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The Austin Smash 4 Thread - Weeklies are now at OOPLES!


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Well, I just woke up from a nap after dealing with a stressful workout around 8 am. I'll be there in a few hours barring I go grocery shopping now than later.

Sky Pirate

The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
Mar 10, 2009
Elgin, Texas
Theorycrafting is generally frowned upon in these boards, Nick.

Replays from the first fest (the one with Jozef) are up. I'll do the rest tomorrow or something because I'm too damned tired.
I recorded the ones from this fest, but haven't named or uploaded any. I ****ing LOVE that one where Collin fakes an SD and kills Joel and Nick, BTW. XD

Sky Pirate

The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
Mar 10, 2009
Elgin, Texas
It wouldn't be wise to quit from something like that. That would be the ***** route.
You use it to fuel your drive to redeem yourself by becoming the best Ganon in Texas, like a ****ing MAN.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
It will be hard since the road is paved with pocket DDD's.

And possibly IC's.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2008
Austin, TX
Get out Zano.

@Shaun+Austin in general
I just want to become a better player, and get good practice in. I feel as if I'm the only one who cares about improving, and maybe I am... I love playing this game, and I'd like to have our city recognized instead of Houston winning everything. I don't want to play hylander, ganon challenge, trolling in singles, or doubles with random *** characters... There is a reason why the other cities are better than us. They don't spend all their time ****ing around with pointless mini games and hard sand bagging. They play to improve, and this is something Austin has forgotten. Shaun, you can post your videos of my ganon or w/e gettin ***** on youtube and feel better about yourself but in the end you aren't improving the best you can. It's funny how much time y'all put into this game, but the lack of improvement y'all gain as players. Wouldn't it be nice to place in the money or be noted as a good player other than in your character board? Bring Austin back to life.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2010
Austin, TX
Was joking in my post above but I honestly need to take a break for my hand and see wtf is up. 0_o Felt "ok" a day before yesterday but after playing the pain is back. If this doesn't go away it could actually stop me from playing for good. It's a pain/numbness. I know that wasn't the point of your post but I can't practice right now at all.



Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Get out Zano.

@Shaun+Austin in general
I just want to become a better player, and get good practice in. I feel as if I'm the only one who cares about improving, and maybe I am... I love playing this game, and I'd like to have our city recognized instead of Houston winning everything. I don't want to play hylander, ganon challenge, trolling in singles, or doubles with random *** characters... There is a reason why the other cities are better than us. They don't spend all their time ****ing around with pointless mini games and hard sand bagging. They play to improve, and this is something Austin has forgotten. Shaun, you can post your videos of my ganon or w/e gettin ***** on youtube and feel better about yourself but in the end you aren't improving the best you can. It's funny how much time y'all put into this game, but the lack of improvement y'all gain as players. Wouldn't it be nice to place in the money or be noted as a good player other than in your character board? Bring Austin back to life.
And here I thought I was the only one who felt this way. I forgot who it was that said to me that the Melee people started doing funsies at the end.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2010
Corpus Christi, Texas
I'd play brawl more seriously if I had people to play with constantly. Y'all are lucky, you should be taking better advantage of this.


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
I felt the same way about Austin for the past year or so. I would often lose close tournament sets because I wasn't practicing enough to be clutch. I'm still losing close games because I'm rusty in clutch situations, and I know it.

I actually do enjoy doubles, but most of the time my partner would either sandbag or hit me on purpose for laughs. It was especially frustrating since I main Bowser and actually want to practice. I can't just coast into tournaments, especially with a low tier, and expect to honestly do well. That's why I started playing Jiggs. If I couldn't practice Bowser, I could practice playing really gay and running away from everything.

Never said anything because I knew I'd be moving soon, and the people I play with in SoCal enjoy practicing.


Smash Cadet
Nov 12, 2010
Austin, Tx
i'm right there with you joel, the way i look at it is there's a time and place for ganon challenge/highlander/etc, and thats when i'm drinking at a fest. since most of the time thats not the case, i'm not big on doing it every fest

Sky Pirate

The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
Mar 10, 2009
Elgin, Texas
@Shaun+Austin in general
I just want to become a better player, and get good practice in. I feel as if I'm the only one who cares about improving, and maybe I am... I love playing this game, and I'd like to have our city recognized instead of Houston winning everything. I don't want to play hylander, ganon challenge, trolling in singles, or doubles with random *** characters... There is a reason why the other cities are better than us. They don't spend all their time ****ing around with pointless mini games and hard sand bagging. They play to improve, and this is something Austin has forgotten. Shaun, you can post your videos of my ganon or w/e gettin ***** on youtube and feel better about yourself but in the end you aren't improving the best you can. It's funny how much time y'all put into this game, but the lack of improvement y'all gain as players. Wouldn't it be nice to place in the money or be noted as a good player other than in your character board? Bring Austin back to life.
If we DIDN'T have Highlander, Ganon Challenge, trolling in singles, or doubles with random-*** characters, I would quit. It's boring and strenuous to just play 100% serious 100% of the time and these games are actually quite fun.

If you're implying that I only ever want to play these side games, I'll remind you of how much I actually complain when we play more than five games of any of them. I stop complaining about these long streaks because certain people in our scene that don't really play competitively like these games and they put up with a LOT of our ****, too. Don't get on their cases about it, either.

If you're telling me that I'm not trying to improve, you're far from correct. I'm constantly in many character boards trying to learn more about them and their characters, and I obviously play a good chunk of the cast to learn more about their hitboxes, weaknesses, etc. It stems from the theory that playing multiple characters develops good basics and adaptation rather than risking stagnation from focusing exclusively on your character's match-ups. With Olimar, I try as much as I can to learn how to apply tools that I never use in match-ups that I never get to use them in, as evidenced by my low usage of Fsmash against you when you played Marth (which I even EXPLAINED AND APOLOGIZED FOR, but you didn't even object to). I've devoted a good amount of time studying Olimar, DEFINITELY several hundred hours moreso than most Olimars. Do you know that I did all of Olimar's Hitbubbles, tested and found hitlag for EVERY move with EVERY color down to a full staling, compiled lists of all of Olimar's knockback and frame data (among other things), and spend anywhere from thirty minutes to four hours a day playing around with him? Do you know how much random goddamned **** there actually is to know about Olimar and just how much time I've spent FINDING such things out? Do you understand now WHY I was so neurotic about getting my Wii's A/V cable that one time when I left it at your place? I have several folders across three computers devoted specifically to theories and research on the character. Do you? I sincerely doubt it. Do NOT tell me that I don't care about improving. I'm so ****ing pissed off that you'd even say that.

The simple fact of the matter is that people all have their limitations and we just have to try to compensate for these shortcomings in our own ways. I'm trying to do this by learning as much as I can about the things I haven't explored. I know it's selfish, but it's how I've always operated. My first match with the Austin crew was actually my Fox v. Joey's Kirby. My second was my Sonic v. Joey's Kirby . I have been doing this for a LONG TIME and apparently it works better for me than just constantly playing Olimar.

I also understand that I have tons of habits and I'm working to get rid of them. You've admitted that I do some really ballsy stuff on the ledge now (that actually works most of the time) rather than simply ledgehopping or Uairing under the ledge every time like I used to and Mustafa told me that I do a lot of mixups in the air that I didn't used to do. The rolling thing is a bit more difficult to focus on because it's so ingrained into me from when I used to play wifi, but it's not like I'm not improving at all. I actually have you and Chris to thank for taking advantage of my rolling habits and making me feel stupid every time it happens.
I would also go to more tournaments to get more experience against the players I tend to lose to (which is almost exclusively A- to S-tier players now, BTW.), but I can't always afford to drop $40+ on a Brawl tournament.

Chris, I felt bad about the intentional team attacking and it was kind of an ******* thing to do, which is why I stopped it. I really did grow very attached to you and did start to become genuinely interested in seeing you improve as a player, which is one of the reasons why I picked Olimar so often against you specifically when we did singles before everyone arrived.

Now that we've both gotten to let a bit out, let us please stop this before it gets into the really dark stuff. I'm not pissed off now since I started writing this something like an hour ago. ^^;

[collapse=Something Random]On a lighter note, I remember a lot about that first fest. On the aforementioned Fox v. Kirby game, I SD'd on my second stock and ended up losing. When I picked Fox, Chad said "That isn't Olimar!" The Sonic match was on Battlefield. It went to time, but I won it by running away during the last few seconds and double-jump/springing from the right side of the left platform. Juan said that he expected the match-up to go exactly like that if it was played in-tournament.
When I first met Joel, I remember that he picked Dedede at one point and either Chad or Juan (I think it was Juan) said "There goes PWNIN, picking another character he doesn't even play". X3[/collapse]

Sky Pirate

The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
Mar 10, 2009
Elgin, Texas
There probably won't be a fest in Austin this week, Nameless Wanderer, but JOS told me that he reserved a room for fests at U.T. for four seperate weeks.
Let me check the date really quickly and get back to you.

EDIT: Next one's on 2/11.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately but didn't want to mention it because I REALLY want us to get back on good terms with the Melee guys, but wouldn't it be less expensive overall to just continue having them at Joel's place? Usually we only have to pitch in a few dollars each, but it's $6+ a person just to park with the U.T. fests (not to mention that the gas cost still applies for the San Marcos people and the time limit on the U.T. fests).


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2008
Austin-UT/San Antonio
I don't see any friction between the two communities so I wouldn't worry about that. If it's cheaper to have them somewhere else then by all means, I encourage you to take that route. If not it'll undoubtedly create some resent in the future. I just thought having the meetings at school would be easier and more comfortable.

Note: I parked for free behind the imax/museum area.


Sky Pirate

The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
Mar 10, 2009
Elgin, Texas
Note: I parked for free behind the imax/museum area.
I looked had a difficult time finding that (after getting to the campus and realizing that I didn't actually... know where the Imax/Museum area is).
If you don't mind explaining or throwing out a map, where is it in relation to Inner Campus Drive? If not, I'll just go out scouting at some point before next week.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2008
Austin, TX
Shaun, I know you've done a lot for your character boards, and I've seen your hit bubble vids like a year ago... so I'm not completely oblivious to what you've provided for the community. I just feel like all you ever want to do at fests is troll and f-smash with Ike. You hardly ever want to play singles, and you rarely play Olimar. Do you realize that you spend 40 mins. playing singles with me/Mike2 and about 9-10 hours playing Hylander and pointless dubs. You spent all that time talking about what you read and practice on your own time, but yet you fail to test what you have learned against opponents. By doing this you aren't going to beat those S tier or A tier players any time soon. I don't see any attempt for you to actually try in singles or dubs. All you ever do is troll and frustrate me as you did Chris. When you know someone isn't trying or know someone is just attempting to aggravate you, it just breaks your focus and motivation for playing. You make me want to give up as a competitive player in brawl. I just want some ample time to practice, but each time I want to I just get ignored. I feel as if I have no say in what we play or my character choice... Like telling me I can only go DK or Ganon so you can save a replay and laugh about it later is completely ridiculous. Mike2 can agree with me on that, and then you complain about me going my main....Also please don't throw money johns for not attending tourneys... just please... there are tons of options around this. Should we even bother going to any tourneys anymore? Maybe we can play highlander with Gnes... lol I'm out.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Don't quit because you can't get practice.
Quit because you no longer enjoy the game.

Practice in Brawl (especially these days) can be found anywhere, and you should be really thankful that you have an active scene in your area to benefit from. Now that you've addressed the problem, see where it goes from there. You have a lot of potential to become a really good player and it would be a shame to see you quit out of nowhere. Force people to play their mains to get in good practice, or simply refuse to play them.

It's a stretch, but I'm always available to play you on Wi-Fi practically like anytime.
Just shoot me a private message on aim, aib, or SWF.

Or you can text me at 832-513-9573.
Good luck, Panty.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Cloverleaf/rest of Austin smash scene, if you're not enjoying the game while playing it competitively then quit. It's extremely selfish to waste other's time for your personal gain. And it's quite sad that Panty has had to man up and say something about it. That's just my opinion, though.

You are not even close to the level of skill where you can just say, "I'll go Ganon, play doubles all night, use random, etc. etc." because you aren't even good. Hell, most of the top five in Texas can't even do that.

Reading up on threads, discussing matchups, and all that other bull**** won't get you anywhere.
Practice at fests will.

And don't bring up "we don't care" about competition because if you didn't, you wouldn't enter tournaments.

There is a reason why Houston is the strongest city in the entire world.
We all train hard together frequently.

Sky Pirate

The best defense is a lot of frigging healing
Mar 10, 2009
Elgin, Texas
Then perhaps there is some flaw in my way of thinking.
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