I just realized my relatives live mad close to the venue, I'm 80% going now.
This'll be cool, I'll see you guys there (hopefully sooner if there's a smashfest)
@Goggles: I am extremely sorry about the issues you're going through and I regret that, for the most part, I'm unable to relate. However, don't distance yourself from Bry. You two are very close in your ideals, you aren't in his shadow in any way. The kinds of people in this world who are willing to do so many things for others when they know it will put a great burden on themselves, I feel these people are incredibly important. It doesn't matter if you would've enjoyed doing all the things you wanted to do, and it doesn't matter that you couldn't. You were willing to make all the trips for the sake of others regardless of financial difficulties. Some things are just not within your control. When SS2 lost power, Bry got lucky and had someone to fall back on. You don't have that option as readily available as he did, and that's not something that makes Bry more important than you.
My dad could easily name countless times where I'd tell him "I really think I can beat Goggles this time, help me train for our next MM!" After my first tournament at Arena 51 I had my sights set on beating you every time. You're the sole reason I continued playing Smash. If I hadn't been inspired to beat you each time we played I'd never be able to play Ness as well as I can now (and I still haven't even scratched the surface). I'd probably be playing a different character if I wasn't so determined to beat Goggles with "that wannabe Miss Cleo." Every time I beat you I feel like I've improved, and every time I lose to you I feel like I've learned something. I can honestly say a great deal of my tournament experience is lost when I don't play you. When I left SS3, my main thoughts weren't how good the PA players were. I was thinking "I lost to Goggles this time, I really need to concentrate more on improving my game"
So things didn't work out as expected. This time You lost to Goggles. But you thought hard and you tried your best to make everything work out. I know you'll be able to pull through the next time, whether it's with your job or with your duties to your friends and family. I'm more than confident that my biggest rival isn't the kind of person to go down without a fight.