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Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
where my money at?

I wasnt talking about you :O.

My dog just won 10 bucks =/.

@theguyaboveuse: Why would wario charge into someone with no projectiles?

And how someone with the body structure of lucario would be able to "dodge" everything wario throws at him?

@ET: See sumo fighters: They are fat, but they are not really slow/weak. No major nerfs regarding weight. I mean, it should at least be a buff, being able to handle many attacks as FAT abosorb lots of hits, and being extremely strong because of the extra muscles + fat.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008

spike on his hands will just go through the rock

I don't think so. Rocks are extermely tough, You know this respojnse is crap.

weapons aren't even allowed, except for the human weapon dun dun DUN

Not weapons, setting. In multiple fights in the past we selected the possible outcomes from multiple settings (see: Diddy vs Lucario, Wolf vs Snake etc).

All world settings except flat arenas have objects that can be thrown.

lucario is faster than wario I thought we went over this :dizzy:

Faster movement, not faster attack speed. Bodycuilder arms give Wario faster attacks.

sacrifice throw breaks that

Those are throws that require little effort to do and that put opponents in dissadvantegous positions, not counters.

his atk and spa and spd are in the top 100 >.>

Attack is on the lower half of top 100 and speed is on the bottom of top 100, and that is a big difference when 2/3's of the pokeomons are not fully evolved.


momentum... I've said this like a billion times, I don't think you understand the power of momentum

Wario is not deprived of momentum you know...and his added weight ans muscle speed adds to it.

depends on his fighting style

Lucario actually has good HP and defense for a fighting type pokemon

Whcih all have horrible defense compared to other pokekons. That's why they are hardly competitively viable.

only his arms are muscular, his body is pretty much fat, and his legs and head are easy targets for Lucario

There is a difference betwwen a fat man in bad shape: http://media.photobucket.com/image/fat m,an/opheliasyndrome/fat_man.jpg

And one in good shape: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/40/Bonk&alexeev.jpg

The second one's are the strongest men in the world and have a lot of muscles under all that fat that makes them fast, tough and strong.

lucario is also a born fighter and traveler

Lucario is a wild pokemon that can learn how to use aura to fight.

you only say Wario is fast because of his ramming speed, when he isn't ramming he is pretty slow

I am saying he attacks fast because of his muscles. He is still beaten in mobility.

lucario has a different build since he is a pokemon, not a dog he evolved advanced leg muscles

Just put him on all four and see how different he is.

not his legs & head, which Lucario is going to be aiming for right away

Which lucario cannot harm that much because of his dog strenght and size.

your own opinion

EDIT: @ET color the parts you wrote in so ppl can clearly see it

This is the world's strongest man


And this is wario.

Notice the similar muscles and the similar pot belly.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
he is taller by almost a foot and weighs less because FAT weighs more than MUSCLE


And this is wario.

Notice the similar muscles and the similar pot belly.
apparently I'm forbidden to access this page... hmm
oh and that is NOT a similar pot belly,

EDIT: paya if you were right than Lucario would move faster on 4 legs and be able to stand upright and fight, the serebii speed only tells 2 legged speed, 4 legged animals are faster than we are
also you spelled bodybuilder wrong


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008
But that is the thing. His dog/human physiology hinders him more than if he was completely one or the other.

His front legs are too short to be used in 4 legs. His endurance is affected because his dog torso cannot work well if he is not on his 4 legs. He can't have the strong dog legs because otherwise he would not be able to run in 2 legs. And his dog physiology screws him because of his lack of ways to grab the opponent.

And I also gave other examples in the post. Just because you are fat does not mean that you are in a bad shape.

An example: Mario Williams, the defensive end for the Houston Texans. He's close to 300 pounds, and he runs the 40 yard dash in under 5 seconds.

Or Albert Haynesworth. 350 pounds, runs the 40 in 4.93

So Wario being faster than Lucario is entirely realistic.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2008
My teacher says "in my own world".
But that is the thing. His dog/human physiology hinders him more than if he was completely one or the other.

His front legs are too short to be used in 4 legs. His endurance is affected because his dog torso cannot work well if he is not on his 4 legs. He can't have the strong dog legs because otherwise he would not be able to run in 2 legs. And his dog physiology screws him because of his lack of ways to grab the opponent.

And I also gave other examples in the post. Just because you are fat does not mean that you are in a bad shape.

An example: Mario Williams, the defensive end for the Houston Texans. He's close to 300 pounds, and he runs the 40 yard dash in under 5 seconds.

Or Albert Haynesworth. 350 pounds, runs the 40 in 4.93
Wario isn't ether of them.

I'll give it to him he has persistance.
But persistance is nothing against two swords attached to your forearms, which you've been training with since you evolved.

I'll give it to him that he can hit hard.
But when facing canine like reflexes he could be ramming his fist straight onto an inch long spike.
Lucario would be thrown back, but would know how to take the fall, recover, and be back up and kicking in no time.
Meanwhile Wario's hand is incapacitated for the rest of the fight.

That's if he gets lucky.

If he's unlucky,
Lucario ducks sideways and lunges forward to slit his throat while he's open.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008
No, but he has a **** similar physique to them.

I will give wario....30 yards per 5 seconds.

And reflexes are not only decided by the time you take to react to the threat, it also depends on your muscles.

Wario has much better muscles than Lucario, so he is going to react faster.

And we humans also have an average reaction rime of 0.15, whereas dogs have a reaction time of 0.25 seconds because of their smaller brains.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Football players (esp. runningbacks) have lots of leg strength to get them far, defensive players are no different because they use their legs when blocking by pushing/tackling another player
look at wario's legs:

you srsly think Wario would be able to run 90 feet in 5 seconds?

EDIT: also take not how the only muscular area is his arms


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav
Like I've said before, allowing the usage of the Attack stat would make Lucario unrealistic for obvious reasons. It CANNOT be used since that would support the fact that Lucario can easily lift heavy objects like cars and boulders and chuck them thousands of feet. With those arms? I don't think so.
Going with the realistic method of giving him the attack power of a jackel that can stand on it's hind legs with the attack power to that of 12 year old kid makes more sense than a jackel that stands on it's hind legs and can lift a truck. This IS the Deadliest Bralwer, but it's gotta be realistic.

Lucario probably isn't gonna be attacking Wario's legs because, as it's been said before, Lucario is a Pokemon that fights fair. Going for the legs is seen as not fair by the majority of people. Same thing for going for the eyes with his spikes. That doesn't seem fair either.

If someone is going to use the opponents momentum against them, they need STRENGTH. If you're not strong enough to at least move the opponent, then you're not gonna be able to use the opponent's weight for your gain if you can't even move them.

Now that I rethink it, Lucario wouldn't be as fast as people are making him to be. His hind legs are just like a dog's. Look at how fast a dog moves when it's on it's hind legs . . . oh, wait . . . it can't walk. It hops. Animals of the canine family are made to walk on all fours. Lucario will not be able to move very fast because hind legs are meant to provide the running stength when on all fours. Lucario being able to move fast using his hind legs makes no sense when no mammal in the Animal Kingdom can move at a pace faster than a human's walk.

Lucario wins this fight if game physics were allowed. That would be no contest. But this is match must go to Wario when he's the only one with a body structure that even makes sense.
Reposted since I doubt anyone even saw this.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
When Wario gets lucky, he hits Lucario and pushes him back.
When Lucario gets lucky, he kills Wario.
Note Lucario's speed and range makes him get lucky far more often.
What speed?What range? For god sake, hes like a tiny cat'ish THING, WEAK, with fail bone structure. And his legs/arms are kind phail too. Not being able to grapple, and with weak arms, he can only kick, but his leg structure is phail too, wont be that strong.

When lucario gets lucky, wario is strucked by a truck and then killed.

When wario sneezes, lucario dies.

No johns please.

Edit: AS far as we know, lucario's spike is his own bone. Judging by his appearence overall you cant say that his bone structure is strong, you can say maximum it rivals one from a 12 years old kid. Meaning it may be so WEAK it can break on the hit, depending on lucarios strenght.

And gys, you are forgeting that wario can just pown lucario completly with a single punch, not the opposite.

Look at his body, he is failed designed to fight, he only can because of the anime, in RL, he is no stronger than a dog. So how can a weak dog own a fat human?


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Reposted since I doubt anyone even saw this.
Ivysaur won his battle even though he doesn't make sense realistically. Olimar won his battle even though his Pikmin don exits, what are you getting at?

EDIT: tocador, that was all wrong especially at this point
When wario sneezes, lucario dies.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2008
My teacher says "in my own world".
No, but he has a **** similar physique to them.
Wario does not look like an athlete.

I will give wario....30 yards per 5 seconds.

And reflexes are not only decided by the time you take to react to the threat, it also depends on your muscles.
No it depends entirely on how far away from the blow the hand you use to parry is.
With the right stance anyone can parry a strong blow.

Wario has much better muscles than Lucario, so he is going to react faster.
Lucario is smaller and lighter than Wario.

And we humans also have an average reaction rime of 0.15, whereas dogs have a reaction time of 0.25 seconds because of their smaller brains.
Most humans don't have the reaction speed to catch a tennis ball, nevermind block something with the speed of a snakestrike.
If were taking brain size into account then why does one even need to wait for an oppertune moment to swat a fly?
And still miss.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
The day a fatass man looses to a blue cat'ish dog, i shall eat dog poo.

@the guy right b4 me: Since when being smaller and lighter gave someone a better reaction time?

Little kid > Basketball player then 'aight?
go find your neighbors dog


Emperor Time

Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
The planet with a forgotten name
Lucario's leg structure is fine, btw. He has thunder thighs with a thick coat of fur on em.

Besides, the way I see it, Lucario's spikes are winning it for him. Well placed backhands to the face and it's over.



Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
go find your neighbors dog

But..... but....... its a pitbull U.U, im scared of him ><.

Wario can hold luc's hand.

Luc is smaller then wario, meaning he wont have a easy time reaching any part of warios face, where, if luc gets THAT close to wario, he can just roally-own him, before he can stab him.

And stabbing with bone like structures isnt GG you know that, dont you? I mean, only if he could reach the eyes, but man, look at the size of warios arm, its like he can make luc's soup with thoses babies.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
Wario: Can't maneuver, powerful attacks. Can't be tipped over too easily.
Lucario: Agile, nimble. Knows karate and kung-fu. HAS SPIKES ON HIS HANDS AND CHEST.

Enough said. :)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2008
My teacher says &quot;in my own world&quot;.
Wario can hold luc's hand.

Luc is smaller then wario, meaning he wont have a easy time reaching any part of warios face, where, if luc gets THAT close to wario, he can just roally-own him, before he can stab him.
Stab his hand.

It doesn't matter what happens.
Sharp spikes beat fists every time.
Disipline beats recklessness every time.

Emperor Time

Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
The planet with a forgotten name
Supersonic fists, son. Highly doubt Wario can parry and hit Lucario while he's making passes for the face.

It's like those DBZ fights when they're punching each other rapidly. Except, aWrio isn't hitting a **** thing and Lucario is avoiding everything and making a mockery out of his face.

And, can I see those heights again?

EDIT:Stab his hand is viable too.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
fine, wait until it's nighttime when he is sleeping and scavenge for some just laying around on the lawn

I live in a appartment. So its kinda hard to enter my nieghbors(i suck at english) house and steal some poo.

Wario: Can't maneuver, powerful attacks. Can't be tipped over too easily.
Lucario: Agile, nimble. Knows karate and kung-fu. HAS SPIKES ON HIS HANDS AND CHEST.

Enough said. :)
Comming from a luc main, you could just say he can fly too.


@Dbz: Lucarios isnt fast. At all. Try getting a cat/dog on a standing up position, and make him box.

Step 2. Laugh at the dog/cat failling.

Lucario is like, 1-1.1 metters, where wario is 1.60 metters.

Judging by proportions lucarios arms isnt 40 centimetters long, so the only way to stab wario is by jumping. And he has less range, as his reach is smaller than wario.

So even before being in range for the stab, wario can own him with punches.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
I live in a appartment. So its kinda hard to enter my nieghbors(i suck at english) house and steal some poo.
jeez is it so hard to get a guy to eat crap?
fine, go to your neighborhood animal shelter and look there, you should hit the jackpot



Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
I live in a appartment. So its kinda hard to enter my nieghbors(i suck at english) house and steal some poo.

Comming from a luc main, you could just say he can fly too.
He can, but that's a different story.
Oh, and use Firefox. It's awesome. :)
Lucario is in way better shape, is definitely stronger, and has a method to attacking. There's no denying he would win. It's almost like asking "who would win? Spiderman or Wario?"
@ Edit:
Fine then, he's on all fours. Now he's an intelligent, karate dog.

Also, I thought that muscle weighs more than fat in volume.:dizzy:


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
He can, but that's a different story.
Oh, and use Firefox. It's awesome. :)
Lucario is in way better shape, is definitely stronger, and has a method to attacking. There's no denying he would win. It's almost like asking "who would win? Spiderman or Wario?"
@ Edit:
Fine then, he's on all fours. Now he's an intelligent, karate dog.

Also, I thought that muscle weighs more than fat in volume.:dizzy:
If you read like, 3-4 pages back, you see luc has some restrictions, tons of them. Major-ly concerning that his pokemon shape in RL is seriously nerfed, as his fail body structur makes him too small and too weak aggaisnt a human fighter.

And luc cant do like *spining jump high uber-kick*, as mainly his body cant handle it, and he isnt a real karate/muay thai fighter, he is kinda restrained to melee moves, but that will be shut down by wario's fat and arms.

Only way luc is able to hurt wario right now, is with his spikes, and thats what we are discussing.

Meanwhile unclesam is trying to make me eat doog crap, but im 2gud at not eating it.

@Sam: But the dog poos on the toilet, what should i do nao?


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
He can, but that's a different story.
Oh, and use Firefox. It's awesome. :)
I lol'd

@ Edit:
Fine then, he's on all fours. Now he's an intelligent, karate dog.
two legs would be better... on 2 legs he is still faster than wario

Also, I thought that muscle weighs more than fat in volume.:dizzy:
it doesn't
too lazy too look

EDIT: @tocador- dogs r too stupid to poo in the toilet, he'd have to be a very well trained dog
I know paya is going to try and pull something on me for the above and I repeat lucario isn't a dog


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2008
My teacher says &quot;in my own world&quot;.
1. Comming from a luc main, you could just say he can fly too.


3. So even before being in range for the stab, wario can own him with punches.
1. It doesn't count as being biased if you're right.
By the way I prefer Wario in SSBB to Lucario.

2. Yes.
If Wario's hand is in tremendous pain and covered in blood he can't punch Lucario. Sorted.

3. You are ALWAYS in range if you have a sharp weapon and your opponant doesn't (disjointed hitboxes ARE REAL) and I know from expierience that small opponants are harder to beat than large ones, even if the large ones are quicker.

Emperor Time

Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
The planet with a forgotten name
You're acting like Lucario can't detect his punches at all.

The way I see it. 1 hit will decide the MU.

Whoever lands the 1st hit pretty much wins it.

Wario hits Lucario and apparently "mauls" him
Lucario gets the hit to the face and Wario is reeling in pain. Commence ****.

But, when you think about it, who has the least chance of getting hit?
The person who can see all the punches coming, or the clumsy fighter who will probably be confused by his opponents movements?

Lucario will see an opening and pounce.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
it doesn't
too lazy too look
It's in the first 5 Google searches. And I didn't make the mistake of saying "muscle weighs more than fat," I added "by volume". :p

Tocador, it's basically a smart, sharp, and analytical dog against an insane, overweight man. Who will win?:)


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
1. It doesn't count as being biased if you're right.
By the way I prefer Wario in SSBB to Lucario.

2. Yes.
If Wario's hand is in tremendous pain and covered in blood he can't punch Lucario. Sorted.

3. I know from expierience that small opponants are harder to beat than large ones, even if the large ones are quicker.
So why fighting tournaments(karate/judo/jyu jitsu/Mixed martial arts) dont elt them fight? And when they do, the little ones usually get owned?

@Everybody saying luc can do it: Luc is weak, and you guys arent taking this seriously. He cant be fast, not a single 4-base animal can work well on 2-foot(that lizard that runs was made just for that, so stfu). Lucario has fail bone structure, his bones are too weak to mainly suport heavy attacks made by him, meaning he can breake him-self by hitting someone.

Luc spikes are the size of a finger, and are made of his bone, that is by the way, fragile, meaning it WILL BREAK, if he tries to stab wrioas hand. Warios hand has bones, and if lucarios bone hit a human bone, it will break, and it will be way more painfull to luc then to wario.

Small opps are way easier then big ones, they have the strenght in their way usually. Only time you can surpass such a differenece is if you are TREMENDOUSLY better then your opp, as you can take heavier hits than him, and your arms wont break with a sinle hit from them.

Wario is fat-big-mean, luc is small-weak-notfast( i didnt say slow).

No jonhs

@Mewter: Since when "Luc is a analitical sharp" thing, as he is a pokemon/dog and a human, isnt smart?

Wario is fat, but not dumb, he can think to, you know?


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
So why fighting tournaments(karate/judo/jyu jitsu/Mixed martial arts) dont elt them fight? And when they do, the little ones usually get owned?
jujitsu is 4 nubs
alot of the people I fight in tae kuan doe are larger than me what r u getting at?

@Everybody saying luc can do it: Luc is weak, and you guys arent taking this seriously. He cant be fast, not a single 4-base animal can work well on 2-foot(that lizard that runs was made just for that, so stfu). Lucario has fail bone structure, his bones are too weak to mainly suport heavy attacks made by him, meaning he can breake him-self by hitting someone.
rofl, lucario isn't complete jackal, it's gotten to the point where you try to turn lucario into the entire species itself, it that was true, Falcon would have beaten Falco 1000-0 (srry ET had to put that thar)



Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2009
1. It doesn't count as being biased if you're right.
By the way I prefer Wario in SSBB to Lucario.

2. Yes.
If Wario's hand is in tremendous pain and covered in blood he can't punch Lucario. Sorted.

3. I know from expierience that small opponants are harder to beat than large ones, even if the large ones are quicker.

Those spikes are not sharp enough to pierce through bone son. And Lucario's attacks will never have the speed to pierce them because his hands are simply way too light to have any momentum.

And that is your experience son.

Emperor Time

Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
The planet with a forgotten name

Not as small as you think...

And what makes you think the spikes are made of bone? I coulda sworn we decided on steel

Regardless, a hit to the face will doom Wario, and Lucario doesn't even have to put that much effort in a backhand to hurt him. It just has to be swift.

And what makes him so fragile? I'm not seeing it here....

EDIT: Lucario can make his spikes hurt other places, too. Jeet Kun Do, anyone?
EDIT2: Looking at the spike again, Lucario can do a punch and let the spike slash do its thing.
EDIT3:Luca looks like a Rastafarian XD


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Those spikes are not sharp enough to pierce through bone son. And Lucario's attacks will never have the speed to pierce them because his hands are simply way too light to have any momentum.

And that is your experience son.
actually it can pierce the skin and flesh, and when lucario digs his spike further in, the bones will start to move out of their original positions because the spike is so wide (useless? I think not) and will bend the bone to the breaking point which will do a considerable more damage than just a bloody hand



Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2009

Think again son.

Those spikes have a clear round shape that will make it impossible to be used to cut the opponent.

It simply lacks the edges.

The tip also has a rounded and wide shape that will make it harder to be used to stab people.

This is how you pierce bones and flesh.

Emperor Time

Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
The planet with a forgotten name
Lucario makes spike to eye contact.
Lucario twists spike in eye-mashing Wario's brainz. Similar to how one would kill a Zombie with a rapier.

You guys are really underestimating his spikes :/

EDIT:MRG, you telling me those things won't make mincemeat out of Wario's face? Think again.

I could also post THIS:



Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2008
My teacher says &quot;in my own world&quot;.
Those spikes are not sharp enough to pierce through bone son. And Lucario's attacks will never have the speed to pierce them because his hands are simply way too light to have any momentum.

And that is your experience son.
They don't have to pierce bone. Only cartelage, nerve endings, arteries, muscle, etc.

And it IS my experience. Do you go to a weapons sparring club every other day?
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