You took what I said to literally. The only good people are SS, DSF, and King

(which everyone already know's, so I didn't even bother mentioning them..all well known players and I personally <3 King). The thing is that he said "best Sheik in DBR". Now tell me, how much does that term mean when we're talking other players such as Ken, Isai, Mew2king, etc.?
Not that many ways to interpret "DBR sucks lol." And Bob$ and GERM are very good despite what you may think. I can't think of a better Doc or Link, but let's not have that discussion now.
And as for saying "best sheik in DBR," I never argued with you about that in the first place so I dunno what you're trying to prove to me or why you felt the need to say "exactly..." I probably even argeed with you to begin with. Again, no point in having a discussion about that, just wanted to clarify.
BY THE WAY, I love how you didn't even mention all of DBR ^_^
Zel is currently inactive, and Hella, while good, is not quite on the level of the rest, but he certainly doesn't suck. Even so, having 5 excellent players (or even only 3 according to you), there is no basis for saying they "suck" at all.
I love people who can't read ^_^
Your sentence regarding how 'important' recovery is is kind of ambiguous. You say it's 'important' but then go on to say it 'doesn't matter that much' and that something else is what's 'really important.' I'm sorry if you think I misinterpreted what you said, and perhaps I did, but what you said isn't exactly clear as to what you mean. can know how to DI for survival for any character....
But yeah, who's easier to edgeguard? Space animals or Samus? lol
Falco. I think Fox's recovery is way better than Falco's, even though they may look similar. And honestly I don't think Samus' recovery is that much harder to edgeguard than Fox's, but I play Jiggly so I might be seeing it through a different window.
So Hyuga, if you were to disargee with me, that means you think that recovery>what a character can do on stage. So...wth??? I'll just assume you didn't understand what I meant/didn't bother reading.
I don't know if i disagree with you because again, what you said about how important recovery is could be taken a few different ways. I took it to mean that you didn't think recovery was really important in determining how good a char is or where it is in the tier list, and I disagreed with that. Just because I don't think it's "not that important" doesn't mean I automatically think recovery > everything else. But I probably do think it's more important than you do, if I had to guess. E.g., Fox's recovery makes him decidedly better than Falco. I think Falco is "better on the stage" in the first place, so from your point of view I'd almost think you'd want Falco > Fox. Ditto with Doc's over Mario. And if DK had Bowser's up B, DK would be barely at Young Link level. IMO. I don't really want to debate those in detail, I mostly just wanted to post to clarify my position and how I read your post.