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Super Smash Battle Opera - West Lafayette, IN, USA


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
Soooo ya, I just got this new student from Mexico who decides to just come in the middle of the trimester and who hardly speaks English. O_o This whole student teaching thing just got that much easier.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Combos = more fun to watch then shield camping and wavedash back ftilt.


Also, what cool gimps does Samus have? People not DIing missles? xD
Eh, they're there, but they're situational. Drop-off n-air against Falco is one. Marth is pretty gimpable once you've robbed him of his jump. An f-tilt will usually be enough at that point. Charge shot can also be really effective for that role.

As I said, though, situational. It's no shine spike.


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
I just had 21 melee players show up to my $5 weeklies. Really shows promise for IN.

Thanks to Reneblade for helping run the "event", as it turned out to be.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2006
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332
Sloppy fashion? Samus can't do anything to DK's spaced moves. You're not the only Samus that falls victim to my DK.

You can even ask Mexican and Bum. They have HugS and Wes experience, respectively. Best Samus I've played is probably Alukard and the matches with him simply support my opinion on DK's advantage. It's at least 65/35 DK and I'm very eager to make the same challenge a fellow DK main called Elliot (Maus knows him) made. The challenge is that he'll moneymatch any Samus on earth and guarantee he won't lose match.

The matchup is very tought-less imo, all Samus has going for her is making sure the DK player eventually gets bored and careless after you start losing stocks.

I don't intend for any Samus main to agree to this, too much bias when people talk about DK vs their character. I'd be pretty pissed about a monkey ****** my main lol
I beat Elliot once when he was super drunk. >_>

Elliot insists that he WILL NOT lose to any Samus players in a serious match.
and Elliot has been proving his viability of his insistence. (well, except when he was drunk)

before i quit, my plan was to beat Elliot in DK vs Samus at least once, when he was sober.
I didn't win. lol

at least, i don't think my samus wasn't that bad.. ugh. i don't know.

but DK is actually really good against samus.

Eh, they're there, but they're situational. Drop-off n-air against Falco is one. Marth is pretty gimpable once you've robbed him of his jump. An f-tilt will usually be enough at that point. Charge shot can also be really effective for that role.

As I said, though, situational. It's no shine spike.
You cannot beat my Triple Nair on Falcon and Ganon. =P


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
Craig, don't you have school? How is it that you always make posts in like the middle of the night/morning?


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Fixed to reflect recent matches. :laugh:
Play my DK with a fast faller, then you'll know what I mean.


Or watch RockCrock's recent vids vs Colbol and Scar.

Speaking of RockCrock, he's probably the best DK right now. Him or Pkm, however Pkm says he uses him much less now and doesn't consider DK a main anymore. Only other people who touch this character time to time = Darkrain, Ripple, Big D, Jiano, me, and Strong Bad.


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2006
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332
donkey kong eats samus for breakfast
You are still in this thread johnny! =D

and fact makes me ;_;

I beat Mexican in both friendlies we played at Genesis.
He was noticeably perturbed.
I beat Carl few rounds, SOMEHOW,
and Carl was noticeably perturbed.

but i guess carl learned how not to lose against samus by now,
and my skill is trash now >_>

so, it is settled for Carl.

ihsb doesn't take any monkey business


Smash Master
Nov 29, 2005
Memphis, TN
The reason why Samus is supposed to lose to DK is that Samus is a slow campy wdback ftilt character, and DK is a slow campy shorthop backwards bair character, and DK's foot beats Samus' everything. Plus he lives longer and is able to edgeguard you way easier.

The solution? Stop playing Samus slow. Also ban FD.
This isn't a perfect solution, because DK still has the advantage, but it makes it a fun and possible match instead of an unfun impossible one.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
The reason why Samus is supposed to lose to DK is that Samus is a slow campy wdback ftilt character, and DK is a slow campy shorthop backwards bair character, and DK's foot beats Samus' everything. Plus he lives longer and is able to edgeguard you way easier.

The solution? Stop playing Samus slow. Also ban FD.
This isn't a perfect solution, because DK still has the advantage, but it makes it a fun and possible match instead of an unfun impossible one.
Thanks, man! I'll keep this in mind. I generally don't rely on WD back f-tilt all the time to begin with.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
I beat Carl few rounds, SOMEHOW,
and Carl was noticeably perturbed.
I don't recall playing your Samus with DK. Only your Mario and Sheik. I actually can't recall of a time I ever fought your Samus lmao.

Also, Megaman Zero > X > ZX > original


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Also, Megaman Zero > X > ZX > original
Megaman 2 and 3 > X 1-4 > Megaman Zero > ZX
Megaman X > BN 2> 64 > all others
i would imagine that the battle network/star force games are exempt from the typical MM ratings since... they're different games entirely
this would also exclude megaman Legends (aka 64) and Legends 2.

imo megaman 2/3 are probably the best ones followed by x-x4 and then prob the megaman zx/zero games.

mm2/3 have super classic gameplay while x-x4 are faster and more 1990's (when you were a kid, X and Zero were badasses) while still maintaining nostalgia factor.

idk i really enjoyed both legends games despite their control flaws and whimsical storyline.
i like the battle network games and there's a good bit of depth and replay value due to vs mode.
star force is like watered down bn... but still entertaining nonetheless.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004

I'm the only one in Purdue who played all of the X and Zero games.
I'm probably the one here who was geeky enough to read up the history of Megaman / a true Megaman fan.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2008
Chesterton, IN and West Lafayette, IN

I'm the only one in Purdue who played all of the X and Zero games.
I'm probably the one here who was geeky enough to read up the history of Megaman / a true Megaman fan.
I have played all of the X games and the first 2 Zero games. I play 2 or 3 all the time tho. I usually speed run Megaman 2 when something is bothering me >.>.

I also sadly have read up on the history of Megaman =/
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