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Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2009
Look at the OP son.

In the discipline vs slobbyness part.

It is Wario Ware's costume.

The normal wario's image was just to show off his muscles.

And I would like to mention that pokemons have no discipline if they have no trainers, and that they lack the most powerful moves too.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Let met describe the situation:

1.Lucario trys to approach wario to stab him.

2.Lucario enters wario's reach, withought wario entering lucarios reach.

3.Wario throw some punches.

4.1.Lucario dodges them, somehow having abnormal reflexes for a animal(not so realistic).

4.2.Lucarios gets knocked down.

5.1.Lucario goes for the stab

5.2.Wario "climb" up the knocked lucario and start punching his face.

6.1a. Lucario stabs warios belly

6.1b. Lucario stabs legs

6.1c. Lucario stabs arms/hands

6.1d. Lucarios stab face/eyes

6.2. Lucario dies

7.1a Wario wont feel ****(fat) and knocks him down with punches. > dies

7.1b Wario will feel pain, but not that much, meaning he can just knock lucario down > die

7.1c If lucarios stabs the arms, his spines will break because arm bones are way stronger. If he stabs a close fist, his spike will break, and both will feel some pain, with lucario now witought his main weapon. Or he stabs hands.

7.1d Lucario will prolly win against a blinde wario.

8.1c If lucario stabs a open hand, his bone will barely ierce thorugh flesh and reach the bone. Your hands palm is one of your hardest bone in the body, meaning the spike will just preaker and wario will punch him.

Result: Wario has just too many ways to win this situatuin, as luc going for the head is a all or nothing with wario getting tons of chances on knocking lucario down.

Edit:In this fight, lucarios spike is made of his bone, and as we previously stated, his bone structure is kinda weak, so thats why his spike in many situations wont ble able to do as much as wanted damage.

Edit2: call joe.

Emperor Time

Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
The planet with a forgotten name
Severe corneal damage and Wario is rolling on the floor screaming
After that Lucario wins it.

I need a viable way for Lucario to get hit.

Moreover, you're also forgetting he's a martial artist. Lucario being able to predict and react to his movements consistently isn't too big a feat for him.

Last I heard, JOE! said it was steel.
Besides, you're telling me Wario will be able to take a large pointy to sharpish weapon to the eye. Not possible.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Look at the OP son.

In the discipline vs slobbyness part.

It is Wario Ware's costume.

The normal wario's image was just to show off his muscles.

And I would like to mention that pokemons have no discipline if they have no trainers, and that they lack the most powerful moves too.
that was never discussed in the pervious wario MU how do you know that this one is wario ware? actually lucario is based off of disipline, lucario can think for itself and develop skills/disapline by itself, watch the movie, lucario didn't have a trainer he worked for the king, the king never used him as a pokemon lucario could have done whatever
1 out of 1000 situations
tocador, you are only showing one situation, remember how kicks could easily cripple wario?



Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil

that was never discussed in the pervious wario MU how do you know that this one is wario ware? actually lucario is based off of disipline, lucario can think for itself and develop skills/disapline by itself, watch the movie, lucario didn't have a trainer he worked for the king, the king never used him as a pokemon lucario could have done whatever

tocador, you are only showing one situation, remember how kicks could easily cripple wario?

In fact, i covered almost all of lucarios approaches, as in, if he dosent approach, wario can box him with greater reach.

Sure i didnt mention kicks specifically, but thats just because a messed up kick, with wario blocking it is death-bad for luc.

And with frail bone structure, a possible kick from lucario can break his own bone. While just hitting warios fat/arm(blocking the head).


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2008
My teacher says "in my own world".
He is not a martial artist, he is a pokemon that knows how to use aura to fight.
Yes he is.

Result: Wario has just too many ways to win this situatuin, as luc going for the head is a all or nothing with wario getting tons of chances on knocking lucario down.
Lucario can slit an artery. Wario is too slow.
You do not know how to fight. You only aim for the head in movies.
In a fight (especially against a larger opponant) you aim for the hands, the arms, the legs, or the opponant's weapon.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008

that was never discussed in the pervious wario MU how do you know that this one is wario ware? actually lucario is based off of disipline, lucario can think for itself and develop skills/disapline by itself, watch the movie, lucario didn't have a trainer he worked for the king, the king never used him as a pokemon lucario could have done whatever

He is not based on siscipline, he is based on aura and sensing the opponet's and rainer's feelings.

You are making up stuff.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2009
Yes he is.

Lucario can slit an artery. Wario is too slow.
You do not know how to fight. You only aim for the head in movies.
In a fight (especially against a larger opponant) you aim for the hands, the arms, the legs, or the opponant's weapon.
Lucario's spikes will never slit an artery because of their shape.

You are severely overstimating the sharpness of those ''spikes''.

If you want to slit an artery you do it with a spike, or with a blade, not with a cone.

Emperor Time

Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
The planet with a forgotten name
He's not making it up. It depends on your perspective. Lucario controls and is directed by the aura.

That's his discipline. It shows in the way he fights in the MU apparently :s

At least, that's the way I see it @_@

MRG:They're sharp and pointy. Riolu's arm things are blunt. Lucario's are sharp. That's the way it is.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Yes he is.

Lucario can slit an artery. Wario is too slow.
You do not know how to fight. You only aim for the head in movies.
In a fight (especially against a larger opponant) you aim for the hands, the arms, the legs, or the opponant's weapon.
How can a 4-based-foot animal, walk on 2-foot, and still be fast? Every tried putting a dog on 2 legs? He isnt fast, you know.

And you were the one telling that lucario would "go for the hands", so stop contradicting your self.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008
The same thing applies to you.

Where does it say that Lucario's are disciplined creatures?

He may be loyal to it's trainers, but so are dogs and they can still be very undisciplined.

Emperor Time

Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
The planet with a forgotten name
You're acting like he's completely a dog....He's NOT A DOG.

His leg structure provides enough support for him to stand upright.



Lucario are considered to be prideful creatures, and are extremely loyal to their trainers. Lucario also seem to have a natural sense of justice.

He seemed legit in the movie, too



Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2008
My teacher says "in my own world".
How can a 4-based-foot animal, walk on 2-foot, and still be fast? Every tried putting a dog on 2 legs? He isnt fast, you know.

And you were the one telling taht luario would "go for the hands", so stop contradicting your self.
He's not a four footed animal.
And I have yet to say anything other than he'll go for the hands, I haven't contradicted myself once.

And if you'll excuse me, it's half past midnight where I am, and I'm going to bed.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Stab his hand.
You do not know how to fight. You only aim for the head in movies.
In a fight (especially against a larger opponant) you aim for the hands, the arms, the legs, or the opponant's weapon.
He's not a four footed animal.
And I have yet to say anything other than he'll go for the hands, I haven't contradicted myself once.

And if you'll excuse me, it's half past midnight where I am, and I'm going to bed.
You sir just got owned. And by yourself.

Plus, if he isnt going for the head, he wont be able to do anything to wario.

Emperor Time

Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
The planet with a forgotten name
Everyone is forgetting the use your weight against him thing >_>

Now, as an avid reader of Hajime No Ippo, I know the pros and cons of being smaller than your opponent in QCQ....

Weight reversals and getting in your oppoenets face while evading is quite easy when you're shorter than your opponent.


Wario is a human. A MALE human. If you don't know what I'm getting at here.

Crotch shot+eye stab. Gg.

Very plausible no matter how ridiculous it sounds. The height difference really helps here.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Everyone is forgetting the use your weight against him thing >_>

Now, as an avid reader of Hajime No Ippo, I know the pros and cons of being smaller than your opponent in QCQ....

Weight reversals and getting in your oppoenets face while evading is quite easy when you're shorter than your opponent.


Wario is a human. A MALE human. If you don't know what I'm getting at here.

Crotch shot+eye stab. Gg.

Very plausible no matter how ridiculous it sounds. The height difference really helps here.
Lucarios isnt able to reach both the eye and the crotch. Meaning he needs to choose one.

If he went for any of those, his chances of getting hit will be bigger than going for the chest. As you arent going to block any hits, and it will only work if they hit it directly.

Its pretty much a "all or nothing" bet, in witch wario can beta lucario easier than the oposite.

And maybe wario dont have it, have you seen it? Has anyone seen it? Is there a pic of him with a "bumb" down there? Maybe he was born withought them. And thats why there is no "baby wario".

@Sam: How many people are at the cool kids room? 3, 4?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2009
Wario has googles. It's only the crotch.

And also a helmet so hits to the head are out of the question.

And since Wario's head is so close to his body, breaking the neck is also out of the question unless broken the Snake way.

And breaking necks the snake way requires huge amount of muscle strenght.

Which Lucario lacks.



Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Lucarios isnt able to reach both the eye and the crotch. Meaning he needs to choose one.

If he went for any of those, his chances of getting hit will be bigger than going for the chest. As you arent going to block any hits, and it will only work if they hit it directly.

Its pretty much a "all or nothing" bet, in witch wario can beta lucario easier than the oposite.

And maybe wario dont have it, have you seen it? Has anyone seen it? Is there a pic of him with a "bumb" down there? Maybe he was born withought them. And thats why there is no "baby wario".
girls can't fight GG
LOLJK if heartz or azua sees this you don't count


Emperor Time

Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
The planet with a forgotten name
There IS a baby Wario. They made a Yoshi's island remake and he's in it.

Anyway, if Wario get's hit in the crotch, you can easily expect a reaction of some sort. Meaning

"O ****! MAH BALLZ" *Bends down and grabs crotch*

I mean, the sheer shock of having your balls busted is enough to give Lucario a chance to follow up.

Moreover, Lucario can go REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAL low to avoid getting in contact with Warios arms.

EDIT: I'm not referring to hits to the top of his head. There's this region up there called the face....and Lucario's gonna be aiming for it.


Get outta here XD That **** hurts like all hell.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2009
I was referring to areas where he can hit.

A hit to the crotch is going to hurt like hell, but it is better than the entirety of your head+neck+crotch.

*Tocador and Paya: you both suck.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
I was referring to areas where he can hit.

A hit to the crotch is going to hurt like hell, but it is better than the entirety of your head+neck+crotch.
actually if Wario gets hit in the crotch and is writhing in pain wouldn't he be open to more fatal blows in neck/head area?


Emperor Time

Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
The planet with a forgotten name
Typical guy reaction is to tend to your little head after slight damage.

This is ball busting, **** ripping damage. Think about it

Wario gets hit in the crotch. Lucario, already in a low position, capitalizes on a stunned and MOST LIKELY BENT OVER Wario and delivers the hits to his eyes.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2009
Yes, but he needs to get hit in the crotch first.

In the other costume, luke could damage his head and neck anytime.

And since Wario has such small legs, he could also reach luke's genitals...with pointy boots.

Emperor Time

Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
The planet with a forgotten name
You're not getting it. Lucario is in LOW.

He's in a foward crouching shoryuken-like position. Wario can't hit is genitals.

Small legs meaning he can't even hurt Lucario before he gets the balls hit.

EDIT:BTW, I don't give a care about the head and neck. I'm talking about severe corneal damage to Wario. That's enough to make the match Lucario's.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
@Sam: How many people are at the cool kids room? 3, 4?
all the premium members, and staff
Yes, but he needs to get hit in the crotch first.

In the other costume, luke could damage his head and neck anytime.

And since Wario has such small legs, he could also reach luke's genitals...with pointy boots.
Wario's legs are too small to reach lucario's groin area even then are we sure lucario has got stuff down there? maybe yes maybe no



Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav
Everyone is forgetting the use your weight against him thing >_>

Now, as an avid reader of Hajime No Ippo, I know the pros and cons of being smaller than your opponent in QCQ....

Weight reversals and getting in your oppoenets face while evading is quite easy when you're shorter than your opponent.
Prince of Tennis makes up a bunch of calculations and crap just to make the manga more interesting. Same case here. It may sound reasonable in theory, but acting it out usually doesn't work.

Also, being smaller doesn't always give you an edge. If anything, it's hindering. You have less range and power. More speed doesn't do much when it's only 0.12 seconds of difference. The bigger person usually has the advantage.

Trust me, I'm a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. The hardest sparing matches I've had to face have been in tournements where the opponent was bigger than me. Smaller opponents are cake to finish off.

I've been hit down below and it obviously hurts. But thing about it is, you have maybe half a second to react. All Wario has to do is uppercut Lucario. If that doesn't KO him, then that's at least bought him some time.

btw Lucario has no gender.
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