a little work. Between you guys and San Antonio, you could really make the scene grow again. Being towards the center of all the smash cities, geographically, is a huge deal.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
@Panty, you can't. Trust me I've learned this the hard way. It doesn't mean YOU can't practice your heart out though. Play your very hardest. They don't wanna try? **** them for it. Once, M2K told me it doesn't matter who he's playing or if it's friendlies or whatever, he's trying his very hardest to **** his opponent.
This works so well.

It's also fun to set goals higher than just winning if you are playing against someone that you know you are better than to get better practice in. Recently, I've been planning ahead for going for two stocks and not even go for one stock. If I kill them with two stocks left, I look at my percentage and try to lower it for next time and so on so forth. It helps you learn how not to get hit and pick up on your opponents habits big time.


Smash Champion
Jun 9, 2010
Houston, TX (Fire Nation)
Panty like Dojo said, just keep ****** whoever you play and you'll either just get better at reading their sandbagging habits or force them to play seriously and **** them then. Just play seriously, you'll get practice someway or another.

Don't forget to have fun!


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
^^ this this this.

I used to do that back in early 09 when I feel like I broke my biggest plateau of going from a state level player to a national.

I would do my best to 3 stock every opponent here in SA and pick up on ALL habits they had. It was easier to notice because they were lower leveled players other than Santi. And he helped specifically because I learned how to perfect shield all the **** he would throw and he would innovate and come up with all kinds of new ideas so it taught me how to adapt. Pay attention to their habits especially when they are going for kills. If you can learn to live to 150+ EVERY stock with any light weight character, you're improving your skill a ton just on that aspect. Of course it doesn't happen near all the time but as a result you learn how to DI kill moves and operate yourself when you're at that point in the game.

There really is so much you can do just trying harder yourself.


Smash Champion
Jun 9, 2010
Houston, TX (Fire Nation)
Yes, PJ and I always talk about improving this way! It's really fun if everyone is into it! What Dojo said about living longer is amazing too! That's what I do with Olimar. I just try and live longer than my opponent no matter what (when I used to team with Trela I tried to make my stocks last FOREVER I used to live like to 200% and teching and DI a bunch of things perfectly). You can start with many things to get better honest;y. Just pick one, and improve! Whether it be reading spot dodges, rolls or jumps (the first read I learned being a MK main at the time) or just learning how to Powershield better or how to live longer, you just can't go wrong.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
I'll seriously look into that when I sort out all my financial stuff. Maybe sometime in Feb or March. I have every other weekend off and we can plan it out or whatever.


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Funky Town, Texas
I'll seriously look into that when I sort out all my financial stuff. Maybe sometime in Feb or March. I have every other weekend off and we can plan it out or whatever.
I've got a bomb *** couch you can crash on and I'm sure Dustin prolly has a bed you can hit if you want. Just keep us in the loop :p


I MISS YOU, ZIGSTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Speaking of things, I have possibly 1 or 2 more people that would like to go to smashfests from now on.
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