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Super Smash Battle Opera - West Lafayette, IN, USA


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
Current PPR Standings (1/31/10)
1. Kirkq
2. NJzFinest
3. Goosefactor
4. 'Fro
5. iamthemicrowave
6. DracoFox
7. WarHippy
8. A.C._Burito
9. Voorhese
10. Jayford
11. Mr. H
12. Lavos
13. CNN
14. Deez NutZ
15. Rin10-10
16. Dex
17. ATP
18. Rexolis
19. Bees
20. Cinnamon
21. Lanceinthepants
21. zephyrmace
Where am I?
I've made it out of singles pools before. Just not since my break.

My first tourney... (I think)

SSBO XXVII - Maus Edition 2 Results 3-14-09
Singles Pools (12 entrants)
1: Jazzness
1: Goosefactor
3: Maus
3: Voorhese
5: A.C. Burito
5: DeezNutz
7: Anub
7: Faithkeeper
9: Undecided
9: Shadowfox
11: vaultdisciple91
11: Burns

Singles Final Bracket
1: Jazzness ($36.00)
2: Goosefactor ($18.00)
3: Maus ($6.00)
4: A.C. Burito
5: Anub
5: Voorhese
7: DeezNutz
7: Faithkeeper

"1) Placement on the Purdue Power Rankings (PPR) requires making it out of pools in any sanctioned SSBO event."

..... Sounds like I'm in.
(not trying to sound like a jerk or anything)


Smash Master
Feb 7, 2006
Purdue/Woodridge, IL
lol carls dk is too good!! im scared of that ape.

fro - lol epic set!! really great games, i was happy because I gave you a challenge for once(unlike our rankings battle haha) good job winning.

lance - dude we ***** teams, good **** dude. you are improving alot.

carl - i guess you're ****** me next ssbo, well see what happens XD

goose - i guess you're also ****** me next ssbo, well see what happens XD

brain - did we play a mew2 ditto last night?? hahaha ur my hero

Wasn't there 16 entrants for singles, not 12?

everyone else, awesome that you guys came!! see you in 2 weeks!


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
how did Cinnamon get above me on ppr. I don't really care about them that much but didnt he just get put on there?
fo sho'
lance is pro
he'd beat that dude 4 and "O"


That popped in my head so I thought I'd share, I don't have any idea how that match would turn out.

347 entrants for pound 4... melee comeback?


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2006
Ok I will and yea corey should definitely be on there.

P.S. Rexolis = Walter?

P.S.S George- I thought we did really well in teams, thx for carrying me :D

P.S.S.S Fro- I still owe you $2


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2009
good tournament kids

tthat was some sexy showing george

thanks for teaming with meh goose wish i didnt fob my self a bbunch in grand finals

gratz fro on making a big come back 2 games down

i blacked eye on a door after you all left


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
good tournament kids

tthat was some sexy showing george

thanks for teaming with meh goose wish i didnt fob my self a bbunch in grand finals

gratz fro on making a big come back 2 games down

i blacked eye on a door after you all left
LOL at least you didn't lose a tooth :p


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2009
I don't think anyone particularly likes it. Must be my precise phrasing and commanding vocabulary.
Or it could be all those color and /color tags that come up in the actual chat window.
Either scenario is entirely plausible. I'll NEVER know for any sort of certainty.

I just tell people to scroll down and copy/paste what they need out of the forum display.
If only smashboards had WYSIWYG editing. This never gives me trouble on the AOD forums!


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
Lol jay, I have the full image that puff came from. The artist did like 350 of them and put them in one massive image. The smoochum is scary as hell


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2008
Chesterton, IN and West Lafayette, IN
Carl gave me this avatar lol. So yeah I am driving to VG Boot Camp and have a few spots in my car.

4 if everyone wants to be comfortable
5 if we can someone to ride in the middle of the back seat.

Here are the slots I have.

1.) Me
2.) Lance

Rules for my car tho.

1.) No smoking in my car.
2.) No illicit substances in my car. I know the chance of getting pulled over is like 1/1000000000, but the degree I would be screwed if it did happen would be awful and I just don't want to risk it.

Also, I am thinking about going to Smashing Grounds or Smash for Hati next weekend. I know we have an SSBO, but they aren't that far away and I want to get some training in before VG Boot Camp : D. Anyone interested in going to these with me?


Smash Master
Feb 7, 2006
Purdue/Woodridge, IL
lol i think dj is driving too, so people who indulge in such things can come with us.

jay ill come to smashing grounds. There is an ssbo but i would love to go to chicago and see the homies and whatnot. smash for haiti sounds cool, but thats on the next ssbo weekend(27th) and i would prolly rather stay here and ssbo it up. However I do have alot of friends at U of I, and would love to see them. so i could prolly go to that XD

but if you're driving to SG i am down. It should have a pretty big turnout because sveet hasn't hosted one in a while.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
OMG, this weekend was...an adventure.

George and Josh, I didn't get a chance to say thanks for putting up with and more or less babysitting me Saturday night. That...won't be happening again. (FYI though George, I did end up drinking more than you because I'm more of a man :p).

Ya DJ, teaming was fun for sho. Also, I think I left my gloves at the frat again :embarrass. I believe I left them on the bar table in the basement. Can you check for me and keep them in your room or something?

And George and Fro, good job again at the tourney. ROFL, oh ya, when I got back home my mom asked outta the blue how I did and when I told her that I got third, and that you guys beat me (she had to be reminded who you were, George), she got so excited, started laughing at me, and quite frankly, I think was ultimately entertained by the whole thing. -__- Heh, and she wanted me to make sure I told you guys that she said congratulations at getting 1st and 2nd.

Carcar, I wanna challenge you next time too. It was a fun set, and I'm pumped to do it again. Just keep your Ice Babies away from me!

Oh, and I need a partner. Any takers?

Heh, I think this next SSBO is gunna be more exciting than usual. :)


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
i want to go to VGbootcamp, and i would need a partner JAY?!?!?!?!

also if i do go to VGbootcamp, would i be able to stay in lafayette for the weekend b4 it?

and last but not least: i forgot the crowd reaction with me going ganon lol @ DJ running outside


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
Carl gave me this avatar lol. So yeah I am driving to VG Boot Camp and have a few spots in my car.

4 if everyone wants to be comfortable
5 if we can someone to ride in the middle of the back seat.

Here are the slots I have.

1.) Me
2.) Lance

Rules for my car tho.

1.) No smoking in my car.
2.) No illicit substances in my car. I know the chance of getting pulled over is like 1/1000000000, but the degree I would be screwed if it did happen would be awful and I just don't want to risk it.

Also, I am thinking about going to Smashing Grounds or Smash for Hati next weekend. I know we have an SSBO, but they aren't that far away and I want to get some training in before VG Boot Camp : D. Anyone interested in going to these with me?
I'm interested in going(to vgbootcamp), but I need more details, where's the thread? If I go, I like you car rules. :) Anyway, can you save a spot for me until I can commit yes/no? I can chip in for gas too. I think I should be able to go, and should be able to confirm yes/no in a few days.

I'd consider going to smash for Haiti, but I didn't realize it was on a ssbo weekend, I'll probably just stay for that.

EDIT: Also, would we be spending the night? Since all melee is done on the first day, I don't see any reason to...


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
i want to go to VGbootcamp, and i would need a partner JAY?!?!?!?!

also if i do go to VGbootcamp, would i be able to stay in lafayette for the weekend b4 it?

and last but not least: i forgot the crowd reaction with me going ganon lol @ DJ running outside
LOL someone should have been taping that.

also, someone should have recorded your ganon pwning noobs sonn


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2008
Chesterton, IN and West Lafayette, IN
i want to go to VGbootcamp, and i would need a partner JAY?!?!?!?!

also if i do go to VGbootcamp, would i be able to stay in lafayette for the weekend b4 it?

and last but not least: i forgot the crowd reaction with me going ganon lol @ DJ running outside
I would, but I told Craig I would partner with him like 2 months ago >.>. Next SSBO tho don't worry. Puff/Fox is going to rock everyone :D.


Smash Ace
Jan 14, 2006
Lafayette, IN
Hook me up with the VG thread so I can get signed up. I will be riding with Crrrg UNLESS for some odd reason a **** load of more people are needing a ride in the Purdue area.... Anyways, THREAD YES PLEASE!!!
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