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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Project (Finally Finished!???)

Which title should we use?

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Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2020
Alright, here's my proposal, which is mostly gonna follow from my post in the discussion period.


Eggman rides in the Egg Walker, the mech he drove in his most notable playable appearance, Sonic Adventure 2. A trait made up for Smash, however, is that it has been given telescoping functionality, with parts of various machines he's piloted folded up inside of it and coming out through panels in the device. This includes the legs of the Egg Walker, which in this version of the Egg Walker are folded out of the core of the machine, Eggman's classic Egg Mobile.

That's actually the basis of Eggman's main mechanic, which I'll explain first, since it impacts how he plays heavily. His up special, Egg Mobile, folds the legs of the Egg Walker in and allows players to make Eggman fly - more like controlling a spaceship in a shmup than a platformer character. During Egg Mobile mode, Eggman can perform aerial attacks and specials without leaving the mode, and can disengage it with the shield button. However, there's a catch - the Egg Mobile has limited fuel, pictured next to Eggman's damage meter. It's modelled after his health meter from SA2:

Screenshot 2021-07-08 224457.png

Egg Mobile mode drains fuel. It's a little similar to R.O.B.'s up-B that way. However, unlike Robo Burner, it recharges based on proximity to an opponent. The closer to an opponent, the more of those squares on the top of the gauge will light up yellow, and the faster the gauge will recharge. This applies while active, too - normally, the drain is pretty quick, but the proximity recharge rate cancels out some of the drain. In fact: at close distances, you won't use any fuel at all. Heck, depending on balance, you might even get a little bit back. The importance of this whole fuel mechanic is that Eggman can't just park himself too high to hit, but can still be in this flight mode for a majority of the time, as long as he uses it to approach his opponent instead of running away. After all, Eggman is usually in a flying machine.

Oh, one more thing of note about Eggman: he's only got one jump, high though it may be. Instead of a double-jump, he has the Jet Engine, which allows him to slow his descent in midair if the jump button is held. It's good for recovering horizontally and great for avoiding being juggled, but it's not useful if you're below the stage.

Now that we've covered that, we can move onto the more general: Eggman is a superheavyweight who, unusually for this sort of character, has a very air-focused game plan thanks to his up-special. Because of the way his fuel works, he's incentivized to be putting pressure on opponents from up close, though there are a few moves in his kit he wants to be far away for - particularly his setup and killing moves.

His movement is polarized: he's a little slow normally, but his Egg Mobile mode gives him a pretty fast speed to work with. In addition, both forms have good control over their movement: the Egg Walker has decent traction and air control, while the Egg Mobile has absolutely unparalleled air control. Of course, his Egg Mobile mode has constraints on how much you can use it.

His recovery is also reliant on Egg Mobile: while it's very easy for him to get back onstage with it (just fly back up), the Egg Walker's recovery is... not particularly great. If he gets caught below the ledge without fuel, it's practically over for him.

His regular attacks have good range and are almost all significantly disjointed. They come out relatively fast to suit his pressure-focused playstyle, and do pretty high damage. However, Eggman struggles to land K.O.s, because his only strong killing options are grounded attacks like his smashes and grab, which deliberately runs counter to his aerial playstyle.

One final weakness: he struggles a bit with zoners. (I mean, imagine putting Mega Man up against a 2D Sonic boss. He'd shred it.) He has trouble counterzoning, because he doesn't have as many projectiles as you'd think - looking at most Eggman bosses, there's surprisingly few attacks that just shoot something forward.


Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
Job 138: Neutral Special
Checker Wrecker

Eggman gets out his wrecking ball and spins around pretty fast hitting opponents.
(You can move around)


If you're in the air, he does a 360 spin slamming the ball downwards before retracting the chain.
(A referance to Sonic Episide 4 where he has this new attack)


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2020
I feel like every person who's answering this prompt has a different idea of what the scope of it is.

I'm pretty sure it's not for submitting an entire moveset or one specific out-of-context move, guys. As far as I can tell, it's overarching traits of the whole moveset and maybe one or two key moves.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
job 138

Eggman Gimmick

He starts the match in his Eggwalker in this form he is quite heavy and has a form of Tough Guy

At 100% damage The Legs Break off and Eggman starts to hover with the Egg Mobile

In this form Eggman's Physics will change and he will be lighter, floatier and faster, But would be easier to launch and loses the Tough Guy Attribute. and also takes a slight hit to his overall damage output.

He cannot restore the legs after losing them unless he is KO'd
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
I feel like every person who's answering this prompt has a different idea of what the scope of it is.

I'm pretty sure it's not for submitting an entire moveset or one specific out-of-context move, guys. As far as I can tell, it's overarching traits of the whole moveset and maybe one or two key moves.
I just want the main gimmick to be how he has two modes but unlike other form changers damaging one form too much will transition him to the other form, the moveset is just something I wiped up (it should be noted I made this theoretical moveset a few weeks ago and I just copied pasted with some edits)

Adrianette Bromide

Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2020
Beeland Capital
Tbh, he should be flying in his mechy thingy, idk the name cause Sonic's not really my thing. Give him super armour underneath like Bowser Jr. Personality not vibing two modes. His body shape feels odd to be fighting on land when his battles are fought behind machines + mechanical intellect is his greatest strength. Aside from that, if this were an actual game, making two forms would basically be like balancing two characters with different framedata (See: Trainer and Pyra) but whereas those are intrinsically necessary for the characters, it's not as necessary for Eggman.

He's probably gonna be heavy and due to Eggman's fighting style, I could see a similar archetype to K. Rool being a heavy with long distance options contrasting to the up close and personal grapplers like Ganon and Incineroar. I think a gimmick he could have is to be a flying character. He would still move as if he was a grounded character but his character model would be slighty off the ground and he wouldn't have a hurtbox where modt characters' feet would be. So moves like Ryu's low sweeping dtilt would not work. Perhaps this is a bit overpowered?

Mr. Robotto

Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2019
The Mayship
Damn, I really would have preferred Tails if we had to choose a Sonic rep. But it is what it is.

Like everyone, the thing I'm most concerned about is his Mech. I'd like to remind everyone that we currently already have 2 Mech characters, in the form of Bowser Jr. and DJ Octavio. So how will we set him apart from those in his moveset functionality? And also, how will we be designing his mech? Because how I envision him right now is with his Walker being as large as most characters, which makes Eggman himself (when you put him out of his Mech) proportionally smaller than the rest of the cast...
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Damn, I really would have preferred Tails if we had to choose a Sonic rep. But it is what it is.

Like everyone, the thing I'm most concerned about is his Mech. I'd like to remind everyone that we currently already have 2 Mech characters, in the form of Bowser Jr. and DJ Octavio. So how will we set him apart from those in his moveset functionality? And also, how will we be designing his mech? Because how I envision him right now is with his Walker being as large as most characters, which makes Eggman himself (when you put him out of his Mech) proportionally smaller than the rest of the cast...
^ This.

That was my main concern when we added him in. I would like to seperate him from DJ Octavio as much as possible.

Mamboo07 Mamboo07 and @GolisoPowergood ideas but we aren’t submitting moves yet.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
So yes, without our new format…
  1. we are submitting character gameplay, attributes, and gimmicks
  2. we then vote which gameplay we want to incorporate
  3. Based on standard, we submit moves including normal moves, special moves, and Final Smashes. You can submit a full moveset or partial movesets. This also includes additional content such as taunts and Classic mode routes.
  4. The leadership team will look at these move submissions and incorporate them into a working moveset. During this time, we may have a discussion period to gauge thoughts on the moves presented.
  5. The leadership team presents the moveset to the thread.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
I do really like the Egg Walker concepts we've been getting, but I would like to throw my own ideas into the ring.

For the duration of the battle, Eggman fights in the same mech he used in Sonic The Fighters: The E-Mech. I beleive this is a great alternative to the Egg Walker. While definitely not as recognizable, the E-Mech would solve the following issues:
  • It can still be a similar height to other fighters, have Eggman be fairly tall, and not have Eggman look super tiny in the mech.
  • It helps him look more distinct against Bowser Jr. and DJ Octavio.
  • Not as much of an issue that needed solving, but the arms allow Eggman to be more expressive in the mech than the Egg Walker's lack of said arms.
  • It looks less chunky and more versatile than the Walker in terms of movement, which I think can make for smoother and more Smash-like animation.
Eggman would have a weight of 124, decent walk and run speed, mediocre fall speed, and good air speed. He would have two jumps and cannot walljump or crawl. I don't think Eggman needs a gimmick, but if I had to choose one I would go with a flying thing that utilizes the leg-less Eggmobile.

Oh, and as for the design of the E-Mech, I think we can update it a bit to fit modern Eggman's physical proportions and design sensibilities.


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Hi! I rarely come here nowadays, but I wanted to throw my hat into the ring (no pun intended):
Dr. Eggman (Fighter).png
Dr. Eggman
Hatches a Master Plan!

Intro: Eggman’s boss intro in the classic games

Stance/Idle 1: The Egg Mobile floats close to the ground
Idle 2: Eggman chuckles
Idle 3: Eggman twirls his mustache

Notable Palette Swaps:
  1. Dr. Eggman
  2. Maria Robotnik (blue)
  3. Gerald Robotnik (grey)
  4. Eggman Nega (black)
  5. Classic Eggman (alt)
  6. Snively (greeen)
  7. Pajama concept art (pink)
  8. Eggrobo (alt 2)
    • Note: The Eggrobo has no voice clips
Walk: The Egg Mobile floats along the ground
Dash: The Egg Mobile floats along the ground while the jets fire
Damage: His damage animation from the Classic and Advance games
Jump: The Egg Mobile’s Walker legs spring out, and the jet propels Eggman slightly for the second jump
Crouch: The Walker legs rest on the ground and lower the Egg Mobile

Normal Attacks
Jab: Eggman flurries with robotic claws from the Egg Mobile (2%-3%), then finishes with an uppercut (6%, small knockback)
Forward+A: Eggman attacks with one of the bumpers from the EGG-HVC-001 (6%, OK knockback)
Down+A: Eggman sends out a boxing glove attached to a spring that sends opponents flying (11%, medium knockback)
Up+A: Eggman attacks using the pointy tail from the boss of Oil Ocean (6%, OK knockback)

Aerial Attacks
Air+A: Eggman attacks using the flippers from the final boss of Sonic CD (3% each hit, OK knockback)
Air Forward+A: Eggman fires a shot from his energy gun (7%, small knockback)
Air Back + A: Eggman drops some blue toxic water from the back of his Egg Mobile (8%, OK knockback)
Air Up+A: Eggman raise a drill from the Marble Garden boss above himself (9%, OK knockback)
Air Down+A: Eggman drops down with a spike at the bottom of the Egg Mobile (8% with a meteor effect, OK knockback)

Dash Attack: Eggman dashes forward with the Egg Walker’s legs (3% each hit, OK knockback)
Edge Attack: Eggman shoots an energy laser (7%, small knockback) and gets back up after hanging on the edge with the Egg Mobile’s robot claws
Get-Up Attack: Eggman briefly summons an Electric Shield (5%, small knockback)

Smash Attacks
Forward+A: Eggman slams the ground with a giant hammer that can bury an opponent on the ground (25%, medium knockback)
Up+A: Eggman clamps the two claws from the Casino Night Zone boss (22%, medium knockback)
Down+A: Eggman fires two fireballs from the bottom of his Egg Mobile and spins them around (15% each hit, OK knockback)

Grab Game
Grab: Eggman uses Big Arms to grab the opponent
Pummel: Eggman slowly squeezes the opponent (5%)
Forwards+Throw: Eggman tosses the opponent forward (9%, OK knockback)
Down+Throw: Eggman hovers up a bit and buries the opponent with a full-force ground slam (15%)
Back+Throw: Eggman throws the opponent behind himself (12%, OK knockback)
Up+Throw: Eggman uses the Phantom Ruby to warp the opponent to above himself (8%, small knockback)

Special Moves
B : Egg Mobile-H
; Eggman unleashes a wrecking ball and slams it forward after a brief spin (29%, medium knockback) that can bury opponents on the ground and meteor Smash opponents in the air. By tilting the control stick in the opposite direction, Eggman can do a backflip and attack opponents behind him.
B + Forwards : Egg Mobile-D; Eggman rushes forward in a drill car (15%, OK knockback). The drill itself cancels out the Drill item (and can be released by pressing B again), but travels less of a distance.
B + Up : Phantom Ruby; Eggman uses the powers of the Phantom Ruby to warp in the direction the control stick is tilted; this attacks fighters in a large area (5%, OK knockback) and can either freeze opponents, reverse their controls, or inflict the flower status
B + Down : Laser from M.E.; Using the powers of the Master Emerald, Eggman fires a huge one-hit laser that goes offscreen (35%, far knockback). This attack has a 10-second cooldown between uses, and Eggman can move slowly left or right with super armor before he actually fires the laser.

Final Smash: Death Egg Robot; “Get a load of this!” Using the powers of the Phantom Ruby, Eggman summons the Death Egg Robot. Both of its arms can be controlled with either control stick, and pressing B has Eggman fire both of them towards the screen (40% each, far knockback); if opponents are at 60% or higher, they will suffer a screen K.O.

Gimmick: N/A

1: “Yosh…” Eggman pets his Egg Mobile
2: “Time for a change of pace!” Eggman gets out of the Egg Mobile for a sec to do a “Well! What is it?” gesture
1+2: “Ohohoho!” Eggman puts his hand on his chest as he laughs

1: “Now you know why I am the best!” Eggman mimics the bad ending from Sonic the Hedgehog
1a: “Try again, Sonic!” (Vs. Sonic)
2: The camera pans up from a capsule containing Flickies and moves up to Eggman, with Orbot and Cubot appearing briefly
3: “Yes, yes, yes!” Eggman’s victory animation from Sonic Adventure 2

Applause: Eggman mimics the good ending from Sonic the Hedgehog
Icon: The Sonic series icon
Boxing Ring Title: The Man with the Master Plan
Star K.O.: “You’ll regret thiiiis…!” “I hate that hedgehoooog…!”
Victory Music: E.G.G.M.A.N.
Kirby Hat: Eggman’s glasses and mustache


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
I cant really describe my gimmick without a moveset, but I'll try to describe it

On the start of battle, Eggman will be in his Sonic Adevture Egg Walker, he is heavyweight (same as bowser) and has two jumps and a glide like peach's parasol, he can also sacrifice some of his barrier for an electric shock attack. He is very powerful but slow in this form.


He is designed to be pretty op in the right hands but there is a complication, Eggman's mech only takes 30-45 damage before breaking down, forcing eggman to be on foot, on foot he is a mid weight and decently fast, he is weak to knockback though so he should be careful, by using a combination of his Badnicks and some occasional kicks he can fill a meter to create and summon a new mech and the cycle continues. On foot Eggman has two jumps a decently fast dash and his recovery resembles the Jetpack item, only with less feul. His Badnicks also have a focus on a zoning based moveset with the Badnicks takingnup space on the map, however players can neutralize these Badnicks making Eggman vulnerable.

Eggman players should balance between trying to get as many hits in the mech as possible and when out of the mech block off and confuse the opponents with the Badnicks while trying to gain a new mech.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
^ This.

That was my main concern when we added him in. I would like to seperate him from DJ Octavio as much as possible.

Mamboo07 Mamboo07 and @GolisoPowergood ideas but we aren’t submitting moves yet.
Ah. I see.

So, allow me to propose the topic of discussion: should Eggman be a summoner character? Eggman is the kind of guy who sends robots to do his dirty work, so him being able to summon Badniks to fight alongside him shouldn't be too much of an issue, right?

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Ah. I see.

So, allow me to propose the topic of discussion: should Eggman be a summoner character? Eggman is the kind of guy who sends robots to do his dirty work, so him being able to summon Badniks to fight alongside him shouldn't be too much of an issue, right?
If we are to give Eggman Badnik moves, I think it'd be fun to incorporate Flickies somehow - like, if you destroy a Badnik the Flicky inside will revolt and go to attack Eggman or his teammates.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Ah. I see.

So, allow me to propose the topic of discussion: should Eggman be a summoner character? Eggman is the kind of guy who sends robots to do his dirty work, so him being able to summon Badniks to fight alongside him shouldn't be too much of an issue, right?
Yeah I'm for this idea, I'm seriously struggling to think of a way to differentiate Eggman from Octavio or Bowser Jr. without making him a summoner.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Yeah I'm for this idea, I'm seriously struggling to think of a way to differentiate Eggman from Octavio or Bowser Jr. without making him a summoner.
I honestly don't think the bad doctor needs to be differentiated fundamentally - it should really lie in the moves and playstyle. Take for example Ike and Marth, or Little Mac and DK - the same basic concept, but a different style of fighting.

Mr. Robotto

Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2019
The Mayship
I honestly don't think the bad doctor needs to be differentiated fundamentally - it should really lie in the moves and playstyle. Take for example Ike and Marth, or Little Mac and DK - the same basic concept, but a different style of fighting.
The characters you listed debuted at different times. Our primary problem lies not only in the fact that Octavio and Eggman are debuting in the same game, but that we're revealing them so close together as well. They can't be similar, or else one will overshadow the other, and I fear it's for Mr. Octopus if we don't differentiate them enough.

I do really like the Egg Walker concepts we've been getting, but I would like to throw my own ideas into the ring.

For the duration of the battle, Eggman fights in the same mech he used in Sonic The Fighters: The E-Mech. I beleive this is a great alternative to the Egg Walker. While definitely not as recognizable, the E-Mech would solve the following issues:
  • It can still be a similar height to other fighters, have Eggman be fairly tall, and not have Eggman look super tiny in the mech.
  • It helps him look more distinct against Bowser Jr. and DJ Octavio.
  • Not as much of an issue that needed solving, but the arms allow Eggman to be more expressive in the mech than the Egg Walker's lack of said arms.
  • It looks less chunky and more versatile than the Walker in terms of movement, which I think can make for smoother and more Smash-like animation.
Eggman would have a weight of 124, decent walk and run speed, mediocre fall speed, and good air speed. He would have two jumps and cannot walljump or crawl. I don't think Eggman needs a gimmick, but if I had to choose one I would go with a flying thing that utilizes the leg-less Eggmobile.

Oh, and as for the design of the E-Mech, I think we can update it a bit to fit modern Eggman's physical proportions and design sensibilities.
I'm honestly very much a big fan of this idea for the reasons you've listed! It fixes the height issue, looks distinct enough and has robotic arms for picking up items and stuff. It's also from a fighting game, which would make the fundamental properties easier to translate over to Smash, as there's a point of reference to see how it would walk, punch, etc. so extra points for that.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
We will begin to vote for the gameplay submission we best fits with Dr. Eggman. Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit content! Due to the nature of some of these submissions, certain aspects will be included if they won so please pay special attention to the italics portion. I used Multi-quotes to make it easier to few information.

Egg Walker/Mobile w/ Meter Due to the gimmick tying in with the Up Special, this special move will come packaged with this submission meaning if it wins, we will forgo including a new Up Special

Alright, here's my proposal, which is mostly gonna follow from my post in the discussion period.

View attachment 322159

Eggman rides in the Egg Walker, the mech he drove in his most notable playable appearance, Sonic Adventure 2. A trait made up for Smash, however, is that it has been given telescoping functionality, with parts of various machines he's piloted folded up inside of it and coming out through panels in the device. This includes the legs of the Egg Walker, which in this version of the Egg Walker are folded out of the core of the machine, Eggman's classic Egg Mobile.

That's actually the basis of Eggman's main mechanic, which I'll explain first, since it impacts how he plays heavily. His up special, Egg Mobile, folds the legs of the Egg Walker in and allows players to make Eggman fly - more like controlling a spaceship in a shmup than a platformer character. During Egg Mobile mode, Eggman can perform aerial attacks and specials without leaving the mode, and can disengage it with the shield button. However, there's a catch - the Egg Mobile has limited fuel, pictured next to Eggman's damage meter. It's modelled after his health meter from SA2:

View attachment 322162

Egg Mobile mode drains fuel. It's a little similar to R.O.B.'s up-B that way. However, unlike Robo Burner, it recharges based on proximity to an opponent. The closer to an opponent, the more of those squares on the top of the gauge will light up yellow, and the faster the gauge will recharge. This applies while active, too - normally, the drain is pretty quick, but the proximity recharge rate cancels out some of the drain. In fact: at close distances, you won't use any fuel at all. Heck, depending on balance, you might even get a little bit back. The importance of this whole fuel mechanic is that Eggman can't just park himself too high to hit, but can still be in this flight mode for a majority of the time, as long as he uses it to approach his opponent instead of running away. After all, Eggman is usually in a flying machine.

Oh, one more thing of note about Eggman: he's only got one jump, high though it may be. Instead of a double-jump, he has the Jet Engine, which allows him to slow his descent in midair if the jump button is held. It's good for recovering horizontally and great for avoiding being juggled, but it's not useful if you're below the stage.

Now that we've covered that, we can move onto the more general: Eggman is a superheavyweight who, unusually for this sort of character, has a very air-focused game plan thanks to his up-special. Because of the way his fuel works, he's incentivized to be putting pressure on opponents from up close, though there are a few moves in his kit he wants to be far away for - particularly his setup and killing moves.

His movement is polarized: he's a little slow normally, but his Egg Mobile mode gives him a pretty fast speed to work with. In addition, both forms have good control over their movement: the Egg Walker has decent traction and air control, while the Egg Mobile has absolutely unparalleled air control. Of course, his Egg Mobile mode has constraints on how much you can use it.

His recovery is also reliant on Egg Mobile: while it's very easy for him to get back onstage with it (just fly back up), the Egg Walker's recovery is... not particularly great. If he gets caught below the ledge without fuel, it's practically over for him.

His regular attacks have good range and are almost all significantly disjointed. They come out relatively fast to suit his pressure-focused playstyle, and do pretty high damage. However, Eggman struggles to land K.O.s, because his only strong killing options are grounded attacks like his smashes and grab, which deliberately runs counter to his aerial playstyle.

One final weakness: he struggles a bit with zoners. (I mean, imagine putting Mega Man up against a 2D Sonic boss. He'd shred it.) He has trouble counterzoning, because he doesn't have as many projectiles as you'd think - looking at most Eggman bosses, there's surprisingly few attacks that just shoot something forward.
Egg Walker to Egg Mobile (Damaged)
job 138

Eggman Gimmick

He starts the match in his Eggwalker in this form he is quite heavy and has a form of Tough Guy

At 100% damage The Legs Break off and Eggman starts to hover with the Egg Mobile

In this form Eggman's Physics will change and he will be lighter, floatier and faster, But would be easier to launch and loses the Tough Guy Attribute. and also takes a slight hit to his overall damage output.

He cannot restore the legs after losing them unless he is KO'd
I do really like the Egg Walker concepts we've been getting, but I would like to throw my own ideas into the ring.

For the duration of the battle, Eggman fights in the same mech he used in Sonic The Fighters: The E-Mech. I beleive this is a great alternative to the Egg Walker. While definitely not as recognizable, the E-Mech would solve the following issues:
  • It can still be a similar height to other fighters, have Eggman be fairly tall, and not have Eggman look super tiny in the mech.
  • It helps him look more distinct against Bowser Jr. and DJ Octavio.
  • Not as much of an issue that needed solving, but the arms allow Eggman to be more expressive in the mech than the Egg Walker's lack of said arms.
  • It looks less chunky and more versatile than the Walker in terms of movement, which I think can make for smoother and more Smash-like animation.
Eggman would have a weight of 124, decent walk and run speed, mediocre fall speed, and good air speed. He would have two jumps and cannot walljump or crawl. I don't think Eggman needs a gimmick, but if I had to choose one I would go with a flying thing that utilizes the leg-less Eggmobile.

Oh, and as for the design of the E-Mech, I think we can update it a bit to fit modern Eggman's physical proportions and design sensibilities.
Limited Health Egg Walker w/ Dr. Eggman on Foot
I cant really describe my gimmick without a moveset, but I'll try to describe it

On the start of battle, Eggman will be in his Sonic Adevture Egg Walker, he is heavyweight (same as bowser) and has two jumps and a glide like peach's parasol, he can also sacrifice some of his barrier for an electric shock attack. He is very powerful but slow in this form.

View attachment 322212

He is designed to be pretty op in the right hands but there is a complication, Eggman's mech only takes 30-45 damage before breaking down, forcing eggman to be on foot, on foot he is a mid weight and decently fast, he is weak to knockback though so he should be careful, by using a combination of his Badnicks and some occasional kicks he can fill a meter to create and summon a new mech and the cycle continues. On foot Eggman has two jumps a decently fast dash and his recovery resembles the Jetpack item, only with less feul. His Badnicks also have a focus on a zoning based moveset with the Badnicks takingnup space on the map, however players can neutralize these Badnicks making Eggman vulnerable.
View attachment 322213
Eggman players should balance between trying to get as many hits in the mech as possible and when out of the mech block off and confuse the opponents with the Badnicks while trying to gain a new mech.
Summoner (w or w/out Mech) While the special moves are ineligible for now, the idea of Dr. Eggman being a summoner character is something we could pursue. Badnicks would not be limited to these listed if it won.
Job 138:

Neutral Special: Badniks:

Briefly taking out a comical-looking hand radio, Eggman yells "Attack!" or "Deploy here NOW!", before one of six Badniks arrive to fight alongside him. One of the following may be summoned in a cycle, and only one of each Badnik can be out at a time:

View attachment 322155
A speedy little robot who's all about taking the ground side of things. Dude's as fast as Fox's dash and deals 8% damage per every time he hits an opponent.

View attachment 322156
These little guys are slow, but every part of its body is an active hitbox, hitting anyone for 5% damage. They can only be hit on the head portion of the robot. Otherwise, it will damage any opponents.

View attachment 322157
Buzz Bomber:
A bee-shaped Badnik who flies across the skies and occasionally fires a single projectile at a downwards 45 degree angle. They deal 6.5% damage and some medium knockback, but they're helpless while flying.

View attachment 322158
A stationary enemy that causes spiked metal balls to orbit around it, alternating between close to the body and far. You can try to kill them, but you'll have to wait until there's a big enough gap in between the spikes. Running into a spike deals 7% damage.

View attachment 322161
For the first time since Smash 3DS, the Eggrobo makes a return! He works partially like like a cross between Orbinaut and Buzz Bomber, being stationary and firing at anyone in range, just like what it does sometimes in Smash Run! What makes the Eggrobo different is that it takes 3 hits to kill, unlike the previous four.

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Egg Pawn:
The final robot to summon, the Egg Pawn is armed with a spear and a shield. The shield defends any projectiles passively like Link and Hero, while he jabs with the spear at anyone who gets close enough to the Egg Pawn. Much like the Eggrobo, the Egg Pawn takes three hits to destroy.

With six out at a time, it becomes utter madness, though considering how stupid-nuts the range of other fighters' attacks might be, that's not much of an issue. The Badniks attacking your foes for you means combo potential with each robot is through the roof. It's also a quick summon as well, so you'll find it easy to do out of shield. Badniks are the basic bread-and-butter of Dr. Eggman's kit spawned from his character: Eggman always sends robots to do his dirty work, and normally doesn't go to the front lines himself.
I apologize if this phase was a little bit screwy but considering it was a moveset submission revamp, it may take some time to work out the issues. One thing I wish I would have done was to have people include names for their submissions. Perhaps next time. We appreciate all of the attributes, gameplay, and gimmicks and, honestly, they all work well for the character. I can't wait to see what we include for his additional content!

We will begin to vote for the winning submission. In the Google Form, you can find a brief title of the submission followed by who submitted it. Please vote for the top 3 you think makes for the best gameplay. Once this is decided, we will then begin crafting a moveset for the character.


(Note: it may take some time for the link to appear. Please be patient.)
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Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
We will begin to vote for the gameplay submission we best fits with Dr. Eggman. Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit content! Due to the nature of some of these submissions, certain aspects will be included if they won so please pay special attention to the italics portion. I used Multi-quotes to make it easier to few information.

Egg Walker/Mobile w/ Meter Due to the gimmick tying in with the Up Special, this special move will come packaged with this submission meaning if it wins, we will forgo including a new Up Special

Egg Walker to Egg Mobile (Damaged)


Limited Health Egg Walker w/ Dr. Eggman on Foot

Summoner (w or w/out Mech) While the special moves are ineligible for now, the idea of Dr. Eggman being a summoner character is something we could pursue. Badnicks would not be limited to these listed if it won.

I apologize if this phase was a little bit screwy but considering it was a moveset submission revamp, it may take some time to work out the issues. One thing I wish I would have done was to have people include names for their submissions. Perhaps next time. We appreciate all of the attributes, gameplay, and gimmicks and, honestly, they all work well for the character. I can't wait to see what we include for his additional content!

We will begin to vote for the winning submission. In the Google Form, you can find a brief title of the submission followed by who submitted it. Please vote for the top 3 you think makes for the best gameplay. Once this is decided, we will then begin crafting a moveset for the character.


(Note: it may take some time for the link to appear. Please be patient.)
Um, excuse me? You forgot my submission.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Um, excuse me? You forgot my submission.
No, we didn't forget. Your submission wasn't eligible as we weren't accepting moveset submissions. This is a redesign of our character crafting period that we decided to try for this character to see if it work.s I explained it earlier and felt I was clear enough that moveset submissions wouldn't be eligible right now.

Basically, we first decide on a gameplay/attribute/gimmick submission to form a basis for the character via voting. Following that, we then allow moveset submissions. Following this, myself, Ramen Tengoku, Krook, Mr. Robotto, and AirConditioner will pull moves from each submitted moveset in order to form a cohesive moveset that incorporates content created from the thread. The allows the moveset submission process to be more community-oriented rather than individual oriented. We explained this earlier in the thread as well as when this prompt started. The emphasis is to include moves from a majority of the movesets that are submitted while also trying to stay true to the original purpose of the winning gameplay submission (i.e. E-Mech, Damaged Mech, etc). Once we finish it, we will then present it to the thread. This is actually how I did Isaac moveset way back when as I pulled from a wide variety of movesets that were submitted.

That being said, if you wish to include your moveset to be considered by the leadership team, you can do so but I do ask to wait until we actually start to process so it doesn't get muddled with our next job (which will be starting soon). You may need to tweak it in order to accomodate for the winning gameplay prompt though so please keep that in mind.

EDIT: I am sorry if I sounded cold or rough but this had to be explained several times during the submission process. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough but it made me feel people didn't read up about it. I do generally get that feeling sometimes when prompts or criteria are ignored. It is what it is but it can be a bit frustrating at times. I do want to say I really enjoyed yopur moveset and missed seeing the ones you submitted. You were quite active in prompts passed and I missed the depth of movesets and how much detail you put into it. We also changed the format where we will also be incorporating additional content like taunts and victory screens. Please feel free to include them as well when we open it up.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Sonic the Hedgehog Content: Master Spirit

While we did to an Astral Chain spirit submission, we will also be opening it up for Sonic as the series has yet to have one and. considering its importance to Smash, it makes sense to include it. We will be submitting a Sonic the Hedgehog Spirit. Here are a few rules...

  • You may promote a previous Spirit that was either A) in Ultimate or B) submitted in Infinite
  • It can be for any sort of function (Training, Exploration, etc)
    • If a Dojo, please explain what this training will do and what the Training Dojo is
  • Please provide the
    • Image
    • Name
    • Debut Game Appearance
    • While also utilizing the Master Class Spirit Submission Format for information
    • Spirit Battle
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Got a good Master Spirit here! Though if I'm missing the point of this new thing, feel free to sound off, Venus!
Master Spirit: Tikal
Debut Game: Sonic Adventure
Dojo: Tribal Style: Increases offense and move speed, decreases defense and jump height
Spirit Battle:
Opponent: Ashley
Stage: N. Sanity Beach
Music Track: Tikal's Theme
Match: Stock
  • The enemy temporarily becomes invincible.
  • The stage will temporarily be flooded.
  • Defeat the main fighter to win.
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Sonic Master Spirit

(I know this is stretching the rules a lot)

Tangle & Whisper

Sonic Forces: Speed Battle (Original Debut was in the IDW Sonic Comics)

Exploration: Resistance Scouting, It takes 5 hours and mainly gives Other Spirits, Including exclusive ones.

  • Puppet Fighter: Min Min, Yellow Outfit & Officer Howard, Girl Alt
  • Stage: Green Hill Zone
  • Music Track: Fist Bump
  • Match: 1 Stock
  • Conditions:
    • The enemies physical attacks are more powerful (Min Min)
    • The enemy starts the battle with a Staff (Officer Howard)
    • The enemy likes to grab (Min Min)
    • The enemy may occasionally become invisible (Officer howard)


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019
Damn, I have a good idea for Tikal's facility which is going to be a unique one like Doc Louis, don't know if submitting the same character is allowed or not?

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
So I am working on revamping the front page post to allow more information. I have only worked on Isaac's nbut, if people like the format, I will continue working on it. You can find it on the front page, the first post under the Characters spoiler.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
  • Master Spirit: Orbot and Cubot
  • Death Egg: This facility will take in up to two primary spirits. After about an hour, the spirits will be equipped with a "lackey", which means any time you enter a battle with the primary spirit equipped, you gain a random ally. The ally in question has low health/high percent depending on the match, and is only a level 7 CPU. Also, the primary spirit's dojo style is wiped, if they have one, when a lackey is equipped.
  • Debut Game: Sonic Colors (2010)

  • Opponents: red :ultkirby:, tennis outfit:ultsteve:
  • Stage: Whatever we decide Eggman's stage to be
  • Song: Death Egg Robot (New Remix)
    • Match: 7:00, 1 stock
    • Gravity is reduced
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Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019
ImageNameFacilityOriginAcquisitionFacility Music

Switches a primary spirit ability
Sonic Adventure (Artwork: Sonic Runners)Spirit Battle (Adventure Mode)Angel Island Zone

Tikal is a major character in the world of Sonic the Hedgehog, first debuting in Sonic Adventure she's an echidna like Knuckles who lives approximately 3,000 years who resides inside the Master Emerald to seal its guardian, Chaos after the demise of her own Clan. While barely prominent in subsequent game she is tied heavily to the legendary Emeralds that has been synonymous to the series, coincidentally those Emeralds are a frequent subject to be stolen by Robotnik many times which perfectly coincide with his inclusion as a fighter.

New Facility: Altar!
Just like Doc Louis' Gym this facility is one of a kind, this facility allows the player to switch or even fill in a Primary Spirit ability at the cost of certain amounts of support spirit that needed to be sacrifice, think about this as something akin to Exp and Lapis in Minecraft being use to enhanced your gear using a enchanting table, some powerful ability like Chance of Double Final Smash will cause you dozens than the lesser ones.

Tikal (Sonic Adventure) [Artwork: Sonic Runners]
Type: Master
  • Puppet Fighter: Mythra (Gormotti), Sonic (Orange), Squirtle (Blue) 3x
  • Stage: Venus Lighthouse
  • Music Track: Open Your Heart
  • Match: Stock
  • Conditions:
    • The enemy tends to avoid conflict
    • Hostile Assist Trophy will appear (Knuckles)
    • The enemy is invisible after a little while
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Debut: Knuckles' Chaotix (32X)

Facility: Detective Agency
The Detective Agency is a very short and optional side story. For some reason certain playable fighters have been getting evil Spirit clones, possessing the cloned bodies of other fighters and it's up to you and the Chaotix to figure out just what's happening, while extinguishing the vile doppelgangers! This mode would let us create Spirit battles for playable fighters, and bring back SSBU's Spirit battles for fighters we've made playable - as well as create a funny detective story, possibly with an exclusive boss

The battle is the same as in SSBU except the foes have the light tether.
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Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2020
Sonic Master Spirits submissions will close soon.

Eggman Moveset Concept Results
Screen Shot 2021-07-10 at 6.37.09 PM.png

The results are in for Mr. Hardboiled! The winning concept was the E-mech by Janx_uwu Janx_uwu , so the full movesets, or individual move ideas will have to revolve around this concept. The summoner idea came in a close second place, so we also encourage that aspect to be considered when crafting Eggman's moveset.

Eggman Moveset Submissions

Following these results, we will move into the actual submission phase for his moveset. As mentioned, the leadership team will be attempting to merge as many aspects as possible from the submitted content, so both full movesets and individual moves can be submitted and will be taken into consideration for the final moveset. If you submitted something during this previous session, and want it to be used, then please resubmit we can take it into consideration.

So to summarize what to keep in mind when submitting Eggman content:
Full movesets and individual moves are eligible
must be centered around the E-Mech
Summoning moves are encouraged
Try to make him unique from the other mech using characters; Bowser Jr. and especially DJ Octavio.

Thank you for your patience with this new method and happy submitting!

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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Two Eggbotnik move submissions

Down B: Drill Debris

The E-Mech's claws transform into drills - they bore into the ground and the shockwaves are enough to send two pieces of rock debris falling off-stage, one to the left and one to the right. These are very powerful but are extremely hard to hit with given their fixed positions, they are best fit for thwarting recoveries. On walk-off stages Eggman can be harmed by his own debris should he stand too close to their spawn points (which are fixed per stage) and the drills themself are planted in the ground and therefore cannot deal damage, meaning Eggman is 100% vulnerable should the foe he's attempting to gimp recover successfully.

Forward Throw: Give 'Em a Schoolin'

I'm not sure about this move's elegibility given a previous proposition for content from this game was rejected, but this move originates from Sonic's Schoolhouse. A mechanical, snapping mouth comes out of the E-Mech and Eggman forces the foe into it so they can be gnashed, which sends them forwards.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Job 138:

Neutral Special: Badniks:

Briefly taking out a comical-looking hand radio, Eggman yells "Attack!" or "Deploy here NOW!", before one of six Badniks arrive to fight alongside him. One of the following may be summoned in a cycle, and only one of each Badnik can be out at a time:

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A speedy little robot who's all about taking the ground side of things. Dude's as fast as Fox's dash and deals 8% damage per every time he hits an opponent.

View attachment 322156
These little guys are slow, but every part of its body is an active hitbox, hitting anyone for 5% damage. They can only be hit on the head portion of the robot. Otherwise, it will damage any opponents.

View attachment 322157
Buzz Bomber:
A bee-shaped Badnik who flies across the skies and occasionally fires a single projectile at a downwards 45 degree angle. They deal 6.5% damage and some medium knockback, but they're helpless while flying.

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A stationary enemy that causes spiked metal balls to orbit around it, alternating between close to the body and far. You can try to kill them, but you'll have to wait until there's a big enough gap in between the spikes. Running into a spike deals 7% damage.

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For the first time since Smash 3DS, the Eggrobo makes a return! He works partially like like a cross between Orbinaut and Buzz Bomber, being stationary and firing at anyone in range, just like what it does sometimes in Smash Run! What makes the Eggrobo different is that it takes 3 hits to kill, unlike the previous four.

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Egg Pawn:
The final robot to summon, the Egg Pawn is armed with a spear and a shield. The shield defends any projectiles passively like Link and Hero, while he jabs with the spear at anyone who gets close enough to the Egg Pawn. Much like the Eggrobo, the Egg Pawn takes three hits to destroy.

With six out at a time, it becomes utter madness, though considering how stupid-nuts the range of other fighters' attacks might be, that's not much of an issue. The Badniks attacking your foes for you means combo potential with each robot is through the roof. It's also a quick summon as well, so you'll find it easy to do out of shield. Badniks are the basic bread-and-butter of Dr. Eggman's kit spawned from his character: Eggman always sends robots to do his dirty work, and normally doesn't go to the front lines himself.
I'mma submit this thing from last page. Now that we're submitting actual moves, I'd say it's only fair to officially do it.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Up Special: Jet Engine

Eggman Takes off using the Jet Engine from Sonic Adventure 2, It functions similarly to ROB's

(I can't find a good picture : ( )


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
your mother's sleeping quarters
https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/eggboss-2ebf6d23479e4ea2be988b4f83766f31 For visualization purposes, here's a 3D model of the E-Mech.

Side B- All Systems, Full Power!

The E-Mech starts to transform, until it becomes a miniature version of the Egg Hornet from Sonic Adventure. Afterwards, Eggman will fly forward in the Hornet in an arc somewhat similar to Shiek's Bouncing Fish. The Hornet gains a firey outline like in the clip, dealing chip damage to those who touch it, with the Hornet being the main hitbox. While the move has an abysmal startup, it pays off, dealing a hefty amount of damage to opponents hit by it. When they are hit by the move, they will either be launched diagonally upwards, forwards, or diagonally downwards (spike), depending on which part of the move they were hit by. This move kills around 80% and is a good burst option to catch your opponents off guard. But just like in Sonic Adventure, if Eggman hits the ground at the end of the move, he'll become lodged into it for about as long as Luigi would be stuck in the side of the stage from a Misfire. This is your chance to strike!
This move can also be used as a recovery option as it does snap the ledge. However, it will not stop for a while if it doesn't hit the ground, so be wary of that.
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Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2020
Sonic Master Spirit Voting
(may take a while to load)

Your options for the master spirit hailing from the sonic series are:
Tikal (Tribal Style) GolisoPower GolisoPower
Orbot & Cubot (Lackey Style) Janx_uwu Janx_uwu
Tikal (Altar) Commander_Alph Commander_Alph
Team Chaotix (Detective Agency) Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario

Apologies for not addressing this earlier, but Tangle and Whisper are ineligible due to originating from a comic. We will aim to address potential eligibility issues with submissions before the job is closed in future instances.

Thank you to everyone who submitted!


Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
To those who submitted movesets previously, feel free to repost them here so we can include them during our deliberations. Tomorrow, we will also open up submissions for additional content such as taunts and victory screens.

I really enjoy the moveset submissions that have been put forth. Don't be afraid to submit full moveset submissions as we will be pulling out moves from a wide variety of sources.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Here us my proposition for the Eggman moveset, their are arguments for that Eggman should be in his Mech, or on his feet well my fighter idea will compromise that:
View attachment 322160
Eggman will start his battle in his Egg Walker Mk2, a new version of his SA2 Egg Walker. The Eggwalker will give the following attributes:

  • Eggman will be a heavyweight on par with bowser (possibly a bit lighter though)
  • Eggman's mech will give him two jumps as well as a jet glide maneuver (think Peach's parasol glide)
  • The Walker will have slow walking speed but a modest dashing speed.
  • The Walker has low knockback.
The Eggwalker Mk2 features many types of weaponry and traps for Eggman to use.

Jab: A short ranged bullet attack, low damage but can flinch (like mega man's neutral), based on the SA2 Eggwalker basic bullet attack.

Forward tilt: Shoots put a boxing glove, decent knockback and modest damage but slow with some windup, based on the SA2 Walker's boxing glove attack during its fight with Tails.

Up tilt: Eggman comes out of the cockpit a does an uppercut, shortranged but decent damage.

Down tilt: Willturn into his drill mobile, the first boss of Sonic 2, to sweep his opponents, can give medium knockback and can trip anyone at the very tip of the drill but wont cause damage if it does trip

Dash attack: A giant buzzsaw will pop out the front and the mech will turn into a car a dash though the opposition, causes damage over time.

Forward smash attack: Launches a large laser beam that can cause big damage and heavily weaken barriers, slow windup and cooldown, based on his SAW ultimate attack in the battle mode.

Up smash attack: Transforms into the Quartz Quandrant Mech from Sonic CD, in context it's a giant flat anvil shaped mech with a spike drill on the top, causes lots of scratch damage and is quick and dangerous.

Down smash attack: Will turn into his Hammer Mech from Sonic 2 which drops a bug hammer in front of him causing a chance of burying, easily exploitable after the attack though.

Up aerial: The Laser Tentacle from his marble zone encounter zaps anything above.

Forward aerial: Will drop exploding bombs from his death egg battle.

Back aerial: Use his jet legs to shoot blue fire from behind.

Down aerial: Uses his classic Sonic 1 Wrecking Ball that swings back and forth, possibly thr slowest but strongest of the attack type in the game.

Neutral aerial: The bubbles from his Sonic 2 Metropolis battle revolves around him in a fast but reliable keep away tool.

Neutral special: Locking Missles: a laser reticle is flashes in a horizontal line and if it locks onto a target (can lock onto 3 targets maximum) Eggman pauses and relases a missile that homes in on the target, based on his charged attack in SA2, can be exploited as the paused state makes Eggman vulnerable

Forward special: Egg Beatle Piledriver: Will turn into the Egg Beatle from Unleashed and tries to grab the opponent, same as Bowser's side special where it ends in a piledriver maneuver, however the Egg Beatle will flip for a shorter distance. If interrupted Eggman will be in freefall.

Down Special: Hot Ball: an amiable ball (with reticle arc) that takes the form of a spiky mine, strong on impact and splits into short ranged shrapnel, based on the Sonic 3 Hotmobile

Up special: Jet Boost: Same as ROB's up special, a jet blast that blasts him off, with some small fire damage if someone touches the feet.

Grab: Turns into Big Arms from Sonic 3 and grabs the fighter.

Pummel: Big Arms crushes the player

Up throw: Big Arms tosses the fighter upwards

Down throw: He turns into the Aquamobile from Sonic 3 and uses the propeller to grind the opponenet

Forward throw: Turns into the Palmtree Panic Boss from Sonic CD and uses the front bumpers to push the player back

Back throw: Quickly stuffs them inside a cannon and blasts them back.

Final smash: Egg Dragoon, shoots a huge laser in the center of the arena and hits the outliers with mini missles.

Unique Sheild: Phantom Egg: Can turn into the Mania Phantom Egg, acts the same as a normal shield but you can uses some of its energy to use a pulsating shock attack
View attachment 322167
Your wondering that this moveset seems a bit unbalanced. There is a reason for that, the Walker has limited hp (about 30-45 damage), and once it breaks down Eggman will be on foot, as a result Eggman needs to properly count on the Walker's slow weaknesses and find a way to get the mech back. Ypu can regain it by damaging other foes as Eggman or wait for a slow meter to fill, once finished the brackets will be blue and he can taunt to summon it again.
View attachment 322169
Normal Eggman Stats
1. Eggman will be medium weight the same as Ryu or Ken.
2. Eggman will have decent dashing abilities
3. Eggman will have two jumps but no glide
4. Eggman is lightweight and is susuptable to knockback.

Eggman will use this form to summons his various Badnicks to assist him. However and unique the Badnicks involved in his smash and regular attacks can be destroyed making him vulnerable since he now cant use that attack.

Jab: A simple 1 2 punch combo, pretty standard

Forward tilt: Uses his jetpack to dash forward very quickly.

Up tilt: A Sonic 1 Piranha jumps out of his backpack to briefly bite the opponents.

Down tilt: A leg slide that is quick but weak, however it can also trip

Dash attack: A Motobug will let Eggman ride him like a moped and run over anyone in his way

Forward smash attack: A Sonic 2 Shellcracker will do its signature forward punch with its extendable fist.

Up smash attack: A pair of the Labyrinth Zone Moles drill out from both of his sides hitting side by side, wont affect directly above him

Down smash attack: A pair of Flying Battery Mice sweep the floor they can attack any ground targets, wont work in air.

Up aerial: A Sonic 1 Dragonfly Badnick rapidly flaps its wings, it rides on eggman's back and also slows down his fall.

Forward aerial: An awkward forward kick, weird range but decent damage

Back aerial: His jetpack launches fire backwards which gives good knockback

Neutral aerial: The flies from Wacky Workbench revolves a wrecking ball around Eggman, same as the Walker Neutral air otherwise.

Down aerial: Uses his jetpack to launch some fire, same as the Walker's down arial.

Neutral special: Eggrobo: An Eggrobo will teleport and will stay in one spot and whack opponents with a beam baton, there can be multible of them (max 4) and they can knock fighters into other eggrobos causing a chain reaction, they only take a few hits before destroyed

In the air they become Jet Eggrobos which stall players with there stunning laser beams, there can be maximum of 2 alongside the normal Eggrobos, they are independent so you can technically create 6 eggrobos at once.

Forward special: Asteron Shuriken: He tosses an explosive Sonic 2 Asteron that can be manipulated to have a slight upward or downward arc, will explode into 5 short ranged projectiles when exploded, can be good damage if done right but slow and hard to aim.

Down special: Chemical Blast: That chemical from Chemcial Plant Zone can be charged up like FLUDD and used as a forward pushing jetstream, however the charge is slightly slower and instead of pushing them back it slows down the opponent and makes them slightly heavy for a few seconds.

Up special: Jetpack: Use his Jetpack and acts as a shorter version of the Jetpack item. Once the feul is put it launches upwards and explodes in a small explosive radius.

Grab: The infamous Sonic 2 Slicer uses its hook hands to grab the fighter and into Eggman.

Pummel: Slicer crunches its pincers tightly to cut deeply.

Up throw: Hermit Crabs from Sonic 3 Hydrocity launches the opponent upwards on a spiked rocket, the explosion from the rocket causes weak damage to other opponents as well.

Down throw: The Flying Green Hill Chameleons jet the opponent either backwards or forwards depend on the direction of the graphics and push them slightly back

Forward throw: Slicer tosses the opponent forwards.

Back throw: Slicer tosses the opponent backwards.

Final smash: Egg Dragoon, same as last time and Eggman will gain his Walker again.

In conclusion Eggman needs to use his many abilities and weakness of his both forms to succeed in smash

I'll admit it, I never made a smash moveset, so I hope this moveset is coherent enough for you to understand the goal I have for this moveset and give me feedback if okay with it.
I accidentally made a moveset with my previous style submission so I'm reposting it again, just replace the SA2 Mech with the E-Mech
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