Did you go/miss HOBO 15? Will you be at the next Houston Major/Epic Brawl/SF4 Tournament (HOBO 16/TYS 1) on
May 2, 2009?
Reasons why to Come:
Its at
Funplex. Venue can hold
400+ People + Arcade + Projectors
All of the best SF4/Brawl players will be here! SF4/Brawl till 2am
HOBO 15 had
85+ players in attendence
Out of towners. 1 month+ in advance. Book your tickets NOW!!!
Excuses that are Banned:
I have job/work. SO TAKE OFF!
I have something important to do. Stop being scaredd and COME!
I have school work to do! Tell your teacher I said It was OK TO HOBO/TYS!
For more information about HOBO 16/TYS 1, Go to-->
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=142123 Or Go to-->
www.smashbrostournaments.com/event/main/ See you there... NO EXCUSES!!!