I'll take the character further. My videos don't do me justice. I'm a much stronger player than youtube would have you believe. Vman is good, I expect great things from my disciple.
But I am the Master. I will destroy everyone in 2010, retired or not.
Be warned.
yay Taj isn't really retired. Taj, TBH I wanted/want YOU (if anyone's gonna do it, I want it to be you
) to go deep in some national tournament as only mewtwo, but you use mostly marth (can't really blame you
), I'd like to see that change lol? I always thought your mewtwo was far better then your marth, and I'd like to see you go only mewtwo in tournament. I know that is not a fair or realistic request, considering how bad mewtwo is at high level lol, but it's what I expect from somebody who claims to be able to take the character further. Because that's all that's really left, is to go deep into some major national tournament, proving everyone wrong about the character. We already have alot of the technical ability established, we know alot of mewtwo's "potential" lol, all that's left is for someone to actually win with him at a high level in recent major national tournament. I'd like it to be you Taj, but if not, then somebody's gotta do it. My next best bet would be Vman, although Iori always produces nice results as well.
Nothing would make me happier then to see you make a run in pound 4 with mewtwo, Taj.
lol, Im taking that as you are taking a break and will be back.
That's my hope too.
I swear m2 is still underrated.
I wish I could agree with you there
Nice vid, that disable on the roll is pretty sexy, but does it work for all character's rolls/getup attacks/getup/getup jumps?? I would like to know how reliable and universal that technique is.
ROFL my name is a little long isn't it
From now on, if anyone is gonna address me or anything, just call me SDC. It's in my avatar lol. SDC. It's the three main words of my tag, SeantheDonConsidine. SDC.
thanks. If I had a do-over, I'd at least capitalize those three words in my username, or even make my username just those three letters, but w/e lol.