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Writing Team
May 6, 2009
Austin, TX
Hold the phone, Ray has poison?

If he can spit that, and its sticky....that could mean a grounded Ridley...

also, compared to Ridley, how much nrg does it take for Ray to blast?
Well, if his blast is weaker, then it would take less time to activate. Ridley would store his own energy for the blast in that lump on his back. If Ray were to hit that, Ridley would have trouble firing any more blasts.

EDIT: Joe, I hate to say it, but you probably shouldn't be voting one side all the time if you're the one making the matches... It was irritating in the Lucario/Diddy match, and its probably irritating those who vote for Ridley. :)


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Ray in the movie he's in takes like 2 seconds to charge his hyper beam and he can fire it repeatedly. If Ridley tries to divebomb, Ray Hyper Beams him and it's over. Also, Ray could Dig underground then stick his head slightly above the ground, then shoot hyper beams etc. at Rid then duck underground and repeat.

Ray wins this. Better range, stronger, more agile.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
Well, if his blast is weaker, then it would take less time to activate. Ridley would store his own energy for the blast in that lump on his back. If Ray were to hit that, Ridley would have trouble firing any more blasts.

EDIT: Joe, I hate to say it, but you probably shouldn't be voting one side all the time if you're the one making the matches... It was irritating in the Lucario/Diddy match, and its probably irritating those who vote for Ridley. :)
i really try not to, all I try to do is present info that nobody is bringing up.

In both these matches people only focused on what ridley/lucario could do to diddy/rayquaza, and bareley on the pros of the latter


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
That's because Ridley can only fire his plasma breath, and if he tried to close in and fight up close, then he'd get ***** by the snake-like Rayquaza.

And two matchups ago was unfair: Lucario would MURDER Diddy outright.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Ray in the movie he's in takes like 2 seconds to charge his hyper beam and he can fire it repeatedly. If Ridley tries to divebomb, Ray Hyper Beams him and it's over. Also, Ray could Dig underground then stick his head slightly above the ground, then shoot hyper beams etc. at Rid then duck underground and repeat.

Ray wins this. Better range, stronger, more agile.

Hyper beam is out. So is flying.

And Rayquaza is stronger, but gliding alone, plus Rayquaza's more limited snake movement (which is fast, but predictable) makes Ridley more agile.

rayquaza has enormous amounts of energy that flying shooting repeated beams and fighting will take little effort

apparently ridley needs a lot more effort to just be there and fight so rayquaza can probably out last him

i never played metroid but if ridley came back to life or was it just came back from a samus defeat
Again, no flying, no hype beam.

Fire Breath (and Ridley hotter variation, Plasma Breath) is scientifically tenable. Hyper beam is not.

Rayquaza flying is impossibe too (so is Ridley, but he can glide).

Has anyone taken into account that Rayquaza could Dive underwater or Dig into the ground? Like he could in Brawl/Pokemon? It's physically possible, considering Ray spins his body like a drill, burrowing into the ground, and then drilling outward.

Besides that, Rayquaza is more of a snake- a long, yet comparatively thin target, while Ridley is a big dude himself. They both have smarts, strength, and speed. So it really comes down to capabilities with their powers.

Ridley can fly, has his breath, and fangs/talons. Rayquaza, however, has much more at his disposal than Ridley; like Sonic On The Rocks said, he has a variety of moves that can catch Ridley off guard.

Say, this boss stuff is pretty cool.

Rayquaza acting like a drill is impossible without flight, he needs to be able to spin his head/tail to do that, which he really isn't possible from the ground. In water he definately has an advantage.

His issue with being hit was mainly that his movements are very telegraphed.

Hold the phone, Ray has poison?

If he can spit that, and its sticky....that could mean a grounded Ridley...

also, compared to Ridley, how much nrg does it take for Ray to blast?
He hasn't shown the ability to spit poison, so the most probable delivery system would be classic snake style, a bite.

i really try not to, all I try to do is present info that nobody is bringing up.

In both these matches people only focused on what ridley/lucario could do to diddy/rayquaza, and bareley on the pros of the latter
Yes, they did with Diddy, but Lucario was far better anyway. People just sucked at explaining it.

This time around, it's Rayquaza that everybody's focusing on, whereas the reality is with realistic abilities, Ridley's probably got the edge, due primarily to the glide and it's sheer versitility.

That's because Ridley can only fire his plasma breath, and if he tried to close in and fight up close, then he'd get ***** by the snake-like Rayquaza.

And two matchups ago was unfair: Lucario would MURDER Diddy outright.
Plasma is very hot, it's got good range, the only reason he'd fight up close is a hit and run tactics, and Rayquaza doesn't have the aerial mobility to deal with it. In fact he doesn't have any.

Ridley's breath weapon is vastly superior, it's a war of attrition, which Ridley will win.


Writing Team
May 6, 2009
Austin, TX
I just don't see how Ridley's breath weapon is that superior. Ridley doesn't have the mass to store enough energy for a move as powerful as we speak of. Rayquaza has more room to unleash energy which although not as powerful, can still hurt Ridley and possibly knock him out of the air. And again, if Ridley were to try to hit&run, he doesn't have strength or speed that Ray doesn't, but he does have a fragile neck that can be torn off evn if he shields it. Rayquaza can knock his head to the side, a direction that his neck is not meant to bend.

In an attempt to not be so one-sided, its unrealistic for Ray to dig into the ground, and he can't fly because he has no wings. Ridley is also, I believe, smarter than Rayquaza, if only a little and can detect ray's movements.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I just don't see how Ridley's breath weapon is that superior. Ridley doesn't have the mass to store enough energy for a move as powerful as we speak of. Rayquaza has more room to unleash energy which although not as powerful, can still hurt Ridley and possibly knock him out of the air. And again, if Ridley were to try to hit&run, he doesn't have strength or speed that Ray doesn't, but he does have a fragile neck that can be torn off evn if he shields it. Rayquaza can knock his head to the side, a direction that his neck is not meant to bend.

In an attempt to not be so one-sided, its unrealistic for Ray to dig into the ground, and he can't fly because he has no wings. Ridley is also, I believe, smarter than Rayquaza, if only a little and can detect ray's movements.
Storing energy really isn't how it would work, this is chemistry.

Like fire breath it'd have to be a chemical reaction that produces the heat.

The point is however, that if it's "plasma breath" it is by definition, a heck of a lot hotter then simple fire breath because it's produced by much much higher tempatures.

Normally, Fire is simply rapid oxidation that produces heat (among other things). However, if the fire burns hot enough, it becomes ionized, producing plasma.

Source is here.

So basically, plasma breath is fire breath that REALLY REALLY hot. In terms of this match-up, a great deal more powerful.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
Ok, we seem to have down that if Ray atches Ri, he is screwed in more way sthan we can count, whereas Rid has to hit-and-run Ray to win, which he can do, HOWEVER!

What type of environment would this take place in?

(alos, ill be gone for the rest of today...)


Writing Team
May 6, 2009
Austin, TX
I see. Then how long would it take for the fire to acquire that heat?

EDIT: The battlefield should be something that doesn't offer an adavantage to either one...


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Ok, we seem to have down that if Ray atches Ri, he is screwed in more way sthan we can count, whereas Rid has to hit-and-run Ray to win, which he can do, HOWEVER!

What type of environment would this take place in?

(alos, ill be gone for the rest of today...)
Pretty much, Rayquaza is more muscular, and since Ridley is built to be glide/flight capable, he'd crush Ridley like a bug. A lot of his bones are probably hollow (not including the skull, since it's obviously build to withstand impact) and the wings are especially fragile. Also, we've established the potential for poison fangs, so the general fragility of Ridley in this match-up is up by being bitten = poison.

Realistically, the only weapon that that Rayquaza has that wouldn't be insta-death (or nearly it) is fire breath. Oh, and claw swipes, but why would he bother using his claws anyway.

Rayquaza's gotta play it safe, using aerial mobility to avoid firebreath while gradually wearing Rayquaza down with plasma Breath. Once his glide is over he's gotta land far away from Requaza so he's not caught, then repeat (this is probably where he's most vulnerable, if Rayquaza can force him to land too close, it's pretty easy for him to grab something). Thankfully for Ridley, gliding's mechanics allows him to control his speed pretty well (aka, dive to increase, stall to decrease).

After a while of this, after Rayquaza is completely worn out from high-intensity burns, he finishes him off with claw dives.

If he makes a mistake and gets caught at pretty much any point (before "finish him" point), then he's crushed like a twig.

Hilly terrian, doesn't really constrict either's movement too much, Ridley can use peaks to increase his jump (therefore glide length) and if Ridley gets too close it can give Rayquaza increased horizontal distance.

I see. Then how long would it take for the fire to acquire that heat?

EDIT: The battlefield should be something that doesn't offer an adavantage to either one...
No particular time, it's a chemical reaction, so the energy created would heat it immiediatly.

The more important question is how long does it take him to produce it? It seems however, based on metriod, he can produce is pretty rapidly. In all games, he's able to use it again after reletively short periods.


Writing Team
May 6, 2009
Austin, TX
Pretty much, Rayquaza is more muscular, and since Ridley is built to be glide/flight capable, he'd crush Ridley like a bug. A lot of his bones are probably hollow (not including the skull, since it's obviously build to withstand impact) and the wings are especially fragile. Also, we've established the potential for poison fangs, so the general fragility of Ridley in this match-up is up by being bitten = poison.

Realistically, the only weapon that that Rayquaza has that wouldn't be insta-death (or nearly it) is fire breath. Oh, and claw swipes, but why would he bother using his claws anyway.

Ridley's gotta play it safe, using aerial mobility to avoid firebreath while gradually wearing Rayquaza down with plasma Breath. Once his glide is over he's gotta land far away from Rayquaza so he's not caught, then repeat (this is probably where he's most vulnerable, if Rayquaza can force him to land too close, it's pretty easy for him to grab something). Thankfully for Ridley, gliding's mechanics allows him to control his speed pretty well (aka, dive to increase, stall to decrease).

After a while of this, after Rayquaza is completely worn out from high-intensity burns, he finishes him off with claw dives.

If he makes a mistake and gets caught at pretty much any point (before "finish him" point), then he's crushed like a twig.

Hilly terrian, doesn't really constrict either's movement too much, Ridley can use peaks to increase his jump (therefore glide length) and if Ridley gets too close it can give Rayquaza increased horizontal distance.
Well, the way I see it, is that your strategy revolves around you avoiding fire breath, but hitting with plasma breath. What that's basicly saying is avoiding your opponent's attacks and hitting with yours. :)

Also, if they're both firing beams, why does Rayquaza, who is comfortably on the ground, tire faster than Ridley, who must make sure he stays airborne. You also have said that when Ridley eventually lands, he is vulnerable. Obviously, Ridley must land eventually, if only briefly, and is most vulnerable there. Ray is most vulnerable from the plasma beams, and again, this assumes plasma beam hits and flame doesn't.

EDIT: @KingCobra - We've already established that Rayquaza cannot fly.

Sonic on the Rocks

Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2008
In your base, killing your d00ds.
He hasn't shown the ability to spit poison, so the most probable delivery system would be classic snake style, a bite.
Since that's what the move Toxic is shown to be (spitting poison), then yes, he can.
Rayquaza's thick scales would offer a degree of protection from Ridley's plasma breath.
Rayquaza's body is both flexible and able to move quickly, so he shouldn't have too much of a problem dodging.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Well, the way I see it, is that your strategy revolves around you avoiding fire breath, but hitting with plasma breath. What that's basicly saying is avoiding your opponent's attacks and hitting with yours. :)

Also, if they're both firing beams, why does Rayquaza, who is comfortably on the ground, tire faster than Ridley, who must make sure he stays airborne. You also have said that when Ridley eventually lands, he is vulnerable. Obviously, Ridley must land eventually, if only briefly, and is most vulnerable there. Ray is most vulnerable from the plasma beams, and again, this assumes plasma beam hits and flame doesn't.

EDIT: @KingCobra - We've already established that Rayquaza cannot fly.
Primarily because Ridley's gliding mobility is both superior, and less predictable. I posted the vid of how snakes move, and while it can be fast, it's VERY easy to predict their movements.

I'm not talking about tire in the sense of over-exertion. I'm talking about tire as in battle wounds, aka, being continuously cooked.

The flame will hit sometimes, but it's less powerful, so it's less damaging, and the mobility advantage means that he'll be unable to continuously keep it on Ridley whereas due to Rayquaza's lesser mobility and more predictable movements Ridley will be able to keep it trained, which means overall Rayquaza will tire from battle wounds well before Ridley. He wins the war of attrition basically.

So yes, I'm saying that Ridley has the tools to hit with his attacks a lot more and a lot harder, and gradually win the war of attrition, assuming that he doesn't get grabbed or something. Yes, he's very vulnerable when he lands, actually attempting to force him to land in certain areas is probably the best use of Fire Breath.

Yes he will be hit with fire breath, but it won't be continuous barrages (which is where the real issue is).

Again, it's all about the tools that characters have in match-ups, and mobility is a very important one.

rayquaza flying is possible by spinning his little rudder things he propels himself
Lol, show me a piece or technology or better yet, an animal that can actually do that and we'll let rayquaza fly.

Since that's what the move Toxic is shown to be (spitting poison), then yes, he can.
Rayquaza's thick scales would offer a degree of protection from Ridley's plasma breath.
Rayquaza's body is both flexible and able to move quickly, so he shouldn't have too much of a problem dodging.
Pokemon animations are very generalized, I don't see him with any other poison moves, so it doesn't really stand to reason that he'd have delivery system built in for a move that he doesn't even naturally learn.

That said honestly, unless he can make it encounter blood or soft tissue, it's useless anyway. Ridley's scales would protect him from spit poison anyway if it was spit. Best delivery system is the bite anyway.

True. That's why it's a war of attrition.

On the ground, for snakes to move anyway, the have to do a good amount of preparation, except the extremities. Again, I posted how a snake moves earlier, this shows that on the ground, it's a very different story. Being grounded hurts Rayquaza a lot.


Writing Team
May 6, 2009
Austin, TX
Again, it's all about the tools that characters have in match-ups, and mobility is a very important one.
:laugh: Dang it. Rayquaza has strength, better build, better range, possibly better intelligence, and , yet, he apparently loses because he can't fly.... or be as mobile. The thing is, Rayquaza isn't completely a snake; remeber, while he cannot fly, he's capable of jumping a long distance, which means he can get out of the way fast. Even if Ridley hits him more than he hits Ridley, they'll mostly dodge each other's attacks if you ask me. It'd be a long, long battle before Ridley can win by just plasma beaming. And Ridley will have to land once or twice (maybe more) before that happens, and Ray has opportunities right there.


Smash Rookie
Jun 28, 2009
Lynn, MA
I think it'd be close as well, but Ridley probably has the advantage, due to being able to fly (as was stated numerous times previously). There's really nothing I can add that hasn't been said already, just figured I'd include my input, as my vote goes to Ridley.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
:laugh: Dang it. Rayquaza has strength, better build, better range, possibly better intelligence, and , yet, he apparently loses because he can't fly.... or be as mobile. The thing is, Rayquaza isn't completely a snake; remeber, while he cannot fly, he's capable of jumping a long distance, which means he can get out of the way fast. Even if Ridley hits him more than he hits Ridley, they'll mostly dodge each other's attacks if you ask me. It'd be a long, long battle before Ridley can win by just plasma beaming. And Ridley will have to land once or twice (maybe more) before that happens, and Ray has opportunities right there.
Rayquaza has to coil to do horizontal jumps. Again, that goes back to his big problem here, he's telegraphed. This goes back to his diffuse muscular pattern, which ultimately is the reason why he loses, because it means that it's too easy for Ridley to know where Rayquaza will be and just keep peppering him with shots.

Mobility and the ability to move quickly without warning are amazing weapons. This was why I was so concerned about flight initially, I knew that Rayquaza could fly, but if Ridley couldn't fly or at least glide, he was dead. Honestly, as a fighter myself I can attest to their power (since it's what generally wins me fights), and if you play melee, it's why dashdancing is such an amazingly powerful AT. In Brawl, think about Wario and MK.

He'll need to land a lot more then just two times over the course of the battle. But the majority of the time, he'll win.

I think it'd be close as well, but Ridley probably has the advantage, due to being able to fly (as was stated numerous times previously). There's really nothing I can add that hasn't been said already, just figured I'd include my input, as my vote goes to Ridley.
To be precise, Glide. He's too heavy for powered flight, but his wings will assist in jumping high, and he can definitely glide very well.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
Time for my half educated pick...
Imah go for Rayquaza

In this aspect:
1. Mobility
Ridley can fly and Rayquaza is basically a humongous snake with awesome upper body strength (Rayquaza's psuedo flying being an elongated jump...:)) So Ridley definitely has more options...

2. Strength
Rayquaza is a freaking tyrant...being more muscular than Ridley, Rayquaza's draconic features are not just for show...Ridley, although powerful just doesn't rise to the same caliber as rayquaza (such thin arms...even though rayquaza's arms are thin too...:))

3. Armor
We all know that Dragon scales are tougher than nails....so there...

4. Range-?
Not sure really...both have some kind of long range but I don't know which can fire farther or more accurate for that matter...-_-

5. Liability
Basically if Ridley lands and Ray gets on top of him...then it's like an anaconda constricting it's prey....
although Ridley could play some massive air game until then....unless he flies too close and Ray nabs him...but I doubt that'll happen...Ridley is very intelligent...


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
Rayquaza has hyper beam.
He can use extremespeed.

Hyper Beam will own Ridley any day.
Even if we allowed hyper beam
that move seems like it would be major telegraphed (the whole charging the beam)
so Ridley could easily take evasive maneuvers and dodge it...
and since we all know Rayquaza would have to rest a bit to recover from using that powerful of a move...then Ridley just gets an easy kill....

Extremespeed?- meets plasma shot to the face...Rayquaza would really have to catch Ridley off guard for that one...:)

Master of Fossils

Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2008
:laugh: Dang it. Rayquaza has strength, better build, better range, possibly better intelligence, and , yet, he apparently loses because he can't fly.... or be as mobile.
I beg to differ. Ridley's intellegence far outstrips that of Rayquaza's. I've played both pokemon and metroid games and know quite a lot about each. While Ryquaza is simply a beast you capture and control Ridley is the scheming leader of the space pirates. He is actually extreemly intellegent despite his looks and has a HUGE edge over Rayquaza when it comes down to planning battle strategies and tactics. Especially since Rayquaza does not have a trainer directing him.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
In this aspect:
1. Mobility
Ridley can fly and Rayquaza is basically a humongous snake with awesome upper body strength (Rayquaza's psuedo flying being an elongated jump...:)) So Ridley definitely has more options...
Glide, Ridley is too heavy for powered flight. That said, Rayquaza is not gonna be capable of much vertical distance, like real snakes, it's all in the horizontal.

Also, note that because of how snakes move, everything, including the jumps (especially the jumps) is very telegraphed for Rayquaza, whereas Ridley can turn on a dime.

4. Range-?
Not sure really...both have some kind of long range but I don't know which can fire farther or more accurate for that matter...-_-

Fire breath and plasma breath are both legitimate possibilities. However, plasma breath is much hotter (basically, in the form that Ridley uses it, it's essentially flame so hot that it's ionized). They have no particular help in accuracy. However, as I stated before the mobility is REALLY what determines the accuracy here.

Since they're both resistant it's not about who hits who, it about who can hit more often.

Edit: ninja'd

Rayquaza has hyper beam.
He can use extremespeed.
He can glide effectively (at least).

Hyper Beam will own Ridley any day.
Hyper beam is a scientific impossibility.

Extreme speed is again, scientifically impossible, pushing something beyond it's physical capabilities doesn't work, so basically he's constantly under extreme speed.

Rayquaza cannot fly, it's scientifically impossible (neither can Ridley, but gliding works).

Cannonical vs. Cannonical, Rayquaza wins btw, but read the OP.

I beg to differ. Ridley's intellegence far outstrips that of Rayquaza's. I've played both pokemon and metroid games and know quite a lot about each. While Ryquaza is simply a beast you capture and control Ridley is the scheming leader of the space pirates. He is actually extreemly intellegent despite his looks and has a HUGE edge over Rayquaza when it comes down to planning battle strategies and tactics. Especially since Rayquaza does not have a trainer directing him.
Rayquaza doesn't need a trainer. Rayquaza can be caught, but is independantly intelligent, and extremely intelligent at that.

Though as far as battle tactics, Ridley probably has the edge due to expirience.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
Glide, Ridley is too heavy for powered flight. That said, Rayquaza is not gonna be capable of much vertical distance, like real snakes, it's all in the horizontal.

Also, note that because of how snakes move, everything, including the jumps (especially the jumps) is very telegraphed for Rayquaza, whereas Ridley can turn on a dime

Edit: ninja'd
Although Rayquaza is very snake-like and his vertical distance isn't huge...
Rayquaza's large length and the proportion at which a snake launchs itself...(when it coils)
is about 1/2 to 2/3 of it's body length....
Rayquaza is 23ft (7m)
given that Rayquaza...like some patient snakes wait until ridley gets close to landing....Rayquaza could lash out a pretty good distance to catch it Ridley (at least clip it's wing...granted if it manages to cover from the plasma shots of Ridley...but Rayquaza can spit fire in defense until then...)


Writing Team
May 6, 2009
Austin, TX
Rayquaza has to coil to do horizontal jumps. Again, that goes back to his big problem here, he's telegraphed. This goes back to his diffuse muscular pattern, which ultimately is the reason why he loses, because it means that it's too easy for Ridley to know where Rayquaza will be and just keep peppering him with shots.

Mobility and the ability to move quickly without warning are amazing weapons. This was why I was so concerned about flight initially, I knew that Rayquaza could fly, but if Ridley couldn't fly or at least glide, he was dead. Honestly, as a fighter myself I can attest to their power (since it's what generally wins me fights), and if you play melee, it's why dashdancing is such an amazingly powerful AT. In Brawl, think about Wario and MK.

He'll need to land a lot more then just two times over the course of the battle. But the majority of the time, he'll win.

To be precise, Glide. He's too heavy for powered flight, but his wings will assist in jumping high, and he can definitely glide very well.

I can see what you're saying. It seems that Rayquaza can have all the strnegths and still lose if he can't fly or have improved mobility. Unlike in other match-ups, where each character atleast has a chance to attack the opponent, you say it as ray can't. If this is true, then there isn't an arguement possible unless it gives Ray an opportunity to attack....:ohwell:


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
I can see what you're saying. It seems that Rayquaza can have all the strnegths and still lose if he can't fly or have improved mobility. Unlike in other match-ups, where each character atleast has a chance to attack the opponent, you say it as ray can't. If this is true, then there isn't an arguement possible unless it gives Ray an opportunity to attack....:ohwell:
But you'd have to imply Ray making concious and outright effort to attack...Ray could simply play a more defensive stand and wait until Ridley starts nearing the ground (convection currents can't keep Ridley in the air forever can they?) this way Ray has expended much less energy...

Also despite the time it takes Ray to coil Ray has long body and a long span of range to strike I could maybe attest to Ray even being able to do a turnaround strike if Ridley tries to fly behind it...Rayquaza is very intelligent and can probably make a right move on when to strike...:) Although it is telegraphed that Ray is about to strike Ridley couldn't know where or when do to wide range Ray could lunge at.. Ridley's worst move would be to turn and try to run...then Rayquaza has an almost sure shot on a very weak part of the body... unless Ridley has eyes in the back of his head...


Writing Team
May 6, 2009
Austin, TX
But you'd have to imply Ray making concious and outright effort to attack...Ray could simply play a more defensive stand and wait until Ridley starts nearing the ground (convection currents can't keep Ridley in the air forever can they?) this way Ray has expended much less energy...

Also despite the time it takes Ray to coil Ray has long body and a long span of range to strike I could maybe attest to Ray even being able to do a turnaround strike if Ridley tries to fly behind it...Rayquaza is very intelligent and can probably make a right move on when to strike...:) Although it is telegraphed that Ray is about to strike Ridley couldn't know where or when do to wide range Ray could lunge at.. Ridley's worst move would be to turn and try to run...then Rayquaza has an almost sure shot on a very weak part of the body... unless Ridley has eyes in the back of his head...
That'd be a good way to play defense. If rayquaza ever gets a hold on Ridley, its game over. Ridley has an odd build and multiple frail body parts - his neck especially. The thing is that while Rayquaza CAN evade Ridley's attacks, Ridley is intelligent enough to sense where Ray where land, really depending on how much he coils his body. I'm still voting Ray because he won't go down without multiple opportunities to combat Ridley, which he will excel at. I think it ought to be noted that gliding is not the same as flying, and Ridley can't just distance himself from rayquaza forever. Honestly, Ridley's wing size still makes me wonder how efficiently he can stay airborne...


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I can see what you're saying. It seems that Rayquaza can have all the strnegths and still lose if he can't fly or have improved mobility. Unlike in other match-ups, where each character atleast has a chance to attack the opponent, you say it as ray can't. If this is true, then there isn't an arguement possible unless it gives Ray an opportunity to attack....:ohwell:
Exactly, but what you gotta consider in this match-up is that there's a lot of room for Ridley to make a mistake, if Rayquza can force a crucial landing near enough to do something, then Ridley is done for. It's not too bad a match-up overall.

Ridley will win the majority of the time, but about 4 out of 10 times, he's gonna end up landing too close once for whatever reason, and then he'll get grabbed, and then he'll die.

But you'd have to imply Ray making concious and outright effort to attack...Ray could simply play a more defensive stand and wait until Ridley starts nearing the ground (convection currents can't keep Ridley in the air forever can they?) this way Ray has expended much less energy...

Also despite the time it takes Ray to coil Ray has long body and a long span of range to strike I could maybe attest to Ray even being able to do a turnaround strike if Ridley tries to fly behind it...Rayquaza is very intelligent and can probably make a right move on when to strike...:) Although it is telegraphed that Ray is about to strike Ridley couldn't know where or when do to wide range Ray could lunge at.. Ridley's worst move would be to turn and try to run...then Rayquaza has an almost sure shot on a very weak part of the body... unless Ridley has eyes in the back of his head...
Ridley's best option if Rayquaza is close is to leap again, and hope that Rayquaza doesn't get him before he has the needed altitude.

However, you really have to remember that landing doesn't mean that he'll be anywhere near Rayquaza. In fact, Ridley is gonna pay special attention to never landing within 100 feet of Rayquaza. That means two things.

1. Rayquaza has to actively keep up with Ridley (this is gonna consume more energy for Rayquaza then Ridley because gliding consumes little energy).

2. Because Ridley can be really fast, the best use of Fire breath is to attempt to heard him into areas that it's easier to trap Ridley, and catch him before he can leap.

Understand, Ridley's gonna try to make the vast Majority of this battle consist of as long range fighting as humanly possible. He has very powerful hind legs (look at his frame), combined with wings to aid him and the plasma breath, he's gonna be able to jump high, which means he can glide at considerable altitude and primarily strafe.

When he touches ground is his vulnerable point, and Rayquaza will want to do everything in his power to make sure he utilizes those vulnerabilities.

That'd be a good way to play defense. If rayquaza ever gets a hold on Ridley, its game over. Ridley has an odd build and multiple frail body parts - his neck especially. The thing is that while Rayquaza CAN evade Ridley's attacks, Ridley is intelligent enough to sense where Ray where land, really depending on how much he coils his body. I'm still voting Ray because he won't go down without multiple opportunities to combat Ridley, which he will excel at. I think it ought to be noted that gliding is not the same as flying, and Ridley can't just distance himself from rayquaza forever. Honestly, Ridley's wing size still makes me wonder how efficiently he can stay airborne...
Check out the metriod prime video, it makes it pretty obvious that he has enormous wings that can fold inward (and generally does while landed).


Writing Team
May 6, 2009
Austin, TX
Check out the metriod prime video, it makes it pretty obvious that he has enormous wings that can fold inward (and generally does while landed).
I actually just saw it; he can fly/glide then.... Right now, Ridley's aerial prowess versus Rayquaza's land prowess seem to be a debatable battle still, though I give props to Adumbrodeus for constantly changing my mind.

By the way, did we decide a battlefield? It'd make it alot easier to see the battle happening.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I actually just saw it; he can fly/glide then.... Right now, Ridley's aerial prowess versus Rayquaza's land prowess seem to be a debatable battle still, though I give props to Adumbrodeus for constantly changing my mind.

By the way, did we decide a battlefield? It'd make it alot easier to see the battle happening.
Ok, cool. A little special note for what he does when he's on the ground, he folds up his wings so they look pretty tiny by contracting his wing struts. They fact that he can do that explains by 2D illustrations have such tiny wings.

A hilly area seems the most neutral.

A mountain pass is gonna destroy Ridley (too constricted), he'll change shots with Rayquaza cause he can't juke well, and his landing possibilities will be way too constricted, he'll probably get grabbed.

Flatland near a volcano would be very pro Ridley, limits Rayquaza's cover and jumping, and updrafts created will work in Ridley's favor. Also, a forest, resulting crownfire would create massive updrafts and help roast Rayquaza.

Oh, and thanks.


Writing Team
May 6, 2009
Austin, TX
:) Yeah, I agree that hills are the fairest area for battling. Also, Ridley is able to jump high, but how high? It'd probably be pretty high, considering that Ridley's a big fellow. Rayquaza's about 23 ft long and can stand up at about 11 feet, as to have half of his body supporting him. Ray may not want to stand up too much, only when aiming a flame breath, as he will want to keep in a viable coiling position at all times.

And I think I'm gonna call it a night...


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
:) Yeah, I agree that hills are the fairest area for battling. Also, Ridley is able to jump high, but how high? It'd probably be pretty high, considering that Ridley's a big fellow. Rayquaza's about 23 ft long and can stand up at about 11 feet, as to have half of his body supporting him. Ray may not want to stand up too much, only when aiming a flame breath, as he will want to keep in a viable coiling position at all times.

And I think I'm gonna call it a night...
Again, overall light frame, high muscle to mass ratio, legs on overclock (if you check the pics, his legs are designed like a flea/grasshopper with the ability to fold inward in order get more overall distance), aerodynamic design, wings, ability to create his own powerful updrafts (plasma breath).

Puma's jump 5 times their body height with only one of those advantages (legs, and even then, not to the degree). Granted, he doesn't have the size to imitate a flea's feet, but I think 15 times his height would be a conservative estimate. Remember, he is built like a bird, even though he's a large bird, they're very good at vertical jumps. Furthermore, the "flea legs" (fleas can jump 1000 times their height) are an amazing jumping advantage, and the rest really does help.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Wouldn't Ridley's wings be an excellent target for a Fire Blast from Rayquaza? They don't appear to be armored, like the rest of Ridley's body, and they would most likely be the most vulnerable part of Ridley's body, appart from his neck.
They're thinner then other areas, but they're definitely scaled as well.

Probably a better target then most, but the heat from the fire is gonna be where the damage comes from, not the fire itself.

Ultimately, better off with targeting someplace else, the heat is better for internal damage, though impact damage will destroy them easily.

Basically, evolution would not let a creature that's not fire-retardant be born with this type of breath weapon, too easy to set yourself on fire.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA

How fast can Ray move on the ground? can he keep chase with a ready-to-land Ridley?

How easily can Ridley turn while GLIDING?

How much "ammo" does Ridley (and Ray for that matter..) have for their breath weapons? Im expecting that a beam the likes of Ridleys will take alot of chemical fuel...and run out relativley quick...

Ray's fire however, can last quite a while depending on how much gas he's got in his frame..


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
How fast can Ray move on the ground? can he keep chase with a ready-to-land Ridley?
Not quite, Ridley can sharpen then angle then pull up to rapidly gain speed. However if Rayquaza is too close when Ridley's too close to the ground to do this Rayquaza can catch up.

With Gliding it's all about momentum, and Ridley's top speed is terminal velocity.

How easily can Ridley turn while GLIDING?
Very, unlike powered flight, only slight changes in angle of small things (like head) can drastically change movement.

How much "ammo" does Ridley (and Ray for that matter..) have for their breath weapons? Im expecting that a beam the likes of Ridleys will take alot of chemical fuel...and run out relativley quick...

Ray's fire however, can last quite a while depending on how much gas he's got in his frame..
Honestly, it depends a great deal on what the fuel is. The same holds true for both Rayquza and Ridley, since they're both gonna need to be naturally producing fuel. However, if the fuel is only a "spark" and most of the blaze uses a common medium to sustain (even air, if hot enough), they could theoretically both use it all day.

Furthermore, consider the possibility that 1 or both uses purified oxygen, or some other base that they could naturally and continuously produce, and you've got a possibility that they could shoot flames all day basically.

I prefer to stick to cannon unless it blatantly contradicts scientific fact, and since both are portrayed as being able to use it for a LONG time, for one of the possible reasons stated above, running out of fuel is not an issue, at least even in the timeframe a long fight like this suggests.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Rayquaza flying is impossibe too (so is Ridley, but he can glide).
If all he can do is glide then how the hell is he going to get high enough in the air for him to be able to glide freely around and attack (Ridley).

This should be a grounded battle, Ridley could jump, sure, but that'll only get him a few feet off the ground, I really don't see how he could sustain his gliding for a long enough time for it to matter in the battle.
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